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Latest revision as of 02:36, 18 January 2022

Night light Rescue
Date of Scene: 15 January 2022
Location: Crime family Safehouse.
Synopsis: Frank encounters Rave in some strife and lends a hand (or a bullet) on his way.
Cast of Characters: Naria Shepard, Frank Castle

Naria Shepard has posed:
This was...embarassing, humbling. There's plenty of things that Rave had been able to best, between her speed and her powers, not to mention the training she'd recieved from Canary...but she'd managed to stumble into something that had caught her off-guard.

Crashing a meeting between the Gambali crime family and one of their enforcers had been a stroke of luck, right up until it turned out that woman had been some sort of slime...thing. Nearly drowning in black ink, unable to burn her way out, punch her way out or speed away she'd thought herself dead.

So when she stirred it was...a little suprising. Eyes opening, the instinct to sit herself up was met with a harsh impact of her head. Pitch black, locked in a box of some sort? That was a problem. She'd depleted herself trying to get free, and without any source of light? There was no way to heal or recharge.

Outside she could hear voices, muffled as they were. From the sounds of things she was in one of their safehouses, several mooks trying to discuss what the hell they were going to do with the bluenette glowy girl.

Frank Castle has posed:
She's in that box for a while as things come and go.

It isn't until hours later that she feels more than hears the first explosion outside. Then multiple? Explosions? It's hard to tell inside.

That's clearly gunfire right after though. The sounds of a gunfight going on around Rave.

Naria Shepard has posed:
Gunfire? That was...unexpected. Her phone had been smashed in the first fight and she had just been on a random 'run' turned patrol, so she very much doubted that any of the Birds knew she'd been grabbed. There was only one hero or heroine she knew that utilized guns, but she hadn't seen the Batwoman in a while. Maybe a gang war kicking off? All she could do was hope someone would open the box.

"HEY!" she yells, kicking out hard enough that the impact of her feet reassured her she was still wearing her shoes and whatever she was in was very much made of metal. "Let me out of here!"

Maybe one of the goons would open it, then she'd just have to hope there were lights on in the room.

Frank Castle has posed:
It's only seconds later that the gunfire stops and the sound of boots can be heard on a floor outside.

A moment later, a voice, muffled, can be heard, "Back away from the front."

The sounds of high pitched whining can be heard, then a small explosion rocks the box... the lid goes ajar just a bit.

Freedom awaits.

Naria Shepard has posed:
Light, just a touch...but enough that it warps and flows as it becomes almost liquid, pouring into her skin. Her hair glows, her eyes come alight and Rave actually exhales a breath of delight before she lifts her hand and a blast of energy sends what's left of the box hurtling away from her form, revealing the young woman in her club attire.

Frank Castle has posed:
Rave actually comes out into what looks like a dimly lit basement of some kind. It's rather large, so it's under a large building.

There are about five bodies, four of them pooling blood, here and there. shell casings and explosion marks are here and there, though the majority are focused on the stairs leading up the door out.

Just nearby is a man in a black bodysuit and a black trenchcoat. If Rave pays attention to the news at all, she'll know the Punisher on sight, standing with his M16 idled against his chest, staring at her.

"Seemed like you could use a hand. You got this from here?" Frank grates out in question.

Naria Shepard has posed:
Glowing faintly, her locks and eyes still carrying their neon as she looks about the chaos and blood. She pauses, eyes wide at the death about her. Sure the young woman could conjure lethal laser beams, but she didn't tend to utilize that sort of thing on human beings. Climbing to her feet, the young metahuman who herself was relatively famous on her social media and the underground music scene? She knew that skull, knew what it meant.

"Oh...holy crap." A beath, a bite of her lip and she nods. "Thanks."

Frank Castle has posed:
"Good. I was doing surveillance when I got your antics on camera, then I followed them here. I think they were planning to sell you on the black market as a meta slave or something. I'm working on tracking them." Frank side kicks one of the dead goons, "When they don't report in in 20 minutes, their bosses will come looking. If you have anything you need to check on, that's your window."

Frank walks over to the living man, stares a moment, then nods, "I've got work to do elsewhere though. Good luck out there."

With that, Frank effortlessly grabs up and tosses the man over his shoulder in a fireman carry, M16 idled to his side as he heads for the stairs up.

Naria Shepard has posed:
Not a great thought, even Rave wasn't sure if she was going to be ransomed or just...thrown in the river in the box, neither idea appealing to her. She knew enough to know there were plenty of heroes who would probably pull Castle up, try and detain him...

This time? She was definately not one of those, she was going to let it pass. Exhaling a breath and giving one last look to the goons she lifts a hand in a little half-salute.

Then the neon speedster was gone in a streak of light.