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Latest revision as of 14:40, 2 February 2022

Is there Hope for the Future
Date of Scene: 01 February 2022
Location: Level 4 - Recreation - The Roost
Synopsis: The Future Kids find time for the present
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Hope Summers, Gabby Kinney

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen is here in the rec room. He has the big TV on with one of the newest video games playing on it. He is sitting cross legged in the floor, with a dozen bags of chips, around him, a couple six packs of sodas, and a slew of other snacks. "Always hide in the bushes, I mean, at least wear green if your going to do that." He says to the TV.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope staggers into the room, still half-asleep, shocks of red hair sticking out here and there as she scrubs her face, "Mmmmmmmmmmwhat time 'zit?" Someone has been tinkering well into the night and is just now waking up from that tinkering session! She blinks three times rapidly, cracks a yawn, then offers a slow wave towards Bart. "Does it count if I wear green AND yellow?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and smiles, and says "Well depends where your hiding, I mean if your hiding with daffodils then it works great, but if your hiding in like a rose bush with just Red Roses, not so much." He will look over to see what time it is, and tell her. "You want something to drink or something to eat?" He offers. Bart works at night but an hour or so of sleep is usually more than he needs.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Hmmmm, guess I'll just have to stick to mimicking powers and using really big guns then..." Hope perks at mention of food and drink, turning course to shuffle towards Bart. She flops down with a groan and mutters, "I'm too young to creak this much." Looking towards Bart, she blinks, "So, forgive me if I've asked this before. But... you have powers, yes? But you're NOT a mutant? It was some outside source that caused you to gain them?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen makes a so-so hand movement, and says "I think I am a special case, I get my powers from the speed force, which is technically an outside force, but I was born accessing it, which caused me to age at super speed, for the first 14 of my years or 2 of yours. Thats why my grandma sent me back from the future, and my cousin fixed it so I age normally now. Though most mutants powers come into effect when they hit puberty not at birth right?

Hope Summers has posed:
"Huh. Interesting. I would love to do some studies on different means of gaining powers... maybe with tech I could modify my own power so I could mimic or stabilize others' powers too..." Hope seems to have woken up in the shuffle to the couch, reaching for something to eat and drink without really looking at what's going into her mouth. "We're born with a latent mutant gene, when it activates can depend on the person. Many activate with the hormones released at puberty, but some manifest as children, others in adulthood."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "The first of my family got their powers through accidents, and some of the speedsters got theirs through some other odder means, but starting with my parents generation, and my cousin's kids, the speed powers are more innate. " He looks to her, and says "I have thought about talking to you about future research, as seems this time line we are at, branches to a lot of futures, since my time is past yours, and never heard of things that you have said from your time.

Hope Summers has posed:
"And -that- was from this timeline? Or from another one?" Hope continues to munch on whatever she can get her hands on without breaking eye contact with Bart. Giving a nod, washing it all down with a big gulp of her drink, she smiles, "I'd be okay with that. I think we have a lot to learn about all these timelines and alternate earths. Because that's really the only thing that makes any sense. Not just overlapping timelines, but overlapping universes. So it's entirely possible that you come from not only a future of this world, but an alternate version of this world's future. Otherwise the continuity of the timelines would be deteriorating from your being in the past of your own timeline."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and says "And I have been here like 5 years now, and aint seen any real temporal problems at least not ones based around me. " He admits. Course I am from ten thousand years in the future, so it might be a long enough distance it does not really effect things, but I don't know for sure." He does slide some of the tastier snacks into her arms reach. He is still playing the game now fighting a group of monsters.

Hope Summers has posed:
"I don't know that -how- future it is would matter. There should still be temporal deterioration around you for being in the wrong -when-. I think the only reason that people like you or I don't suffer ill effects is because we're not just from a different -when- but a different -where-. Maybe there are versions of us in this where's future, but maybe not. Or maybe we are different people in this where's future. But I think the fact that there are no temporal disturbances attached to us is both very interesting and very telling," Hope gives a nod, her head turning to finally see what game he's playing. Her head cants and she murmurs, "Things like this still baffle me. There were no games in my world..."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to her once he actually pauses the game, and says "My first 14 years of life was basically inside a game. To keep up with my ageing, I had to be inside a virtual reality. So, it took me a bit to learn how the real world worked. Some folks still think I don't know but I have a pretty good idea in the difference between real and fake

