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Dinner After Climbing
Date of Scene: 03 February 2022
Location: Gotham Arms Apartments - Carrie Kelley
Synopsis: Carrie and Jimmy make some fondue at her place after climbing. Not that kind of Fondue you pervs!
Cast of Characters: Jimmy Hudson, Carrie Kelley

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    The small gift basket that had been there at the gym wasn't really satisfying to be fair. It was healthy, sure. Sport Cider had electrolytes after all. And the gluten-free crackers and near cheese weren't exactly the most tasty of things. But what it had done... was it inspired. Those ingredients, those proportions, it brought to Jimmy's mind one thing.
    And sure it might have taken some convincing. Maybe a quick stop at a kitchen goods store like Bartleby's Fine Cookware would be required since they'd need a double boiler, some skewers, a source of flame. And, of course, ingredients.
    Which after some doing to assemble would end with them having made a trip to get some cheese, some wine, some artisanal bread, some olive oil, and a few choice cuts of meat that will do well. Now ending at the apartment with Jimmy leaning over the small pot as he stirs it with one of the skewers. "So ok, I've never done this. So fair warning." But really, how hard is fondue?

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie had never seen 'sports cider' before and honestly it had made her wary of such a thing. Did it taste good? Probably not, but she'd tried it. Oh god. It was horrible. Healthy tasted BAD. She'd given Jimmy a weird look when he mentioned Fondue, thinking it might be some weird euphemism...but he was actually talking about fondue.

"Oh...sure!" she chuckles to him. "I think we can make it back at my place, if you aren't scared of being in enclosed spaces with me." she'd teased him. She'd offered to pay for groceries and things, mainly because they'd be staying in her fridge unless he wanted to haul them back to Xavier's.

Yeah, she lived way above a bar, but that was conversation for later. "Hopefully we don't burn the place down. The locals would be highly upset." she muses as she helps get things in order. "Hey, sometimes it's fun to do things that you've never done." she grins at him.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    As she said that last he got a wry curve to his mouth as he gave her a side-eye. She probably has enough of a read on him to know that that look? That look is the one he gives her when he thinks she's flirting with him but isn't /entirely/ sure. But it brought that smile that transformed him from a man who could look so damn grim and severe... into the friendly face that brought the light to his eyes.
    "I'll try not ta set anythin' on fire." He stirs the mix of three cheeses together in that double boiler. A little oil had been added, some herb, though he did glance over at her. "You have any pepper? Maybe a jalapeno?" Since really that might be nice to lend some heat to the thing.
    Still the fork scrape-scrape-scraped along the sides of pot in that almost hypnotic rhythm of it as he leaned over the stove. A glance up was given, "Where do you wanna eat? Here at the bar?" He cocked an eyebrow in her direction, then continued stirring.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie sees that wry grin and she pokes him gently in the side, "Mind out of the gutter, buddy." she teases him with a smile. "You know, that little smile always gives you away. So never do it when playing poker." she points out.

There's a grin, "Thank you, I know we won't, was mainly teasing, Jimmy." she tells him. She gives a look to the fridge, "I might have one from Taco Tuesday. Let me dig for a minute." she muses as she heads for the fridge to root around in the vegetable drawers. A few seconds later she comes up brandishing a jalapeno, "Ah ha!" she grins.

She brings it over to the counter, "Want me to cut it up?" she asks him as she fishes a knife from the block. "And bar is fine for eating. Unless you wanted to sit in the living room and watch the wintery weather settle in. The view from up here is pretty great sometimes." she admits to that.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    As she pokes him he can't help but laugh a little, more a low chuckle that rumbles deep in his chest as he suppresses it slightly, that'll have to pass for an apology about his gutter brain but she brings up poker and to that he says, "I think it's more a thing connected to you, Miss Kelley. So the key would be to not have you hasslin' me over my shoulder while /tryin'/ ta play poker."
    Though she speaks to the possibility of jalapeno and his eyebrows raise, "That'd be real good if you did." And when she's successful in producing the thing he gives a nod, "Chop it on up and slide it in here, think it's about ready. Figure we can snack on some cheese and bread and maybe some veggies if you want. Then see if we still wanna cook up somethin' else."
    That having been said he stirs the cheese a bit more and tilts his head to the side to watch her as she tends to the dispatch of that poor pepper.
    Something about how she says a few of those words has him looking toward that window and reflecting. Then he smiles a little as he says, "I think sitting in the living room would be fine."
    A beat, then he adds, "That was kinda poetic." How she phrased it.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Oh then I definitely need to stand across from you when you are playing poker sometime." Carrie chuckles at that as she gives a look to him. "My hassling is at least cute, right?" she asks him. She makes quick work of the jalapeno chopping and then makes sure there are no seeds before sprinkling them into the pot of cheese he's taking care of.

"A little heat will be nice with that." she grins to that. There is an eyebrow quirk to him, "I could always order food if you're still hungry after that." she teases him. "Poetic?" she asks him.

