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(Joan is summoned by the promise of LEGOs. Bobo and Skeets are having a tiff. There is an erection in Ted's Penthouse. Booster watches.)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 04:24, 17 January 2022

In Pursuit of LEGOs
Date of Scene: 17 January 2022
Location: Penthouse - Kord Co
Synopsis: Joan is summoned by the promise of LEGOs. Bobo and Skeets are having a tiff. There is an erection in Ted's Penthouse. Booster watches.
Cast of Characters: Joan Wright, Ted Kord, Booster Gold

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan is not a slacker when it comes to her job. Considering the amount of time she spends on the hour focusing on making things right and the amount of time off the clock, one could safely say quite the opposite. So it's not all that foreign a thing for security at Kord Industries to see the account rep cross along the lobby, passing the giant LEGO beetle just to head straight to the elevator.

For Ted is a special client. Who makes a lot of claims with Damage Control. And judging from the brisker than usual walk that is bordering on a run, security has nothing else to think other than: Something's REALLY broken.

. Anyone watching the security feed in the elevator would likely come to the same conclusion. She's fidgiting, looking to the display on the elevator wall and she only seems to relax when the floor is reached. She glances down, takes a breath and looks up, face composed as the door slides open. She walks quickly into the penthouse, coming to a halt as she finds Ted.

"You said something about LEGOs?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord looks up from an array of bins full of the bricks of all shapes and colors. He surveys Joan, envying the Legos for their command of her attention. He'd have to be arrested or shot to get that reaction. As he waits a moment Bot 01 flies over and drops a final container of Legos then retreats to a neutral corner, giving Joan a friendly hip check in greeting. Bobo even beeps at her.

"Go to it. These have been inspected and any hint of Brickhead has been incinerated."

Bobo holds up a small selection of melted bricks before crushing them in his manipulator.

"The bots apparently take your safety and leisure time very seriously Ms. Wright." Ted takes a sip of a beer, indicating some unopened bottles on ice.

Joan Wright has posed:
Looking to bin after bin of LEGO, Joan's eyes widen. Part of her personal collection ended up going away after the Brickhead incident that occurred there. An incident that happened when Brickhead bricks had been regifted.

She smiles brightly. Looking to Bobo as he chirps at her. "Hey Bobo." She returns stepping forward to inspect the bins. "This is amazing." She comments, turning to shoot the glowing expression over to Ted, sharing in her glee. "Okay. I know this one causes damage too but. This is probably one of your better villains now that you know about him."

She quietly starts counting the boxes. "So, even after the regifting last time he tried the same thing again?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord hehs. "Spidey and a SHIELD Agent helped me catch him a block from the Javits Center. Guess what convention was there. I want you to take as many boxes as you desire to repay you for the incident with that twit. I shouldn't have regifted them to you. It was low class. So, Joan, you think if I gave you a pair of clippers, you could landscape my face some? I closed my mask on this growth and... I regretted it." Another sip. then another.

Booster Gold has posed:
As if somehow the word "damage" is a magical summoning tool, a question arises - OH MY GOD Is that Booster Gold's entrance music??

Yes, yes it is, played by a small little floating yellow robot. A portend of chaos to come, as it is followed neatly by the arrival of the powersuited hero.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan's smile fades. "...Oh no, don't tell me he destroyed the model..." She gives a momentary pout before looking back to the boxes. Ted's apology for the regifting draws her attention back to him. "I don't think it was low class." Joan replies, "You came across something you didn't need but you thought I'd like it." She pauses, "...In fact- I was going to suggest that if the LEGOS were safe, maybe sending the bricks I don't take to someone else. If they're safe that is. I think Vorpal and a few of his friends with the Titans would LOVE to have some."

Joan pauses, turning her head. "Do you hear theme music?" Seeing the golden hero fly on in with the robot following after, her head tilts for a moment. She smiles again. "Hi Booster."

She looks back to Ted, "I could try. They have less kick than the landscaping versions, right?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord shrugs. "I'll put my mask, over my face. Just trim anything that sticks out and then a little more when I remove the mask. Then it's Legos away. Hey Booster. Hey Skeets. I made a few more friends for you... though you might find them a little... simple." Bobo and his brothers... sibs, regard this emotionlessly, it seems. they star rearranging some boxes of Legos, possibly for more stability.

"Booster, you stay clear of Joan and the clippers, understand? this is my face. If it works I can buzz my head and lose this man bun."

Booster Gold has posed:
"I know that you did the best that your 20th century brain could, Mr. Kord," replies Skeetz as it scans over Bobo and co.

For this part, Booster floats in and keeps a respectable distance from Ted and Joan. "I don't want to be anywhere close to your face, Ted. You know that." He turns and nods his head towards Joan. "Hi Joan." Somehow the pitch and intonation -exactly- matches Joan's Hi Booster. These two are bound to become friends, right?

Joan Wright has posed:
Will Joan and Booster become friends? Well. The next year's worth of insurance claims will probably tell. Joan listens to Ted's game plan regarding the facial hair trimming and gives a nod. "Seems simple enough." Joan replies, "We'll have you looking presentable yet. Bobo, clippers please."

Ted Kord has posed:
Bobo was dealing out a beer to Booster. Another bot flies over with clippers for Joan. The others continue piling boxes.

"Easy... Let me get some more beer. Anesthetical like. Hey maybe you can do Booster's hair after this! Yikes, watch out. Another beer Bobo. Eh who am I kidding? I am not an inventor. I rebuild, back engineer and refine stuff. I don't innovate. Skeets is right, he's way beyond my pay grade. My best effort is Bobo and... sorry Bo, you and your sibs, would not pass the Turing test."