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope looks at him and crooks a wry half-smile, "The first fourteen years of my life SOUNDS like a video game or bad story, but it was entirely too real. I was kidnapped, multiple times, just as an infant. Entire groups of people from various times and places trying to kill me, others trying to use me. I was jumped back and forth through timelines so much and so often, it's hard for me to keep it all straight in my own head. And that's not even touching on my adoptive father's evil clone, or the time I kicked Cable mid time jump and stranding us two years apart... oh then I was taken into space to try and elude the time-jumping zealot trying to kill me, only he found us and my best friend sacrificed himself so Cable and I could get away... and that lead to more time jumps and my mutant powers manifesting as someone tried to shoot me in the head, and then MORE time jumps. A LOT of timejumps. Then the zealot again, but Cable and I were able to stop him by sending him WAY into the future. And then we finally returned to OUR present... and I still wasn't even 14 then I don't think..." She lifts a shrug and crams another handful of something he'd nudged closer to her into her mouth, washing it down with a big gulp. "After that it starts getting really weird. Anyways, all that was to say that my real vs fake o meter is zilch. My -real- is so insane that there's nothing so crazy it would fall immediately into the 'fake' category."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and says "Sounds like some ways we are the whole coin bit, the same but different sides of it." He will look over to her and offer a smile "Well glad your here now, my sister from another future." He finishes the battle and is running around the zone looking for more battles "Some games grinding can be boring, but needs to be done." He explains "So, you tried to get into the normal side of life since you got here?"

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope smiles at Bart's title for her, settling back into the couch and elbowing him lightly, just enough to jostle his arm. "Thanks for being cool about... everything, Bart. I never had siblings, but I watched others with theirs. Seemed irritating and infuriating... and nice. Brother." She pauses, then tries again, "Bro." She happily indulges in the junk food for a few minutes, still new to the taste of it all. Soda still gets a side-eye for its saccharine sweetness and weird fizziness, though. "What's normal?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to her and says "Hey I almost missed hitting that goblin." But he is smiling as he says it "Well my sorta great grandpa, not really kin, but was a mentor to my grandfather and might as well be family. Well his wife and him, told me, I need to make sure I have a normal life outside the whole hero thing, it helps you remember what your fighting to save and protect." He looks over to her and says "I lived with them till I moved in here, but I took their advice to heart, and I am going to college, got a job, and even have an apartment in New York." He admits. "Jay, thats GGP's real name, told me that always remember Bart is as important as Impulse, and to be the best me I can be, both need to be able to grow and prosper."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Okay but like... -what- is normal, Bart? MY normal doesn't include school or friends or jobs, anything like that. MY normal is training. Or running. Or hiding. Or fighting. The day I was born, a group known as Purifiers showed up and slaughtered my entire hometown in an effort to kill me. It was only because of Cable that I even escaped to live to be old enough to fight. I didn't even have a -name- until I was like.. eight. That's my normal. This? This whole... school, friends, family, jobs... that's so far out of my scope of reality that -that- seems fake." Hope stares down at her hands, frowning. "I was raised to be a.. a mutant messiah. I had to end what the Scarlet Witch had done, and let there be mutants again. That's been my normal." She looks back to Bart, "I don't know what to do with myself in this time."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen 's brow raises a bit and says "I don't think Scarlet Witch has done anything to mutants, but I could be wrong. He pauses the game, and moves to turn so he is looking at her better, and says "Well, you can find things you enjoy doing, and if you want a job, maybe you could get one at a gun shop or a survivalist trainer or something, use the skills you learned, or you could always go in a completely different route. " He looks to her, and says "I am going to be a Vet, and I work at the Gotham zoo at nights helping look after the animals."

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope shrugs lightly, "Not in this here and where. But in mine? She decimated mutants single-handedly. I was the first one born after it happened. Hence the huge hunt for me. They were hunting me because I was the one mutant that had the ability to bring mutants back... that was my purpose. To bring back mutants. Some wanted me dead because I did bring back mutants.. and apparently in one timeline I killed nearly all the humans, after bringing back the mutants. So many alternate when's... but in all of them, I was the reason the mutants returned." She lets out a breath and turns to him with a slight smile, "It was my sole purpose. But... now I don't have to. M-Day never happened here. So now I don't know -what- to do with myself."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to her and offers her a smile and says "Well here, you get to decide what you want to do with yourself. I will have to take you to do all kinds of things and see what you enjoy and see what kinds of things you want to keep doing. I will help you find your inner Hope.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Hmmmmmmm.. maybe I should look into.. I don't know, some sort of tech field. Engineering? That's a thing, right?" Hope looks to Bart with a faint smile, "But... I didn't have a high school or anything, so.. how would I go?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen makes a go on motion with his hand "Rob can set you up with all the back ground stuff you need. May want to make sure you can pass the GED or something to cover it, make sure something aint a big difference in the here and now, from the there and then. But Rob can get you all the stuff for proper ID, and all that type of stuff

Hope Summers has posed:
"Hmmmmmmm, maybe I should do a... GED? crash course then. And make sure that my scholastics are up to snuff. Then I can see if Robin will help with the ID and diploma and stuff." Hope turns a questioning look towards Bart, brows lifted. "At least... it would let me know where I stand."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit and then he is gone for a moment, and back with some books in his hands. He smiles and offers them to Hope. They are GED prep and study guides. "These should help." He offers with a smile. If you have questions we can help, I think most of us have either a high school degree or the equivalint."

