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Latest revision as of 02:35, 18 January 2022

Weekend at Metropolis U
Date of Scene: 15 January 2022
Location: Metropolis University
Synopsis: Mary makes a new friend and meets up with an old one.
Cast of Characters: Mary Bromfield, Nia Nal, Koriand'r

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Saturday. A brief break before the chaos of Spring semester begins.
Mary Bromfield is relaxing for the first time since she moved here. The air is cold, but she is bundled up in warm sweaters and scarf, jeans and trail boots completing the ensemble. All she has to do now is wait for the semester to begin.

It's a little odd when your roomie is Supergirl, but there are a few bennies to the arrangement. They can talk and dish and commiserate about things they both understand.
Life's actually pretty good for Mary Bromfield. Settling back into the things that mean something, like becoming a nurse and having more to offer without needing any magic words.

Nia Nal has posed:
Nia is not relaxing. Nope. She's a cub reporter, which means she gets handed a lot of busy work. Today she was supposed to visit a professor at the college and collect some physical documents he had for another reporter's story. It was not glamorous, and it certainly wasn't what the girl had imagined doing when she went to Gotham U. But hey, the campus has an amazing cafe, and it kind of makes the trip worth it.

Nia steps up to the counter in the cafe when the line shortens, and she smiles. "Hi! Can I get an iced mocha and one of those pepperoni pizza stick things?" She fishes out her wallet to pay, giving the name 'Nia'.

She steps back, then, and looks about for a place in the outdoor cafe to sit.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary looks up and smiles. She was reminded of how she started out in this city. It also reminded her she had to be at her coffee shop job tomorrow.
She took a little glance around. In spite of the chill, a lot of tables were occupied. That didn't seem fair.

She sat up a little in her seat, then beckoned to the girl who was looking around, then pointed downward to her table.

Nia Nal has posed:
The girl catches the wave and smiles before making her way over. She's wearing a cute red and white dress, with a jean jacket. She stands beside the table, a hand on the chair.

"Um, you were waving at me?," she asks, making sure it wasn't to someone behind her or something.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
"Yeppers." Mary stood up. "If you're looking for a place to park your carcass, I'm the only one using this table and I don't mind company." She extends her hand. "I'm Mary."

Nia Nal has posed:
She grins and settles into the offered chair, then, setting her steaming pizza...thing, and her iced coffee down. She wipes her hands off and offers one in reply, shaking it. "Nia. Nice to meet you, Mary. Thanks. I didn't wanna be stuck standing."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary settles in again. "I know the feeling. Long-time barista." She winks. "Do you go to Metropolis University? I moved here from New York to finish my nursing degree, and this place is very popular with college students."

Nia Nal has posed:
she removes her purse and sets it down between her feet before she shakes her head. "No, no. I'm here for work. Picking something up." She leans in and stage whispers in a conspiratorial tone. "I graduated from Gotham U." She leans back again, then, grinning, and sips her iced coffee.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary holds up her hands. "Whoooo-hoooo, a GRADUATE..." She is smiling, though, and leans forward to sip her coffee. "Congratulations, Nia. What degree did you get?"

Nia Nal has posed:
"International relations. Minor in fashion. Not really that related." She grins at the teasing response to her and shrugs a shoulder. "And thanks. Haven't really put either to use yet, though."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary's eyes widen slightly. "Wow. That sounds pretty awesome. What kind of job can you get with that kind of education?"
She doesn't use the word 'degree' because that is a piece of paper. What Nia learned is more important.
"Is that something you can use to work at an embassy or consulate or something? Spill, please...!"

Nia Nal has posed:
"I wanted to get a job reporting either international politics or fashion. Maybe one day. I'm a reporter, like I wanted, but...I'm very much at the bottom of the reporter heap right now. Good stories do -not- go to me."
    "And yeah, I probably could! I don't think I could, though. Really official jobs still tend to be...well, harder to get for trans people." She's trans?