Then she 'ohs', "I am a little sappy sometimes I guess." she chuckles. "I guess I like it up here is all. No neighbors and there's quiet." she grins. "No one peeking in windows either." she adds.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "You exist, at all times, in varying forms of cute." He affirms even as she presents those jalapenos for application into the cheese. He'll shloomp them under the cheese with light pushes from the skewer and still stir now and again.
    Then he seems satisfied with the state of the cheese and takes up the pot with one hand as well as the stand so he can carry it with him. Over toward the living room, leaning over to get a place for it nearby settled and ready as the pot keeps it in a fine state of warmth. She mentions ordering more food, "But nah this should do for us."
    He then wanders back and takes up the sliced chunks of bread and the mixes of veggies for the fondue on one plate. He carries them back over along with the bottle of wine as well as a pair of glasses. Settling there before the window that looks out upon the city he says to her, "Not sappy at all. I mean," He lets his gaze rest there looking at the snowfall that flurries gently over the city. That window frames it perfectly like a portrait and he settles down on the sofa slowly.
    "There's somethin' to be said about curling up with someone, sharing cheese and wine together, surviving against the Winter. It feels... right in some ways." As he finishes saying that he smiles a little crookedly at her, "See, I can out sappy you any day of the week."
    Crinkling his nose at her a little, he then pulls the cork out of the bottle and proceeds to fill the glasses of wine.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie gives a playful roll of her eyes to the big man, "Mhm, that's what they all say." she tells him with a bit of a grin. She makes sure that the table is cleared where he's going to settle things. She feels like she should ask if he needs help, but he seems to know where he wants to go. "It should do, yeah. I'm sure it'll be nice to just snack and chill for a bit." she smiles to him.

She takes a seat on the sofa as well, not settling back yet, "Want my help with anything?" she finally asks him as she gives a look over to him. "Also, if you want some background noise I can put the tv or something on. Not really picky." she smiles.

She gives a little grin at his talking, "Oh are you going to be curling up with someone?" she teases him.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "I was thinkin' it might be nice to sit here. Maybe some music?" James says as he offers the glass of wine to her and takes up his own. "A small amount of curling up, watching the snow wouldn't be /entirely/ unpleasant." He adopts a hint of a haughty accent on those last few words and then pauses.
    "We should think of a toast." Which has him looking at her with his head tilted to the side as he considers. "To the chill of Winter? The shorter days? And the people we choose to share them with?"
    Should those suit he'll likely clink his glass against hers, though he does tilt his head to the other wise, almost curious as he awaits perhaps her own offering.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carr gives a look over to Jimmy and there's a smile, "Sure, what do you like to listen to? If you say Country I'm going to have to eject you from the window, we don't do that here." she muses as she reaches for the remote and her phone to turn on the music he wishes. His hint of haughtiness has her looking back to him, "Fine, I'll curl up with you jeeeeeeze." she drawls with a chuckle.

The toast makes her pause, never really having done them, "To winter and making new attachments." she raises her glass to that and then lets it tink gently against his.

"Thank you for the day, it was very sweet." she tells him with a softer smile.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "Wha, no achey breaky?" Jimmy says lightly as she protests the good wholesomeness that is Country music. But his smile is wry as he's not being entirely too serious either.
    The glasses tink softly, and he nods to that, accepting her toast as well since it seemed to please him. He took a sip of the wine, then smiled across its lip to her and murmurs, "I enjoyed it too."
    But then he nudges her gently with his knee against hers and motions with a nod toward the cheese and the tray with the yums on it. Sidelong he smiles and tells her, "It's not over yet, though. So dig in."
    With those words he leans forward to take up his skewer lightly stabs a piece of bread and then swirls it into the cheese.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Oh I'll achey breaky something..." Carrie mutters with a bit of a laugh. Like her phone. She doesn't seem like she's really that butthurt over country music. "Classic rock, jazz, blues?" she asks him as she scrolls through things. She then takes a sip of the wine as she is scrolling some more. She lowers the glass, setting it over on the table. Then she looks back to him, those green eyes of her full of impishness.

Her knee bumps against his, "Never had a guy cook before. I'll have to write this down in the journal." she muses to that. She takes one of the pieces of bread and dips it into the cheese, she takes a minute to sample and then she gives a nod, "Might have to keep you around if you keep this up." she teases him with a warm laugh.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "Jazz then?" He suggests as he leans forward, and the two of them curled over that small pot, it might almost seem to be a thing that's been echoed in ages past. A young couple around the warmth of food and flame, enjoying each other's company while outside the wind could be heard. A scene replayed throughout the world over the years.
    "I don't know if you could call this cooking. This is more..." His eyebrows rise as he lightly swirls another piece of bread in the cheese and then hefts it out, a small rivulet trailing into the pot. "Assembling."
    He holds the bread and cheese up, takes a bite, then chews for a time with a warm smile there. After which he looks back at her to share a smile. Those dark blue eyes drift along to the line of her lips, the curve of her cheek...
    His smile widens a little as he murmurs, "You got a lil..." He says with a nod, then lifts a fingertip as he leans closer. Then pauses as he murmurs, "A lil schmootz." And unless she stops him he'll lightly brush it away.
    It just takes a small bare moment before the tiny bit of cheese is gone. It leaves him looking at her, eyes lowering to her lips for a moment, then back up to those green irises. His own lips part slightly. Either for a breath or a word unsaid. Then he lifts his chin a little and says softer, "S'gone now."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Jazz works." Carrie nods to that as she settles in and picks one of the jazz playlists to let it go in the background. She gives a smile to him, "If you want a blanket there's a couple that are in the ottoman at the end of the couch." she points out. "I know it gets a little drafty in here sometimes." she muses.

"And hey, you do great assembling." she points out. "Fondue is a full me for some folks. So I'm not knocking the preparation." she tells him honestly. She then sees that he's leaning closer and the sentence that she's got something on her face registers. It makes her blush.

She blushes a bit of a deeper red when his finger touches her skin, taking care of the cheese sauce that's been on her face. Her eyes lid a little, her own frame leaning in as she watches his lips and then up to his eyes. When he lifts his chin she shakes herself a little and smiles, "Thank you. I'll have to be less messy when eating." she chuckles to that as she refills her glass and offers to refill his. They might be in for a long night.