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Path of Glory: Zadkiel's Message
Date of Scene: 18 January 2022
Location: Grand Central Station
Synopsis: Blaze goes to report to Sims about his meeting with Zadkiel. They end up having a bit of a plan.
Cast of Characters: Johnny Blaze, Jonathan Sims

Johnny Blaze has posed:
It was a wild night last night.

The streets of Manhattan are an active warzone and consistently patrolled by angelic forces...but Johnny couldn't resist the urge of Zarathos. He needed to hunt the guilty, for the stench of their sin and debauchery even reached him from outside of the city limits. Even still, Johnny went and found himself face to face with an old frenemy of Zarathos - The Archangel, Zadkiel.

After a brief confrontation and a show of character, Johnny Blaze was given incredibly sensitive information. With that in mind, Johnny immediately rides down to Grand Central Station, being a regular there nobody bothers to stop him.

But he comes marching towards Jon's office, knocking on the door. "Jon, need to talk to you. Have a sec?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon's 'office' is still just a room that has a table and a few chairs, though there's a side table with a kettle and tea things now, and a couple of duffel bags in corners. And a map of New York on the table, on which Jon's Archivist bracer has been placed at Grand Central Station, and a vial of soil placed on Battery Park. Jon's /just/ finishing tying off a couple of pieces of thread to the bracer when Johnny knocks. He straightens and looks over his work, then turns to the door.

    "Come on in... I was just finishing the setup for this spell I'm doing tomorrow. What's going on?"

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Even if Jon's office was basically a room with a table and a few chairs, an office space is still an office! At least in Johnny's opinion, he wasn't going to give Jon any bullshit about it. Though hwat he sees are multiple duffle bags, a map of new york, and the Archivist Bracer.

Huh, interesting stuff.

Though he notices what he's doing and Johnny tilts his head. "What kind of spell are you trying to do? Needle and thead binding?" He questions him, probably Zarathos prodding him to ask. Johnny was no wizard, but he was skilled and knowledgeable in black magic. Him being the conduit, and Zarathos possessing the knowledge.


"I had a run in with an Archangel. Zadkiel. Apparently he and the Spirit were great friends back in the day." the last bit said in sarcasm. But considering Johnny doesn't look none for wear, they probably avoided a fight.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "It's a, ahh... sympathetic connection. I'm making an energy circuit between here and each of the sites Michael's going after, to try to seal them down, at least until... other, more permanent plans are completed. Slows down his plans." Jon shrugs, and goes to sit down, gesturing for Johnny to sit as well.

    He blinks slowly as he sits. "The Archangel Zadkiel? Freedom, benevolence, mercy, the patron of all who forgive. He is said to be the angel who stopped Abraham sacrificing Isaac. One of the Holy Host's standard bearers. There's quite a nice painting of him as a Dominion in the British Museum, but I've always been partial to the image of him with a secptre and a flower in Warden, Northumberland..."

    Jon blinks and shakes his head. "Sorry. Ahh. I used to be Anglican, and they venerate pretty much all of the archangels that have been showing up. What's your connection to the angel of mercy?"

Johnny Blaze has posed:
"Yeah, I have a little bit of passing knowledge about him. Don't ask the Spirit though...found out something new about that. Apparently, Zadkiel and Zarathos were bonded. Zarathos would bring vengeance, and Zadkiel would grant mercy. Knowing when to give mercy and when to deny it is quite the talent. But, anyway, I digress." Johnny follows Jon's instructions and approaches to take a seat.

"But yeah, Archangel Zadkiel. Real piece of work, by the way. Mischievous, but...he gave me quite a few tidbits of information I found interesting. Firstly, he suggested that some of the angels are not presently riding with Michael. This could include him, I'm not entirely certain. I'm unde rthe impression the angels have no choice in this matter, but if other plays are at work...but I can't tell you. Of course, I'm probably repeating information you've heard before, since you guys have chatted with other Archangels in the past."

He takes a breath. "One of the six is in East Harlem."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon nods. "Several of the archangels have indicated they're not happy with this, but... I don't know about /all/ of them. And the way they work... they'll at least have to do a certain minimum of effort, I think." He sighs, and rubs at his temples.

    He frowns. "East Harlem? That's..." He pulls out his phone and pulls up a mapping app. "Was it narrowed down further at all? What /type/ of site? East Harlem specifically implies /not/ those churches near Central Park..."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Johnny nods softly to Jon. "Yeah. Try not to hurt your brain about it, these guys are mercurial. Even Zadkiel had that flash of mischief in his eyes." He tells Sims with a shrug. "But honestly? I suspect that if we can find a way to communicate with the angels without them attacking us, we might even be able to talk a few of them into going home. Of course, while Michael is still a priority danger, that's probably not happening."

Johnny shrugs. "A guy can hope, foolishly, but hope all the same." As for the questions about East Harlem? Johnny shrugs. "No idea. I'm gonna try and look for it, but no promises. It'd be best if I went with a group." Johnny tells Jon, though he seems to ponder a moment.

"and honestly, I've been ready to be a team player for awhile. Might as well put that to good use. Community area, more likely towards the residential area, where I spoke with Zadkiel. Decided it best to return with reinforcements in case shit hits the fan."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Alright. We'll focus on community and residential areas, then. And definitely send out a team--we know about Battery Park, but we'll need to stage another battle within at least a week or so to hold Michael's attention." Jon frowns thoughtfully.

