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Drunk Kid is Drunk
Date of Scene: 08 January 2022
Location: Second Floor - Themysciran Embassy
Synopsis: Morgans gets into a stash of vodka on his dead mother's birthday. An understanding Diana has a talk with the teen.
Cast of Characters: Morgan Finn, Diana Prince

Morgan Finn has posed:
It's around 10:00 at night. A reluctant member of the embassy staff came into Diana's office to tell her that her ward, Morgan, was stumbling around the embassy and seemed intoxicated. And here he is, sitting on the floor of the upstairs hallways. Hey, the kid made it almost to his bedroom. That's a pretty accomplishment given that the bottle of vodka on the floor next to him is more than three quarters empty.

He's murmuring to himself as he sits in the dark hallway. "Who took my bed? It was right here like...two seconds ago."

Diana Prince has posed:
She just sits down beside him.

Diana seemingly comes out of no where and just lowers down on to the floor beside him. "Hello." She says in her smoky voice. Her long legs stretch out ahead of her, as she crosses her booted feet at the ankles. The Princess is wearing a pair of black denim pants, and a white sweater with triangle shaped holes on the outer sleeves up to her shoulders. Her hair is tied back by a silver cord, and she has those thick black framed glasses on, which is normal when she's around the Embassy. Maybe she got it from Clark?

Diana picks up the vodka bottle and sets it on her lap, she eyes it, then sets down a bottle of cold water for Morgan. "Here. You take this, and I'll take ... this..." She says of the vodka bottle, setting it down on her other side.

Then she just looks over at him...

Morgan Finn has posed:
When Diana appears, Morgan gets a happy little smile on his lips. "Hi, Diana!" he says in typical drunken slurred speech. "Yer...so pretty. Did anyone ever tell you that yer so pretty?" He reaches up and gently touches her cheek with his palm. It's not sexual at all, he's not coming on to Diana. It's just warm and intimate, an expression of vulnerability. Physical contact with the empathic healer brings with it a kind of gently tingling energy. Some find it pleasant.

And as quick as that he withdraws his hand. "What did you bring me?" he asks, looking at the water. He picks up the glass and takes a drink then wrinkles his nose in distaste. "This is really bad vodka," he says, then proceeds to drink the entire glass down in one long pull.

Then he lifts a finger in the air. "You should say Happy Birthday!" the fledgeling demigod says. Diana, of course, knows that Morgan's bithday is in August.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana shows the boy a soft smile and takes his wrist when he touches her hand. She moves it down to the water. "Drink that." She says to him. "And yes, once or twice...."

She brings her knees up then and lays the vodka bottle against her legs. "It is very bad vodka." She tells him in agreement then.

Her eyes go over to him then as she tilts her head forward a little.

"And where did you get it, Mister Birthday Boy?" She asks next of him.

Morgan Finn has posed:
The kid blurts out a monosyllabic, humorless laugh. "No, no, no," Morgan says. "It's not /my/ birthday! It's my mom's birthday!" He wrinkles his nose. "Did you really not know it's not my birthday?"

He takes another 'drink' of water, but of course the glass is empty now. He does not really seem to notice or mind. In response to Diana's question about where he got the vodka, Morgan once again lifts one finger (why do drunk people love to lift a finger when they are about to say something?) and says, "Questions aren't indiscreet. Answers are." Then he giggles a little. "THAT is called an aphorism! I learned that in a little something called English class."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana leans her head back when he speaks of it being his mother's birthday. That fact had slipped her ever learning it...

"Ah. I see." She quietly says then as the vodka is set off to her other side then. Her hands go up to the top of her knees then before she looks forward across the hall, then back over to the boy.

"Your birthday is in August." She says with a small smile.

Her lips purse then as she considers things, but after a moment she speaks up again. "Tell me a memory of your mother?" She asks of him now.

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan folds his legs so he's sitting cross-legged. He takes another 'drink' of water. "A memory of my mother? Okay. Lemme think." He closes his eyes as he contemplates. Several silent moments elapse and one might be tempted to believe that he fell asleep.

Then he opens his eyes. "She worked as a waitress at a greasy spoon diner when I was little. When her shift was starting she would always let me come by and her boss would make me blueberry pancakes." The blissful smile on the young demigod's face tells of him being deep in the pleasant memory. "Sitting there at that counter with a huge stack of blueberry pancakes, I was happier than any kid anywhere. I didn't even know how poor we were." He nods a little bit. "The Kitchen isn't always bad. Not always and not everywhere."

Diana Prince has posed:
As he starts to tell the story, Diana leans forward to rest her head on her knees, as her arms go around her legs. She just stares at him like this with a smile showing softly on her visage. She watches the boy fall in to his own mind, reflecting on that past memory.

"I tried to make my mother some sweet cakes once." She says. "I ended up covered in the ingredients, and all sticky with honey. I was there-by banned from the palace kitchen forever." She replies back to him.

"What else?" She asks then. "Any fond birthday memories?"

