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Latest revision as of 13:02, 10 January 2022

  Night Dragon  
Boonsri Chietsonkrit (Scenesys ID: 3748)
Name: Boonsri Chietsonkrit
Superalias: Night Dragon
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: Translator
Citizenship: American and Tribal
Residence: Gotham City, NJ
Education: Home Schooled
Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 25 Actual Age: 25
Date of Birth 19 Apr 1996 Played By Jeeja Yanin
Height: 5'4" Weight: 110 lb
Hair Color: Raven Eye Color: Black
Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80RtBeB61LE

Character Info


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The daughter of an important Thai expat on the run from an international crime syndicate. She is a talented martial artist like himself, but given to esoteric inclinations. She is making a reputation for herself as a translator of South East Asian lore, but is also known to handle some Native American scribing as well.


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* 1996=Boonsri was born to Lerdsila Chietsonkrit and Lucille Wildcat in Tahlequah, Oklahoma.
2000=Lerdsila begins teaching her Toi Muay at the age of four, the traditional Thai martial art, as it was taught to him when it's found that Lucille is infertile.
2001=Boonsri begins preschool just before her fifth birthday, and Lucille begins teaching her her family's traditions alongside Lerdsila's.
2003=Lerdsila begins teaching her Yoga, taking her physical education to the next level. She also begins learning Tsalagi from Lucille, starting her off as bilingual from a healthy age.
2005=Lucille is murdered by the Yakuza, who are after Lerdsila. Lerdsila defeats the assassins and flees with Boonsri.

2007=Lerdsila and Boonsri settle on the Gulf Coast for a while, attempting to blend in with the vibrant Asian community outside of Biloxi. Lerdsila begins teaching her Hindu and the Thai language.
2012=Boonsri and Lerdsila save up enough to move again to a small town outside of Jackson, Mississippi to stay ahead of the Yakuza. There they join the traditional Hindu congregation where she begins to study the doctrines of her faith more seriously while also blending in. Now that she is sixteen and of a mature age, Lerdsila finally explains the truth to Boonsri, that they have been after him ever since he killed the son of a mob boss in a duel and refused to join their organization. He had been a high ranking officer in the Royal Thai Marines, overseeing much of the officer training, and a very talented martial artist schooled in a number of disciplines besides Toi Muay and Muay Thai, and he is known to have invented his own style. He taught this style to only a select few, and the Yakuza coveted it. For her benefit, Lerdsila begins to train her in this unique style.
2016=Boonsri is now twenty, and affirmed as qualified for the role of Purohit, meaning she knows the chants and mudras of the priesthood in Sanskrit and Hindi. However, she declines this honor due to her and Lerdsila's situation. Having achieved this momentary prestige, they begin to travel north.
2017=Boonsri seriously competes for the first time in an underground match when they find themselves strapped for cash in Atlanta. She wins handily, but the winnings collection turns ugly and her and Lerdsila end up having to fight off a gang of biker toughs. He caught a bullet in the hip in the midst of the fight, an injury that troubles him to this day.
2019=Lerdsila and Boonsri finally arrive in Gotham, on the far end of America from their old troubles. Lerdsila resolves that he will run no more, and that Boonsri will never again fight in the underground. Together they get apartments and find honest jobs to blend with the community.
2020=Boonsri has her first brush iwth the colorful side of Gotham's underbelly within a matter of months of them moving into town. Penguin's legbreakers find her and Lerdsila unwilling to cooperate with the local protection racket to say the least.
2021=Lerdsila only forbade Boonsri from fighting underground for profit. He never said anything about her taking up a secret identity to fight THE underground. Taking a cue from the local vigilante community, she crafts a half mask of traditioal Thai style and black garb styling herself the Night Dragon when she begins to suspect their old nemeses closing in once more. True to her father's will, she is determined to run no more.

IC Journal

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Boonsri is hard headed. When she sets her mind to something, she almost puts on bliinders to the world until she sees a thing through to the end. Distractions are put aside and her focus is narrowed as the project is attacked with single minded tenacity, be it the translation of a new text or the pummeling of a burglar she happens across.

She is the daughter of a military officer. He brought this mindset to his notion of parenting, which isn't a bad thing when people really are out to get you should you let your guard down. On the other hand, she can come off as rigid. In fact, compared to most youngsters she really is. Politeness and protocol are her watchwords in social exchange. All things in their place, for all things there is a season.

Boonsri looked after her own education on the road. Her father is an old school military man, making him adequate for seeing to the basics. Her personal craving for the unusual saw her branching off into distant horizons however, She is unsure about the old fables of their ancestors, but that hasn't stopped her quest to absorb them.

Life on the road is not condusive to forming lasting bonds, or even really attempting to. Her father is also her best friend, for example. She knows well the dangerous possibility of betrayal, after all they were found more than once by being sold out for gain. Besides, she's more fond of dusty literature than people anyway.

