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Latest revision as of 02:32, 18 January 2022

A chance meeting
Date of Scene: 17 January 2022
Location: The Centinel Hotel - Mutant Town
Synopsis: Tara meets Artemis in the Centinel Hotel lobby... Bast is highly amused.
Cast of Characters: Artemis, Tara Tsabedze

Artemis has posed:
    Artemis has been keeping to herself much of the time. She had made a mistake in her encounter with some of the minor criminals who hang out in the city at night, and only the fact that Sara and Cael were nearby kept it from turning ugly.

    This would not do. Nobody could be harder on her then she herself was, constantly going over her mistakes in her mind, always second guessing her actions after each encounter. Sara had set her up here with a laptop. She was not unfamiliar with such devices, given that Bana-Mighdall both bordered Wakanda and did business with the world of men selling weapons.

    After a week or so, she was fairly well caught up on the important laws and general tone of the city.

    Deciding she needed a little break, this night finds her people watching in the lobby. Sunk into a comfortable chair with her legs stretched out in front of her and a bottle of water at hand, she does present a striking feature, mainly due to the armor she's wearing. She's not comfortable enough in the city to be going anywhere without it on, and since there are no laws banning armor (she checked), there she is.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
With the angels in Mahattan, Tara had been splitting her time between Happy Harbor and Grand Central Station, the headquarters of the resistance against the heavenly host. On this particular occasion however, she was in between the two tasks and heading out to find herself something to eat. A few of the business in Bushwick has remained open, though supplies to them were difficult at best, they were still getting a few things to keep going.

Striding into the lobby, wearing a bright purple dashiki with silver and gold stitching over a pair of black slacks, her tail swishing merrily behind her through the offered hole. Because of the cold weather, something she was not a fan of, she had on her feet a pair of fur lined boots that crawls up to her knees, and was carrying a heavy jacket.

Pausing at the front desk, she collected her mail before turning and freezing in place. There stood a person she knew, not through the usual means of having met or shared coffee, but she knew her. Left ear twitching, her head cants slightly as she says softly, an East African accent present, "Artemis."

Artemis has posed:
    Watching a somewhat rotund businessman trying to juggle keys, briefcase and a Starbuck's cup at once had taken Artemis' attention away from the main part of the lobby, so Tara took her a bit by surprise. Hearing her name spoken she turns to see who is talking to her then freezes, shock apparent on her face.

    In the next second, she is out of the chair and on one knee, her head bowed as she speaks. "I am honored, O Queen of cats. How may I serve?"

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara's tail swishes broadly behind her as her golden eyes search over the woman on one knee. The memory was mingled, she knew her from the connection to Bast, but had never actually met her. Was it one of those times that Bast used her form for the purpose it was intended?

"Please stand," she offers with a gesture of her hand that matches the 'get up' motion. "I am merely Her Avatar on this plane." She looks toward the man behind the counter for a moment, a purple mutant who really doesn't seem phased by all this.

Artemis has posed:
    Standing as bidden, she raises her eyes to look at the woman before her. "It is still an unexpected honor and perhaps also a good omen. I would hardly expect to meet Her avatar in a hotel lobby in New York. It is always hard to tell with these things, was this a chance meeting or a sign from our Lady?"

    "If you have the time, perhaps we could talk for a little while?" She gestures at the chair near hers as she returns to her chair.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tucking the mail into the satchel on her hip, Tara offers Artemis an almost mischievous smile. It wasn't intentionally that way, it just happened because she was searching her mind for answers to this meeting. Things happen for a reason, that must she learned around the same time she started taking her first steps. At the moment however, there were no answers offered. If this was planned by Bast, She wasn't informing Tara.

Offering a nod, she moves over to the chairs and settles into one, setting her coat in the one beside her. She sits sort of sideways, allowing room for her tail to flick and have freedom. Never pin a cats tail.

"There is a reason for all things that happen," she offers as she smooths her dashiki. "Chance and luck happen, but often I find they are guided by hands of others in some way. I cannot explain why New York was the place that I have chosen to reside, it seemed to call to me, and while here I have found others similar to myself with connections to the others of the Pantheon of Egypt... and now, I have found you."

Artemis has posed:
    Artemis nods, "That is the problem when dealing with the gods, it is hard to tell signs or omens from normal coincidence." She shrugs a little and then continues "This meeting, for instance. Did I decide to sit in the lobby on my own, or was I nudged a bit by Bast so that we would meet? Oh, which reminds me, since you know my name, may I ask yours?"