Morgan Finn has posed:
A little staccato succession of giggles escapes from Morgan as Diana describes her kitchen banning. Ferdinand doesn't let her cook either. "So that's at least two kitchens you are banned from," he exclaims. His speech is already starting to even out. One of the down sides of having a body that heals itself is that it also works quickly through toxins, like alcohol. No wonder he had to drink so much of the vodka.

"Well birthdays are always nice when yer a kid, I think. You suddenly get loads of friends who want to come eat cake and play games." He shrugs once, peering down at his lap. There's a subtle shift, like maybe birthdays aren't necessarily all that great. "Nobody can afford shit in the Kitchen, so people get you some little thing from the dollar store or whatever. But when yer a kid you don't care." He snorts. "I used to get so many rubber balls and plastic army men with parachutes."

He peers up at Diana. "You know, I have never had a cold. Have you ever had a cold?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana flashes a smile at the kitchen commentary. "Maybe." She quietly replies with just that one word.

As he begins to speak his next memory, it makes her smile even more brightly toward him. His question at the end has her shaking her head. "Not with a common cold virus, no. I have been injured, poisoned and several other things in my past though..." She says with a light exhale. Her head comes up then as her left hand moves up to stroke a loose strand of hair out of her face.

"But. Never have I had a cold in the traditional sense. I certainly try to help those around me who do though, even if it just means microwaved soup." She says with a grin for him.

Morgan Finn has posed:
The fledgeling demigod leans back against the wall and rests the back of his head there too. "Yer always helping everyone," he says in a hushed, awed tone. "I mean even right now. A whole world full of people needs you but you take the time to sit here on the floor and talk to me." He turns his head to look directly at the powerful Amazon princess. "I see other people taking such huge risks for strangers. You. Superman. Aquaman. Donna. I look at you guys and the mind-blowing things you do and I think I don't have the capacity to for those feelings. I don't have the capacity for that kind of love of humanity."

His tone is getting an edge to it now. He's not becoming hostile, precisely, but there is a negative direction involved. Let's remember, not only is he a hormonal teenager but Olympian blood courses through his veins. Mood swings are his jam. "I live in this rich embassy and enjoy all the nice things you provide, but when do I admit that really I'm just a poor kid with rubber balls and plastic army men with parachutes?"

In his agitation, he reaches quickly for the (empty) glass to take a drink but his hand accidentally hits it. The glass tips over and breaks. A tiny sliver of glass sticks out of Morgan's index finger with a tiny drop of blood. He holds up his hand and peers at it with fascination. It takes just a moment for the healing to take effect. The tiny fragment is ejected and hits the hallway floor with a minute *tink*. Before it even finishes the fall, the little wound is healed.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana straightens up when the glass is broken. She leans back against the wall and watches the piece fall out of the boy's finger. It makes her frown, but only for a moment.

Her eyes go to the young man's then and she reaches up to remove her glasses. She folds the limbs on them and lays them on her lap.

"If you want to only be those things. Then those things are only what you will ever be." She says back to him before she starts to stand up. She reaches for his hand then. "Come. Your room is not here in the hallway." She says then. "Once you are asleep, and have had a full night, we will talk about this." She says, holding up the vodka bottle.

For now, she seems intent on leaving the broken glass on the hardwood floor.

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan takes Diana's hand. Presumably the super-powered Amazon lifts him up like one might reach down and pick up a cotton ball. Once he's on his feet, he stands straight and looks up at his guardian and benefactor. "Do you ever...do you ever doubt?" he asks her. The way the kid looks at Diana as he awaits a reply hints that this is very important question to him.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana holds the vodka in her left hand by its stem. She helps him up with ease and then puts her arm around his shoulder as they walk. His question has her smiling softly again. "doubt?" She asks as they go down the hallway of the big home. "All the time." She says then.

She takes a breath as she looks over at him. "Doubting is part of being a person. We all doubt, we all ... fear.... We all have anxiety... It is part of it all. All emotions go hand in hand to create who you are."

She pauses then as they reach his door and she pushes it open. "But, your focus and actions determine what you will become." Diana smiles quickly.

"There is your bed." She points. "Now, go and sleep. In the morning come and find me so we can talk some more. Your mother would be proud of you... Maybe not right in this moment, but with the choices you have made, she would be."

The Princess smiles once more to him then.

Morgan Finn has posed:
He hasn't done this sort of thing often, but Morgan turns and gives Diana a hug. "I'm sorry I broke your glass," he murmurs. The subtext seems to suggest that in this story, the glass is a metaphor.

The boy heads into his room for much-needed sleep.

Diana Prince has posed:
The hug is returned to him before Diana watches him go further in to his room. She reaches for the door handle then. "Sleep good. Dream of beautiful things. Dream of happy things. Dream of a sunny day, and a blue sky." She says with a soft voice before she shuts the light off and pulls the door handle closed.

Out in the hall, Diana looks at the broken glass and the bottle of vodka. She sighs.

"Cassie, or Donna... Terry or Alex... who do I glare at for this one..."