She is slow to form bonds, but when she does they are serious. Her sense of community is fierce, and a few cracked skulls won't trouble her sleep if they mean her friends get home safely. She's not a killer, but she's keenly aware that a shattered knee isn't prone to shortening one's lifespan.

Boonsri is a lover of lore, but she's been trained in its proper mode of preservation as well. She won't share all with just anyone. In fact, she's not one for revealing more than tidbits in any given meeting. It's her responsibility to decide what's important, and to whom. This is indeed a responsibility as well because one may never know what piece of obscure lore may end up in the wrong hands and turned to foul purpose through nothing more than idle gossip in earshot of the wrong sort.

Character Sheet


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Eidetic Memory:
Boonsri has an extraordinary memory for detail. Thanks in part to growing up in an atmosphere of discipline and repetition towards excellence, she has developed a rare degree of retention. She can very often absorb a novel concept with a single elaboration, such as a passage from a book or a martial arts kata. This is not true photographic reflexes or the like however. She has a gifted memory and unusual attention to detail. She has thus far turned it towards the mastery of multiple complex languages and an ability to recite ancient stories in the same, and to acquire a fluency and expertise in the martial arts. This ability gives her an edge in that she quickly realizes patterns in her enemy's movements and will adapt accordingly much faster than an ordinary fighter, though this is not true body reading.

Low Light Vision:
The inability of her eyes to dialate means that she sees as well in the dark as the average person does in daylight, but it also means the reverse is true as well. She sees as poorly in daylight as the average person does in darkness. This is a birth defect that manifests as her eyes seeming to be black because they are permanently wide open, forcing her to regularly wear sunglasses.


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Eastern martial arts generally involve a healthy amount of flexibility, balance, and coordination. Inevitably, the serious practitioner will gain some ability at gymnastics. She is no exception, indeed she is a prime example. Whether swinging from a rope, or executing a nohanded cartwheel to dodge an attack. These are the staples of gymnastics applied by the martial artist street fighter!

Boonsri is a devotee of Mohini, the Celestial Maiden and female avatar of Lord Vishnu. As a martial artist however, she gives no small amount of prayers to Hanumon as well. She is a deeply trained adept in the lore, history, and symbology of her faith having been deemed worthy of the priesthood. This is a path she turned away from however, due to her family's struggles with organized crime. As such a deeply trained adept she is capable of understanding the ancient language of Sanskrit and is learned in all the common rites, signs, and symbols of the faith. She knows some of the deeper lore associated with it as well, which stretches into high antiquity.

Krabi Krabong:
Thai weapons mastery, most famous for its dual sword technique akin to sword dancing.

She is a capable practitioner of the art, though her preference is for other unarmed techniques. She recognizes the value of not arriving unarmed to a gun fight, however! Swords or cudgels will take down such adversaries faster and more reliably than her elbows and knees!

One picks things up living on the road. In her case, a healthy ability for simple prestidigitation and lockpicking. These skills have served her and her father well over the years beating hasty escapes, less than honorably palming dollar bills for gas money, swiping candybars undetected, and assorted other deeds that she has since sworn off at her father's behest. Honestly, she's grateful to not have to live that life anymore. At this point in her life however, these skills are the toolkit of the nocturnal detective. Picking a lock is much quieter and harder to detect than breaking a window. And she knows how to spot when it's been done to her...

Martial Arts:
Her father taught her more than the traditional Thai martial arts. He instilled over her two decades of discipleship a functional knowledge of an array of styles from all over the world. Most of this knowledge was to prepare her to counter those styles with her own family style, but some of them indeed lend practical value in usage alongside it. Aikido can be as effective for disarming a gunman as a swordsman, for example.

Boonsri knows more than a little about how to make it in the outdoors. Being the daughter of a career soldier confers a lot, but so does years of staying off the radar of professional killers and living on the road. From starting a fire without a lighter and making knives from found rubbish to adjusting her attire just right to blend in with the crowd, she knows how to make it when she needs to.

Toi Muay:
The traditional martial arts of Thailand are collectively called thus.

Most only know about the kickboxing system Muay Thai, or the ancient methods of Muay Boran but these are merely branches of the whole. Her father is a true master of the art, and she is his heir and scion.

Over her two decades of study, she has become knowledgeable of the various regional styles of Thailand. In addition, she has received the benefits of longterm devotion to the study including the swift reflexes of any boxer or kickboxer, an exceptional tolerance for punishment, and an unusual resiliency. Aside from being able to dish out brutal roundhouse kicks, sharp elbows, and punishing knees she is also well versed in various jointlocks, fast take downs, and precise locations to strike for knock outs or crippling maneuvers.

She is also the benefactor of a unique style within this system. Her father simply dubbed it Muay Chietsonkrit, intending it to be his family legacy. This style is in fact a novel distillation of his knowledge of multiple styles within a Toi Muay framework.

Boonsri is learned in multiple complex languages.

