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Latest revision as of 11:37, 20 March 2020

A royal visit
Date of Scene: 20 March 2020
Location: Entrance Hall - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Shuri visits Happy Harbor, and gets a very idiosyncratic tour.
Cast of Characters: Samuel Morgan, Shuri

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Thursday, after classes and just one day before Spring Break. The Prom is in a few days, everyone has begun packing for their time away, and the atmosphere in the school was relaxed. But there's no relaxing for at least once student, who'd been asked to show a potential new student the school grounds, to be an ambassador for Happy Harbor. Through some odd quirk of fate, that job had fallen to Sam. Quite possibly the headmistress has a wicked sense of humor.

    So he stands by the entrance, patiently waiting with his hands behind his back, scanning the road in both directions for the visitor the school is expecting, and occasionally reaching down to pet his companion dog, Bear. "I'm telling you buddy, this has to be some VIP to ask us to do the meet and greet. So, best behavior when they get here, okay?"


Shuri has posed:
After a bit, a beautiful car pulls up. The windows tinted and the sleek design something not seen on the roads. All the same, the door opens and from inside can be heard voices sorta quietly arguing.

"I could have just as easily driven myself." Followed by, "Yes, but the king insisted-" Cut off by, "I do not care what my brother insists, I insist." And then she steps out and slams the door. A clearing of her throat and Shuri looks over to Samuel with a smile. She then walks around the car and then gives a shooing motion to the car and then starts over to Samuel.

"Hello, I am Shuri." She nods her head and then states, "I was told someone would meet me here to tour the facility."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    The car is the first clue. A vehicle of such opulence doesn't normally dirty its tires on these roads. So when Shuri steps out of the vehicle, Sam was ready to be on his absolute best behavior and turn on the charm. It helps that he's seen this particular visitor twice before, although she might not recall. A hand is offered, alongside a friendly smile.

    "Good afternoon. My name's Sam, and welcome to the Happy Harbor High School, home of the Seals. We don't actually have any sports teams yet, but when we do, they'll be the Seals, and this will be their home." Clear as mud. And a motion to his left, indicating the seated German Shepherd. "And this is Bear, my companion. I hope you don't mind having him tag along?"

Shuri has posed:
Smiling as she approaches, she looks to the dog and then lets out a hmm, "Yes." She states simply and nods her head, "I have seen you before. When that odd living universe was near here. You were there with Bear." She nods again before she looks to the school, "Happy Harbor then?" She nods and then she gestures, "Well, I was told that you could show me around then perhaps you and Bear will give me a grand tour." She then looks over at Bear and smiles at him, "What do you say, Bear?" She then smiles at Samuel and waits for him to lead the way.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
Samuel Morgan half turns and motions towards the entrance before walking that way. "Please do keep in mind that the school is very new. Very. It's been open for less than two months. But for all that, it already has a thriving student body, a solid school spirit and a varied academic roster. The tutors are all experts in their chosen fields, and we have frequent guest lecturers." Which technically includes Tony Stark, although Sam is leaving that name out of the discussion for now. "Is there any particular part of the school you are more interested in?"

Shuri has posed:
A nod as he speaks and Shuri hmms a little as she considers all of this before she gestures, "Given my background, I would like to see what kind of scientific facilities you have at this school. I have heard that your school has an upcoming science fair." She nods her head, "I would like to see how advanced your scientific facilities are and what can be expected."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    That means that Sam steers right past the Theater and the Gym, crossing the central plaza towards the Academic Hall. "I've got great hopes of the Science Fair. Of course, I plan to win first prize, but I'm hoping someone is going to surprise me." He holds the door open towards the academic building, and leads the way towards the science classrooms. "So far I believe we have a doctor of dimensional studies, a PhD from Oxford for Chemistry and a PhD from MIT for Engineering, with plans on installing a full sized planetarium in the Theater over the spring break."

