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Latest revision as of 00:27, 6 February 2022

Video Games and Ice Cream
Date of Scene: 05 February 2022
Location: Level 4 - Recreation - The Roost
Synopsis: Video games played, with a bonus trip to Paris!
Cast of Characters: Hope Summers, Bart Allen

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope has been up... for awhile. This is what happens when you give her something like Division 2 and then let her play. She probably didn't sleep like, at all, and instead has been learning the ins and outs of the game, looking to shoot for fast mastery. It helps that a post-apocalyptic world where a lot of people are dead and the ones that are alive generally want you dead, is a setting she's entirely too familiar with. And this game has some pretty good representations of current day weaponry that she can appreciate. Clad in pajamas and hunched forward on the couch, her eyes are glued to the tv, flickering this way and that as she runs, guns, and completes objectives. There is a half-melted tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream on the table, spoon still sticking out of it, though it's begun to drift a bit as the ice cream softens.

Along with the sounds of the game itself, there's the occasional muttered curse or expletive or holler from Hope herself. Noise level? Dull roar.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen comes in after a partial day at work, it is in the wee hours of the morning, and he is used to people either asleep or out on patrol. Hearing the game on, he wonders for a moment, if he left the game on. He will walk into the room looking about. He is wearing kaki pants, button up shirt, and baseball cap, hat and shirt has the Gotham Zoo logo on them. He cocks his head to the side a moment, and says "Your ice cream is melting." He does zoom off and is back almost instantly, now wearing sleep pants, a large super mario t-shirt, and bunny bedroom slippers. He sits on the other end of the couch.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Can't eat, killing enemies... I have to infiltrate the air and space museum, clear out all the bad guys, disarm the warheads, then get out alive." Hope doesn't even look away from the tv when Bart arrives, working the controller as she runs her character around, grumbling when the limitations of the game system keep her from doing something she knews SHE could do if this were her. When he returns, she spares him a glance and cracks a brief smile, "Nice slippers. You joining or spectating?" She gets a brief break in the action and hits pause so she can look over at him. THe ice cream is picked up so she can shovel some into her mouth before asking, "Animals all good?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "I figured I would watch you a min but will probably join in in a bit. Yea, we had to tranq a few of the nocturnal ones tonight as was times for their check ups. Arty the Aardvark has a bit of a sprained tail, but they caught it and he should recover well."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Cool." Hope has picked up SOME of the slang of the time, at least. She shovels a few more spoonfuls of the ice cream, then sticks the spoon back in and resumes the game. "Arty the Aardvark? Good to know scientists are still terrible at naming things." Chuckling, she tosses a grenade next to a flamable barrel, then rolls to the side and pops up from behind a display to pick off the flaming enemies. "Man these guys are such amateurs.. look at this? NO tactics. They just rush in the door and think basic flanking and number will win the day."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to her and says "What difficulty do you have the AIs on?" He will pick up his controller which is a bit bulkier than the other ones as it has been tricked out for him, buttons that will last for a little bit, longer range on the wifi, and other things. He smiles and says "Whats wrong with Arty, he is a neat aardvark." He says defending Arty, but smiling as he does. "There are a few ways to make it more difficult besides the AI level as well.

Hope Summers has posed:
"I've got the game and AI set to the hardest possibile level. I'm not using the aim assist or the reticule... what else would you suggest?" Hope flicks a glance sidelong at him, then moves in to disarm the first warhed now that she's cleared out the room. "Well aside from a sprained tail, presumably nothing. That was a crack against the scientists, not the animal." She squirks a faint grin before leaning in to bump his shoulder with hers.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen grins and nods his head a bit and says "limit yourself to just one weapon, and play the whole game with just the one, once you have it. Hardest of course is to try it with just the knife." He smiles and says "And then there is turbo mode too."

Hope Summers has posed:
"That's not making the enemies anymore difficult, that's just tying your own hands. The AI on the enemies is crap. They have predictable moves and patterns that are used over and over. It never adapts or changes to the situation, the place, or the opponent..." Hope is still going to grumble that it isn't 'real' enough. "Turbo mode?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit and says "Well part of turbo is just speeding it up, but I think Tim tweaked the AI as well, I am the main one that plays turbo, but a normal person who is good at the game can probably play level 2 or 3 of turbo

