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Latest revision as of 05:35, 15 January 2022

Helping the Hawkeye
Date of Scene: 14 January 2022
Location: Karla Sofen's Practice
Synopsis: Karla starts putting Clint through therapy. This is going to be a long session..
Cast of Characters: Karla Sofen, Clint Barton

Karla Sofen has posed:
Karla Sofen is currently sitting over in a chair. She's wearing a business suit that is -far- too indecently stretched over her figure, a pencil skirt, and high heels. There's a flat bed setup for a patient as if she was going for the cliche Freudian style layout. She's relaxed over in a far, far too comfy chair with a massager built in to it, cooing.

Clint Barton has posed:
Sometimes, SHIELD has some of it's agents go through therapy to ensure they won't be compromised emotionally in the field. With Karla Sofen's pardon in play, SHIELD saw this as a perfect double standard. So they sent in Clint Barton. Not only would this be a test to see if Karla was really worth the pardon, but it'd also test Clint's mental stability.

Plus it was a way for Clint to unload, so.

So, Clint walks through the door to her office, dressed in....far more casual clothing. A jean jacket, purple shirt, blue jeans, the works. His eyes settle on Karla with a bit of a friendly smile. "Hey. Sorry I'm late."

Karla Sofen has posed:
Karla Sofen is someone that's dealt with the worst (and may have helped them become the worst). "Thank you for being on time, Mister Barton. Or do you prefer Clint?" She would wiggle her fingers at him and gesture at the couch. "And please do sit or lay down, however you're comfortable. I'm going to start with a few questions after you get settled in. Answer them to the best of your ability. You odn't have to if they make you feel uncomfortable but if we're going to work together I have to know things so I can help you and holding back will get in the way of that."

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint was on time?

He checks his watch. Well, damn. He was on time! First time for everything, right? But, Clint looks at Karla as she tells him to relax. He takes a deep breath and approaches the couch, deciding to lie down and put his hands over his abdomen, lacing his fingers together as he looks up at the ceiling...maybe he's trying to avoid the hot as hell psychiatrist, which feels like a fever dream, or maybe he's just looking at the ceiling.

"Alright. Ask away."

Karla Sofen has posed:
Karla Sofen would go to sit back. She doesn't mind someone being late. She charges by the hour after all. She would fold her hands together and smile, "All right. THe basics. Tell me Clint.. Or do you prefer I call you something else? no judgement here. Unless you ask me to call you mom. Then I will judge."

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint thought about making a dirty joke, but instead he seems to respectfully refrain. It's a good decision to not want to die. But, Clint looks at Karla and he gives her a friendly smile. "Clint is fine. Unless you want to give me a cute nickname, but that's only if you let me get you dinner first, but that's just me." Is Clint being intentionally frustrating? Or is he being playful?

...or is this his defense mechanism?

"But don't worry, 'mom' is not on that menu."

Karla Sofen has posed:
Karla Sofen would smile, "Well, Clint.. I can let you give me a cute nickname, but in return I will have to track down pictures of you at the circus and use them to decorate around the place when you come in next time." Clint might not have actually grown up in one, but as far as Karla was concerned it was close enough to her perspective she could fake it.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint frowns. "How'd you know I grew up at a circus?" Clint questions her with a litle bit of a smirk. Apparently, Clint was definitely not -born- in a circus. When he was very young, he and his brother hopped onto a circus train and ran away with them, both becoming incredible archers in the process.

"Hmm...I'll think of something to call you. Maybe something like 'Beautiful', simple and precise." He chuckles.

Karla Sofen has posed:
Karla Sofen would shrug over and smile, "Oh, there are ways." She would fold her fingers togehter, "Now that's the sort of thing that I'm good with." Sh would give a wink, "So should I put my hair up or down? Or put it in a bun?"

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint turns his attention on Karal as she seems to smile at him, and be drinking up his flirtations. Even as she seems to fold her fingers together. As he looks at her, his eyes drinking in her figure and attire, Clint looks her in the eyes. "Hmm...honestly, a bun is too relaxed, and honestly? You gotta let that mane free." He smiles at her, accompanying a wink.

Karla Sofen has posed:
Karla Sofen would wink, "Fair enough. Glasses or no glasses?" She would go to mime propping a set up over on her nose and then hmm, "So tell me Clint.. Now that you're relaxed.. Wha are the reasons that you want to come into therapy?"

Clint Barton has posed:
"Definitely no glasses. Are you going to ask me if I'm a great kisser next?"

Clint teases her continuously, though he can see what she's doing. She knows she's a gorgeous woman, so she's using that to keep him occupied and earn his trust. At least, that's what he's decently sure she's doing, because no girl -ever- asks him how they should look, or what look they seem to rock best.

"Required. Mental stability test."

Karla Sofen has posed:
Karla Sofen would mm, "Of course. And do you have any specific concerns here tha tyou'd like to pick on Clint? Presuming you mean here in my office and not inviting me to dinner sometime." Flashing a smile.

Clint Barton has posed:
"I mean, you really do have nice lips." Clint smirks at Karla, though she seems to continue to speak with him. "Nothing I can think of. Are you going to ask me questions on my non-existant crippling depression, or if I'm empathic to the suffering of my comrades?"

Karla Sofen has posed:
Karla Sofen would go to tap her hand over on a wrist, "Well, from your profile you seem too much like a narcissist. What happens to other people doesn't impat you as much emotionally. I have some other theories as well>"

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint looks at Karla then for a moment, his expression turning from social butterfly and flirt to something much more serious. "Narcissit is a bit off the mark. Honestly, I think I'm just stuck in a weird cycle of horrible life decisions." He chuckles. "Like I used to be married, but I ended up getting divorced." He sighs.

Karla Sofen has posed:
Karla Sofen would shrug, "Well, we all have that happen sometimes! Or your signifiant other keeps on getting in ever so unfortunate automobile accidents and ends up in traffic. Those types of things happen." She would twirl a pencil in her mouth. "You don't seem the type. So.. What is ti then? Abandonment? Unwillingness to let anyone get emotinally close and covering it up ina constant facade of bravado?"