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Latest revision as of 02:32, 18 January 2022

Stakes are too High
Date of Scene: 18 January 2022
Location: Brooklyn
Synopsis: Asariel assists an injured Lucifer.
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Asariel

Lucifer has posed:
The pulse of energy fans out across the city like a writhing, blooded snake.

The ribbons of power flutter like invisible splashes of blood, coating nearby buildings. It's a splatter of holy and hellish influence, as it darts and heaves in a quick movement, too fast for general mortals to be aware of for the most part. It then settles, a tense corpse built of energy, near the New York Harbor docks, in a train yard.

A splattering of supernatural creatures get out of the area: there's a mix of little tiny demons, maybe a fae, whatever else, that flee the zone. Even a creature without much sense of things can pick up on Lucifer's vibe, and usually that's not a place to be.

Asariel has posed:
Asariel had been in the middle of talking to Giovanni when she felt the pulse of energy fan out. She'd stopped completely and waited to see if there was going to be another burst or if it was something that was settled. She'd told her bodyguard to hang tight while she slipped on her coat and headed out into the cold. She should probably head the other way, but she wasn't really that type of person.

She finds a length of fence that's easy to crawl through and sets about trying to find the source, "Uncle Lucifer?" the white haired woman whispers. Maybe she was in over her head, but, she was here now!

Lucifer has posed:
There's a sudden blanket of heat, like an oven door that was pulled open unexpectedly. It carries with it a strong sense of Lucifer, and some of the emotion within it. It's anger that emotion, but this emotive snake has a slick underbelly of being insulted, a retaliation to an accusation. The anger of the innocent, but maybe with the touch of uncertainty that can burn almost like a white flame of fear.

But the heat doesn't last, it reduces. Still, it makes the target a lot easier to locate, in terms of following heat source. Destroyed feather fragments and blood litter the side of a train car, in a long burned smear, which eventually leads to where Lucifer has moved out of immediate vision, to sit on the ground in a deep shadow. He's lost his jacket and shirt, wings aren't visible, and there's a several foot long magical looking white spear in the abdomen, one hand curled on it. He's bloody, but clearly very conscious - just resting, maybe.

"If you make a sassy comment, I may not have a lot of patience for it. Just a warning," Lucifer states, voice flinty and dry.

Asariel has posed:
The woman feels that sudden blanket of heat and there's a moment that she rethinks her life. A second later she's pushing through second guesses and following the emotion that she can feel. Why would Lucifer be afraid or hurt? That was puzzling to her. She rounds one corner and then her eyes see the blood and the remenants of ruined feathers. The sight makes them widen in shock that bleeds into concern as she follows the trail.

The shadow is where she finds him. His comment makes her blink as she registers it, "No sassy comments from me, promise." she tells him. "What happened?" she asks him as she approaches cautiously. Not wanting to startle him or worsen his mood.

Lucifer has posed:
Pride and defensiveness are what's on display with the question, more than anger or retribution - which is just another cocktail which could still be entirely dangerous. "Those aren't my feathers. You should see the other guy," Lucifer says, with a thickly rueful laugh that is very forced. He's not amused but he's fronting due to pride. Though that doesn't mean he's lying, either.

"I'm not all-powerful. Sometimes things get through. I'll survive; I always do," Lucifer clarifies, though he hasn't gotten up or moved much beyond to roll his shoulders back in a way that suggests he's gathering himself a little more to be presentable.

Asariel has posed:
Asariel looks back to the smear on the side of the boxcar and there's a joke that comes to mind, but she told him she was not going to sass. She turns to look back to the bloodied man and she crouches down, "I'm sure we'll see him on a KFC menu shortly." she murmurs. She's worried, but that's because he's bleeding and there's a spear sticking out of him.

His words make her look to him and there's a soft nod, "Good. I rather like you alive." she tells him with a small smile. "I can heal, though I'm not sure about touching that spear given I don't want to be knocked into another state if you react badly." she admits as she watches him.

Lucifer has posed:
"No, no pulling the spear here," Lucifer says, in a more harsh tone than is probably warranted, seeing as she didn't suggest she was going to grab it. But perhaps Asariel can overlook some of that tone from the filter of his physical distress and probably emotional issues with being seen in this state by anybody. The pride is smarting something fierce.

"But you can heal... that does give an idea. I was rallying to call some demons, but sometimes they make things a lot worse. If you heal my back, I can get myself moved out of here, and get the spear out in a place that can take the abuse."

Asariel has posed:
Asariel raises her hands, showing that she's not going to try to pull on anything, "Noted." she tells him with a nod of her head. She watches him carefully, not wanting to spark his ire any. Not that she was the big problem. She quirks an eyebrow at him, "Your back? I can do that." she tells him.

"I can't say much about the demons, but I'm guessing a gaggle of them showing up in Brooklyn would be worse than a normal Monday here." she states. "I'll help out though." she smiles to that. "Do you want help standing or want me to do it while your sitting down here?" she asks him.