Hope Summers has posed:
While Bart is out of the room, Hope stuffs a bit more of the food into her mouth, chugging some of the water to clear it down. WHen he returns, she takes the books, starting to flip through them curiously, "Well. I can handle quantum mechanics and build my own guns... none of this looks terribly difficult." And then she reaches the history part, and frowns. "Hm. I may have to do some studying..."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and says "Yea I had a bit of an unfair advantage, if I see it I remember it." He smiles a bit and says "English may need some work to, not saying that you don't speak it well, but all the rules for how your supposed to write it properly, and what different parts are called."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Seems like I'll be ahead in some areas... math, science.. but the history, english... actually, I think I'll be okay on the government. I spent some time looking up how this where and when's government functions." Hope looks up at Bart and smiles, "I can handle some studying, though. None of it seems overly difficult, just.. there are differences, and things that I didn't have to worry about, that I'll want to make sure I study up on."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head to her, and says "You can do it I am sure, and anything you need help with like I said we got someone who can help. So, have you ever found something you enjoy doing for fun?"

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope blinks, then grins at him, "I build guns. And modify them. And tweak them. And test them. Maybe I should be seeking out Mr. Stark or Mr. Wayne to secure an internership or something."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and says "I am not sure if Wayne tech does much with guns, but Stark might, might be able to get yourself a job there maybe get in as a research assistant, prove you know what ya doing and decide how much you want to show them

Hope Summers has posed:
"Mmmmmmm... I'll probably apply to both anyways. WayneTech does do a LOT of cutting edge stuff, even if it's not -guns- they're into a lot of different areas." Hope lifts a shrug and smiles towards Bart. "And that way, I'll have choices! If they both contact me."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head to Hope, and says "True, that would give you more options, and if you get both and don't like one you maybe able to change but that might take some doing." He hmms and says "How far in the future was your max do you know?"

Hope Summers has posed:
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhh. That.. is an excellent question that I do not have an answer to. A lot of the jumping timelines happened when I was still pretty little. I didn't really pay attention to dates or anything at that point. But uhhhhhhhh, we made some pretty radical jumps in the attempts to avoid Bishop." Hope lifts a shrug and offers a sheepish grin, "It was 2012 of MY timeline when I got sent here. Buuuuuuuuut, I was born in 2007 of my timeline, and we came back to our present in... 2010? So the first seventeen years of my life were running and hiding and bouncing from timeline to timeline. Not really sure how far out we went."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "Well, I would try not to "invent" anything for a public company more than 3-5 years in the future, maybe 10 years once, but you don't want to bring to high a tech in to soon. It is part of why I don't really mess with tech much."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Oh, uhhhhhhh... okay. But.. how future is future? This is 2022, I came here from 2012, but in MY 2007 we had the technological ability to repair time travel devices.. so, uh. How much is too much? I already made a giant stun gun that was powerful enough that it could have knocked Batman on his ass if I'd had it on the high setting and HE has bleeding edge tech himself." Hope frowns as she tries to puzzle through this one, "This is going to be difficult."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The smell of popcorn foretells the coming of Gabby as she steps into the rec room. A bowl is held in one arm while the other is dipping into it to grab a handful. "Hi guys," she greets the pair with a grin. "Not interrupting am I?" Of course she'd halfway heard some of the conversation, and it was a bit personal to both of them after all.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Na, come on in and join us Gab Gab, got sodas, and snacks if you want some." It seems Bart was having a video game day earlier and he prepped for his food wants. He looks back to hope, and hmms "Well, I would say maybe take a look at what is out there, andd consider what you would think one or two steps better. Like I don't think you want to make time travel, even though some here have it, I would think maybe for example add an extra 0 on storage devices for computers maybe