Hope Summers has posed:
Tsking, Hope shakes her head, "Nah, that sounds like setting myself up a headache. I can't make myself be faster." Pausing, she chuckles, "At least not without help." Then she's glancing at him again, "I.. have a date. Tomorrow. Any pointers?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to Hope and smiles a bit at the comment about speed, his brow raises a bit as she mentions she has a date. "Who with?" He will ask, and adds "Oh you could always try online play against real people too."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Conner. Caught him earlier in the kitchen. He suggested dancing, I threw in dinner." Hope lifts a shrug, "So now I need clothes. And maybe some advice. I'm trying to settle in, you know? Stop.. expecting that Cable is going to show up and cart me off through the timestream again. That this is the new home." She curses lightly and rushes across a street to stealth kill an enemy before she can be spotted, taking refuge behind one of the cars littering the street.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and nods a bit and says "Well I am not sure, if I am the best one to ask for advice, I generally wear what is comfortable, and ask someone else how I look before going out on a date, and my dates, have not been the best success rate. Closest to a success is a girl I have went out with like 2 times in the last six months or so.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Really? I would have figured someone so fast would have a slew of girlfriends," Hope glances sidelong to Bart, smiling slyly. See what she did there? "Mmmmmm, my problem is I don't -have- much of anything other than my uniform. I've been borrowing from people as needed."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen does wonder for a moment if Conner has anything besides T-shirts and jeans, but will ask "Do you know where you plan on going to eat and where your going to dance, we can look up info on them and see what type of clothes people there wear.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Ummmmmmmmmm... you know, I have no idea. I.. forgot to ask." Hope is bad at dating. Really bad. She looks to Bart and lifts both brows, "Are there dress requirements for dinner and dancing? I didn't really think this through.... I just sort of, you know, asked him. We'd been dating before I left and he wasn't seeing anyone else so it seemed like a good idea."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and nods his head a bit to this and says "Well, you might want to figure that our before you figure out what your going to wear, I mean if your going to get burgers and then dance at some little club, it is different than going to a 5 star place, and going to dance in the hottest club afterwards.

Hope Summers has posed:
"I mean, it's not going to be anything like -that-. Neither of us really much in the way of money. He's in college and I'm from a post-apocalyptic world where money didn't really exist." Hope shrugs and grins, "Though I would maintain that clothing is more important. We can change where we eat or dance, but clothing is NOT optional. Unless things have -really- changed in the year I was away."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen chuckles and nods a bit and says "Than I would say go middle of the line, maybe something that you can ass or remove something to change it up a bit. You thinking dress or pants?

Hope Summers has posed:
"Uhhhhhhhhhhh..." Bart has managed something the most chaotic and stressful of battlefields hasn't bee able to. Blanked her brain. She looks to Bart, "I've never worn a dress. Should I?

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen shrugs a bit and says "I don't know, depends if you want to try one, and see how you feel." He hmms a bit and says "You want to go try some on, and see how they feel, we can hit a dress shop in Paris or Japan, and you can try some on.

Hope Summers has posed:
Pausing the game, she looks to Bart and lifts a brow, amused, "Paris? Japan? Do you have a secret stash of money that I don't know about, Bart?" Hope chuckles, then gives a nod, "Sure, that sounds like fun. Do you need to eat before taking that kind of a run?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Somewhat." He pulls out the black outsider credit card "I think we can get it covered." He smiles at her, and says "I should be good, might want to grab something before we head back, but to get there no big problem." He is off and back a moment later, dressed in a pair of black dress pants, a white button up shirt with the buttons and some highlights in red.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope looks at Bart's clothes, then down at her borrowed pajamas, then back to Bart, "Hang on a sec." Hope troops off, taking long than he did, by quite a bit. There's a few knocks on a couple of doors, some muffled talking, then silence. Hope returns in a few moments, shuffling wearing a pair of leggings that are more like capris, a tshirt bearing a giant cat laser-eyeing people in a city, a dark hoodie, and some sneakers. "Sorry. Best I can do under short notice."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "If all the movies are to be believed, once they see the card they won't care what your wearing." He smiles and off and back again, this time, he has a gaudy red and white rickshaw with his, with lightning bolts on it, and a flip down bug screen. The screen looks like a new addition

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope lifts a shrug, "I guess so. Let's hope that works." Then he's back.. with a rickshaw. And she can't help but laugh. "Is that necess-.. actually, scratch that. Bags and boxes. Covered cart it is. I wish I could pop by Magik's and borrow that teleportation for a bit. Would make things a lot easier." Sighing, she climbs into the rickshaw and looks at Bart, "This is super weird. Like... beats time-travelling to 1933 weird. But okay, lets go!"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen is off, and while he can not teleport. The young man is fast, and little stops him, they hit the water and he keeps running, running across the ocean in just a bit as he says "Oh one of your friend's is a teleporter? Cool."

