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Coffee with the Chaos Speeder
Date of Scene: 15 January 2022
Location: Coffee of DOOM
Synopsis: Emma speaks to Madigan Belle and takes a rather bad impression of the sociopath
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Madigan Belle

Emma Frost has posed:
Why does she come to this place? Because the decor is unique and it's a change of pace. So Emma Frost is sitting over in a chair, sipping over upon a hot mug of coffee that's freshly crewed. Glancing up and over at the walls, and seeing no heraldry indicative of the reigning Monarch of Latveria, Emma Frost would just scan around. Not using her telepathy, but more surveying the room. There's always something possibly of interest here, and its' a good way to get a feel for how some of the locals are reacting to the Angelic Invasion.

Madigan Belle has posed:
Shuffling her way into the coffee house is one Madigan Belle. Her clothing speaks of the cold day today but her grin is big, and her eyes wide as she looks around quickly while coming in. Her walk is distinct due to the leg braces and crutch that she uses, swaying her hips to move her legs, letting the brace lock in place before doing so with the other side. A smooth motion from years of practice, but a slow form of locomotion. Up to the counter she goes, scanning the menu.

There might not be anyone scanning actively, but there's a lot of noises coming from this red head's mind. <<Chocoolate, chocolate, no, not, maybe I shouldn't, twelve donuts? Do they have 12, no, only 8>> A quick sniff of her nose, <<Oooh, more just arrived. I wonder if they use a bakery for everything, or just some of the stuff? Coffee, need coffee, could get 4 pumps of vanilla, who likes vanilla anything? Gross, great sugar content.>> "One vanilla latte, almond, no, soy, no, whole, no almond milk. Yeah, and make that 4 pumps of vanilla, 6 pumps of toasted marshmallow, and 1 blueberry. Thank you, oh, and 8 of these donut looking things, and one of those apple looking things, and three strudels, oooh, and some toasted brie and pear..." She smacks her lips, <<This is going to be soooo good, is it? Prediction, says, 87.8% likely. I like that level, not as good as the last place a few blocks down, but the decor is nice.>> A flood of non-stop thoughts off in a million directions, all within a few moments.

Emma Frost has posed:
The girl that's thinking very loud over is the type that's nearly impossible to not notice the equivalent of mental yelling and broadcasting. That sort of thing can normally only come from teenagers. So there's a somewhat intrigued look over from Emma Frost taht's given down to Madigan as the girl would keep up her rapid train of thought thinking.

The exact reference to probability gets Emma's full interest now. That's the sort of thing that one almost never runs into if one isn't skimming the mind of a scientist. And even then nothing in the sort of casual probability the girl gives. So Emma's now going to give some more ative scans and sweeps. She might be a guest at Xavier's, but she's still Emma Frost. Some sorts of quiet ethics she just is selective when it comes to acting upon. So as the girl keeps on thinking rapidly, Emma tries to go for a somewhat more active surface scan of her.

Madigan Belle has posed:
The active scans and sweeps of the redhead as she's just standing there, waiting, smiling, looking around here and there. <<4 people in the back, one in the room. Cars, 13 idling, tickling my feet a little, oooh, was that a bird? I think a bird pooped on someone's car, yay. Good job bird.>> And then there's a small look around, <<I wonder what it would take, 14 kilos of c4? Maybe 4, if done right, are any of these folks mutants? I wonder, could be, could be, there's too many to choose from. Is my game still idling in my backpack? I wonder if ...>> And at that moment, from the wondering, with such an active scan going. There's not 1 train of thought, not 4, but thousands. Branching out suddenly into millions of possibilities, thinking through various past events, games, just to determine.

<<98.3% probability my game is still running. That's sad, my leader board status is probably lost, gonna have to hunt that person in the first spot down. Bury them. Noooo, that's dumb, just play the game more, way less energy.>> Then she hears it, bliss, her excitement explodes, "Me, I'm Madi, yepyepyep. Over here? Could you bring them to me?" And she holds up her crutch. Lots of her desserts and drink are ready, she moves to the table and sits, thousands of ideas on how she'll approach eating the food suddenly washing out from her head, crashing against the shores of Emma's mind, simple, little decisions, and her brain races through large sums of options, significantly more than a normal person in the hundreds of folds more, and she seems consciously aware of most of them if not all. Keeping track, until, collapsing them into a decision.

