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Latest revision as of 07:09, 25 January 2022

It's Not a Subpoena But It's Close
Date of Scene: 24 January 2022
Location: Wanda's Room - Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Bucky and wanda share a moment and he informs her they have been summoned by Peggy Carter for a dreaded Old Person Double date.
Cast of Characters: James Barnes, Wanda Maximoff

James Barnes has posed:
Sunday afternoon comes quickly when one has spent the day catching up with old friends. Bucky left mid-morning for his brunch at Peggy Carter's house, and now it's early evening and he's finally back at the mansion. Despite the fact that he practically lives in Wanda's suite, he knocks and waits for a few seconds before opening the door and stepping inside, already peeling his gloves and jacket off.

<< Wanda? >>

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Reorganizing the suite is a key feature for Wanda, who clearly has taken to disliking the arrangement of furniture and decor. Decor is identity, after all. The identity of the room does not reflect the reality, and in some ways, the colours don't even match her preferences.

"In the dining room," she calls back, though standing in the foyer makes her vaguely visible. Several streams of red energy flow between her fingers to the table, shifting it to match... well, whatever she sees on her phone.

Because while the whole of Manhattan is practically under evacuation, she can choose to redecorate. Or perhaps this is her defiance against angels. The table flips again to a handsome oak thing, striped in tigery boards, polished by the varied grain. She shakes her head and wrinkles her nose, and the object flashes again into a more contemporary look, a darker silvery finish. "I don't think I like that, either."

James Barnes has posed:
Bucky drops his gloves and jacket off, and then sits down to pull his boots off, too. It's been a long day and while he can be awake and wear tactical gear for days on end, he is beginning to appreciate the fact that he doesn't necessarily _have to_ anymore. (This was a particular point of conversation with Peggy).

He removes his socks, too, and then pads his way across the suite until he finds Wanda, taking a few steps up behind her and then wrapping his arms around her waist, hands resting on her stomach and pelvis as he presses behind her. "What are you doing?"

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
The tactical gear look for pyjamas leaves something to be desired. By something, 'mostly everything.' Comfort can be appreciated too. The witch continues to shape the table through another style, critically examining two of the tabs on her phone to properly crystallize the effect she wants. A flash and the crawling red energy swirls around the legs, turning the square top to round again.

Just in time for Bucky to reach her and break her concentration, though the glowing orbs at her fingers wink out with a dissipated sigh. "Redoing this. If we aren't evacuating, I will certainly make it comfortable for us." His presence is familiar, and she leans a little back against him, certain Bucky isn't the sort to step out of the way and let her fall.

"Has it dawned on any of those angels we are not trapped with them, but they are trapped with us?"

James Barnes has posed:
"I try not to think about it," Bucky admits. "Deep down, I'm still a good Catholic boy, and all this angel shit gives me some kind of spiritual headache." In practical terms, he's agnostic at this pint, at the very least _lapsed_, but it's hard to shake those religious teachings, especially when they form the core of who you were before you were brainwashed and are one of few pillars of your old self you can latch on to.

"Peggy says 'hi'," he tells her, turning his head to press a kiss against her cheek and his nose to her ear.


"She has also summoned us so she can meet you and I can meet Daniel and we can all be awkward together."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda gives that vague smile to nothing, eyes hazy in the glimmering motes shot over them. "Maybe life would be different with some kind of faith," she murmurs. Child of the Cold War and the demise doesn't leave much room for belief anywhere. "My father is Jewish. We did not practice at all growing up. Why has he not challenged them, I do not know." The practical idea of Magneto coming down from his asteroid to confront those who risk mutants isn't a factor she will ever understand.

"Peggy Carter? I haven't seen her in weeks. How is she?" The comment distracts her from the troubled currents of faith and unease skimming between them. She turns to him a little, so Bucky isn't talking purely to her ear.

"Summoned?" Her eyebrows raise. "Is this official 'SHIELD makes us go to nice dinner' business or 'I am older so you better listen to your elders'? I am not used to being the youngest."

James Barnes has posed:
Bucky snorts at her question of how Peggy Carter is. "Nosy." The rest of it gets a quiet chuckle. "No. More like, 'we're old friends and you were brainwashed so I worry about your state of mind and am quietly insisting we have a nice meal with our paramours but I'm also chief of SHIELD'. She can't pull the 'older than you' card with me." He's just as, if not older than, Peggy, after all.

"You're definitely going to be the youngest. By a lot." Look, they don't talk about it, okay?