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Some Alarming News, A Proposal, and a Surprise
Date of Scene: 18 March 2020
Location: Administrative Hall - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Dane Whitman and Morrigan MacIntyre sort out a variety of school matters.
Cast of Characters: Dane Whitman, Morrigan MacIntyre

Dane Whitman has posed:
Dane Whitman made his way through the Administration Hall of Happy Harbor High, pausing only once he reached the outer office of Doctor MacIntyre, offering a smile towards her able assistant, Duncan.

"Good afternoon, Duncan. Is Doctor MacIntyre in?" He's carrying a small satchel over his shoulder, but for his age almost looking more student than teacher. He had sent an email ahead to ask for a meeting, but also happened to be in the neighborhood, so to speak, so decided to see if she might be available now. Impatient? Maybe. Or maybe it's just a sense of urgency on this particular matter.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's inside alright, and the woman looks up when she hears distant voices. Duncan gives a nod to Dane, "Mister Whitman, she's in. Go ahead." the man states with a motion towards the door.

Morrigan's already rising, dressed in all black today, it makes her look even paler than she generally is. "Mister Whitman." she smiles. "Have a seat. What can I help with today?" she asks him.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Just Dane is fine, Doctor MacIntyre, unless you'd prefer otherwise." Dane smiles as he moves to seat himself, unslinging the small pack and letting it rest on the floor, "So I've got potentially alarming news, a surprise, and a proposal...which would you like to deal with first?" His words are jesting, but there is something in his expression and manner that indicates that he does think at least part of this is a serious matter.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Dane then. And just call me Morrigan at that rate." Morrigan states as she settles back down into her seat with a smile. The curtains let sunshine spill in, but, the desk doesn't fall into that line of sunlight. When he starts to speak, she frowns a bit. She was a worrier. "I...start with the alarming news?" she asks him. "And then we can work down the list." she tells him as she looks to him with those bright eyes of hers.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"All right. I feel a little bad about this, as it does involve possibly breaking a student's trust, but...well, how much do you know about Samuel's side-project?" He queries, tilting his head curiously then shaking it slightly, "You know what? I'll just get straight to the point...Samuel's building a suit of powered armor. And while it doesn't have any weapon systems on it now, he all but confirmed that he's planning on arming it in the future. He claims to protect people, and while I believe that's his intent...it didn't seem right to keep it from you." Dane half-grins, "And I'd hate to get fired just after we've reached first-name basis."

Dane grows more serious then, "I don't think he can be dissuaded from this. If we try to shut him down here he'll just find a way to take it elsewhere. I don't know the specifics of his abilities or his circumstances, but my suggestion is that once I'm relocated someplace closer to the school...probably a couple weeks before that's all settled...we can move the project to my property. I can supervise it and try to make sure he doesn't hurt himself or others...and that way it'll be off-campus, so we don't risk anyone stumbling across it here, and you and the school should be shielded from liability. If it somehow gets out and people have a problem with it, you can throw me under the bus, I won't take it personally."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's face falls a bit as Dane explains about the suit that Samuel is building, "Yeah...that is not something that I feel should be kept secret. And it is something I will need to talk to a few people about. It might not be armed now...but give it a few years." she tells him. Then she chuckles, "Yeah, getting fired would suck." she tells him.

"Samuel's...a very delicate case sometimes." she sighs to that. "I wish he could just be a normal sixteen year old, but, he's been deprived that with life." she states. "And yes, moving it is probably best. Other students don't need to stumble across it." she explains. "We aren't throwing anyone under buses here, Dane. We're a team." she chuckles.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Yeah, but sometimes being part of a team means someone has to fall on the grenade to keep the other safe." Dane sighs, "I don't know how much pull you have with the folks you're going to have to inform...which I'm assuming are Samuel's "sponsors" and their name rhymes with "Wield," but I wouldn't recommend shutting this down completely. I don't think Samuel would take it well, and while I've only known him a very short while he seems pretty...intense. I can protect myself, I'm pretty sure. Just more concerned for folks around here that can't."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to Dane and there's a nod, "I'll talk to a few people, see if it's safe to keep off campus. He'll probably be a little upset that we talked to folks, but, I'm the head of things. I'll do it." she tells him. Didn't have much to lose really. "He's very intense. That's an understatement." she sighs. "But yes, we've had another concern come up a few days ago and he was talked to. That was a fun conversation." she shakes her head. "He's respectful, he's trying to conform from his old life, so...we need to have a bit of patience with him." she states. "Power suits aren't something that we cover here though." she explains.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"I kind of figured as much." Dane replies with a bit of a chuckle, "Patient I can do. I just get the impression he's not going to react well if those "sponsors" come down on him like a ton of bricks. It's not quite contempt I got from him but...I'd say a lack of trust, maybe? I probably don't know enough about the situation to really say for sure."