Lucifer has posed:
"I can get up," Lucifer states, defensively, but seems to pause and check himself. He doesn't apologise, but he does check the defensiveness. "But there's no reason to. I'll just move forward." He steels himself for it -- quickly. There's a very fast flicker of getting ready, and then he shifts, to use his hands on either side to shove forwards off of leaning against the container. There back of the spear is visible, now, out the lower back partially.

The reason for moving, then, may make sense, because he grits and flexes, and throws his wings out and open. They are /not/ feathered currently; these are big, black with streaks of smouldering red, and both of them are partially broken, from most likely a brute force injury from spear being slammed across, not impaled. There's a few obvious bone breaks that would make flying a mess. The 'oven heat' returns, but it's lower, more controlled. Still, the presence of Lucifer is markedly obvious, flooding the area as he brings the wings out. Who knows what might get attracted to this unholy beacon.

"Well that wasn't pleasant," Lucifer comments, sucking his teeth and growling a little instead of laughing, this time.

Asariel has posed:
"Okay, that works." Asariel gives a soft nod. This woman has the patience of a Saint...or she realizes that she's not the target of the anger and defensiveness. She'd bite at people if roles were reversed for sure. She lets him move of his own accord, watching him careful as he does.

When he throws his wings out there's a moment where she feels the heat again, "Wow." she murmurs as she gets an eyeful of the demon wings. She realizes that they are partially broken and she winces, "Oh shit." she mutters.

"I don't imagine it was, but trying to walk around with them broken is going to be less pleasant." she tells him. She brings her hands up slowly, "I'm not going to touch this for long. I promise to try not to hurt you." she tells him quietly. Yes, she was trying not to piss the Devil off. "Ready?" she asks him.

Lucifer has posed:
"My pain tolerance is very high with the wings," Lucifer reports, and starts to partially move and open them. It's sort of horrible to look at, since the broken pieces do not work correctly, and one of the bones is dangling awfully. Still, it will prove his point. Or at least, makes his pride feel better to prove he can endure doing that. It creates a look of 'WELL?' at her, though, as if he expects her to go ahead.

"Understand that I've ripped the wings off of my body personally more than a few times. But today they need to be of use." There's a lot to unpack, but he's just being chatty, maybe.

Asariel has posed:
Asariel gives a squint to him and then nods, "Alright, point taken." she tells him. Then she's letting her angelic healing powers kick in, the warmth of that angelfire can be used to heal as well, but it always ended in her being tired. Which she wasn't going to complain about if she was helping another. The bones and sinew start to heal back into place, easing the weight of the wing hanging a little funny.

"Why did you rip them off?" she asks as she finishes up focusing on the healing of his demonic wings. "On second thought you really don't have to answer that." she tells him quietly. She pats his wing with gentle fingers after she's done, "There. All better." she nods as she steps back to give him space again.

Lucifer has posed:
"Perhaps I'll explain it another time. For now, just assume it's between me and the one that gave them to me," Lucifer answers related to her question about the ripping situation. But Lucifer's tone just /reeks/ of rebellion, so Asariel might not actually need more explanation to suspect where that topic could go.

Lucifer spreads and flexes the wings once, then finally turns his head to look at her handiwork - and looks surprised. It's a brief flash of confusion, horror, or something else. Something he didn't expect, and it also causes him to flex the wings back and jerk them closed. The heat starts to ratchet up quickly, as his emotions, though hidden, react. He doesn't explain verbally what he reacted to.

Lucifer gets up, then, and reopens the wings some, while bracing both hands on the spear to keep it steady. "If I can aid you in the future, let me know. I'll owe you a favor," Lucifer says, firmly, in a way that suggests there's a /weight/ to that, coming from him. "But for now, I'm going to handle this." He steadies, recognizes what he hasn't said: "Thank you."

Asariel has posed:
Asariel gives him a nod, "Another time." Then she's watching his wings work and there's a moment she's expecting an outburst to go along with the rise of the heat, but it doesn't come. The emotions that briefly cross his features make her feel a little concerned, but it's a tense time and she doesn't want to get into an argument with the man. At least not here while he's injured.

She steps back another step when he rises and then the wings are reopened. She gives a dip of her head to him, "I'll remember that." she tells him. She was still worried. "If you need more assistance, please let me know and I'll try to help." she offers him. His thank you was the thing that surprised her the most, but it makes her smile a touch, "You're welcome, Uncle. Please be safe." she gives him a little wave before she steps back to let him make his exit.

Lucifer has posed:
"Ehhh, I'd just sit on my ass in hell if I wanted to be 'safe.' That's not really living, though," Lucifer answers. It's a sort of distracted talk that's intended to cloak the issue that he has a /spear/ through him still. He's fine. Really. See how calmly he speaks?

There's that pride again.

"You'll want to head out of here, too. My aura attracts the unsavory," Lucifer warns her, tone honest and direct. He doesn't clarify if it's angels or devils that are unsavory, before he suddenly flexes and is gone, upwards, in a burst of motion and speed. And then, he's gone.