Booster Gold has posed:
"While I appreciate the offer, Skeetz is the only one I trust with my majestic mane." Booster chuckles for a moment as he settles into a casual lean off to the side. "But these aren't bad, Ted, honestly. And who knows, maybe they are the ancestors of the technology used to make Skeetz?"

        "They most certainly are not, sir!" The yellow robot flutters off in a huff.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan blinks as not-Bobo brings her clippers. "Oh. Well thank you." Joan steps back from Ted, testing the clippers for any potential kick before shutting them back off. "There's a reason the original inventors themselves usually don't make as much a profit off of things." Joan comments, "They stopped when they got the first result. Not necessarily the best result." She glances over to Bobo and then to the Beer requesting Ted. Just one while I'm using the clippers, right? I'd rather those in proximity be sober when I'm cutting someone's hair."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord continues, "I mean don't get me wrong. The bots are great for what I ask of them... how the hell does Skeets cut your hair? He doesn't even have... HANDS! Or grippy things like the bots! Enlighten poor primitive me, and my backward bots." There's more activity from the boxes... are they made into a shelter or fort now? There's a flurry of bots inside it along with the clicking of bricks going together. One bot seems to be keeping look out from an opening.

Booster Gold has posed:
Rolling his eyes extravagantly, Booster says, "I am standing /right here/ Joan, you can just say you don't trust Booster to hold his booze." He chuckles for a moment. "You never told her about my legendary third leg, Ted?" There goes Booster, mixing up 20th century idioms again... "I am afraid I cannot divulge that mystery, Ted, in case you AREN'T the one who started the invention chain that ended with Skeets.

Joan Wright has posed:
"Your bots are fine, Ted." Joan responds, "They kind of grow on you after awhile too." Looking over towards the boxes, she seems curious. What on earth are they doing?

Hearing Booster's first comment, Joan starts to look away. "Booster, I work claims involving a lot of damage. Do you know how many issues could hav-" She pauses, brow raising as she tilts her head back in regard to the time traveler. "...third leg?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord smirks. "That'd be his tongue, if you want my opinion. Other than that... I ain't touching that malaprop. Bobo... what are yer sibs doing there? Hey guys... let me see. Excuse me Joan. He gets up with half a beard in place. The box fortress begins to shudder and shake as something large rises from inside. "Oh don't tell me Brickhead hacked my bots!" Ted's BB gun is at hand as he loads a formidable looking cartridge into its mouth.

"Joan get behind me and Bobo!"

Booster Gold has posed:
Glancing over towards the rising box, Booster Gold chuckles. "I'm insured now, right Ted?" He then turns to look at Joan. "Or should I be asking you?" He readies his wrists, just in case.

Joan Wright has posed:
"Still, every claim made does run the risk of-" Joan stops that line of discussion immediately as Ted mentions Brickhead hacking his bots. "HE WHAT?!" She looks over to the box fort to see movement. "Oh-"

Ted's shout registers. "Oh right." She takes a few steps over to hr left to get behind Ted and his Bo.


Ted Kord has posed:
The boxes, now empty fall away. Behind them a Lego building is raised up, a beautiful blue skyscraper, with a darker blue 'K' for Kord Co, label on its facade. Bobo floats around Joan and joins his sibs, floating in formation around the building. He taps the structure gently with a manipulator and points to Ted. Ted sits back down heavily, his eyes wide.

"I... didn't program them to... they never... they shouldn't be able to..." He finally runs down and just stares, removing the beard trimming template mask.

Booster Gold has posed:
"Self-aware robots didn't come for another few decades, Ted. If you've moved up the time table on the insurgency, I may have to do the timecop thing on you." Booster regards the scene with a bit of caution, which is a bit surprising for him, all things considered.

Joan Wright has posed:
At the lack of explosions and Ted sitting down, Joan takes this as a sign that the danger is over. If there was any. With no one in front of her and Bobo going to join his siblings, Joan ends up looking to what they built.

There is a high toned 'EEEEE' that emits from her lips as she looks it over. "Guys that is amazing! I love it!"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord gets up and walks over to Bobo. Bobo regards him for a few moments, then makes several precise swipes at his face, trimming the other half of his beard. Bobo turns towards Skeets and bobs at him as if to say 'so there'. The other bots float over to Joan and circle around her checking for signs of seizure, perhaps?

"Well... what you have to understand is the mature of invention. There's all manner of prototypes. Like the Red Tornado and Vision. They're self aware. They just low key it... besides, you have no record of my bots... therefore they are just not recorded historically. So, you couldn't calculate what effect removing them would have and... I FRICKING BUILT THEM ON MY OWN. You try laying one temporal warrant on them! I have no family, no love life... I WANT MY BOTS! Skeets would understand!" Ted looks at Skeets.

Booster Gold has posed:
A wave of his hands. "Come on, Ted, you know I never took that responsibility seriously."

"What responsibility HAVE you taken seriously, sir?" asks Skeets as he floats back in.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan is not having a seizure but she is approaching the LEGO tower with a ring of bots floating around her. "This is very good work." Joan comments, looking over to Ted. "Without looking at the plans, I dare say the exterior is to scale."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord beams now. "I'm sure it is. I do ave them produce parts for me. They understand measurements but applying scale to measurements... that's a whole new level of knowledge. I figured they'd have knowledge, some comprehension... this is application and synthesis and those are high level cognitive functions. Not bad for a side project."

Booster Gold has posed:
Listening to all of the words from Ted, Booster tilts his head. "Yeah. Not bad." Not like all of that didn't go completely over his head.

Skeets floats by Booster and says, "It was word soup to me, too, sir."