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Latest revision as of 05:15, 18 March 2020

A deal he couldn't refuse.
Date of Scene: 18 March 2020
Location: Central Plaza - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: After discussing the state of affairs at Happy Harbor High, there was much pie to be eaten.
Cast of Characters: Daniel Hastings, Morrigan MacIntyre

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel gestured for the good principle to lead on with whereever she had to attend.. and he follows at a half step behind. "Burning ears? Not much of a problem for me.. though I must say that Canadians do /not/ tan well. At all. We end up looking.. well.. like we are part lobster really. So I prefer cloudy days. Odd, I know." He smiles amusedly and brings his hands to clasp behind his back. "So. The question becomes.. since I can't exactly take on a multitude of classes given my other.. time constraints.. I was hoping to teach physics or astronomy. Assuming you have classes for the latter."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"It's a joke. Just means you knew someone was talking about you." Morrigan muses as she walks with the other Doctor. "I don't tan at all." she admits to that as they walk. "And we can fit in a class on Astronomy or Space if that is something you'd like to teach. I know some High Schools have Earth and Space classes and things of that nature." she tells him. "Your pick." she smiles to that.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel Hastings blinks. "Come now, Doctor. Am I that dry? I was pulling your leg." Ears have been burning that idiom for centuries. "I.. you know.. do you have a planetarium? Or.. an auditorium I could make dark for projections? I truly think that I could get behind that." In fact, he seems to have straightened a little, eyes brightened. "Astronomy that is. I'll be sure to toss a dash of math in there so they at least know how the planets revolve around the sun so they don't go home telling their parents they looked at pictures all day." He winks.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"And maybe I was pulling yours in return." Morrigan gives a wry smile. "And we do have an auditorium...and a theater I believe." she tells him with a nod to that. "We can make adjustments to that as you need of course." she states. Then there's a laugh to that, "Well, anything that is interactive and enriching will be good for them." she admits. "Have you...had dinner yet?" she asks him.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Touchee, doctor. Touchee." Daniel laughs and dips his chin to the pale woman. "But that is good news. Assuming time allows.. and I doubt it will.. I'll let you know and take on a few dedicated physics courses.. but let's start small for now, hmm?" Her last questions seems to set him to pause a moment. "Ahh. In point of fact, I have not. I could be persuaded.. if that was a suggestion and an offering.. do you have a preference?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a soft smile to Daniel, "Hopefully time will allow. Spring Break starts Friday so we'll have two weeks off and workers could get in for that if needed." she admits. "And...I've not eaten since breakfast...and I want pie as it's my birthday." she laughs. "There's a diner not far from here, nothing fancy, but...if you want to talk over food instead of an office." she offers.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Pie.. on your birthday.. and you expect me to somehow turn my nose up at you and leave you without company or delightful pastries?" Daniel seems.. incredulous. "You must think me a monster." He breathes a faint laugh and dips his chin. "Not only will I accompany you.. it will be my treat. In any case, I could use some insight as to the places to eat around here if I'm to be a regular. Don't you think? So I will be schooled and enjoy pie. My day just keeps getting better and better."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile to that, "You really don't have to pay, but I thank you for it." she tells him softly as she heads for the office. Obviously coat and things need to be grabbed. "I like pie over cake. I don't know if it's that odd." she admits. "And sure, we can introduce you to a place. It's just this little mom and pop place." she states. "Did you want to drive or I can. Doesn't matter to me." she smiles to that.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Drive." Dan gives pause and looks to her. "So. About that. I.. don't have a domestic driving license, you see. I.. should get one. And so.. if you drive, I pay. There, see, equitable. Surely, you cannot object to that." He smiles again then gestures for her to lead the way to.. presumably.. the parking lot?