Emma Frost has posed:
Now the girl has Emma's full attention when she's just contemplating how she could easily detonate the place. As the girl goes through routines; experiences; analyses Emma's eyes would widen before going to neutral. The girl didn't catch Emma's attention over as a fighter or have indications of a soldier or mercenary. Tht goes to narrow down the possible parameters of her quite more. So Emma's going to tryand then go about in her mind to see if at all possible she could dig up a name. Full name, if she had a supervillain nom de guerre.. Emma goes to try and dart along the consciousness of the girl as she would try and plumb her mind.

The rapid fire thinking is disorienting until Emma adjusts. It's not overloading. The point is that the girl has many, many different myriad things going through her head. So Emma prioritizes and sorts. As she is hopefully able to make up what the girl is considering, she would brush over the arious options and try to get to if she could to the end result and intent.

Madigan Belle has posed:
So much, a lot of thoughts rapid fire. Food comes over, and it all sort of focuses as she eats, humming aloud as she slurps down some of her coffee. Super happy, so happy, big bright smile as she consumes, wide eyes watching as the stuff disappears in front of her, and so focused. Noticing... crumbs falling, the explosion of flavors in her brain is extreme, more nuance, lighting up portions of her brain and subsequently thoughts that may not even exist in a normal human. This takes up so much bandwidth of her thinking that for a moment, Emma might not even be able to filter to names or other things.

In between bites and sips though, there's time for a skilled telepath to dive, and sift through all the junk being made by new experience. Madigan Belle. Her name, full name, some thoughts peel off from that, Madigan meaning little dog or fox (a compliment in Irish tradition, a sense of being loyal and useful historically, survivor and smart) and then Belle. Clearly there's only yellow dresses, books, and songs that connect to that, every time she thinks it or says her name. But is she a villain?

Digging, deeper, there are links to... events. Terrible events, experiments, stealing parts and pieces essential for living, from others. Giddly doing so, in just as happy of an experience, linked to as great of joy, as her eating. Vivid memories, exacting details with her extra level of senses and clearly photographic like memory. Genetic theft, genetic mixing, testing on others, to dire results, and more. Meanwhile, she still hums, sipping her coffee, eating her desserts, no negative emotion to past problems, no guilt, no remorse, no feeling even approaching the slightly wronged feeling she felt by no longer being #1 in a video game leader board.

Emma Frost has posed:
And then Emma Frost's eyes are very, very narrowed as she's going to slowly filter through the consciousness of the woman. Her eyes narrowed to thin slits ove ras Emma would ponder. So how to handle this.. Confronting her would be of little avail. But the woman before her is a monster and there is not much immediately she can do. But Emma meanwhile is going to try and fi she can sort through the woman's mind for more things. For information about contats, whom Madison has worked with, the technical details..

Emma is on a fishing expedition, once she has hopefully managed to figure out the process by which the other woman's rapid thought patterns woudl block her out to start to wait them out and start to get more specifics. Her eyes are narrowed to thin slits over as she goes through the mind if she could as a sociopath. The woman before her is a monster.. Now the question is how to get as much from her as possible.

So Emma's going through her mind, going to try and sort through things as best she can, while also looking for possible uvlnerabilities that could be exploited later on.

Madigan Belle has posed:
Distractions, food, greed, joy, simple pleasures, laziness. It all comes forward through the sifting process that Emma does in Madigan's mind. Easily distracted, disrupted, thoughts that spawn thousands of others, an easy distraction sending her spiraling off into a different direction... but, Madi's been like this for so long she comes back. It's like she puts a pin in an idea, and eventually finds her way back to it, but minutes? hours? Weeks? Later, and then. Bam. Back at an old thought or idea.