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary tilts her head. "That doesn't seem like it should be any of their business, though. If you can do the job, who cares about what you do in your personal life?" She smiles encouragingly, hoping she doesn't sound condescending. "Sorry. I just find it kinda stupid to hate someone because of something they have no control over."

Nia Nal has posed:
"Oh, I agree. And -legally- I can't be kept from jobs because of who I am, but..." She shrugs a shoulder. "That's the world." She takes a bite of her pepperoni pizza breadstick and mmmmmns softly. "It's a good thing the people at the Daily Planet are cool."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiles wryly. "Yeah...they're pretty cool about hiring people because of their talent without being too concerned with their backgrounds." She smiles suddenly. "I have a Planet reporter as a room-mate. Have you ever met Kara Danvers?"

Nia Nal has posed:
She blinks in surprise and laughs. "Of course I know Kara! Yeah, she's great. Really, really nice. And pretty." The last bit makes her clear her throat and take another long pull on her iced coffee, as if to cool her cheeks. "But yeah, Kara Danvers is good people. You're her roomie? Wow, that's insane."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary chuckles. "Yeah. We got a lot in common. Hopes, dreams, troubles..." She shrugs. "She's a good room-mate. We like to hang out together. Hey, maybe the three of us should hang out sometime? AShow you the new place?"

Nia Nal has posed:
"Sure thing. Hey, she still dating Peter Parker? She -was- dating Peter Parker." She says the name like Peter is someone she is very familiar with. She smiles, then, and nods. "That'd be great. I...well, not to sound totally lame but I don't exactly have a lot of friends since moving here."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary blinks. "PETER? Wow...small world. She HAD said he was a geek...and cute...and smart. Yeah, I'll bet dollars to donuts they are together now, based on what she hinted at."
She chuckled. "I met him a year or so ago. He had built a telescopic microphone for me. BUILT it. He loaned it to me for an assignment I was doing." She ponders. "Peter Parker...wow. You know him?"

Nia Nal has posed:
She grins a little. "It...is a small world. Um, I met him awhile back. When I first moved to the city. We...dated for awhile." Nia shrugs a shoulder. "Anyways, cool. Good for them if that's the case."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary giggles. "What are the odds? Okay, we're friends now. Just accept it." She smiles warmly to Nia. "And you're friends with Kara, too. So now you have at least one more friend than you had before."

Nia Nal has posed:
"Well, work acquaintances. I'd -like- to be friends with Kara, but...I mean...we had lunch once?" She shrugs and finishes off her pizza breadstick thingy. "But yeah. Being friends sounds great." She grins.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
"Well, we're all going to be friends now. I'm sorry if that sounds a little pushy, but seriously...we all know the same guy one way or another, so that HAS to count for something. I'm inviting you to hang out with me and Kara."

Nia Nal has posed:
She grins softly and tucks some dark hair behind her ear. "Well, okay. I accept. I have a feeling you wouldn't take no for an answer." Nia chuckles and sips her iced coffee.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins. "Trust me...we're super nice." She looks around. "Anyway, enough Six Degrees of Peter Parker. What do you like to do when you're not working for the Fourth Estate?"

Nia Nal has posed:
"Ummm. Honestly I'm working a lot right now. I'd like to have more of a social life, though. I try to date but...that doesn't work out most of the time. I watch movies. Read? You know...pretty normal stuff, I guess. You?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary hmmed. "Well...I work as a barista when I'm not going to school, but I like it. On my off time, I read. I like different kinds of books. Right now, I'm halfway through a book by Umberto Eco. FOUCAULT'S PENDULUM. It's a little hard to read sometimes, but it's about a bunch of editors trying to play a joke on occult fans that gets complicated."

Nia Nal has posed:
"You'll need to let me know where you're a barista at. Hopefully it isn't too far from the Planet, because I need constant caffeine," Nia replies with a lopsided grin. She nods, then. "Wow...sounds like an intense read."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary chuckles. "It's at the Brewed Bean. It's closer to the university than it is to the Daily Planet, but if you have a preference, we do have a delivery service. I think we have deliveries going to the Planet every hour ON the hour. I keep seeing the place as a ship floating on a sea of coffee."

