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Latest revision as of 22:52, 20 January 2022

Anachromisms About Archaeology
Date of Scene: 20 January 2022
Location: Spyscape Museum
Synopsis: Lara and Sarah talk about chasing mystery throughout history! Woo Hoo!
Cast of Characters: Sarah Rainmaker, Lara Croft

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
The Spyscape Museum is not -quite- as thrilling as it claims to be. If one's been to places like museums in MOscow, the KGB Archives or the Stasi Archives in Berlin have far more vivid selections.. But it's still amazing and unique. It's a classy sort of place focused on tradecraft in the broader picture.
    Currently going through it, Sarah Rainmaker is looking over a display on the creation of one off encryptions with a smile over on her face. Wearing a too-large sweatshirt with a 'Gotham Rogues' team picture on it and reviewing the displays, she's just sort of humming while watching.

Lara Croft has posed:
    Lara is not dressed like a spy, but of course, that is exactly what a spy should dress like. She's got her phone out. It's a ruggedized thing that looks like one could chuck it through a brick wall and into an ocean and still find it working afterward. She swipes her finger over the screen, taking some notes on this or that. She stands near the other woman, peeking at the nearby enigma machine. She ponders it. It's not quite the occult masterpiece that usually draws her attention, but it's still very interesting.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would glance over at Lara for a moment, taking in the rugged girl almost appreciatively. "Hello there." She would look over at teh enigma machine. "Lovely piece of history here isn't it? The way they rigged them all up for ease and manual calculations?" She's trying to show off a bit. Though what she's saying isn't -quite- accurate. It was still very much a manual cryptographic generator; not something that did cacluations.

Lara Croft has posed:
    "If you say so," Lara says. She smiles quite politely. "Spying is kind of out of my usual expertise. I'm an archaeologist, mostly," she continues. It's not exactly inaccurate, but it's not like anything she finds is usually bound for a museum.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would glance over at Lara, "Oh, lovely. So you're going into deciphering a whole different other type of things. Picking up mysteries, looking over them for clues.."

Lara Croft has posed:
    "Something like that," Lara says. She shrugs. "My father had a passion, and I suppose I inherrited a lot of that." She gestures at the enigma machine. "Even so, this is far newer than most things I've interacted with." She swipes some more notes before pocketing her phone with her left hand and extending her right. "I'm Lara," she says.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would offer her hand over, "Charmed. I'm Sarah." She would offer. "And you're following in your.. Father's footsteps." Shaking Lara's hand. "And I suppose not everything can be ancient and unfathomable. Tell it to the poor paleontologist."

Lara Croft has posed:
    Lara gives a half-smile as she stares at the WW2 cryptography artifact, remembering the juvenile tyrannosaurus decorating a wall of her home in Surrey. "Quite," she says. She takes in a breath and lets it out. "I believe we're entering an age when very little will be able to be handed down, yet much will be unable to be forgotten." She looks at Sarah. "Archaeologists of a thousand years from now will look very different, indeed."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would sigh, "Yes. I mean.. What's going to happen however long now and they find the planet littered with plastic cups, large neon signs for advertising fast food, and all the garbage that this planet is going to leave behind for however many thousands of years after?"

Lara Croft has posed:
    "Plastic eating bacteria," Lara says, "Neon signs are relatively short-lived in the grand scheme of things, and most garbage dumps of today will be mined for resources in the future, I'd wager, unless we get asteroid mining that's cheaper. No, the true legacy we are leaving is radioactive and climatalogical, I would wager," Lara supposes. She looks at the enigma machine. "Data storage being what it is, unless things are left to deteriorate, software will be archived somewhere. I wonder if, in ten thousand years, humans living in the cool, Antarctic plains, away from all the uninhabitable equator and radioactive dump sites, without any life in the oceans, will be playing Doom for history class."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would sigh, "Thank you for that lovely little mental visualization. It's not like we have to deal with just messing up the planet for the next hundred lifetimes. We being humanity.." She would look irritated; moreso in the grand scope of things. But also crinkle her eyes in amusement at Lara.

Lara Croft has posed:
    Lara smiles as she huffs out an almost-laugh. She doesn't apologize. "I could be mistaken," she says. "The ozone layer hole is essentially healed, and there was news story about robots being developed to clean the oceans. It's possible that, in a few decades, we'll talk about how bad climate change was predicted to be while we were burning so much. And hey, radioactives could be disposed of with some advanced future tech." She looks around at the other exhibits. She's almost window-shopping as she looks at what can be seen from where she's standing. "I think I'm spied out," she admits. Looking at the other woman, she says, "I hope I didn't paint too dismal a picture for you."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would shrug over, "Oh, in that case we'll have to deal with other things. Alien invasions, I'm sure at some point someone from the past will time travel to now, then threaten to enslave humanity for what we've done to the world that they planned to inherit however many centuries from now.." She would tap on her fingers. "A random god being that decides to correct us for our failure of worship when we bow down to false consumerist idols.."

Lara Croft has posed:
    "Angels invading to smite sinners?" Lara asks, raising an eyebrow in just a hint of sass. She shakes her head. "You're right, of course. Despite everything, when I dive into the past, I sometimes forget that the world has expanded to a universe in the span of less than a decade. We are standing at so many threshholds. I have no doubt that aliens can help us clean up the planet, but a god being smiting us for refusing to worship may be something we have to simply endure."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would laugh, "And this world has.. However many gods upon it? I think we're past the point of getting to say whether anything in the past is mythology anymore. So what' sit like looking at history and ancient things and having the beings themselves from them here that were worshipped feel like?" Then she woudl shake her head, "I'm sorry, that's a.. Hard question."

Lara Croft has posed:
    Lara considers the question for a moment. "I actually am not sure," she says. "There's discrepancies that make me wonder if what we have historically is stories of these beings or if sometimes belief shapes the beings themselves. In Norse mythology, for example, Thor is ginger. Did he dye his hair, can he change it at will, or did his worshipers shift? Did they change his hair color in stories or did they begin to believe he was blonde, and thus the man who shows up in news stories is no longer ginger?" She shrugs. "Frankly, I have no idea."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would smile, "Well.. Then you can go ahead and ask yourself if you'd want to go up and talk to Thor on it? Or go to Wonder Woman and ask her perhaps why Hera is considered the patron saint of her island?" Which may not be accurate, but Sarah wasn't exactly known for knowledge on that.. "All those mysteries, at least have accessible answers if one is willing."

Lara Croft has posed:
    Lara considers. "I hadn't considered asking her that," she admits. She admits that as if she had had conversations with that person and subsequently talked about other things. "Perhaps I will. I admit, I have been distracted by things such as being on the moon." She mentions that like it's the most ordinary thing in the world to admit.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would give Lara a stare with a 'well why not'. Then she would glance over. "I take it that unlike HG Welles postuled, it was not made of green cheese?" She would offer this in the tone of voice that one might go about telling Virginia Santa Clause was real, but also an arch supervillain.

Lara Croft has posed:
    Lara smirks. "Not the parts I saw. I was not on the regolith or wearing a space suit. I was inside a building. It had artificial gravity, but it was turned off locally to allow me to bound about." She looks upward. "It's given me a whole new appreciation for other worlds, having walked on one."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would just slowly blink over at Lara, "That sounds.. Unique." The Gen-Active girl would take a moment to process all of that and then be able to reply after some moment's thought.
    "And completely terrifying."