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Latest revision as of 03:13, 20 January 2022

Lightning in a Mirror
Date of Scene: 20 January 2022
Location: Vasquez Residence
Synopsis: Freddy invites Morgan over and shows him his champion form.
Cast of Characters: Freddy Freeman, Morgan Finn

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    Freddy wasn't eager to leave Morgan's side after the encounter with the raging mutant that left the athlete in a coma. He's also very ashamed about revealing his Pantheon identity to two people. One was a Justice League member, so he's already spun that as a positive in his head.
    Morgan may be mad at him for lying, and so to avoid direct confrontation, Freddy left a note at Morgan's bedside. It reads, 'So we both have powers! Wild!" along with an address in the Queens. Presumably where he lives. Freddy has surprisingly neat handwriting.

Morgan Finn has posed:
What? Morgan mad at Freddy? Impossible. Morgan doesn't have very many close friends, and he considers Freddy to be one of his best. If Freddy needs help studying, Morgan's there. Need someone to hang out with and watch a game or shoot the shit, Morgan's there. If he needs a wingman for making contact with a cute boy, Morgan's got him. Best friends? Well, that's for Freddy to decide too, but Morgan really digs the little shit.

So he grabbed a subway and ended up in Queens at the address on the neatly written note. He goes up to the residence and rings the bell. He pulls his winter coat more snuggly about him and looks around as his warm breath cascades out into the freezing air.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    The doorbell rings, and there's some commotion in the background. The sound of young voices. A girl with braided hair opens the door just so her head's peeking through. "Hi! Welcome--" She's shoved out of Morgan's view and replaced with a more familiar sight.
    Freddy wears a black long-sleeved shirt, and jeans. He's, of course, armed with his elbow crutch. A nervous chuckle escapes him as he meets Morgan's gaze.
    "Hey, man," he starts. "You look...honestly, good as new. How'd you do that?"

Morgan Finn has posed:
Friendly Morgan gives the young, braided-hair girl an honest smile and a "Hi!" in return, then he laughs a bit as she's shoved aside. He looks really happy to see his friend, though. "Hey Freddy," says "I'm glad you're home. I prolly should have...should have called first or something." He shrugs. He's a little nervous too. At the comment about looking good as new, he peers down at himself, blurts out a small laugh, and returns his gaze to Freddy. "I eat a lot of salad?" he says playfully?

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    As Morgan speaks, Freddy's engaged in a brief brawl with his sister who's trying to push her way into view. "Haha, really?" He asks, distracted, as Darla shoves his face. "Let's go outside." The champion slips outside but not before grabbing a winter hat. It's a wool beanie with a fuzzball on top. The Wonder Woman logo is on it, and he brings it over his ears, shutting the door behind him.
    "Sorry," He mumbles before sizing up Morgan. "Sooooo, I kind of saved your life."

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan is sure to give Darla one of his winning smiles. It's just how he rolls. Always leave people with a good impression. Once Freddy is outside he gets immediately swept into a hug in Morgan's strong, athletic arms. "You did save my life. Fucking literally. As in, I would be dead right now if it wasn't for you. I ain't ever gonna forget that, my dude. Not ever." Then he stuffs his hands back in his jacket pockets. "Thank you," he adds formally.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    Freddy was hoping he could be smug about it for a little longer, but Morgan has him in a hug, and he just melts into it. It's a weight off his shoulders, to know that there are no hard feelings between them. "Mhm," He wraps an arm around Morgan. Morgan gets a few pats on the back before he steps away. "It's not a big deal, y'know. I save people all the time."
    "Because..." He licks his lips, rubbing the back of his neck. "Surprise, I'm a superhero. I guess it explains the obsession, huh."

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan's gentle chocolate-brown eyes sparkle enthusiastically. "Hell yeah you're a superhero, my dude. That shit was amazing. I don't know how you do it, but man...seriously.../amazing./"

Then Morgan's expression softens a bit and he gestures to Freddy with a flick on his chin. "Hey, I don't mean this to be rude because honestly you're perfect the way you are, but why don't you stay like that alla time? You know, because of the leg or whatever?" There is no judgement in his tone, merely honest and innocent curiosity.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    "Weird question," Freddy frowns and looks down. "Well, I mean, I have other things to do, right? I can't be a superhero all the time." It sounds like there may be more to it or perhaps that he's had this conversation before. He looks back up at Morgan. "I have a family and school. Why? Do you want to see him again?"

