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Latest revision as of 05:26, 30 January 2022

Fans and Fanatics
Date of Scene: 30 January 2022
Location: Financial District
Synopsis: Eddie comes face to face with Spider-Man, but they have bigger fish to try...
Cast of Characters: Eddie Brock, Peter Parker

Eddie Brock has posed:
Getting over to Manhattan and evading the roadblocks had been easy enough for Eddie Brock, with Venom's help. Once well into the island, he'd shed the klyntar's black skin for his own appearance. A thick brown jacket and some gloves did their best to ward off the cold while Eddie made his way out of the neighborhoods he'd landed in, over to where he could see signs of damage to the surrounding Financial District.

Eddie pulls out a video camera, going over the controls of it again. He'd never really done video before. But while the regular print media could blacklist him, thanks to Jonah and Spider-Man, they couldn't stop him from making a channel on FaceTube and posting his own stories.

"Who am I kidding. I'm not April O'Neil," he says to himself, frowning and shaking his head. "No one's going to tune in to see my ugly mug." But he doesn't let that stop him from turning to film some of the damage. "This is Eddie Brock, reporting from the Financial District. Largely abandoned, though there are still refugees making their way out of Manhattan. The fighting that is underway has led to a number of people being trapped and having to make their way out the best they can."

Peter Parker has posed:
And sometimes you catch a break.

Even as Eddie rolls tape, a group of people - most of them women and children - dart out from the rubble concealing a subway station and beat feet south. They keep to the sidewalk, hugging the buildings to reduce visibility.
They stop near a bombed-out law firm, looking to each other. "Now what?"
"He'll be here," the leader, a thin Arab with salt-and-pepper hair, speaks quietly and quickly. "He can help get us through Judge territory."

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie moves further over against the wall of a building, standing just around the corner to film while not exposing himself much. He's not quite sure how Venom will hold up against an angel. Something about Venom doesn't seem exactly wholesome after all and-

   <<Venom>> "You know I can hear when you think that! I'm very wholesome!"

Eddie lets out a sigh and doesn't answer aloud since he has the video rolling, recording the images of the refugees.    <<Eddie>> "You eat people. That kind of goes under not wholesome."

   <<Venom>> "I only eat very very bad people now. How can that not be wholesome!?"

Another quiet sigh sounds, Eddie letting the Klyntar have the last word, or thought, as he continues filming the people. "Here a group of refugees look like they are trying to make it to a spot they can get off the Island," he says. He pauses a moment, debating whether to head over to them. Deciding hearing their story directly is needed, he looks about, and then darts across the intersection towards them. If they spot him he raises a hand to wave, letting them know he's not a threat.

Peter Parker has posed:
The Arab gentleman spots him, his eyes widening in alarm. "Whoever you are, STAY LOW!" he hissed. "We're trying to avoid the JUDGES!"
As Eddie reaches the group, they all hunker down.
"Who are you, mister, and what are you doing out here?"

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie reaches them, crouching down with the group. "I'm Eddie Brock. A journalist," he tells them quietly. Just saying those words stir all kind of emotions inside of him. "Trying to record what is happening here," he tells them in those hushed tones.

The camera is panned across the small group. "Where are you trying to get to?" Eddie asks, glancing about for any signs of danger before looking back to the group. "And what have you seen so far of the Judges?" he asks.

He tries to focus the camera in on the Arab man's face, though unzooms instead of zooms. Damn controls. Another adjustment and he zooms it in on him a little closer, and the auto-focus helps make the picture sharp and clear then.

Peter Parker has posed:
The Arab whispers, "My name is Haman Achish Suleiman. I am...or was...a teacher of the humanities at Empire State University. We are trying to reach the Port Authority to the south. The problem is that there is a cult...or a gang, really...calling themselves Judges. They think the world is going to Hell and it's their job to punish the guilty. Basically, whoever is not a Judge. But someone said they'd escort us through, but he hasn't showed up yet..."

Then there is a sudden sound of pebbles falling and then...

