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Latest revision as of 18:03, 1 February 2022

Chillin at the Hall
Date of Scene: 21 January 2022
Location: Hall of Justice - New Troy
Synopsis: Arthur saved a penguin. Johnny is having a crisis. Dinah is totally not slacking while on watch duty. Just another day in the life.
Cast of Characters: Arthur Curry, Johnny Storm, Dinah Lance

Arthur Curry has posed:
    There's a smell that lingers with the East River. Never a good body of water for the man known as Arthur Curry to swim in, or anyone really. It clings to the clothes he was wearing, to the man himself, and seems to trail along in the air with the man's wandering through the Hall of Justice just leaving a hint of that nastiness.
    Which is why Arthur chooses to take a shower in the facilities here than back at his home up in Maine. Nobody wants to have that where they sleep.
    Though now, thankfully, with the environment system settings to recycle on high, and with the shower having been taken... the tall man emerges from the locker rooms wearing a huge fluffy bathrobe and flip flops, his hair pulled back and being knotted into a rough bun as he shakes his head and grimaces.
    Voice rising and floating to the nearby adjacent rooms he calls out to whomever might be listening. "Next crew meeting we gotta bring up the whole Gotham pollution thing, man."
    He wanders down the hall, pausing to peek into the monitor room. "I'm serious."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm was visible as a small red orange ball in the dark sky, heading in from the south. As he closed in, someone outside or near a window might hear a muffled tearing. Once angled for descent the sky seems to unzipper behind him in a loud ripping, as if the air where one big peice of paper. Storm landed in his column of flame blunting it on the ground like an inverted mushroom cloud. When he is finally visible, its as a man dressed handsomely for an evening at an embassy party. Black tie, expensive shoes, cheap liquor on his breath. Its not long before he's inside, sticking out like a sore thumb in his tux.

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Just Gotham?" comes the voice from the blonde sitting at the monitor desk. Dinah's shift had come up. She was leaned back in the office chair, as far as it would at least, with her booted feet propped on the edge of the desk.

The wall of monitors was showing a mix of satellite shots and news feeds from around the world. But if one looked closely, there was one monitor on the lower left closest to the woman. It was a just a window in that monitor but there was a video game being played. For one in the know, it was Art of Kombat, a fighter game of some reknown. She had a controller balanced in her hands. Then she looked away as the sound of an alert drew her attention. Long enough for her character to get a K.O. Seeing the proximity alert was for Torch, she pushed a couple of buttons to note the arrival and that it wasn't an emergency then glanced over toward the door.

"Nice robe. Should I ask what happened?" And when Johnny came into sight, she arched a brow. "Looking classy there. What was the occasion?"

Arthur Curry has posed:
    At the fwoosh of Johnny Storm's arrival the ground sensors likely highlight his approach, a flicker of his image flashing into appearance as various systems key to life. Though he's registered and shown as a legal presence, so none of the security systems activate.
    But still leaning in the doorway, Arthur looks more closely, then sees the Fantastic Four member coming into view. "Oh hey, it's Torch."
    He takes a moment to lean back out into the hall and /shouts!/ "HEY MAN WE'RE BACK HERE!" Which should likely bring the tuxedoed fellow back toward the monitoring room where Dinah is...
    Playing a video game.
    At her question he answers, "Baby steps, Lance. One smell at a time."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Heyyy Birdy." Storm coo-ed, up nodding Art with respect for his robe. "I was supposed to go to that Thymisceirieisimsumesu Embassy party, but then this chick I met the other night sent me a pic of her boobs, so I figured that required some attention. But it was trick. So I came here to cleanse my soul of my filthy lifestyle and see what you crooks were up to."

Dinah Lance has posed:
That gets a long, pointed look at Johnny. It is like Dinah is considering saying something but thinks better of it. She shakes her head negatively then puts her feet down on the floor instead of her casual position of before. A press of a button closes her gaming window. In the hopes neither of them saw it in the overload of input from the other monitors.

"Arthur is wanting us to tackle the pollution problem from Gotham." She looked over at the pair. "Should I ask what happened, Arthur?"

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "Ah," Arthur says with a lift of his chin, noting the other man's current state and sort of scrunching up one eye as he considers the matter before him. "Hnh." He says eventually then gestures with a hand casually to the side. "You need a place to bunk out, get some sleep? Some of the guest rooms are all set."
    And Arthur should know since he makes some use of them himself now and again.
    But then he makes a face as he goes back to leaning in the doorway, arms folded over his broad chest. "Ehn, found a penguin. Or rather it found me. Long story." Not really. He does, however, lift a hand to wave it a bit. "But something is up with Gotham or Bludhaven. I'll talk with Bats."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm smirked a bit, "Thats the thing about you young bloods, you've no idea the scope of your influence. We cant clean up pollution, theres no smog monster to punch." he explained, seeming moderately sarcastic and sincere at the same annoying time. "We have to motivate people to be their better selves. Its all PR campaigns and social media posts, you get enough people frothing and they take down the industrialists putting poo in Art's bathtub."

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Found a penguin." The words are repeated as Dinah tries to process that. He does come from the oceans and thus he would have such opportunities. But why would he mention it since meeting aquatic creatures was done on the daily. Had to be more to it.

Johnny's words have her looking confused again. "People frothing online don't really seem to do much in reality. I kind of lean with Arthur on this one. Talk to Batman who knows Gotham better than all of us combined. He might have some ideas or contacts in the city to help."

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "Mebbe," Arthur says in response to Johnny's angle, he looks sideways back toward Dinah albeit briefly before he considers Johnny. "I figure if there's an easy solution then Batman would have already implemented it. Still..." He lifts a rough hand to rub the back of his neck, "I prefer punching all told."
    He does hover near the doorway for now, however, one hand on the arch as he considers Johnny and Dinah. To the former he nods, "You gonna be okay, man?" A glance is given sideways into the hall before he looks back, "Can walk you to one of the rooms if you wanna get some shuteye." Since it's clear he's had a good bit to drink.
    Either way he seems like he's about to head out into the hall himself, pausing long enough to see which way things are gonna roll.

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm takes on a momentary look of defeat. "Tell that to China." he murmored in a final and half-assed effort to be right. "No I'm not ok Art, I'm on the wrong side of forty five getting sexted and catfished by an eighteen year old girl, and frankly I'm kind of enjoying the attention. You tell me if I'm alright? This midlife crisis thing is bullshit. Which one of you let me live long enough to get old?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
"I can kill you if you prefer," Dinah offers. But she does give a sympathetic glance toward Johnny. "This sounds like guy talk time. I'm not sure I have much to add that will help. So I will go back to monitoring and let the pair of you work out details."

She reaches for her controller, prepared to get back online and get vengeance for her death.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    A small laugh comes from Arthur as he moves up to give Johnny a light thump on his shoulder. "Sorry man, happens to the best of us. C'mon. Things'll look better in the morning." That said Aquaman gives Dinah a nod in way of departure before he's looking to try and help Johnny get a handle on things, maybe some water, and a chance to rest up.
    Over his shoulder as he moves on out he says, "Seeya later, Lance."