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Latest revision as of 07:10, 25 January 2022

Diamonds and Disco
Date of Scene: 23 January 2022
Location: Faculty Lounge
Synopsis: Alison and Emma talk about things. Like lawyers.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Alison Blaire

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost was currently sitting over in the faculty lounge. A laptop hooked up and over to the secure network of the school would rest on her lap as she would occasionally type into it with one hand. Her other hand spending most of it's time on a mug of freshly hot, steaming and heavily spiked cider that she would occasionally sip from, but would be more than three quarters of he way full. Emma seemed to be focused mostly upon it, rather than anything else going on.

Alison Blaire has posed:
The door to the lounge opens and Alison Blaire steps in. Contrary to her onstage persona, she tends to eschew colorful clothing but rather favors earth tones and more conservative hairstyles when trying to pass incognito- or, truthfully, when trying not to be a distraction at the school. There were a reasonable share of students who had gotten a kick out of seeing Dazzler at the school- and, sure, she had performed there a few times before coming in- but her calm and friendly demeanor and the divestment from most of the fripperies of her famous persona had helped normalize her presence. She was just Alison, within these walls, and she liked it. It was a respite from the attention she got walking everywhere else.

"Oh, miss Frost." The blonde stops dead in her tracks, a ream of papers cradled in her right arm. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you here. I was hoping I would into professor McCoy." Her blue eyes make a show of scanning the room for him, but it's an exercise in futility: Hank McCoy is not the kind of man that can easily hide in plain sight.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Alison, "Ms. Blaire. I hope that current events have found you well. I'm not sure that there are a great many wishing to celebrate, but I'm sure that quite a few would wish distractidon and reminders of better times. At least, for however long existence lasts." Emma manages to look wholly amused over at the state of things and in general seems relaxed as she would go to shut down her laptop and put it to an encrypted mode.

"I haven't seen him so I would not know. YOu could likely ask Jean or call him on his phone if you required his presence. You're not interrupting." She would go to fold her hand on her lap, taking a sip of her cider.

Alison Blaire has posed:
The strawberry blonde lets out a breath at not finding Hank. "It's alright. I was hoping I could give him this..." she hefts the ream. "Overdue homework, so to speak. Although as you say, it might be a little futile with the end of the world supposedly approaching."

She finds a place to set the paperwork down, "It's not the first time it's happened, though, isn't it. The imminent end of all things, I mean. It seems that hardly a month can go by without the world being threatened." Alison looks a little wistful, "Have you heard anything on whether there'll be a team effort to help along? I've been out of the loop because..." she gestures, "I had to help my father with the evac. At first, he didn't want to go." She rolls her eyes, "Stubborn mule."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shrug, "Oh? And what sort of homework do you have that might be so overdue? If it's your own then you might be a few years too late in it as I thought you were faculty here, not a student. And if it's one of your student's then they should be able to handle turning it in themselves and I might almost think you were enabling them."

She would stretch out, "THe team is lending its' aid. I think mostly assisting with logistics and being on standby for other threats. SOme of our heavy hitters in the field might risk escalation in circumstances. SEveral individuals are far more active in the midst of things."

Alison Blaire has posed:
Alison laughs a little, "A personal project. I chose pre-law, not physics. Shoring up my understanding of fundamentals, in regards to how my powers may be employed. Having an intuitive awareness of it isn't the same as being knowledgeable."

She purses her lips, "Students here have the luxury of being trained by fellow mutants towards understanding their powers. I am a little behind in that regard, since I turned the Professor down when he first offered me a place here. But I'm catching up."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at ALison, "WEll, then you're applying yourself. With things like trademark, copyright, and intellectual property discussions it's very well served to have a familiarity wtih the legal affairs rather than leave it fully to lawyers. You can often drive a better bargain yourself."

She would sit back and nod "I've found that no matter how much experience a teacher has, the best way for a student to learn is by application."

Alison Blaire has posed:
"And teachers also learn from their students," the blonde smiles and pulls out a chair to sit down herself, "But I think there would be very little about the business world any one student would be able to teach you, Miss Frost. Your success is in no doubt in part because you've never trusted lawyers to handle affairs completely."