Clearly, this redheaded otherwise cute girl, who loves Disney despite being in college, loves food, despite being okay with sacrificing people for selfish scientific achievement, is indeed some kind of 'monster'. As for who she meets, her Uncle Oisin, not a real uncle but a 'family friend'. Works with a criminal organization, the O'Neill family, an Irish mob family, that's easy to find in her head. She doesn't think much of them, and as a narcissistic issue, doesn't even know their names. There's clear memories where someone is introduce themselves, but her thoughts are so loud and just derailed, distracted, and unconcerned about the person she doesn't get their name. Doesn't even know their rank, just resolving with 'What can this person do for me?' She doesn't even have fear of harm, multiple memories of meeting dangerous people, seeking them out, being giddy with asking them questions, some bad things happening to her but her mind's too far off that they seem like great stories instead of direct harmful experiences.

No other real connections come to light but she does deliver on drug needs. Working as a chemist as well, knowing full well where the drugs will go but collecting her percentage and thinking of the comics she'll buy, or the limited edition gaming systems, not who's life may be ruined.

Emma Frost has posed:
Now that she's getting useful information over from the girl, Emma would sit back in thought. Things filed away to pass along for later review and investigation.. She can't just go ahead and attack the girl right here or send someone to arrest her. Now.. She has to try and do something subtler here to try and make some things that are possibilities down the road. Emma's not quite able to get much more at this point as she can only access images, memories, and flickerings of emotion. Not where she can pick up necessarily more specifics.

Not without the girl fully restrained and her having the opportunity to take in a deep dive.

So Emma tries to think of something she can do to make the girl if not suffer since she doesn't seem to have the capaility to feel.. Misery and agony would do nothing, partiular iwth no frame of reference.. And not even sure if the girl -deserves- it.

So Emma for now just ruminates, going to try and press on the girl if possible a sense of relaxation and a lack of awareness of things giong on around her.

Madigan Belle has posed:
Useful information transmitted, while Madi meanwhile consumes, and consumes, and consumes. Not only would it be difficult to attack someone for doing 'nothing' in public, but Madigan is also a woman who has mobility issues. That wouldn't look good for the rich, well off, super model businesswoman Emma Frost. Publicity aside, though, it wouldn't be a bad idea. Instead, the thoughts keep coming until there's the sense of relaxation and lack of awareness.

At first it is rather calming, but soon, Madigan is struggling a little. The lack of awareness of things going on around her and the sense of relaxation conflict. She's regularly so in touch with everything going on, hearing things at great distances, seeing, feeling, and keeping track of all of them. Though Emma's strong, and could probably bully her into relaxation at least at first they contradict for the redhead and it causes her to pause a moment... not sip her coffee, her eyes go wide, and then start to simmer down again. Like a red alert was going off but then got turned into just a yellow alert, and who doesn't like blinking lights?

Emma Frost has posed:
Then there's Emma Frost smiling over as the girl goes to start to notice things. First, Emma Frost goes to try and suppress her sensation of alert. It's still there, but hopefully Emma is in effect short circuiting her brain. Attempting to try and cut her off from any internal sense of alarm that's going off and activating instincts. If it would work it would be in effect just 'it was nothing'. If Emma was being particularly skilled she might even cut it off entirely, to hopefully give the redhead no further sense of alarm from things or any real thoughts of paranoia.

Hopefully if Emma was good for the duration just shutting down her sense of alertness or any real capacity to realize that something was wrong.

Madigan Belle has posed:
Emma is strong enough of a Telepath and Madi has no formalized training to defend herself against it, that there's a lot of room for her to fiddle. The alarms go off, Madi calms, and there's lot of ability for anything to go on. Madigan slows down though, she starts to eat more slowly, thoughts slowing, and lots of other potential hurdles dripping away. Now, Madigan's physical brain is different than that of a normal human, so who knows how long these influences Emma puts in will last.

Emma Frost has posed:
Then Emma's smiling over as she figures what to do. To Madigan's mind.. It might not stick.. But Emma goes to temporarily suppress her sociopathy and lack of empathy. Emma goes to at least for a short term to give Madigan an overwhelming sense of guilt and realization as to what she had done. Just a conscience.. For however long it lasts.