    "Alright, I'll get a team together and send them with you. Can you... sense magical energy? If not, I'll be sure to send someone along who does, and can confirm the location. /Hopefully/ we can secure the location and draw the angels in once we're ready."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
"Sounds good to me."

Johnny nods softly to Jon. "I can, actually. Typically I can sense negative energy, but I've grown my senses to be able to detect magic in my vicinity. I should be able to find it, but just in case, I'll see if I can grab a friend to help out." He smirks a little bit. "Then let's stage another battle. I have an idea, by the way. Michael is order, right?"

He questions Jon. "So what if we made teleportation circles into the void? Remove angels from the fight so Michael can't ressurect them if we kick their asses." Johnny suggests. Finding a way to seal off the sites with that ritual of yours would make him work for it too."

"Agreed. We can ambush them."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon actually smiles for a moment at Johnny saying he can detect magic. "Oh, brilliant! Always a good skill to have in all this business."

    Then he frowns. "I... hmmm. Void would destroy them utterly, wouldn't it?" There's a nervous tension about him, with regards to using the energy of the void. "I know that angels that die are removed from this battle entirely once 40 minutes have passed, and can only be revived by one of those Holy Nukes that comes from destroying an archangel's form. But teleportation circles is a good idea /regardless/, yes. Maybe... traps of some sort, somewhere? Teleport them somewhere far enough away that they're considered out of the whole thing?"

    He sighs. "But the other is... worth looking into. I just..." He rubs at his face. "I keep worrying about messing about with powers I don't understand, but that's... personal. /I/ swore I wouldn't use that energy again. Someone else... potentially could, yes."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
"I'm sure you swore to powers greater than us that you wouldn't use that kind of energy again. But, I made no such promises. I know the dark magics, and I'm willing to pay the price for it." He tells Jon then with a far more serious expression. Though with Jon looking ecstatic that Johnny can sense magic, he seems to smile in a friendly manner. "Always a good skill. If I didn't have it, so many demons and wizards and other mystically-inclined would get the jump on me."

He hums though. "Yeah. I can try and put down some teleportation circles. They're innacurate anyway, so just being able to take them away from the battle and separate them from the main pack would be a big plus I feel like. Isolate them, have people ready to deal with the stragglers as soon as they try and get back in."

Leave Michael all alone, as best as they can, anyway. "I like this idea." See? Johnny can have a good idea every now and again!

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon hesitates a moment, then nods. "Gods help me, it /is/ a good idea. And entropy isn't /inherently/ bad, that energy isn't... /evil/, it's just..." He frowns. "I shouldn't be using it, that's not /mine/ to do, not with the role I've taken on."

    He regards Johnny quietly for a moment. "If you're willing to pay the price... I won't stop you. I know there are things we have to do, dark and terrible things. I just wish we didn't have to. But, well, then again, teleporting them to the void? That might not actually /hurt/ them at all. Who's to say? And even if it does..." He sighs, and shrugs, and then smiles ruefully. I'm never, ever going to like this war. I think it's best I just accept that and let people do what they can."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
THe hesiation is noticed. It's not easy being the Champion, and Johnny understands that in some way. Though the pressure on Jon's shoulders is going to force him to make decisions that his morality is probably going to disapprove of. But this is war...and they don't have the luxury of bein gentle with their enemies. Or perhaps they do, but not the time to do it correctly enough to spare the angels pain.

"It isn't evil, no. Just like the angels who slaughter us are not inherently evil. But all it takes is one bad egg to point the wrong direction. It'll buy us time, perhaps enough time to finish sealing up Michael's desired access points. The less ground we let them have, the better." Johnny tells Sims, though he nods softly. "I know this is hard. I know it sucks. But we're all in this together."

Johnny leans forward a little bit, elbows on the desk. "I hate this war too. If here's a way we don't hurt these guys too badly, I'm all for it. I just know that magic isn't too friendly like that." He tells him, and he gives him a nod.

"But, I'll start asking folks to get on the team. If you can send a few my way too, that'd be great."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon nods, and sighs heavily. "I've already had to do things I don't like. Magic should be... joyous. Wondrous. This..." He shakes his head. "Well. It is what we're dealing with, and there's no use whinging on about things we can't fix."

    Another nod. "I'll send some people your way, for certain. Let me know once you've got the spot sussed out... the spell will work far better if I have time to prepare, and if we can get some defenses in without the angels noticing, all the better." A pause. "Anything else, or was that all you needed to tell me?"

Johnny Blaze has posed:
"Yeah, magic should be all of that and more. But sometimes? Sometimes we can't play fair." Johnny frowns a little bit, the expression on his face telling. Yet, all the same, he seems to frown a little bit. "But maybe one day we can fix it. Try not to lose too much hope. That's my job." Johnny attempts to make Sims laugh, likely a poor one. But, as the plans are being finalized, Johnny gives him a thumbs up.

"That was all I needed to report. I'll keep you updated on what I find in the field, unless you're part of the team - then you and I can split the report I'd be sending you." another attempt at humor. Johnny is -so bad- at this.

"Let's buy the world a couple more days, yeah? Take care, Jon." he gives him a two-finger salute.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon does chuckle, if a little wryly, at both jokes. He's more easygoing than he seems to be, much of the time. "I do so /love/ reading reports," he says, completely deadpan. "Doesn't everyone?"

    Then he nods. "Take care... be safe out there. I'll talk to you soon." Then he turns back to look over the map, focusing on East Harlem with a furrowed brow.