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Oh, well, it's nothing that I'll poke at you about." Morrigan chuckles as she heads towards the parking lot. The car she has is black. Looks like a newer Challenger. Tinted windows because that's what helps somedays. "Umm, yeah don't laugh." she tells him. "So are you going to get your lisence or are you just going to mysteriously show up everywhere?" she asks.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"There is such a thing as the metro." Daniel replies as he finds the seatbelt and straps himself in. "Though I have had my eye on a lovely little Triumph.. sadly it's been deemed a 'classic' and is a trifle outside of my pay range. Perhaps, I could live dangerously and buy something new. Do you.. have any recommendations?" This, he asks as he looks at the console of this muscle car he's found himself in.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan slips into the car, depositing the phone and wristlet into the center console. She smoothes the skirt that she's wearing down and then starts the car. "A Triumph as in a motorcycle? That would be fun. Might pick up a lot of ladies with something like that." she smiles to him as she pulls out of the parking lot. "I like Dodge and I was debating trading this in for something smaller...more economic." she states. "But if I have a long night I like to take this out and just drive." she muses.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Glancing to her, Daniel shakes his head, "Ahh no.. the Spitfire. Jaunty little number. Convertible. Nothing glorious.. just.. fun." He smiles. "Not that I've ever driven one. One of my brief forays into random searches on the Google was classic British motorcars." A beat. "Apparently, I am older than most of them." Small sigh. "Dodge.. I'm not familiar. This one you mean?" He points at the interior of the vehicle. "It is a little large.. though the motor's got a hearty thrum to it. I could see why you enjoy it."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Oh! The Spitfire. That is a great looking car." Morrigan tells him. Though something makes her look to him funny, "You're what...thirty at the most?" she asks him. "And yes, Dodge is a brand of car maker." she tells him with a nod. "If you're older...you aged really well." she muses to that. Well...her dad was in his two hundreds, so hey.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Ah. Yes. What I mean to say is that if you're going to call a car a classic.. go with the Rolls Royce Phantom." Daniel amends with a chuckle. "Think about it. They even made a point in using it in that Indiana Jones movie. The Shah even liked the color." Reaching out, he stroked the dashboard. "So what is this one called? I do like the finish.. is this leather or.. a composite?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to him, "Those are beautiful cars, but, I already feel like people think I'm an eccentric Billionaire already." she chuckles to that. "Oh, you know what Indiana Jones is though, that's good." she grins to that. "This is called a Dodge Challenger Hellcat." she tells him. "They are special editions." she tells him. "The dash is composite. The seats and things are leather." she explains.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"I think.. I am definitely going to be able to portray to doddering eccentric Englishman who's out of touch with their students.. quite well." Daniel offers after he lets things sink in. "Are you sure, I'm the best option you have? Though.. there is one thing in my favor. If I drop out of date references.. they'll never know. Unless you have foreign students at the school?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Just wear a lot of tweed and huff a lot and I think you'll be fine." Morrigan tells him with a smile. "And I think you'll be good for the school and the students." she admits to that. "You've got the education to back it up and for some reason...I don't see you being one of those teachers that like to throw erasers at them." she muses. "Define...foreign?" she asks as she turns into a small diner parking lot.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Not born in the United States but still local to our solar system." Daniel replies with a sort of laugh as he looks to the diner she pulls into. "Ironic that I have to be that specific. Wait. Local to the planet. I really ought to have a look see at the local planets. See if we really are alone in this system after all." A beat. "Come to think of it.. I should probably talk to someone in the office about that."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to him after she's parked and there's a bit of a chuckle, "Doctor Hastings...we'll need to talk about those things. Especially when some of our students aren't local to our solar system." she admits to that. "I mean..." she sighs as she leans her head against the steering wheel. "We have a lot of special students." she whispers. "And it's a lot to talk on." she states as she raises her head.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel Hastings takes a slow deep breath. "Which may well be why the home office wants a few people.. about. To keep an eye on things." A sanguine observation to be sure. "An eccentric Brit in tweed may be just what you need and.. the home office may consider it an assignment of sorts. Barring borrowing me for other efforts." He smiles 'reassuringly' then gestures to the diner. "But. Enough of that. You have free pie waiting for you... and after.. I may take you to a pub I know and entertain.. though if you tell a soul I will deny everything."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to him and there's a bit of a smile, "Another SHIELD Agent in the school?" she asks. "I think we can handle that." she nods to him. "And I appreciate the dinner and things. I don't usually celebrate...so it's nice." she tells him. Then she's moving to get out, "A pub? Are you going to be dancing on a table or something by the end of the night?" she asks him with a chuckle.