Shuri has posed:
A nod and then she states, "That sounds impressive." She considers, wondering if any of those people could even hold a candle. She walks with him all the same, only briefly looking at teh buildings they pass as they approach the academics hall. She looks over at him as he speaks and then looks forward, "I am sure that will be interesting for the students and I bet you will do well with the science fair. What, if I might ask, are you working on?" She looks to him as they move, giving him plenty of attention.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Oh, I'm going with one of the classics, I'm building a functional jetpack. Or, to be more accurate, a Flight Mobility Device, considering it doesn't have any internal combustion engines. I was going to build a semi-autonomous camera drone for use by emergency services, but someone else is already going to show off a drone, wouldn't be fair of me to steal their thunder." Sam seems very certain he's going to win this, smiling as he opens the door into a modern science lab. "This may look a bit basic, but please keep in mind that the school is always looking to improve standards. We have very generous donor and patrons."

Shuri has posed:
A smile as she listens and nods, "I see. That does sound impressive." She then looks inside as they arrive. She starts to look around before nodding, "This is fairly good for...you." She states, not wanting to say 'for America' at all as that would be...probably not the best approach. She turns her gaze back over to him, "I feel like they gave you the best they could." She nods again before she starts looking at one of the lab tables and then looks back at him, "So, what will you use as a power source for a personal flight device?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Ah, now there's the problem, isn't it?" It seems that Sam has been in this room more than a few times, starting to tidy up a few things that he seems to think are in the wrong place. "At the moment I'll be going with graphene batteries, until I can get the microfusion device to work." Not completely true, of course, but that's beyond the scope of a simple visit, and once the last bits have been cleaned away, he leans against the wall to field further questions. "The equipment here may not be the most advanced, but I think I can be confident in saying that this is the most advanced you'll find in any High School in this country."

Shuri has posed:
"I'm sure." Shuri states with a smile. Slightly forced as she looks back at the things, "Well, I do look forward to seeing this science fair." She nods her head, "I will very much like to see what everyone has to offer. I'd offer advice to you but I feel like that'd be inappropriate." She nods her head as she then considers, "Let us move on to the other facilities."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Of course." And at that Sam leads the way out of the lab, back down to the ground floor, past the chemistry classrooms. "If you would like, I could show you the Shop, soon to be the site of our Engineering class. Or perhaps you'd be more interested in seeing the Library? Complete with a host of computers for students to use, of course."

Shuri has posed:
Shuri nods at this and then considers, "I'd think it'd be nice to see this Engineering class." She nods her head, "I can see the Libary after though I do have a fairly advanced computer already so I am not sure what you would offer there could be much of a match." She chuckles and nods her head as she looks over in the direction that they are heading, "So far this is fairly impressive for a high school. It is getting me quite interested in this science fair that is coming."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "If you would like to attend, the fair will be on the first, but I can assure you it's no joke." A weak smile at that, and just outside of the Shop Sam comes to a stop, turning fairly abruptly towards Shuri.

    "And your Highness, may I offer you my thanks for everything Wakanda has been doing for the survivors of Genosha. At a time when the world turned its back, you held out a hand of friendship. My kind is in your debt."

    Then, as if nothing has happened, he opens the door to the Shop, a larger garage-like classroom with a set of rolling doors on the far end for vehicles to enter. Bear traipses in before anyone else, heading for his usual spot... Sam must come here a lot.

Shuri has posed:
A slow blink and she stares at that response before smiling a little at that. She shifts some and almost blushes a bit before she smiles brighter and then follows him in, "Glad to be of help." She quietly says to him as they walk inside before she watches the dog walk over to his seemingly favorite spot. She then looks around and nods, "This looks like a good work area. A bit unorganized to me but it still looks like something very useful. I bet a lot of work gets done in here."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It's as if the remark in the corridor was never passed, Sam completely back into 'tour guide' mode. "It's got all the equipment necessary to take a vehicle apart to the last bolt, repair it and put it back together again. A suitably motivated student can do that in a week or two, with the equipment on hand." Ask him how he knows. Please, ask him how he knows. "At the moment it's mostly been standing idle except for a few automotive engineering classes, but in two weeks I've been assured our new engineering teacher will be calling this place home."