    She picks up her bottle of water and takes a sip, then adds, "I'm afraid I only have this bottle with me, or I would offer."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Lifting her hand in a placating gesture, Tara shakes her head as well, as she says, "Not at all, I am fine." in regards to the water. Her hands settle in her lap as she adjusts a little, chairs are simply not designed for tails and finding that comfortable position takes a little time.

"I am K'Tara Tsebedzu, Kivuli of Bast from the Paka ya Mwezi in Kenya." A slight bow of her head is offered with her introduction. "I was born as you see me now, neither human nor feline, a vessel for Bast to present herself on this plane when and where she likes. This is my purpose above all others, though the others are just as important to me."

Artemis has posed:
    "You are truly honored by Her, then. I have spoken with her twice, once in dreams and once while awake." Her eyes go a bit out of focus as the memories of those encounters pass through her mind, but she brings herself back to the present.

    "Due to an incident outside Bana, I have made myself an exile and come here, looking for the only thing that might possibly redeem me. Even that may not be enough, but I can think of nothing else to do, so here I am."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara cants her head slightly, right ear turning as she studies the woman and one thought crosses her mind at the words shared. The bow. She doesn't know why she knows that, but she does.

"Now I understand why we have met," she states plainly, and the tip of her tail flicks. "Would it trouble you to know that your choice of New York, much like my own, was not entirely your own choice?" A smile plays at the corner of her lips. "I cannot tell you all the answers to the questions, I cannot tell you where to find what you are looking for, but I can tell you that you are not alone."

Artemis has posed:
Artemis smiles at Tara's words, shaking her head "No, it doesn't bother me at all. If anything, it is a comforting thought, knowing that I have taken a step in the right direction rather than just wandering randomly around the world."

    "And I would not expect you to tell me where to find it, that would pretty much ruin the point of discovering more about the world and myself while I seek it."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
A soft chuckle with a hint of a purr mingled into it, and Tara's smile broadens even more, revealing her elongated canines.

"I think I like you," she then says bluntly, though her tone remains soft. "You have a level head on your shoulders, can think logically, clearly you have passion and dedication, but you temper these things with honesty and truth. These are rare traits, especially among these American peoples." She snorts a little, and her tail flicks.

"I live here," she gestures toward the room around them, meaning the hotel obviously. "The owner and I are associates, and in exchange for a few favors, I have been given an apartment on the upper floors. You are welcome to come by any time, however as of late I have been out and about aiding those who combat the angelic host."

Fishing into the satchel, the claws on her hands making the task look far more complicated than it should be, she removes her cell phone. Tapping the screen, she brings up her phone number then offers the phone over to Artemis. "This is my number. Should you need anything, please contact me immediately."

Artemis has posed:
    Pulling a cell phone out of a belt pouch, Artemis punches Tara's number into it, then stows it away again. "Yes, not surprisingly this angel situation has been the major subject of news lately. I am not sure what to make of it, to be honest. They are from a different religion than we are, and I have not felt a pull either way since hearing about them. Most likely, I will let those more in the know deal with this issue. There seem to be quite a few people dealing with it as it is."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
The phone goes back into the satchel before Tara looks back to Artemis.

"I have not been directly involved in the combat against the angels, but I do have the information regarding why they are here and what they are up to. I am associated with the Justice League Dark, and as such I have been offering my healing to the combatants at Grand Central Station. If you wish to learn more, or become involved, that is the place to go."

Her hands fold back into her lap as she speaks, once again settling in. "Those involved seem to have things well in hand, though honestly the answer has been said to not be battle. It is easier that I not become directly involved, though I assure you Bast is keeping a close eye on what transpires."

Artemis has posed:
    Artemis purses her lips in thought for a moment, then nods. "I believe I will let those who know more about it deal with the situation, though if a call goes out for assistance, I will not ignore it. But it is probably better not to blunder into things that are already being dealt with."

    She smiles at Tara and says "And at this point, I believe I will return to my room, as I am staying here as well. It was a pleasure and an honor to meet you, and I hope we can talk again soon."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara stands, offering her hand in the more American custom of greeting and parting.

"I am pleased to have met you Artemis," she offers as her hand goes out. "Perhaps we can enjoy a meal together some time and you can tell me more about yourself and your people."