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Latest revision as of 18:03, 1 February 2022

Omg u newbs, get outta my gym
Date of Scene: 31 January 2022
Location: Hall of Justice - New Troy
Synopsis: Dinah and Rave train some while Arthur and Booster observe.
Cast of Characters: Dinah Lance, Naria Shepard, Arthur Curry, Booster Gold

Dinah Lance has posed:
It was early but that never stopped Dinah. Still in the middle of her week off, she had come to the Hall of Justice to take advantage of the gym. It was impressive, covering a large area and filled with all sorts of equipment. From wooden training dummies to weights. Rowing machines to a salmon ladder. There was even a boxing ring for those that wanted it.

But for Dinah, the draw was those blue mats laid out for sparring. They were new, still had that slight plastic smell to them. They were replaced anytime they started to get worn. Unlike Ted Grant's gym where she had trained early on in life. There the mats were worn, duct taped in a lot of places. It felt like home. Here was a nice place to visit though.

"You're doing great getting that power behind without relying on your abilities," she said to the young woman she was facing off against on the mats. "Just make sure you keep your guard up at the same time or you could get a face full of fist just as you connect." Just a little pointer but the girl was a quick study. No pun intended.

Dinah was dressed in costume for this match, including mask and blonde wig. Normally she'd be in something less formal for sparring.

Naria Shepard has posed:
Rave was here, hair tied back and her own form not wrapped in her uniform...because she still didn't really have one. She just tended to wear the gear for her namesake to look distinct. Today however? She was simply in shorts and a tank top for the workout.

There was still a sting or two she was feeling courtesy of Dinah giving a real example of why she needed to keep her guard up more. Purposely supressing her speed had indeed revealed she'd gotten a little -too- used to being fast enough to avoid or block things normally.

"In then out, try not to wear a fist. Got it."

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Looking up at the Salmon ladder, Arthur Curry, the Amazing Aquatic Man, gestures with one hand toward it. "Green Arrow has one of these in his ArrowCave." The comment is made off-handedly, shaking his head a little as he considers the series of wall-mounted hooks and the metal bar used for the ascent. He shakes his head and then turns around to start and walk back toward the sparring mats where Canary and Rave are having their lesson.
    "I finally get it now." The whole salmon motif. He shakes his head and then falls silent as he steps to the edge of the training area. Hands resting on his hips, he looks dressed for the occasion as well. Though not in uniform like the Canary. His ensemble is more akin to a man going to the gym. He's bare foot for now, wearing grey sweat shorts and a black mesh t-shirt that hugs the contours of his chest as he stands there, head tilted to the side.
    For the moment he falls silent while the instruction goes on.

Booster Gold has posed:
    Booster Gold is in uniform because, as a great man once said, "if you're nothing without the suit, make sure you wear it all the damn time". He has somehow found his way in, despite the League changing the locks AGAIN, and is lingering off to the side watching the sparring take place.

    If one were charitable, one could say that he was thoroughly focused on watching every move that Dinah is showing off to Rave in an effort to improve his own martial abilities. If one were charitable.

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Perfect," Dinah says as on the next attack, Rave keeps that blocking hand up ready to respond to the punch her mentor sends toward her face. Dinah's arm is pushed away so it misses the target. "Have you still been working on getting used to hitting at faster speeds? To make sure you don't injure yourself?" she asked.

She was aware of Booster watching. Really didn't think anything of it. It was a common thing for people to spar with her or watch her sparring. They just wanted to learn, right? She couldn't blame them for that.

"Get what?" she called out over to Arthur as he arrived, taking her gaze off Rave for a second then quickly focusing when she almost gets clocked for it. She manages to block the blow.

Naria Shepard has posed:
The praise was nice, a smile on her lips at the comment before her attention shifts towards Arthur and his words...and maybe the demonstration of how it worked. Hey, she was meant to be learning from all the League right? It didn't help that most of the heroes and heroines were distractingly...distracting.

Then it was her turn to turn back, realising that even Dinah had been distractedand pressing the attack.

Maybe she'd land a h-...nope, the strike was blocked.

"I'm getting better at it, rather than just launching myself at them."

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "The whole," Arthur says as he grabs at the metal bar and hefts himself up a bit, arms swelling as he raises himself into the pull up position. A small grunt is given then he tilts his head to the side over his shoulder. "Theme of it."
    He glances after Booster Gold to see if he perhaps might be alone in this revelation, and likely might well be.
    There's a /ka-clank/ as he makes that lift, sliding the bar up and over the next hook, holding himself straight and steady, then lowering to gain some momentum before lifting up again with another /KLANK!/
    "Why it was named the Salmon ladder." His lip twists as he perhaps gives a slight nod in Rave's direction when Dinah steals that glance his way, since the youthful heroine might well be going for a good swing at that moment. Ah there, she blocked.
    "Swimming upstream, against the flow, leaping like a mad man trying to get on up. All you need is like a robot bear to take swings at ya so it's more authentic. Maybe Bats can add some."
    That said he pauses and scritches the stubble on his chin thoughtfully before he tilts his head for a time. Still just holding hiself there before replacing that hand and clanking up another bar to the top.
    "Wonder if there are any with a variable gravitic pull or something."

