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Latest revision as of 03:04, 19 March 2020

Movie Night
Date of Scene: 19 March 2020
Location: Rec Room
Synopsis: Josh meets Gabby and Laura. There was only some stabbing and very little blood.
Cast of Characters: Joshua Foley, Laura Kinney, Gabby Kinney

Joshua Foley has posed:
Sure it is a Wednesday evening but that doesn't mean there aren't impromptu movie nights in the rec room.

The movie that was somehow democratically determined by the various students gathered is streaming Corpse Bride on Netflix. It was the compromise between the new Pet Cemetary the older kids wanted and a cartoon the younger kids wanted. Some adult was probably involved as a mediator.

Josh doesn't really know anyone, it has only been like a few days since he arrived and yeah no real friends or heavy knowledge of the cliques yet. Right now he finds himself curled up in a chair way in the back of the room wiht his phone, now that he has school wifi it is not an utterly worthless piece of metal so he is checking the news and perusing events while keeping an eye on the door to the room.

Some nervous energy from the teen, also a good deal of mope.

Laura Kinney has posed:
     Laura usually wasn't one for social gatherings. On the other hand... movies. Which ahs her located in a beanbag, with a bowl of popcorn and 2 liter of sprite all for herself. Not like anyone's complained or tried to demand their own share, at least not to her face. Gabby's probably around here somewhere, and the younger teen seems to like spending time with her sister. So, extra layer of reasoning to be here.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
With a movie called Corpse Bride of course Gabby was bound to be excited. At least until she started watching it. Which is precisely why she'd let her attention wander off to the side, and had somehow managed to not gain the notice of Laura as she leans forward on the coffee table. With a switchblade in hand she lightly taps it between the outspread fingers of her other hand, occasionally pausing to glance up at the TV when some noise or another catches her attention.

Joshua Foley has posed:
Well it is a compromise movie really. Which means it isn't making anyone completely happy with it by the nature of it being a compromise.

Some of the older students have meandered out and the younger ones are having trouble following it. Win win for everyone, or is it no one.

The noise of the switchblade playing on the coffee table actually gets Josh to look up from his phone and blink over to Gabby. His head tilting a little bit. He slips up to his feet and walks over leans on the back of the couch now to watching Gabby play with the knife.

This is more interesting than the show in is opinion.

Laura Kinney has posed:
     Laura can be /very/ quiet when she wants to be. It's a very useful talent, and a few minutes after the noise of metal and wood attracts Laura's attention, she ghosts up beind Gabby. Still carrying her popcorn and soda. Some is popped into her mouth and crunched.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. This wasn't the impressive speed-reflex sort of manuever that some might see on a movie, but someone simply practicing. There were a few notches in the wood of the table by now which almost made it easier to ensure the blade of the knife didn't slip. It just slid into the groove already there. Still, Gabby was no pro at this. Slowly she works up the pace to be faster... and faster...

And then she feels the eyes of others on her.

Slooowly lifting her head she tips it all the way back to peer upside down at both Laura and Josh as they watch from behind. A large, overly innocent grin is given. "I'd say this isn't what it looks like but it totally is, I guess," she reasons as the knife goes down again without her looking.

And slips this time, naturally, earning a little slice along her finger along with the tang of metallic blood filling the air for those sensitive to such things. Oddly Gabby doesn't even flinch or seem to notice.

Joshua Foley has posed:
When Laura comes up so quiet eating popcorn, Josh looks sidelong at her then at the popcorn, then at her. He gives a nod of hello though before looking back down to Gabby.

Right in time to find her looking at Laura and him upside down like that. "I looks like your slow carving your initials into a coffee table." he quips, and then well she stabs herself with the knife and doesn't even flinch or seem to notice. "Woah."


"Are you a healer too?"

Laura Kinney has posed:
     The soda is placed on the floor, during which itme Gabby gets about two more *thock*s before the knife is deftly removed from her hands by her older sister. "Gabby. I have told you about no knife play without a healing factor..." Laura blinks twice. That cut... isn't bleeding any more. In fact, there isn't a cut any more. "Which you apparently have and did not tell me. THis would have been useful information. Also you are damaging a very expensive table. If you had asked, there is probably a wood shop class somewhere that would have loaned you a board." She sighs. Why is having a family again suddenly so stressful?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"What?" Gabby looks confused at Josh, then starts to look back down as the knife is pulled from her hands. The little splash of blood on the table is a ready indicator of that. "Ooh no I can't feel pain," she explains to him. It seems she's about to say more when Laura points out the healing. The darn thing was such a small nick it was already gone. For a half a moment she just stares at her hand and the table before holding it up with a gasp that was just a bit too late to be authentic.

"Ohmygosh look at that! I can heal! It's a miracle!"

Green eyes flit between Josh and Laura to see if either is buying it. Newp.

A deflated little sigh is let out in response to Laura as she has the decency to hang her head a little. "Uh. Yeah. Sorry."

Joshua Foley has posed:
Josh watches the knife being taken away, okay that as a smooth snatch as well. He looks at Laura again then looks at Gabby. He tilts his head a little bit watching the back and forth between the two girls who do look a bit alike just not the same age really

He humms a bit then grins at Gabby's reaction. "Well.. that is cool. I can heal too evidently. I was told it was kinda rare.. I think explosions are less rare from what I can tell.." a shrug.