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope looks up as Gabby enters the room, looking briefly uncertain before glancing to Bart for his cue. When he invites her in, Hope smiles and gives a nod, "Yes, please come join us." She looks back to Bart and purses up her lips, "Really? That seems kinda... lame. That's not even really creating something new, just further miniaturizing what already exists so you can fit more of it onto the existing sticks." She sighs and looks down at the GED study books, "Not even like... a scope that tracks your target for you from a mile away through any known material?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney flashes a toothy grin toward Hope in as reassuring a way as possible. The offer of more snacks though, that's taken with a bit of interest as she looks over the spread that Bart has laid out. "Sweet. And it's cool, I'm a clone so I know things can be kind of weird at times with the histories of others. Besides that I think I've met more people from the Future than just you guys." She shrugs indifferently. "Much as I talk a lot I can keep a secret."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to Gabby and nods a bit, then to Hope, "Maybe not to normal people, but maybe heroes who you know would use it right, like maybe Gabby, and Hope could use that, when they have to use guns." Yep Bart can be a bit naive , or at least has rose colored glasses when he thinks about what his friends will and won't do.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope scoots over to make room for Gabby, "I'm not worried about you talking, Gab. Just, I know the 8 million futures stuff can be... nuts. Wanted to be sure you were comfortable with it, because we can absolutely talk about other stuff if not." She lets out a breath, "Even if you took my timeline to this present time, that's only 13 years from when I was born. But I'm nineteen. So... yeah. It gets weird." She shrugs, then chuckles at Bart and gives a nod, "Okay, so save the FUN stuff for the superheroes and antiheroes, and keep the boring stuff for the public. Can I at least make advances in like... mechanical engineering or quantum engineering?" She pauses, looking horrified, "Does quantum engineering -exist-?!"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney steps over, and dips into the spot that Hope made for her. The bowl of popcorn is offered over while she munches a bit out of her other hand. "Mm, to be honest I'm about ready to crash pretty hard, I just needed to eat first and heard you guys talking. Not going to bug me about what." There's a pause as she considers the topic at hand. "I think Beast would know? I mean. That seems up his alley. And I do like guns. Everyone thinks I stab, but I was trained with guns." She nods a bit, stifles a yawn, and shoves some more popcorn in her mouth.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "I think both do, quantum maybe more of a ... Wait I know the perfect solution for this." He smiles and says "We get you into G.I.R.L. They are smarty pants, and working with them, is working with superhero smarty pants so more advanced than normal"

Hope Summers has posed:
"Well you can feel free to crash here." Hope smiles towards Gabby as she takes a handful of the popcorn. Crunching away on it, she nods, "My powers only really work on mutants, so learning gunplay with a big part of my early training. Don't you worry Gabby, I can keep you up to your claws in guns." To Bart, she lifts a brow, "G.I.R.L.? That is... a terrible acronym. Who would take that seriously?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Oh, G.I.R.L.? Yeah I think Valeria's in that isn't she?" Another chomp of popcorn and Gabby offers a shrug. "We're zombie buddies on ZombNation. You know, that online game." It's shrugged off though as she finishes off her popcorn. Once it's done she glances at the bowl, stares hard a moment indecisively, then sighs. "Thirsty now. Then I'm probably going to be out for a few hours because I haven't slept in probably forty-eight I was trying to cram in some Netflix and .... it's dangerous." Glancing at Hope she nods vehemently. "Right? It's like 'girl power' or something. I think that was 90's? Bit cliche now but if it's their thing, I guess." With that she slips back to her feet to pad out of the room. "Gonna..." Yawns. "Go. Night guys."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen waves to Gabby and says "Sleep well Gabby, have a good night." He looks over to Hope, and says "Nadia Pym started it I think it is for Genius In action Research Laboratories. Their goal is to be role models for young girls while working to advance science too. My cousin Irie is in it, as well Vivian Vision, and some others, not sure who all are members honestly.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Night Gabby! Sleep well!" Hope offers a wave to the departing Gabby and looks back to Bart with a grin. "I can appreciate what they're trying to do. But it's -still- a terrible acronym. And I am a terrible person to be a role model. My field of expertise isn't in anything that will advance like... the good parts of humanity. Probably not the kind of science they want to advocate." She lifts a shrug, "But first things first. Let me get through the GED testing and see if I can enroll in a college. Maybe score an internship. I worked with the Avengers before. Alternate universe, but still the Avengers. I think I have a good shot of getting into Stark Industries. And hey, I can always see if Batman needs a tech girl from the future." The last part is mostly a joke.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, a bit and says "We are living in Gotham, and maybe Rob can put a good word in for you, but so you know, Nadia was trained to be an assassin I believe, so what you have done and what you want to do can be the same thing but don't have to be." He offers with a smile "Now we may have to work on finding things you have not done before so you can experience them.