...and then HE is there.
Spider-Man looks down at everyone from the wall above them. "Hello, everybody. Who wants to go see the boats?"

Eddie Brock has posed:
The camera stays locked on Haman Suleiman while he's speaking. "You've come quite a distance from ESU," Eddie comments for the camera, "all the way to the Financial District. Have you seen any other signs of-"

And then those falling pebbles cause him to look up, Eddie panning the small hand-held camera up as well, the frame filling with a familiar red and blue costumed hero.

Eddie's hand tightens on the camera, with thankfully just short of the amount of strength that might crush it or at least break it. "It looks like their escort has arrived," Eddie says, trying to keep his voice from sounding strained. Which is difficult with Venom's voice raging in his head.

   <<Venom>> "There he is! Now you can have your revenge! We will rip his arms off and I will suck the flesh off them and pierce his body with the-"

Eddie does the mental equivalent of a shout to cut Venom off.   <<Eddie>> "And these Judges will be drawn to the fight. And these people will be hurt. I feel the same way. But not now." Though it pains Eddie to tell the Klyntar no.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man's HUD in the mask picks the man out.
Holy cow, Eddie Brock. it had been a long time. Peter had wanted to talk to him, but the lawyers had said no. Well, no lawyers here now, but no time for soul-sharing.

"Okay. A few cherubs flew over, but they won't be back for another 49 minutes. Now, Follow me. There's a path to follow. If you hear me say 'Red light,' stop. When I say 'Green light,' then go. I'll scout ahead."
Spider-Man fires a webline swinging towards the alley across the street. A few seconds later, the group hears, "Green light," and they scurry towards the alley.

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie Brock's eyes follow the arc of Spider-Man's swinging. It would be so easy to lash out with a sharpened tentacle, right into his back. He'd never sense it coming until it was too late. But one glance at the group, mostly women and children, is more than enough to stop him from enacting his desire for revenge against the hero that caused his downfall.

Using his hand to usher the others forward, Eddie picks up two of the smaller children, handing one the camera. "Keep that pointed ahead at everyone else," he says quietly as he runs crouched over at the back of the group, carrying the small boy and girl faster than they can run on their own. Eddie's eyes stay on a swivel, watching for any signs of trouble. And hoping the little boy keeps the camera pointed at something worth recording.

Peter Parker has posed:
The kid is at that age and in that combat-zone reality where adults know everything and are to be listened to. He holds it up in front of him as he follows the others into the alleyway.

Eddit and Venom both get their first look at the judges. Biker leathers under clerical collars, baseball bats and nine-tailed whips with tiny bits of sharp metal tied into them. The Judges in question are webbed to the wall, glaring at the people passing by them with undisguised hatred. Fortunately, their mouths are covered with webbing, so their hate goes unvoiced as well.

The alley opens into a construction site across the street. "Through the culvert, then down into the underground pipe. Flashlights are at the entrance. If you see a Judge, sing out."

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie carries the two children into the alley, ducking into it quickly and looking back behind them for signs of anyone having spotted them. As the webbed and subdued gang members come into view, Eddie turns to help the little boy holding his camera point it over towards them and get a good shot of them.

In a hushed voice, Eddie narrates. "These are the Judges, a gang who have come out in response to the angels apparently. Showing some kind of religious zeal and taking it out on people who just want to be out the combat zone and somewhere safe," he says.

The group hurry across the open ground of the construction site. One of the women trips and falls, Eddie stopping to lean an arm down to her to help her up without setting the two children down. "It's ok, we're almost there," he tells her reassuringly as they all head for the storm culvert.

Peter Parker has posed:
They are almost to the culvert when there is a loud yell from behind them.

A group of seven men wearing leather clothing and carrying crosses large enough to act as hammers pointed at them, then began running towards them.

Spidey landed near the rear, then looked to Eddie. "Mr. Brock, help Mr. Suleiman get these people to the subway station at the other end of that tunnel! I'll keep these guys busy!"

Eddie Brock has posed:
The desire to smash the oncoming gang members (and eat their brains at least a little) is strong within Eddie. But there's no way he can do that without Spider-Man learning his identity! And he knows him by name, even worse.

