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Talking about Other Powers
Date of Scene: 18 January 2022
Location: Frost Enterprises CEO Office
Synopsis: Emma tells Karen about the existence of Divine, her clone.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Karen Starr

Emma Frost has posed:
It had taken a little bit of work to send a message to the Avengers asking to get in touch with Power Girl, then a request for a meeting, then a meeting confirmed.. Emma Frost had not specified the particulars in her message, merely stating that it was personal in nature for the Kryptonian. So she would sit over in her office, having passed along to her secretary to when her appointment arrived to send her upstairs.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl makes herself hard to contact for a whole lot of reasons. None the least of which is she normally considers it a waste of time- but, sadly, the Avengers and League (in this case the Avengers) are capable of twisting her arm just enough that she'll actually acknowledge that someone wishes to speak with her, specifically. Of course, there are some particulars that probably should've been ironed out.

    First and foremost is that the secretary never mentions an arrival. Instead, what occurs is that there is a soft knock from the window into Emma's office, a nonplussed Power Girl floating outside of the glass and being as polite as she gets- which, of course, amounts to knocking instead of flying through stone, steel and glass as if it were rice paper.

    In her full glory, Power Girl can be found by some to be intimidating- over six feet tall, muscular, and capable of causing confidence issues in even the most confident of people. Much of her- no, truthfully, all of her- is entirely unfair. It isn't okay that someone who looks like that can also do all of the other things that she does.

    Nevertheless, despite that her appearance is a sign of some form of injustice to the vain, there she is, her face a mid-scowl- not entirely unfriendly, but not friendly either. It's important to note that at the very least she's waiting to be let in, but also that she just /appeared/ at the window.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Power Girl, "Greetings, thanks for your arrival." While Power Girl's method of arrival is somewhat new for her, the fact that Emma is a telepath and has a rather extensive security system means it doesn't quite fully catch her by surprise as Emma goes to push a button over as the windows would open and permit her to enter. "Thank you for coming so promptly. I would not have.. Gone to the lengths to contact you if it wasn't important. Particularly from someone you don't know."
    Emma's only read a few news stories about the Kryptonian, but they seem to be rather uniform in how they describe her. So Emma is up front apologetic to hopefully have the other woman relax a bit, and then ready to get down to business. Not bothering to offer anythingup or asking if she could provide anything. Emma then glances warily about her office, doing a quick telepathic sweep to make sure that no one is paying attention, then pushes a button underneath her desk to do an automated sweep for anything that might be a bug.

Karen Starr has posed:
    With a surprising amount of grace, Karen drifts into the office as if a calmly floating leaf on the wind. She lands, somehow making her height all the more impressive as it now has context- in her boots, she stands a full six-six. Her arms fold- a gesture which should damn well be illegal, if we're being fair- and she takes a few steps towards the other woman, and her desk.

    Two sweeps, with differing results. The first, unless Emma has some physical spies hiding in the room, comes up blank: Power Girl herself is even just a touch difficult to detect, and might just be invisible to a basic mental sweep. She's far too stubborn for easy mental manipulation- but, she also doesn't know that Emma is performing her sweep, so at least she's not psychically active. The latter may have more interesting results if Emma's technology can detect things of alien origin: Karen's Avengers communicator would probably register. League, too. But, her earrings- those are based on Kryptonian technology. Might not be visible to something terran in nature.

    "Well?" she asks, cutting right to it. "What is this about?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is not bothering with a sweep of Power Girl. The Kryptonian is allowed her privacy, she came on being asked, and there's no reason she's a threat. She came here despite thinking it was a waste of time but because a stranger said it was important. Emma doesn't spend any time dithering.
    "Someone made a clone of you that as near as I can tell has only been on her own for a few months. SHe seems to have been genetically programmed to want to engage you or pick a fight by her conditioning."

Karen Starr has posed:
    Some time ago, Karen would have considered that altogether impossible. She's smarter than she looks, and understands Kryptonian genetics enough that she's well aware no other society that exists has technology enough to clone Kryptonians. Until, that is, she met Conner. She knows enough now that it can /kind of/ be done, in a roundabout way. Human genes can be used to stabilize the procedure.

    Her expression sours visibly, and one brow raises. Emma's statement explains a few things that Karen hasn't looked into yet, but it's easy enough to assume. "Right." she states, unfurling her arms and placing them on her hips. "That's great. Anything else?"

    Not much one for conversation, apparently.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would let out a sigh, "She has a few months worth of memories, has been wandering around on her own, has few life skills, no real idea of whom made her or of what purpose. I've tried to make sure she has a place to stay if she wishes it but she's allowed to come and go as she wishes. She needs help. She's purely a child in mentality and experiences, she needs assistance. Therapy, a safe place to reside, instruction."

Karen Starr has posed:
    "I'll let Superman know." she states, offering a shrug. She's a little impassive, but the fact is: She knows Conner's strength, and if this clone of her has anything like that, the last thing she wants...

    "It's too dangerous for me to meet her, if she's... Programmed to fight me by whoever made her, then that's not going to happen. I'll make sure someone makes contact, but you're going to have to arrange the meeting." Looking around for a moment, Karen sets her attention on Emma. "Won't be here, though."

    A pause.

    "She deserves to live a life, especially if she isn't in the company of whoever decided it'd be appropriate to clone me to fight me. What that life is, she'll have to decide. I can give her the opportunity, but if all she gets fed is violence, that's all she's ever going to know. Probably a good idea that she doesn't get in any fights."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Power Girl, "Of course. Whatever's.. Best for her. She needs a chance to develop on her own and to figure things out for herself. I don't remotely know what those situatoins are. So.. I apprecite it. Please do get in touch wiht whomever you think is best and I'll do my best to try and have her be available. But ultimately it will be her decision on it." Emma really has no control over it.
    lso how does one make a Kryptonian analogue do anything that thye don't really wish to or have no interest in. "And thank you."

Karen Starr has posed:
    The answer to that question is that you really, really don't. Not that it's impossible to do, just that it's a very, very dangerous prospect. Faster than thought, and stronger than strong, manipulating a Kryptonian-anything to do anything is one of permanence. If they ever get free, that's the end.

    "There's nothing to thank yet. This is common courtesy. Nobody has any right to control the life of another person. If she's free, she has free will, and she deserves the opportunity to live her life. You don't have to thank me for that."

    She starts drifting upwards, as if it was the most natural thing in the world for a woman to fly, and towards the window she'd come in through. "Unless there's anything else, thanks for letting me know. I'll get someone to speak to her that she's not going to punch in the face for existing, and we'll get this sorted. Give her the chance she needs, and make sure that nobody is looking for her- and if anybody is, that they don't find her."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shake her head, "Nothing further. I'll let her know someone may be getting in contact with her down the line but it will be her decision." Emma would offer. "And thank you. That is all." Sh would dip her head over. "Take care and be safe." She would offer very sincerely even as she would go to get out a remote to push the button to close the windows when Power Girl had left. Emma finishing one very important thing on her agenda, then having to go on to another..
    But, at least one attempt at helping someone was a step up, particularly wiht th way the world was turning.