Hope Summers has posed:
"So is one of... Pixie can teleport! Or, she has the capability to! I don't know if this Pixie can yet," Hope calls up with a grin, enjoying watching the scenery speeding by, even the water is fun now that she's had her initial cringe moment! "We have speedsters, too! Quicksilver was pretty fast. I could even copy his powers!"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles and nods his head a bit to this and says "Yea, have heard mutant speedsters most of the time work different than I do, but I would always be up to a race." Once they are in France, and Paris Bart will find a roof to fid the rickshaw on and says "Now to figure out where to go."

Hope Summers has posed:
"There's a couple, but you're right, it doesn't work the same way. I think most of ours can't really run faster than your average jet." Hope lifts a shrug and grins faintly. She gets out of the rickshaw, waiting for Bart to join her, then chuckles, "Lets just find a cafe and ask where the clothing shops are. Or we can do the tourist thing and pick up a guidebook."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods and this time he does scoop her up and runs down the side of the building till they are on ground level. "A guide book and look it over while we hit the cafe." He offers and off he is from her again and back, with a guide book, he flips through it with speed, and offers it to her.

Hope Summers has posed:
Laughing as he zips all over the place, then hands her a guidebook that he's already read fron to back, Hope lifts a brow at him, "So where do we go, then? I'm following your lead here." She tucks the book into a pocket of the hoodie and hooks an arm through his. "Think of this like a date of sorts. Where are we going?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and nods his head a bit to this and says "Well there is a little cafe down here, that is supposed to be really good. The only problem with eating here, I heard it is small portions." He walks down the street with her on his arm "You sure, I mean after you been on a date with me, how is anyone going to compare." He jokes.

Hope Summers has posed:
"I bet there's street vendors where we can grab food, too. So get a couple things here, enough to take the edge off, and then you can snack as we walk." Hope offers the suggestion, pointing out a vendor making crepes from a cart. She looks to Bart and laughs, "I mean, you took me to Paris. That IS pretty impressive. Conner took me to Hawaii once. Aaaaaaaaand that's about the extent of my dating know-how. So... sweep me off my feet, Quickstep."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles at her, and says "Well, our goal for today is for you to have some fun, maybe do some site seeing as we do the shopping." He walks with her to the caffee, and holds out her chair for her.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope smiles back at him with a nod, "And I am having fun. The ride over was fun, you zipping around was fun. This is fun." She walks with him to the cafe, almost taking a chair for herself before realizing Bart is holding the chair out for her. She shifts over to take the offered seat and glances to him with a murmur, "Can you read French?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen shakes his head and says "I could read an English to French dictionary and maybe be able to figure it out but I did not think to grab one when I got the guide boo." He admits, as he moves to sit down "I do know, I don't want escargot, my pet snails would not look at me the same.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Ummmmmmmm, hm. Think you could pull one up on your phone and flip through it real quick? Otherwise we may both end up with some weird orders..." Hope chuckles softly before falling quiet as the waiter approaches. "Ah... hello. Do you... maybe, have menus in english? We're from America and I'm afraid neither of us speaks very good French."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles as the waiter nods, and will bring them some, with them being in a guide book, they will be used to tourists and not as bad as some. Bart smiles over to her, and says "Sure." He pulls out his phone and scrolls through it for a moment, looking like Mr Data in STNG

Hope Summers has posed:
"Thank you!" She's trying to remember her manners. She's really trying! Turning back to Bart as he pulls out the phone, Hope chuckles, "I have to admit, I'm a little jealous of your powers. The speedreading would be AMAZING right about now. I got through the GED, but I still have to study for SAT's so I can try to get into Columbia."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles and says "Well that and the fact I remember anything I read, once time I read a library in LA." He tells her and says "Your powers are really cool too, you can be useful in amazing ways where I am pretty much always going to be in the speedster slot."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Well yes, that too," Hope chuckles again and shakes her head. She lifts both brows, then frowns, "Mine are... situational. I have to be around other mutants to be able to use them. Otherwise I'm just a girl with a big gun. No strength, no speed, no durability or healing. No resistance to anything. I can be taken out by a well-trained fighter or a bad fall. Yours will always be there."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and says "Never underestimate trained normal people. I am sure from what you have said you can hold your own without them. So they don't last any time after your away from them?" When the waiter comes, he orders a steak and fries basicly.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Hope lifts a brow at him, "And how exactly would my training help against, say, you? Or even any of the Wayne family? I have -survival- training, Bart. I wasn't being specifically trained towards being able to take on or take down metas. Just at making sure that I could survive long enough to do what I was meant to." She pauses when the waiter comes back around again, asking for a cafe au lait and a pastry. Just something light to nibble on. Once the waiter leaves, she looks back to Bart, "They do, but there's no real set time that they last. I never know when it's going to go away again."