"It's very interesting, even with only pre-law, that you feel slightly better prepared for the industry- not fully prepared, though. Record company attorneys have an almost Faustian gift for writing contracts laden with traps. Though, I imagine, those probably pale in comparison with what you might encounter in the corporate world."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would lean back and go to sit over with one leg over the other. "It all depends on perspective. Sometimes one can be lent a great deal by having another one. But it does not always work that way. In some subjects. The law requires very specific parsage and terminology. Have you ever read fully through the user agreement on an electronic product you purchase fully before you agree to it? And if necessary have a dictionary available?"

She would smile, "And corporate discussions turn into who has the more cutthroat lawyers. There's a reason why a merger often costs more in legal fees than the actual costs of the acquisition."

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Fortunately, not something I will have to deal with myself. I have heard they can be a veritable nightmare." She grows thoughtful for a second, and then smiles a little. "Truth be told, I think I might prefer fighting those ... 'angels' than go through a merger. Pretty silly, no?"

"Have you thought of going into the frontlines with the heavy hitters? You are formidable. I have been considering going myself..." she rubs her hands absent-mindedly.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shake her head, "Darling, I have only telepathy. A telepath best serves behind the lines, coordinating people or engaging targets of opportunity. Also this assignment is coordinated by SHIELD. I don't think I have quite the best reputation with them, rather understandingly.

Alison Blaire has posed:
"That is true. I wonder what it must be like- peering into the mind of an angel." Alison pauses, and smirks, "If they /are/ angels. The Daily Planet claims they are so, but who knows for sure?" After all, newspapers have speculated that she and Nick Drago were an item for months now.

"I suppose there isn't much I can do as an entertainer to help, but perhaps there is something I can do with my powers. Perhaps you could help me get in touch with who is coordinating what in the school." She smiles, "I haven't run afoul of SHIELD so far... but sooner or later, it always seems that someone ends up on a list somewhere, no matter how good their intentions. SHIELD has a very different concept of things. Somewhat more... regimented?" She pauses. That is her best way of saying 'stick up the ass' without actually saying it.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shrug, "Gods have minds. Machines have minds. Aliens have minds. This is just a different type of them. If it thinks, it can be read. It can be instructed and changed. That does not mean that it will be simple." SHe would let out a sigh.

"I'm more than happy to do whatever I can to help you Alison and to assist in coordinating." She would laugh. "Alison, SHIELD is a governmental military and intelligence organization. IT's within their bureaucratic mandate. It's a regimen as tightly bound to them as your liscencing agreements are."

Alison Blaire has posed:
"I disagree slightly: you -can- negotiate with a record executive," the blonde laughs in return, "I am not sure one can negotiate with SHIELD without some serious clout." She ponders, then, for a second.

"Changing an angel's mind might probably be a task for the strongest telepath on Earth, wouldn't you say?" she asks, although it's more of a personal musing than a question itself, "Such a mind would have to be so alien and so different from a human's. The most different it could possibly be."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would let out a sigh, "I don't believe that I have the appropriate leverage to negotiate with them. Frost Enterprises does not have sufficient defense contracts for me to threaten them with some production delays, alas."

She would chuckle softly. "I don't know, Alison. I haven't had the opportunity to read one. I might suggest you ask Charles or Jean on the matter. Jean likely has thanks to her.. Life experiences." By that she meant the Phoenix.

"I make assumptions, I don't speak from experience. If there is an angel close enough I can try and read it's mind. The issue is being close enough. From what I've gathered the frank and file ones are merely automotons and have no initiative, which renders reading them useless. The higher power ones.. WEll, those need to be neutralized first. One cannot dig deeply for specific information on one on a battlefield. If one could be neutralized and taken somewhere for safe holding then yes."

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Neutralization," Alison ponders for a moment, and then nods. "Well. Maybe we might be able to get you one of those neutralized angels." She slowly rises from her chair and smiles, "It can't be harder than anything else the team has had to do up to this point, right?"

She grabs her ream of paper, "Maybe Doctor McCoy will have some ideas. I correct myself: he usually has ideas, the trick is how feasible they might be without a billion dollar budget for equipment. In any case, it was nice speaking with you, Miss Frost. I'll continue my search for the good Doctor."