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Latest revision as of 22:51, 20 January 2022

Storm and Husk on patrol in NYC. Sparks a flyin
Date of Scene: 20 January 2022
Location: Downtown Manhattan
Synopsis: Johnny kisses Paige, reporters flood the scene, the couple flee!
Cast of Characters: Johnny Storm, Paige Guthrie

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm hovered where in the air nearby Paige's point of arrival, an emberous figure of slowly rolling bands of black, orange, and red. "The pic was a nice touch. I'll treasure it." he offered above the audible ripple his burning made.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie is dressed more casually than when they first met. A simple white blouse, and some very well broken in jeans are what the farm girl has on, along with some comfortable shoes for walking. Hair ina serviceable ponytail. "I'm glad you liked it, Mr Johnny. So what did you have in mind to... patrol?"

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm lowered himself to the ground, flames turned cool blue and then flapped out revealing the blonde haired, blue eyed, hero in his sleek F4 uniform. "Wait here until another call comes in." he steps forward and offers Paige Guthrie a hug in greeting. "Good to see you again Paige, wasn't expecting your call so soon."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie is a little surprised at the hug, but she easily returns it. Looking Johnny over, seeing him dressed so differently now. She smiles. "Waiting for a call, ah, I see. So. What did you end up doing? If movies didn't work. What did you end up doing with yourself?"

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm explained, "I was here last night when they attacked and took out a couple blocks. A big one named Metatron." he kept his hand on the small of her back, maintaining contact. "Felt like it wasn't over, couldn't just leave. So I kept on around after the Lantern flew everyone to safety. Met up with some Mage lurking around near an old subway entrance, poked around under the street looking for answers, nothing conclusive. Then you sent me a pic of your feet, and I was like hell yeah, lets see what Paige is up for."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie laughs. "Well with a comment like that, it only seemed fair." She inhales sharply, and gathers herself. "IT's all such a big deal. But if people have evacuated... I mean. People have evacuated the island, right?"

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm glanced around seeming less than confident "You'd think." he agreed, seeming to look around for someone in charge. "You can take care of yourself, right? In a fight?"

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie looks up to the man, and nods. "Yeah. You don't have to worry about that." She looks down at her blouse, then back up to him. "So if something actually happens, it's fine, Mr Johnny. But I mean, the movies. What did you end up doing instead?"

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm explained, "F4 and Justice League is pretty much a full time gig these days. I did drive race cars for a while. Like to get back to that one day when things calm down." he paused a beat, "If things calm down."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie nods, and takes a deep breath. LEaning slightly on the hand on her back. "I see. So it didn't work out at all. You see, there are so many X students Most of them don't end up on teams. Most have to get real jobs. So I'm looking while I start college classes."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm kept his hand in place pressing the full flat of his palm to her back. He listened intently as she spoke, nodding absently and then replied. "Do you wanna work a square job, or do you want this life?" he offered himself as example.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie inhales sharply, looking back and up t Johnny. She flexes her hands, shifts her feet. "This feels harder, but easier at the same time. But not everyone can do it. Not everyone can afford it."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm moved his hand up her back and down again, attempting to sooth, then he removed the hand entirely. "Well. I suppose theres something to that."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie turns around when the hand lets off of her. Stepping in front of Johnny. She tilts her head. "It's easier to keep doing this,b ecause it means I don't have to make any decisions. I don't have to take risks."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm folded his arms across his chest and waited a moment in silence. "Well. Maybe you'll change your mind later. Or maybe it'll prove out right." he shrugged "I'm the last guy to tell you which way the wind blows, but I can tell you its windy."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie tilts her head. "Are you... are you telling me I shouldn't go out and... help people like this, Mr. Johnny? That I should get a regular job and duck my head?"

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm laughed and raised his hands defensively, "Only thing I told you was to meet me in Manhattan. I didn't tell you to send me a picture of your feet, I didn't tell you what to wear here, I am not telling you to work at Walmart." he poked at her gently, making contact again. "You make up your own mind."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie steps closer now. Resting her hands on his hips unless stopped, and laughs. "But that's just it. I don't know. I thought trying to learn to act would be good, but then you tried so hard to scare me away from it. I might try anyway."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm watched as she made her move, resigning himself temporarily to her touch and control. "You're not afraid of me, you're not afraid of anything." he said, half laugh half affirmation.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie smirks a little. Taking a deep breath through her nose, as he reacts in that odd way. Staying in place, she gets up on her toes, looking him in the eye. "Should I be afraid of you, Mr. Johnny?"

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm waited a beat and lowered his voice to a hush "Probably oughta be the other way around." he said, nodding sagaciously at his own words, lowering his head closer to hers and canting at an angle, his eyes watched her lips for any sign of hesitation.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie makes no such hesitation. Standing there, she holds her breath, staring at him, seeing what the much more experienced man has to say. Or do.

Johnny Storm has posed:
Storm was so close she could feel the heat coming off his face, it seemed a long pregnant moment of waiting and waiting and then ...BLAM... his lips pressed into hers, a kiss for the ages and for the media that had been starting to gather nearby. Flashes went off from cameras on phones and the more expensive variety weilded by stringers and reporters and other night crawlers. Equally, a rousing cheer 'Ayyyyyyy!' went up, and applause ripled around them. Everyone loves a love story, and this town had been beaten up enough in the last week, it was primed for some quality distraction.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie can't help it. The farm girl does go red faced when there's a REACTION to this guy kissing her. He's so famous. She blinks, swallows, and leans in close to whisper "Maybe we should go."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm leaned in close so he could speak into her ear without being heard or lips being read. "Well, you're famouse now." he said ruefully. "Sorry in advance." then he did his best to wave them through the crowd. "Alright, alright you guys had your fun. Give the lady some room, shes not used you louts. Oh hey Olsen. Carter. Ok come on, do me a favor, make a path." and after snapping a few more shots of the redface belle, they aquiesced allowing the couple to escape.