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(Ted and Joan discuss the future and whether there is any. Then seek waffles.)
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Latest revision as of 02:16, 26 January 2022

Move the Building Six Inches to the Left
Date of Scene: 25 January 2022
Location: Penthouse - Kord Co
Synopsis: Ted and Joan discuss the future and whether there is any. Then seek waffles.
Cast of Characters: Ted Kord, Joan Wright

Ted Kord has posed:
The building recently constructed, without direction by Ted's bots has a large acrylic tube fitted over it. It rests on a pallet that Ted is fixing a spare aero-disc to. The drones hover about, watching -curiously. "Okay Bob, you're going to handle thrust on the disc. The rest of you keep it upright... and who did I send with my ice pack? Oh thank you, number 10. I really need to give you guys proper names."

Ted slips the ice pack into his uniform against his shoulder and aiiii's a little.

"Last time I team with a short chica. Bullet went right over her head and smack into me. The ResistWeave held well though. Uhm, Okay, Bobo take it up one meter...slowly! Yeah good. We just need Ms Control-Y to show up. Probably braving the Angels to get some dumbplings." He reads some text scrolling on his goggles fro Bobo.

"Yeah Bobo, YOU tell her those dumplings do not help her weight distribution. No? I thought not!"

Joan Wright has posed:
Ding! The elevator door to the penthouse opens up, allowing for one dumpling-less Damage Control employee to enter in. Joan, who upon hearing of the planned move of the LEGO tower insisted on being here for the event. If there was ever a time to feel a bit of pride for the little bots it was when she saw what they built. And she sure as heck was not going to let it fall apart. Angels be damned.

Ted's comment about short girls does get a blink from Joan. "Wait, are you unhappy the bullet didn't hit the other person's head?" Ah context. Who needs you? Conversations are more interesting without. Confusing, but interesting.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord turns to look at the arrival. He yiiiii's again and adjust the ice pack. "I heard she's bulletproof or something. No I didn't want her to get hurt but... I don't like getting hurt either and if she was bulletproof. ehh. Seemed like a very well-intentioned kid. Glad to help her." He removes his aero-discs from his back and steps onto them, foregoing his usual backflip maneuver. He hovers a few feet in the air, the discs thrumming, and holds his hand out to Joan. With his other hand he indicates a strap and eyelet attached to his uniform. "Safety first. Want to take the express down with me and the kids. I'm pretty much just watching. They have this.

Joan Wright has posed:
Kord's excuse that the woman is supposedly bulletproof is considered. The hands that at some point lifted to rest upon her hips in a judgemental manner relax as she continues over. A brow raises as she looks to the ice pack. She's judging again.

The representative gives a long drawn out sigh, shaking her head before looking to the billionaire. "Ted, you need to be more careful. I can fix buildings, but if someone uses a caliber your suit can't compensate for, there's no fixing that."

And despite that lecture, Joan looks to the safety gear and the floating disks. Oh sure. That's perfectly safe.

She glances to the LEGO tower and to the little bots, giving a soft smile before walking over. "I'll monitor too." Joan says, indirectly agreeing to Ted's suggested mode of travel.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord snaps the hook onto Joan's belt, grateful for the trust. "We have a half dozen bots in reserve. Four could handle us. I have a cute in my backpack and the building's emergency nets are out. Step onto my foot, wrap your arms around me in whatever way you find agreeable. My arm will go under yours and I promise to take it slow." He watches the bots carry the building out onto the deck. "Coming, kiddies." His arm slips under and around and he floats the both of them out, over the pool and over the side. Perfectly under control.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan glances as Ted details the safety measures in place, giving a nod as she's secured. "Ok." She glances down, making sure to position her feet properly before she leans foward, to wrap her arms around Ted's chest. Her head turns, cheek pressing against Ted as she watches the bots. As they go over, her eyes glance down to check on the tether and then to the LEGO tower, "Did you factor in for the wind?" She pauses, "Did they?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord peers at his creations. "I did. I'm assuming they did as well since we do check on each other. They being Bobo. But I think they want to do it themselves. Stop scuffing my boots. Didn't you ever dance on daddy's feet? He absently gives her back a pat. They descend slowly. the bots seem to stop every time the wind blows. Ted sighs as they descend. It's more felt than heard by her.

Joan Wright has posed:
Ted's admonishment has Joan leaning back a bit to look down at the feet before looking back up. "No. We normally toured historic buildings together or go shopping for LEGOs instead." She looks back over to the Bots, "Or play Break-it-Fix-it."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord stops as the bots pause, conferring via wifi. He regards Joan seriously, a rare thing. "Joan... I've been playing support in this invasion so far but... I am Justice League and I'm not... A-List material if we have a big battle. So two things? In no order, please try to look after Booster if you can. I set up a fund for him. And... thank you for everything." They're slowly revolving now, and swaying a bit in an attempt to mimic ballroom dancing. If there's more, he keeps it to himself. Saying this was a struggle. Superheroes do not talk about the big sleep. He merely nuzzles her head a tiny bit.

Joan Wright has posed:
Wait. What? Joan's head immediately turns to look to Ted, brows rising. "T-" She stops, considering what was said. Yes. There's always the possibility of such a thing in the line of businesses they're both in. Hell, just living in New York alone makes it a possibility but-.

Joan frowns, "Well, if he's paid up. I guess I'll have to."

She doesn't say anything else. Not immediately. It is a difficult subject. Feeling the gentle pressure on the head, she leans against Ted a bit more. Then again, they're floating in the air. Where else would she go? "...Remember Jurassic Park? The big game hunter. Mr. I'll handle everything? Gone so quick. But Goldblum made it out. Maybe not being on the so called A-List is what gets you to the sequels."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord shrugs. 'Well, Universe ends, no more problems. Universe is saved, no problem. Ditto for me ending or not. I just figured, I'd tell you thanks... oh we're descending again. Hold on. "If you need help getting out, want to be with your folks, let me know. I'll get you out if I need to carry you on my back. Oh... we're here." He hovers watching the bots carefully, opening the doors and bringing their cargo inside the lobby.

"I think this is where you get off."

Joan Wright has posed:
As the pair reach the Lobby level, Joan glances to the ground before shifting off of Ted's feet. She takes a few steps away once unclipped. Eyes watching the LEGO building while it gets carried into the Lobby. Quietly she steps along, looking over to the giant LEGO beetle still residing on this level. She gives a slight smile, glancing back to Ted, "Remember when you were nearly crushed by the Beetle LEGOs?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord snerks. "Remember Bobo flying you across town to make bail for me that crazy night? For speeding... and other stuff. Well they got it in place, without help except for an aero-disc. They're just looking at it. I wonder what goes through their minds? Hey when this is over, I'll take you for a ride in my car. You never really saw it."

Joan Wright has posed:
"I hope you told Bobo that a lady's weight is not an appropriate conversation topic." Joan replies, smile strengthening, "Oh and that time when a group of us got back from Pago Pago and all you had to wear was that orange poncho..."

Seeing the tower safely positioned on the floor, keeping the LEGO beetle company, she gives a sigh of relief. No broken buildings today. Joan looks back over to Ted at his offer. "Okay." She accepts, "Maybe we'll luck out and find a place that's still serving up food."

The night's still young. They've got plenty of time to look.