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Latest revision as of 02:53, 7 February 2022

Well Stocked
Date of Scene: 05 February 2022
Location: X-Lounge
Synopsis: Tabby reloads the X-Lounge bar with the spoils of mutant empowerment. Rogue acts the awesome teacher and life coach.
Cast of Characters: Tabitha Smith, Rogue

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Sometimes a girl has to find ways to deal with a world that hates and fears her in ways that don't involve violence. Being a mutant is frustrating like that and Tabby's frustrations are often numerous. How no body put her in a straightjacket yet is a miracle.

But into the X-Lounge she slips, green jacket, pink jeans, matching spiky little collar and belt and some green chuck style sneakers with pink cat eye sunglasses over head.

Stopping by the bar the young woman starts rummaging through pockets and extracting bottles. "Fucker shouldn't have opened his mouth. This'll learn the bigot." she says with a more wicked tone in her voice for the apparent victory anmd the priizes she just starts piling on onto the counter as she leans against it for a little balance.

One very not cheap looking bottle seems to have already been opened and a quarter of the whiskey inside downed.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was already inside the base lounge. She's seated half on the pool table corner, and half off with one booted foot on the ground. She's dressed in her gold and green X-Men suit, though its unzipped and bunched up around her waist, with a black tanktop on her upper body, and her leather bomber jacket over that. She's got her gloves poking out of the jacket pocket, her bare hands tapping away on her phone that her eyes are down upon.

She looks up and over at Tabitha when she glides on in like a angry pink storm. This gets a grin from the Belle who looks past her white bangs to the woman getting herself booze.

"Havin' a good day, Miss Tabi?" The Belle asks in that naturally husky voice, laced with a sassy playfulness that anyone whose used to Rogue would come to expect.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The blonde girl looks up to find a Southern Belle on the pool table and atually seems surprised, her face a doe in headlight look that seems like she isn't sure she's in trouble to not. But she keeps pulling bottles, opening her own jacket to show off a cropped cyan hoodie, the hoodie gone as much as the material that would have covered her toned midriff. Easier to manage the jacket collar.

"Heeeey Rogue, sweetie!" Taby greets and turns her stunned look into a more goofy one as she extracts bottle after botttle. She must be at a half dozen different kinds.

"Just doing my part for the cause." she states sometimes that playful demeanor can be hard to read, even for Tabby. Not that Tabby always remembers to follow the room reading. The blonde's brain does go a lot of places and being confrontd by a playful and gorgeous senior X-Woman offers a lot of tangents where it can driift.

"Kinda had to teach a bigot liquopr store owner to watch his mouth with in front of customers. Not that I would.... buy... booze being only tewnty." she's technically correct. She didn't buy any of this.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue drops her eyes back to her phone, her white snowy bangs falling around the sides of her face as she fires off another text before she lowers the device down to the edge of the pool table, then plants her left hand upon its green felted surface. Now she just stares at Tabitha and the many bottles she's laying out. This makes Rogue tilt her head a bit, and a smile cross her lips.

"You got a alcohol resistance that I ain't aware of, Missy?" She asks then. "Cause that's enough booze t'get a Buffalo wasted. Maybe even Logan." She then puts her eyes back up on Tabi's own.

"Ya didn't blow anyone up t'day, did ya? Bigots are'a dime'a dozen out there. If we start blowin' all of'em up, we might ... well... attract some trouble."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's a few more bottles yet and these seem to appear from now where when the come up from under the level of the bench and Tabitha sinks down almost past eyelevel with the edge but that seems to be the last of them finally.

"I dunno if anyone else other than the professor or the sciency types now but I go through a lot of calories for my powers, sugah..." she grins and winks at the Belle. "Carbs, caffeine." she goes on to explain. "I kinda clicked on it when I was reading some of Doctor McCoy's texts and stuff on Plasmakinesis. II don't have a fancy external power source like a lot of folks so it kinds means it's all me." she states and smiles as she leans further against the bar on folded arms and tilts her head down then back up .

"And yeah I know what a diet like that can do to a kids brain. There's a name for it. ADHD." she admits.

"More reading in downtimes. But the booze also is sugar carbs and brain affecting. Sooo balance. Also good when my brain decides it should be back in Genosha." And that whole mess would traumatise anyone.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just leans there on the side of the pool table, watching Tabitha as she speaks and explains all of this. It ends with the Belle softly laughing and pushing off of the table to start to walk around it. "I wish I had a big ol' nerdy science excuse t'get wasted. Might cut down on some'a the flak I get from Jean an' Scott, and... everyone else..." She says, gathering up her phone and stuffing it in to the pocket of her jacket. Both her hands end up in those pockets as she walks casually toward where the bottles are.