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan reaches out and grabs the back of Freddy's neck with his hand. As an empathic healer, his touch brings with it a light energy that some find pleasant. He gives the back of his friend's neck a squeeze and then stuffs his hand back in his jacket pocket. "My dude, you got a friend for life in me no matter what form you're in. And I hope I didn't offend you. It was just me being ignorant and curious is all. I didn't mean nothin' by it, kay?"

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    "It's not all bad," Freddy shrugs, letting the snarky mask slip away. "I have the best parents a kid like me could ever hope for, annoyingly amazing siblings, and can change into a lonely nerd's wet dream with a word. I feel like it'd be greedy if I refused to ever turn back."
    Then, he grins. "Still. Do you wanna see?"

Morgan Finn has posed:
The fledgeling demigod's face lights up like a sunrise. "Hell fuckin' yeah I want to see it again!" he exclaims. He isn't really sure what to expect so he kind of steps back a few steps to give his friend some room.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    "Not right here. Dork," Freddy takes Morgan's hand and leads him behind the house. Usually, he's not so touchy, but he feels weirdly good whenever he's in physical contact with Morgan. Perks of having a demigod friend. Once they're in his backyard, he looks around and steps away from the godling.
    Once he determines his neighbors aren't watching, he looks up and shouts 'SHAZAM!'
    The word summons a mystical burst of lightning that crashes into Freddy's body and alters it. Once the blinding light fades, the hero that remains is a striking sight. He wears a classic hero getup. The suit itself is a pleasing cobalt blue. He's also wearing golden boots, gauntlets, and a sash around his waist. A red half-cape that always seems to billow slightly in the wind completes the look. "Pretty fucking awesome, huh?" Pantheon bears a slight resemblance to Freddy...like he's been aged a decade and spent all that time in the gym.

Morgan Finn has posed:
With an excited laugh to see what's next, Morgan grips his friend's hand and follows him around behind the house. As Freddy steps back and says the word, Morgan's eyes light up. "Holy. Fucking. Shit." is about all he can manage other than an excited laugh. He steps forward and pokes Pantheon's shoulder with one finger just to confirm that this is all real.

"How old...how old are you in this form? Like...you look like an grown-up." He does a lap around Pantheon. "That uniform is bad ass. And you're ripped as hell."

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    Pantheon radiates power quite literally. Morgan's finger gets a small jolt of electricity, as he touches Pantheon. "Not sure. Older for sure," The champion adjusts some of the tighter areas of his costume. "All this is a gift from the gods. The same that Wonder Woman knows."

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan laughs as he pulls his finger back from the electric shock. When you can heal from nearly anything, you don't have the same relationship with pain that others do. He glances as his finger for a moment. "Freddy, this is amazing. So, like, what can you do? My memory is a bit hazy from the other day. The doctors said he's called retrograde amnesia, which I guess is common with head injuries."

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    Pantheon's feet lift a foot off the ground, as if by instinct. "I can fly. Obviously. I've also never met anything that can hurt me! Besides the one time," The 'one time' was bad. "I'm very fast and very strong. Smarter, too." He soars around Morgan. "Look, I'm just better like this. There are probably powers that I don't realize I have too. It took time to figure out how it all works."

Morgan Finn has posed:
There can be no doubt that Morgan is blown away by this magic, and his beaming face and glittering eyes show that he is happy for his friend. There's no jealously at all, just sheer delight and pride to know someone of such power. But after a few minutes, he crosses his arms across his chest and rubs his chin with the fingers of one hand.

"You are wise and powerful like that, no doubt, but don't underestimate one amazing quality you posses as Freddy."

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    "Oh?" Pantheon hovers before Morgan, hands on his hip. Heroically. "And what would that single quality be?"

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan says simply in a low tone, "Your humbleness. You live in a form that is small and has a lame leg, and that shapes everything you do and see and say. I liked you the first moment we met because you were different. You lacked the swagger of the jocks and the snobbery of the academic nerds." He smiles. "You're an awesome little dude as Freddy. But you do you, and no matter what form you're in you have me as your friend always."

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    "D'awww," Freddy blushes. "You're sweet. I bet that's part of //your// superpower or something. Anyway," He floats away. "SHAZAM!"
    Lightning strikes the hero again, and Freddy returns. "Do you want to go inside? I think Rosa should be just about finished with dinner."