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Meanwhile in The Hills...
Date of Scene: 16 January 2022
Location: Dane Hills
Synopsis: Ben Grimm encounters Exodus at a Genoshan construction site. Backgrounds and introductions are exchanged.
Cast of Characters: Paris Bennet, Ben Grimm

Paris Bennet has posed:
The island nation of Genosha's star has recently been on the rise publicly, politically, and economically. With their demographic fortunes turning around, there has been a surge in business vitality as construction projects of all sorts have been undertaken to not only undo the devastation wrought by sentinels, a feat finally accomplished in recent months, but also to expand.

Out in Dane Hills, new communities have sprung up largely peopled with expats from New York. Much of it is suburban, but sprawling into the countryside one sees actual rural development as well in terms of farmland and ranches dotting the horizon.

At one such development project on the outskirts of the city proper is the man known to some as Exodus. He stands stoically regarding the outlines of a monorail station being built to connect it with the capitol some miles away.

Ben Grimm has posed:
The Fantastic Four and the Future Foundation associated with it add technical consulting and support to developments throughout the wide world, especially in places with a past history of disaster. Genosha qualifies more than most. While he's not a technical guy in many ways, Ben's got enough mechanical knowledge and is high enough on the food chain that he's here just to check in on the project and provide a bit of moral support. People like the Thing and seeing him around tends to lift spirits.

He's just finished up with the FF consultants and is about to head back to his hotel, stepping out of one of the development areas. He's going to call for his transport to come pick him up when he sees the monorail and decides to take a closer look, the massive hero approaching with his usual heavy tread.

Paris Bennet has posed:
Paris Bennet is a big buy, but he's no Ben Grim. The physically fit Frenchman is no longer the largest man on the site when the crimson giant stomps onto the grounds. He turns his golden eyed gaze to the big man and widens them slightly as he regards Ben, then observes in low and thickly francophonic tones,"Hmm, bonjour....quite the specimen but...not a mutant. Curious."

Paris flickers from view with a silvery wink accompanied with a sizzle and pop to reappear facing Ben when he nears the monorail project, greeting more formally,"Greetings, mon ami. Welcome to the Dane Hills community, named in honor of our esteemed Queen. Votre Altessa Lorna Dane is currently occupied with affairs of estate, but I am her Knight, Bennet du Paris. I am confident that I can answer your questions."

Yes, he knows Ben is new here.

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm is startled by Paris' sudden appearance, taking a momentary step back. "Jeez! Careful there, pal! Ya startle me like that and I'm half-like to wallop that purty face o' yers," he says.

Sufficiently recovered, Ben runs a hand over his orange rock head, "Huh. Didn't know she had so many names, but I guess dat comes along with bein' royalty an' stuff. And European. Europeans love lotsa names. Me, I'm just Ben," he says.

He points towards the development, "Just takin' a look at yer train there. Looks like a neat piece o' engineerin'."

Paris Bennet has posed:
Bennet just hrms at the commentary on names and Europeans, obviously having thoughts on the matter but...

He was told to behave.

The big Frenchman turns to the monorail and replies,"Yes, I am told that the technology is commonly available in the...first world, yet not commonly deployed. I am not a savant to grasp the subtleties of technical knowhow, however. Mine interest is more that it does not detract from the aesthetic appeal of our nation."

He then turns his attention back to the man of stone,"Are you perchance an...engineer?"

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm frowns, "I ain't real fond o' that first world/third world crapola. Seems like an awful civilized way for some folks to act real snooty about people that ain't as rich as they are. Bunch o' bologna far as I'm concerned."

He shakes his head, "Nah, just a pilot. I bet drivin' a thing like that's a pretty good thrill, even if there ain't much challenge to stayin' on a set o' tracks. I'm a pretty simple guy. I just like things that go fast."

Paris Bennet has posed:
Paris Bennet regards Ben for another moment at that, weighing his words for a beat before he himself replies in matter of fact tones,"I did not invent the terms, they are products of a time not my own. My own view is that it is proper for the few to provide for the many. Protection and provision are the duty of the strong towards the many."

The mutant has much more nuance on the subject that he is biting back, again having been told to behave. For the time being he turns back to the project,"I am told that it will achieve prodigious speeds. A model of mass transit properly deployed. Quite novel, methinks. I only hope it performs to expectations. You said you are a pilot?"

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm raises a big granite eyebrow, "I ain't accusin' you o' nothin', pal. I know you didn't invent it. Just sayin' my piece, that's all. I agree witcha about all that. That's a lot of what we do at wit' da Future Foundation, tryin' to spread the wealth so to speak, especially with technology and stuff. Reed's real big on that buildin' da future bit."

He cocks his head, "You definitely ain't from around here or you been livin' under a rock you don't know who I am, but dat's fine by me. Yeah, a pilot. Planes and spaceships mostly."

Paris Bennet has posed:
Paris carries himself with a certain bearing. There's no slouch or ease about him as he stands there. Shoulders back, spine straight, always at full height. There are British butlers with worse posture (not employed by Wayne, mind). A raven brow counters the granite as he considers his response.

A couple beats pass before that reply comes,"My apologies that your reputation didst not reach mine ears." He clears his throat at the archaism, then continues,"Your organization I am dimly aware of. The future I leave to others as well. It is surprising that one such as yourself would be a pilot, I am constantly reminded of the dangers of judging rashly."

He nods curtly at the admission at the end. The bit about the future was itself spoken with a hint of disdain.

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm flicks his tongue against his teeth. Now he's the one holding his temper.

"Well, I wasn't always like this, bub. Once upon a time, I was a pretty handsome fella, but a big dose of cosmic rays zappin' me in low orbit had one o' them whatcha call 'em muta-genetic effects. Which turned just plain Ben Grimm into the ever-lovin', blue-eyed Thing you see before yer peepers."

"Now, you talkin' all Shakespeare there makes me think you might be from a different time period. I been back to medieval times a few times. They knew how to roast a pig back then, I'll give 'em dat."

Paris Bennet has posed:
The big frenchman isn't particularly surprised by this story. He knew through his own means that Ben wasn't a mutant. He can't sense powers or mutations generally, but he can sense those with the metagene specifically. He eventually nods and replies affirmingly,"I am indeed. I was once the personal envoy and champion of King Philip the fair. The twelfth century. Insulting your personage was not my intention, that would be unbecoming of one in my position. Not to mention hypocritical."

He folds his arms at that, not broaching of the subject of how he came to be here eight hundred years later.

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm isn't going to ask either. Time travel was messy, messy like a plate of spaghetti. Worth reporting the potential time breach to Reed, but beyond that, none of Ben's real business, especially since the guy, so far, didn't seem evil or anything. Kind of a prick, but not outright evil.

"S'allright, I know what I look like. If I got riled up every time somebody said somethin' mean about how I looked, I'd have wrecked a lot of cities by now. I ain't nobody's Godzilla," he says. "Glad to see the country lookin' spiffy again, though. Crap that went down here was bad mojo."