Shuri has posed:
A blink and she nods, "That long..." She seems asurprised by it before she blinks and then nods, "...seems pretty short of a time. Yes." She says kind of unconvincingly before nodding to him, "I assume that you have...tested it?" She asks and smiles before looking to the various pieces of equipment and then back to him, "I am assuming you are good with tools."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "I have." Sam smiles, including a wink as he starts to tidy up tools. He seems incredibly neat, and makes sure that everything is back where it belongs, exactly matching the outlines on the wall boards. "Took me about a week, but there were quite a few things wrong with that van. Had to rebuild most of the engine from scratch. Don't get me started on the electrics. Or the gearbox. Least said about the suspension the better. And I like tinkering, took the opportunity to... start a few projects."

Shuri has posed:
A grin and Shuri nods her head, "I do find that the most difficult projects are the most satisfying." She nods her head as she idly rubs a finger over the beads on her wrist. She then looks over at the various areas and hten back to him, "Well, this has been most exciting but, I do not wish to take your whole day so perhaps we should move on and not get too distracted."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Very." Again there's a secretive smile from Sam, as if he knows slightly more than he's letting on. Or wants to project that image. Or knows even more than that and only wants people to think he knows slightly more rather than a lot more. Still, he pats his leg to get Bear moving again and leads the way out once more. "You'll find that the curriculum in Happy Harbor might seem a bit strange. We've got classes you won't find in most high school, but being a private school I think we have more flexibility. But I'm not an authority on educational law, so don't quote me on that. But you will find that we have quite an assortment of extracurricular clubs. The usual sports, cheer squad naturally, but also horse riding, archery, fencing, chess, astronomy..."

Shuri has posed:
A blink at Samuel at those words and she looks over at him, "I am sure but..." She tilts her head and smiles at him, "Are you of the impression that I am going to be going to school here?" She asks and then laughs a little before looking ahead, "I had asked about potentially working as a judge at your science fair." She nods her head and tilts her head, "As a diplomatic thing."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Until I saw you get out of the car, I wasn't certain." Sam begins with a smile. "But no, I'm not assuming you're here to be a student. Would be fairly pointless, I think." Make of that what you will. He once again leads the way out into the central plaza, crossing it towards the Library. "But I'm certain you'd like to hear about everything we do here, should you decide to become one of the school sponsors? Or am I mistaken about that?"

Shuri has posed:
"You are not mistaken about that." She smiles and nods her head as she walks with him, "I am so far very much enjoying what you have here but I would like to make sure you stay on the cutting edge if you are going to be have students who are a bit part of the future I hope to see." She nods her head.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "And what is that future, if I may ask, your Highness?" It's a question asked in passing as Sam open the door to the library, knowing that he'll have to drop his voice as soon as he enters that temple of knowledge. For inside silence reigns, and its guardians are both ruthless and seemingly omniscient.

Shuri has posed:
A smile at Samuel and then she leans forward, "Those who come after us." She whispers as they walk in and looks around at the library. She smiles at what she sees and then looks over to him to whisper, "It seems like a very lovely place. How many books roughly, do you know?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "So there is a world for them to inherit." Sam agrees in a whisper, and leads Shuri around at a respectful pace, hands clasped behind his back. Even Bear seems slightly less rambunctious in here, but the librarians seems to look on the canine with more benevolence than the human he's with. "Roughly twenty five thousand printed works. Not quite the Bodleian Library of Oxford, but I'll challenge you to find a bigger one in the country, let alone the state. Of course that doesn't take into account the works held in electronic storage."

Shuri has posed:
A nod and she purses her lips, "Fairly impressive." She states simply enough and nods her head as she looks around at the librarians before returning her gaze to Samuel, "Let us move on though, I do not believe I can keep my voice down forever." She laughs as quietly as she can and stands back up straight before gesturing for him to lead the way.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    A polite nod is given to the librarians for their time and indulgence, before Sam leads the way out, once again courteously holding the door. Once outside, he takes a deep breath. "Staying quiet is just not for me. So, next stop the gym..."

Shuri has posed:
A smile and she nods, "WEll, that's good. Physical education can be as important as a mental one." She nods again as she walks with Samuel, "So, you have been at the school since it opened then?" She asks and tilts her head.