"Alright," Eddie agrees, not grumbling too much as he focuses on saving the people. "Quickly, down into the culvert," he tells them motioning with his head since his arms are full with the two children he's carrying. Eddie runs forward, helping to lead now rather than just bringing up the rear.

The little boy holds the camera pointing over Eddie's shoulder back towards Spider-Man. But as Eddie's loping pace bounces the boy around, he loses the camera and it falls to the ground, bouncing off a concrete block. Eddie glances back, unsure if it survived the fall or not, and doesn't stop to find out. "Keep going," he says, trotting sideways beside some of the slower moving women to encourage them.

Peter Parker has posed:
Sounds of a scuffle can soon be heard behind them. No gunshots, but a lot of painful hits landing solidly.
The flashlights are there. A bunch of maglites mixed in with cheaper plastic ones, but they all work. The tunnel leads to a subway track, with an arrow in yellow painted on the wall directing people to the right. The tracks lead to a subway station with a small ladder to make it easy to climb up from track-level to the platform. A map on the nearby wall shows a line leading from the station to what looks like a warehouse on the docks.
Suleiman sits on the bench. "I think we can rest here."

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie keeps moving up and down the line, keeping everyone going and making sure no one gets left behind. The beams cast by the flashlights bob around as they hurry along the tracks and eventually make it to the station.

The dark-haired man helps people up the ladder, lifting children up to adults on the platform once they have climbed up. "Everyone here?" Eddie asks as he looks around at the group.

The little boy that Eddie was carrying says, "I dropped your camera. I's sorry!"

Eddie shakes his head. "It's ok, just as long as you and your family are safe," he says.

   <<Venom>> "It's not your camera. It's Gwen's. What are you going to tell her?"

Eddie suppresses his sigh at this. Maybe he can go back for it.

The little boy looks down the tunnel. "Is Spider-Man ok? He's a hero, taking care of all the bad men." Eddie's teeth grind.

Peter Parker has posed:
While Eddie is suffering a sudden attack of bruxism, a familiar figure separates from the dark tunnel jogging forward to hop up onto the portal. "Those guys are going to be no trouble for the next hour or so." He walks over to Eddie, then hands him the camera. "Found this while I was on the way in, recognized it as yours."

Spidey looked around. "Are you familiar with this part of Manhattan, Mr. Brock?"

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie Brock takes the offered camera back, doing his best to keep his expression from showing his feelings. "Thanks. Spider-Man," he says, his tone short of begrudging at least. "Yeah, I know my way around. If the line is open across the river, can get them over to Brooklyn down it," he offers.

He checks the camera. Still recording. He turns the camera on Spider-Man, then pans it around to the people. "The group of refugees made it safely into the subway, while Spider-Man fought a group of the Judges," he narrates, leaving his own involvement out of it.

He turns it back to Spider-Man. "Have you been doing this with a lot of people?" he asks. "How many more people are there to get off the island?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey looks to Eddie, then back down the tunnel.

"The ones who set it up set it up like the Underground Railroad during the 19th century to smuggles slaves out of the South. Safe houses, hiding places, friendly people opening their homes for refugees. They even have 'conductors' who volunteer to escort people from safe house to safe house. I volunteered."

Eddie Brock has posed:
"That was good of you," Eddie says, dark eyes glittering though the dimly lit subway station does a good job of hiding whatever other emotions might be in them. "Well," he says, turning towards the Arab man who has been the de facto leader of the refugees, "Think everyone is ready to go?" he asks.

Suleiman looks around, going over to speak to one woman in Arabic, the oldest of the group. At her reply he turns back and nods. "I think we're ready he says.

Eddie turns back to Spider-Man. "Thank you for your help. I'll go with them to the other side," he says. Any plans for revenge can wait. For now, the other people trying to get off the island need whatever help the can get.

Even from Spider-Man.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "Good enough for me. I better go back and lead these yutzes down a fake path. When you get to the docks, the password is "Screw that old-time religion."