Booster Gold has posed:
    Most, but not all, sadly. Although Booster would certainly think himself to be in the distracting category if asked. And maybe he would be, but not quite in the way he thinks. And not positively, either.
    All that to say, he moves slowly around the mats, heading over toward the salmon ladder himself, though keeping his eyes on the bout in progress. The change of perspective leads him to stand more behind where Rave is, and so his eyes start to follow her movements instead. He offers a slight nod towards Arthur as he begins his ascent of the salmon ladder. "Kid's good," Booster says quietly. Trying to be unobtrusive, which is a challenge for him, but he nearly pulls it off. He crosses his arms over his chest, and just continues to follow the movements of the sparring heroines.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah had been more distracted by the statement. Wondering what Arthur had been musing about originally. And thinking the glance over would help. Instead she got an eyeful of him working his way up those first couple of rungs as though it was easy.

It was not easy.

She forced herself to continue focusing on the fight until she caught that glimpse of gold out of her eye. Booster heading toward the ladder too? Not that two could do it at once but it would be interesting to see. Booster didn't get enough credit from people but he was extremely physically fit, as were most of the League members.

"Probably someone could set it up to be more challenging," Dinah called out in the general direction of the two men while keeping an eye on Rave. Mostly, she was letting Rave do the attacking. Once in a while, she would take her shot and was pleased when there was a slap of arm to arm, diverting her blow away from intended target. Then she opted to surprise Rave and threw in a side kick. Honestly, it was quite slow and would just require Rave to bring her own leg up or use an arm to block the blow from hitting her side. "We'll get you working on your more powered attacks as you progress. Once I feel like you have the basics in good order."

Naria Shepard has posed:
Truth be told? Rave was doubtful she could manage the ladder without relying on her powers for a little extra momentum. Another glance is stolen towards the pair making the use of the setup, but her attention shifts back to her current challenge as she continues her hand to hand exchange.

That kick? It has Rave moving, sweeping her arm across and then lifting upwards in a block-turned-sweep she'd been shown, hoping to create a moment of unbalancing just long enough to tag a bodyshot against the other woman's stomach with an sharp cry of effort or 'Kiai'.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    A final pull up has Arthur at the top, then he plants a bare foot against the wall to give himself some purchase before pushing up one last time to get that bar unhooked and he falls to the ground with a /thud/. He offers the bar sidelong toward Booster if he's inclined, but then hefts it back into place at the lowest hook setting.
    "Yah, Dinah's a good teacher I imagine." He turns and wipes his hands on his sweat shorts, then rests them on his hips as he looks on at the two training. "My old tutor was a taskmaster, believed in making you make your own mistakes over and over and over. Until you decided to finally do something different. Led to a lot of bruises."
    That said he pulls up the hem of his t-shirt to dab at his brow.

Dinah Lance has posed:
She knew better than to let herself get distracted again, despite the sounds she was hearing. The rung from the ladder being released and slammed home repeatedly. Then being released and a following thud from Arthur landing below on the mats. She had no doubt he stuck the landing.

Rave adjusted well against the kick, managing to push it away and try to get Dinah off balance to allow for her to punch. But Dinah wasn't one to easily be pushed off balance. She managed to get an arm in for the block, pushing Rave's fist off to the opposite side but there was the faintest brush of the back of that fist against the material of black leather of Dinah's costume. It wasn't a hit but contact had been made.

"Excellent! Let's call it there for today." She regained her standing position and bowed to Rave before turning to see what the guys were doing. "We'll get together again soon and continue," she promised her student. "If you want, you can shower here. I can probably find a change of clothes if you didn't bring one."

Booster Gold has posed:
    The salmon ladder looks like work. And the thing with Booster is that while he actually DOES put in the work, he has an image to maintain, and can't do it in front of folks. "Thanks, but I leave that to the experts," he remarks to Arthur. He watches the spar taper off, and then nods slowly.

    "Good job, Rave!" he calls out in encouragement of the newbie. "Dinah's a tough opponent. I've never bested her." He probably intended that as a compliment, and not some kind of weird back-handed sexist thing. Maybe he gets points for effort.

Naria Shepard has posed:

One of these days she'd manage to land a solid hit without her powers on her mentor...but it wasn't today.

Still she was grinning as she returned the bow, a little shift of her gaze back to Arthur and a nod given. "Dinah's great, but she's given me a couple bruises to think about sometimes."

Certainly, there were days where Rave was very glad for her ability to heal.

The invitation for a shower? It gets a nod from the bluenette as she stretches out and begins to walk, a lift of her hand signalling thanks to Booster as they walk.

"Can't wait for the next one!"