Koriand'r has posed:
A streak of light, bright green and orange with a hint of purple was about all the warning most got. The motion and flare of energy breaking to reveal the rather recognizable silhouette of Koriand'r, better known as the heroine Starfire outside the modeling circles. Apparently completely unaware of the oddity of her appearance at the University coffee shop, the alien woman moves in, lifting her hand.

"Hello! I am looking for the heated chocolate beverage with the marshmellows?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
The barista at the counter looks startled. For a minute there, she is unable to respond. "Uhm..."

"I believe she means the hot chocolate deluxe, miss...?" Mary had gotten up to step in behind Koriand'r, suspecting something out of the ordinary and hoping to ward off any possible issues. This one isn't the kind of misunderstanding that is particularly egregious, but Kori can be...epic enough to short a few circuits.
The barista looks to Mary, then collects herself. "One hot chocolate deluxe, coming right up. That'll be $3.50, please?"

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori was a little on the 'strange' side, but she did at least understand how money worked, it was part of how she ended up with a job after all! Bending down, the woman fished into her boots, drawing out the small case and withdrawing the bills required before she placed them down on the counter.

"Thank you for your aid," she begins, turning to face Mary properly. Of course, she had to play as if she didn't know the other woman out of costume, such was the nature of having no dual identity herself, but then with how bright and friendly Starfire generally was? Who could tell?

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiled pleasantly. "No worries. Listen, I and a friend are seated outside. If you'd like to join us, I would enjoy the company."
She had met Kori once as Thunderbolt, and Kori had figured out the normal-looking Mary was actually Mary Marvel/Thunderbolt. Kori might seem like she is unaware of certain things, but she was not stupid by any stretch of the imagination.

"It's been quite some time...but I've moved back to Metropolis."

Koriand'r has posed:
An invitation taken, Kori moves with her mug in hand towards the offered table with a nod of her head. "I am honored to share a drink in your company," she speaks as they move out of the public space before her tone drops in volume, yet none of the joyfulness. "It is good to see you again. What brought you back to the city?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiled gently as they walked towards the table. "Well...I realized my education was better served going to Metropolis University. I'm working towards a degree in nursing and, although Empire State University is a good college, it's just not good for a nursing degree." She stops at her table, letting Kori sit before she does. Kori is royalty, after all, even if she may be royalty-in-exile.
"Koriand'r, this is Nia, a new friend. We met today, but I think she is a good person. She's on the phone and it sounds important, so we can say hi when she's done."

Koriand'r has posed:
Seat taken, Koriand'r nods, a smile on her lips as she takes a drink and a hand lifted to Nia in greeting if she looks her way, but otherwise the alien's attention returns to Mary properly.

"It is a good choice of profession, to be able to help those in need. Certainly it is a career that will always be required....and it is good to know where we might cross paths readily."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nods, setting her chair next to Kori's to speak more easily. "I have a talent for it, and I think that I have a lot to offer as a nurse..."

She leans closer to Kori to whisper, "...that doesn't include magic words."
She sits up a little again, then says, "You're looking well. What have you been up to while I was spending time in the New York City? I've been sadly out of touch and I was hoping to reconnect with my friends."

Koriand'r has posed:
"I have travelled, continued my usual duties. Things are...busy at the moment with the city, but we try and find time to look after ourselves as well."

Starfire lowers her mug, staring for a moment at the bobbing marshmellow she'd yet to claim before shrugging her shoulders. "It is the life we chose, and it is still thrilling to help people." A beat, her gaze lifts again with a smile. "And thrilling to have friends close by as well."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nods. "And truthfully? No matter what happens, I can't not help people. Even if I could do very little, it is not in me to turn away." She smirks, then lifts her mug. "To good friends."