Laura Kinney has posed:
     The knife is wiped off with a napkin, and then Laura pockets it. More napkins are placed on the table. "We will need to get some disinfectant wipes. Please do not conceal crucial information from me again in the future, okay?" And she fuzzles Gabby's hair. See? She can totally do the big sister thing! As for Josh... he gets a stare of his own, before the dark haired teen hodls up one fist. Twin metal claws slide out through the skin between her knuckles before retracting again, the wounds healing just as easily. That should be explanation enough. "Explosions are extremely painful."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney disinfects the way she always does: Sticking her finger into her mouth to suck the spot clean. Of course there were other things that needed disinfecting but at least her finger wasn't it now. "Sorry," she mumbles again. "We hid it from Alchemax that I got it. Safer for me that way." Though this wasn't the labs. When Josh explains his own power she nods a bit. "Just myself, not anyone else. Same ability as Laura," she explains gesturing to the girl now popping a pair of claws through a fist. "And her genetic donor. Who is also mine I guess?"

Gabby stares at the claws a moment quietly. Then, so as to not 'lie' any further to Laura, she holds her own fist up. A single thick bone claw pops through the back of her hand with the sound of tearing skin, though it heals quick enough around that there's barely a drop of blood if any.

"This is it though."

Joshua Foley has posed:
Laura has Josh's attention as she stares at him. The stare is pretty piercing and all then the fist is held up. One part of Josh wonders if he is about to be punched in the face to test his claim about being able to heal. Then the claws pop out and he blinks.

He just nods at the explosions are painful comment...

Then before he can talk his attention is distracted by Gabby talking "Oh." about the older girl being Laura. Yeah he was warned to not piss off a girl named Laura. Then another claw. "I... yeah okay I can not do that.. or explode people. Evidently I can just heal people... and maybe me..."

"That is really cool.."

Laura Kinney has posed:
     "Not as cool as you think. I /do/ feel pain." Still talking as if this is all absolutely normal, Laura wipes off her own hands and wanders out, returning a few minutes later with disinfectant wipes. One cleans off her own knuckles, and the tub is handed to Gabby. "Healing is a good power. You can help lots of people."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney slides her own claw back in with a little shrug, and gestures at her head. Knocking her fist against the side of it lightly her tongue sticks out. "Yeah, I can't feel pain because the lab that made me did something to stop us from feeling it. It's not a mutant thing. Though it does come in handy," she has to admit with a solemn nod. When the wipes are handed off to her she turns to clean the table she'd made some notches in.

Joshua Foley has posed:
"Yeah... that is what everyone keeps telling me. The nurse seems to think it is handy that is for sure." he watches the scrub down. Oddly hygenic.

Still he shrugs "My names Josh.. nice to meet you two." thinking about extending a hand to Laura, but the warnings, so he offers the handshake to Gabby.

This may be a mistake.

Laura Kinney has posed:
     "Laura Kinney." Well, it's what he wanted to know, seemingly. And Laura wasn't really one for handshakes if she didn't have to anyway. Might as well santize the switchblade while she does so, for that matter. "Do you want to tell Logan about the table, or should I?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I'm Gabby!" Offers the girl in question who takes the offered hand without any hesitation. There's a firm shake there, and then she tries to do a quick knuckle-bump at the end because that's what she saw some of the others doing. That's cool, right? Right. "Gabby Kinney, I guess?" A sidelong glance is cast to Laura as if to confirm before she continues on. "I'm Laura's clone."

Joshua Foley has posed:
Josh shakes hands and half fumbles but manages to recover the fist bump. He peers at his own hand and then at Gabby's hand. "That... explains a lot actually. I mean nothing at all about why you would be a clone but .you feel a bit .. different then other people I've shaken hands with since I got here."

He looks to Laura and hesitates then extends a hand shake, yeah he is curious and taking another risk.

Laura Kinney has posed:
     Laura just... looks at the hand. "I do not like being touched." It's pretty clear by her body language and tone that she has significantly more... issues than Gabby does. If not subscriptions. green eyes flick over towards Gabby again briefly. "I am the result of an attempt to clone Logan, after adjustments needed to make a viable clone. They wanted an assassin." And that's all she's going to say on the matter.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney blinks a bit about how she feels. That was confusing to her to say the least. She looks down to her hand, then back to Laura. "Wait, tell Logan?" NOW it seems Gabby might be a bit concerned as she looks back to the table with a sigh. "... Fiiiine." The box of wipes is handed back, and she starts to shuffle for the door. "I'll be back later."

Joshua Foley has posed:
Josh withdraws his hand without any complaint "No prob." to Laura and a smile there. See no harm no foul. He looks to Gabby and her heading out then he looks back to Laura.

"Who is Logan?"

Laura Kinney has posed:
     "The groundskeeper here. You may also have heard of Wolverine." collecting her popcorn and soda, Laura trails off after Gabby, leaving Josh behind to contemplate the information of exactly what he's gotten himself into.