From an early age, she was bilingual and this evolved over the years. She learned English first as an American. Her mother taught her the language of the Cherokee, Tsalagi, before she was murdered thus starting her on the path of linguistics and translation. She then learned Thai from her father because he noted her swift and complete retention. At the temple, she then learned Hindi and eventually the ancient language of Sanskrit as well. As she has made this her primary living trade, this retinue will inevitably grow.

Boonsri is incredibly flexible and possess considerable endurance not simply from her martial discipline, though that assuredly deserves the lion's share of credit for this. She studies Yoga as part of her spiritual discipline, not simply for its physical benefits. She is not a Yogi, but she has achieved a level beyond most in its practice. Beyond the mere postures and the flexibility conferred by their dedicated practice, she is also knowledgeable in vedic medicine for the treatment of injuries and the easing of meditative states of mind.


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Blade Bracers:
Tools of her own creation after watching a famous classic martial arts movie franchise. These leather defensive measures double as concealment for sheathes of throwing blades. The basic design protects not only her forearms, but the backs of her hands and knuckles as well.

Fanny Pack:
What better device for the low budget hero? She can wear her bracers with none the wiser anywhere and all day if she feels like. But what to do with her mask? What to do with the various odds and ends that make a career as a stealth heroine successful such as lockpicks and the like? Yes indeed! Nothing beats the portable utility of this innovation, and it's retro!

Mae Mai Cudgels:
Her trademark weapons as the Night Dragon! These weapons resemble nightsticks, being rods with a handle projecting from the side about three quarters of the way towards one end. Unlike common nightsticks however, which she would be quite comfortable using, the rod is considerably thicker to provide added forearm protection when used defensively. This particular set is made of richly stained and beautifully sculpted hickory, with leather wrapped around the grips.

Meteor Hammer:
Her other trademark weapon, the one that most easterners would recognize as apprpriate for her nom de guerre.

This meteor hammer consists of a three kilogram egg shaped steel orb at the end of a fifteen foot rope. A simple device, but incredibly versatile in her hands! Aside from the flashy displays she is wont to engage in, it makes for a wonderful entrance method and is quite handy for disarmament.

Night Dragon Mask:
A traditional Thai half mask that she made herself. As befits her codename, the primary color is black. This mask portrays a snarling draconic, or demonic, mouth full of fangs with a tongue licking forth between. Quite memorable when it's all that one sees before they are ushered into the jarring oblivion of unconsciousness.


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Black Eyes:
Her eyes are black because of an unusual birth defect. Her eyes simply do not dialate, meaning they are always wide open as if in pitch black. This can be a serious problem because without glasses, she can be blinded with a flashlight. She has to always wear sunglasses when not in dim lighting. On the other hand, she doesn't really need a candle to read by.

In social settings, this can be disconcerting as they do appear genuinely black. Dealing with law enforcement types, it can be awkward or troublesome given the usual implications of eyes that fail to properly respond to the shiny light.

Boonsri doesn't care about the usual things that girls her age aught in any culture. She is an erudite. She always wants to learn something new, or in her case...old. For her it's not dresses or diamonds but a dusty tome or a phrase in a dialect she doesn't yet know. Nothing trips her trigger like a graven image of strange geometry with lettering she hasn't seen. This is a mystery she will see to its conclusion one way or another! Such a mentality isn't given to a healthy social life.

Low Tech:
Boonsri lives on the edge of pverty and so relies on what she has at her disposal. Her weapons are probably cool in the eyes of dojomaster, but she doesn't carry grapnel or the like because she is not only poor but hardly tech savvy. She gets by on her erudition and unusual skill level alone.

Mere Mortal:
Boonsri isn't bullet proof nor does she have any exceptional gift of healing. A broken leg can take her out of action for weeks or more. A sniper with a grudge could certainly take her out with a well placed shot, potentially ending her life along with her career with an ordinary bullet.

Boonsri does things in certain ways. This makes her predictable when one knows her. She is conscious enough to be able to change up her routine when she knows there is a problem, this will merely irritate her. If she doesn't know however, she is certainly wont to indulge the peaceful patterns of an ordered life.

Boonsri's family have been hiding from them for years, only recently has she had the temerity to try to take the fight to them. She doesn't know why they've kept up the grudge this long, but she intends to find out. One way or the other.



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Boonsri Chietsonkrit has 3 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Gym Shopping and Things January 16th, 2022 Boonsri and her dad are building shopping when Arsenal stops a pickpocket
It's a Zoo Out Here January 5th, 2022 Batwoman, Red Robin, Austin Reese, and newcomer Night Dragon find themselves near the zoo when the local sewer rats start behaving very, very strangely. In the end, a couple of punks in a suped up van end up in custody and there's a bat ton of data to analyze later.
Sledding Gotham Style January 4th, 2022 Sledding at the hill by the Zoo turns demonic.


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Boonsri Chietsonkrit has been credited in 0 albums.

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Boonsri Chietsonkrit has authored 0 books.

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