Dane is silent a moment, then smiles, "Well, that's that, I'll wait for word from you as to any next steps. Now, I guess you can pick surprise or proposal, next, unless there was anything you wanted to add?

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Honestly I wouldn't blame him for not trusting more people." Morrigan is honest at least. "And I feel like I'm being hard on the kid, but, we have to have talks." she murmurs to that. "I think if we just give it a chance that he'll let people in eventually." she tells him.

Then there's a look to him, "What's the proposal? Ice cream in the cafeteria?" she asks him.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"And I may have just blown my chances of getting through by coming to you with this, but well...couldn't keep something like that secret." Another heavy sigh, but then Dane perks up, "No, but that's a good one. We don't have ice cream? I should've made that a hiring condition." He teases, then shakes his head chuckling, "No, I was actually wondering if the School had a Fencing Club. Because if not, given that I'm only teaching elective classes so look like I'll have a little more off-time than some of the other teachers, I'd be up for sponsoring one, if there's interest and you're not opposed to the idea."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a shake of her head, "I think it's a valid thing to bring up, I don't see him going 'Hey Doctor MacIntyre I'm working on this power armor!' because my head might explode." she chuckles to that. "Don't give up on it." she adds. Then there's a bit of a look to him, "We don't have one, no." she tells him with a smile. "I'm not opposed to it, just let me know what you would need for it?" she asks him. "And we can get it ordered and things." she nods to that.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Sure, I can put together a list of equipment. May be a bit ad-hoc...or might have to order protective gear on a case-by-case basis anyway. Either way I'll let you know." Dane grins, "You seemed to have an interest in swords, could always join in, if you like." Dane teases just a bit, then adds, "I guess that just leaves this." He reaches into the satchel and pulls out a small decorated tin, placing it on the desk in front of Morrigan, "It's just a little thing but, Happy Birthday?" He looks almost sheepish for a moment, "Don't mean to be presumptuous or anything, but still...."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"We can't do it like the good old days where we just strap the in a can of armor and let them go nuts?" Morrigan teases a bit. "Yes, we'll need good protective gear." she smiles to that. Then there's a curious look at what he settles on the desk and she picks it up to open it carefully. The smell makes her smile, "Thank you, that's very thoughtful of you, Dane." she tells him as she puts the lid back on it. "And no, it's fine." she tells him. "Perfectly normal to get people gifts for their birthday." she points out. "And I might look into fencing club." she smiles to him.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Well, we -could- but I'm not sure the school budget could handle that. Good armor is expensive." Dane jokes lightly, "And I'll be looking forward to it." He considers a moment, "And with that, as pleasant as your company is, I should probably let you get back to work. I should have lesson-plan proposals to you by Friday, I think. And be ready to officially start classes after the break."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile, "I think that sounds like a plan, Dane. And I look forward to the Fencing and your teaching. I know the students are looking forward to it as well." she admits. Then she's rising and offering a hand, "Thank you for the talk and the present, should you need anything, please reach out." she tells him with a softer smile.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Will do. Maybe even when I -don't- need anything." Dane replies with a grin and a merry twinkle in his eye, "Though not if it'll be a bother." He rises from his seat and gives Morrigan a firm handshake, before shouldering that small satchel once more and turning to head out, "Have a good night, Morrigan."