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Latest revision as of 12:29, 29 January 2022

Coffee in Genosha
Date of Scene: 09 December 2021
Location: Hammer Bay
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Clarice Ferguson, Raven Darkholme, Paris Bennet

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice leads the way into the coffee shop, a curious and puzzled look on her features as she regards Paris. "You've never had coffee?" she asks. Huh. "They... didn't have any in France back then, I guess?" She looks towards Mystique for a moment, then back to Paris, holding the door to the shop open. "We should order you a straight coffee - and then maybe one of the sweeted lattes, so you can decide which you prefer - if you like either at all. Not everyone does, but most people do. And it can have a rather energizing affect... Especially if you're feeling at all sleepy."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique walks along with Clarice and Bennet, noting the businesses that have already been opened and those with 'coming soon' signs. To her, it was a beautiful sight to see the place so close to finished, but then she had been part of those who did the liberating, not those who needed liberation.

"Coffee was a delicacy," she explains. "But it didn't really become a permanent thing anywhere until the 16th century. I would suggest trying coffee straight to know the flavor, though every type of coffee has it's own flavor, then maybe try cream and sugar. As for latte," she eyes Clarice. "That's called 'fancy coffee' if you ask me. Used to be you said coffee and that's what you got, coffee. Now it's all macchiato this, and latte that."

Old person rant complete, she looks over the menu at the shop and sure enough... fancy coffee everywhere. "I just want coffee and a sweet roll, nothing fancy."

Paris Bennet has posed:
Bennet is behind the other two, a thoughtful expression on his features as he considers her explanation and replies,"I know of it, it is from Libya. We mostly drank tea to effect that purpose. We had quite the variety of them, I might add."

He then glances to Mystique and cracks a bit of a smirk as he recognizes her belly aching for what it is and agrees,"I will have the same. Both experiences will be satisfied."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice orders herself one of those 'fancy' coffees - picking out a sweetened mocha drink, with a tropical fruit tart on the side. "Plain coffee is pretty bitter. Adding a little milk and sugar can help with that, though. But some people like it bitter," she remarks in an amiable tone, as she gestures towards one of the empty tables. "They'll call us when our drinks are ready," she informs him in an easy tone.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Once she has placed an order for her plain coffee, and one for Bennet, she leaves the fancy shit for Clarice to order and goes to claim a table. There is no one staring, no one whispering, no one making comments about her skin color and it's a welcome change to going for coffee in a human city. There are a couple of people who recognize who she is, but beyond that, it's just a pleasant morning.

"Coffee is extremely popular no matter where you go," she comments with a smile. "However move of Europe still turns to tea for their daily hot beverage. I have made sure we get teas from all over Europe for people to consume on the asteroid, my personal favorite being a black tea from England."

Paris Bennet has posed:
Bennet follows Clarice quietly for the most part. His gaze meets the others present out of habit, but he too is conscious of the fact noone is really curious about them. Noone cares, in his case because they aren't aware he is from the distant past. The Rip Van Winkle of the asteroid. This suits him just fine.

He confesses once they are at their table then,"I myself mostly drank ale or wine where I went. Soldier's fare, as it were. Teas were mostly for the ladies and scholars. Though if the truth were known, I suspect the latter spent half their time inebriated rather than in prayer."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'm sure we have any number of individuals on the Asteroid who can show you beers from around the world," Clarice remarks in an amused tone, as she slumps comfortably into one of the seats. "Mister Creed included, of course. Beers aren't a particular favorite of mine - I've become rather fond of cognac lately. A bit inadvertantly, but... well. Raven and I enjoyed a rather nice bottle of it once, and it somehow continued from there."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Once Raven is settled into a chair, she adjusts the satchel so it isn't in her way and crosses one leg over the other for comfort.

"I can tell you all about German beers," she offers with a grin, waiting for the comment that will come from that.

"Also, don't bother with American beers, they're piss water. Meads and ales however, they're starting to get some good ones, but you're still better off looking around Europe for a favorite." Folding her hands in her lap, she eyes Bennet. "So you drank ale or wine, soldier's fair." Oh boy, here it comes.

"What about whiskey, scotch, rum, cognac," she nods to Clarice at that one. "Brandy, vodka, gin, tequila, absinthe, amaretto, amaro, aperol, benedictine... okay, I'll stop there... but there are a /lot/ of alcohols out there that I drink."

Paris Bennet has posed:
The knight arches a pale brow at the litany from Raven after cracking a smile at Clarice. His expression almost swimming at the variety. There's so many...

Bennet frowns softly at the prospect placed before him then. The very decadence that he had just condemned not an hour earlier. He shakes his head slightly and replies,"It is one thing to sooth the nerves, that is something else however. I cannot follow you there."

The addage he had mentioned before is apt for this. Know thyself. He just smiles modestly at this, whatever judgement withheld. If it was forthcoming at all.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "There's nothing wrong with sampling, a little at a time, to discover what suits you both," Clarice counters with an amused smile. "Though there is a problem with over indulging excessively. I've... been known to overindulge on occassion." Usually because she's trying to escape from something. "Not too often, though. And not so often now that I have a family," she says, flashing Mystique a brief smile.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Raven's smile turns playful and her eyes sparkle as she say, "Everything in moderation, Bennet."

The server comes over with the coffees and pastries, setting things out on the table with a smile on her face. Sugar and cream are offered for the plain coffees, and finally napkins. With that she says, "If you need anything just let me know." and she's off to the counter again.

"There's nothing wrong with trying new things, so long as you take the time to recover from those things that you might not be ready for the effects of," Raven then adds. "You'd be surprised how much decadence has become the norm for people in the world, the constant search for bigger, better, more things, from food and drink, to what they put in their homes."