She stands on the opposite side of the bar from where Tabi is, and reaches out to gather up one of the bottles. She looks down at it, reading its label...

"I duno where half this stuff even comes from. But if ya drink it all, I bet people are gonna shout at ya." She says, setting it back down and grinning. "IF you're after carbs, how about a big bowl'a pasta?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"I dunno if self medicating is sciency enough and if anyone has a reason to dull their senses it's you Rogue. I swear I feel like I get frustrated then I remember your troubles and it puts things in perspective." Boomie says and slides the open bottle the brunette's way on offer to share.

The rest of the bottles are then one by one stocked with similar bottles in the bar. the whiskey and whisky, the fancy port, the rotguts. And that wormy bottle of tequila. It all goes in a neat spot.

"I had a huge sandwich earlier. It soaks up a lot. Pasta would be amazing too. I can help cook. I mean it's gettiing on for that time right? Who is on kitchen tonight anyway?" she states. "Think I'm on bathrooms still." she goes on in one of those tangents where she brain skids off track and tries to right itself.

"But yeah. I could absolutely eat. I kept a few stashed in my room. And no I never blew anything up. I haven't done that to anyone since rescuing Black Cat a couple days ago. That was roughy." she says a little sadly.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue accepts the bottle pushed her way, then raises it up to sniff at it before she takes a tipping back sample. When she lowers it again she exhales and shakes her head. "Spicy." She quietly comments before taking a bigger drink of it. Then, when she lowers it down to the counter she raises her right hand up to push her hair there back over her shoulder. "Uh... I think it's Pizza night. so probably two or three pizza delivery cars expected in a bit." She says next, grinning lightly.

"You still workin' at Harry's bar?' She asks then.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The mention of work kinda gets a shrug of her shoulders. "I turn up when I can. And I do try to stay sober on the job but I think Harry's ready to hire someone more stable." Tabby explains and chuckles at her own expense.

That last open bottle is all that's left and for now she doesn't quite take a swig yet, she's had enough of it to let that buzz work through her system.

"I swear sometimes he underpays some of us purely to help pay for all the damages we cause and he buys cheep furniture so he can pocket that Xavier compensation. Bet he could retrire right now or after the next bar brawl." the blonde surmises, her wild short spiky bangs bouncing despite the product in it.

"Pizza works. But so gotta be fast. One blink and even Noriko could miss out on a slice!"

Rogue has posed:
The talk of Harry's cheapness has Rogue laughing a little. She shakes her head side to side then. "He wouldn't let me host my mud wrestlin' party at his bar, cause he said we would tear the place up. Which, well, yeah, we probably would... But still. I found the perfect spot for that anyhow, in spite of his unwillingness." She replies with a grin.

The bottle is raised again for the Belle to partake in another sip from its contents. "As for my plight, ya don't gotta worry. I think I'm makin' headway on it... Been a long year, but Jean an' I have gotten some good traction in me controllin' some'a it. But... ya know, it's like a house'a cards. Ya don't wanna push it too much, or it'll crumble, like Nori if all the pizza is gone by the time she gets to it."

She grins again as she offers the bottle over to Tabi now.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Well sign me up for the mudwrestling. Drunken grappling with women not pissed off at me is a nice change." Tabby says and takes a swig of the bottle to toast that. "I'm still realling from the last time I got thrown off the roof. I'm still adjusting to being sans men and Jimmy. It's a transition." she states and giggles as she takes another swig and passes it back to the skunk striped X-woman.

"It's good to here there's progress with you and Jean. Nothing I can really suggest to help that you two haven't thought up. But at least Jean's TK should be all super fine controll now you two can get positively tactile? and I've got spare gear like batteries and stuff if need be." she playfully guesses and encourages the pair.

"Yeah I think Nori's metabolism is worse than mine. And then we learned her absorbing power works on me." she states and chuckles.

"Luckily she has Jubilee to hug things out with." she states. "So to all the happiier couples working out their deals. I'm nothing if not an avid shipper or friends!" she playfully toasts as the tosted blonde uses the bar for balance.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughs at this and just shakes her head. "Jean is just one'a the strongest telepaths in the world, and since my power is directly related t'my mind... she is the tops for helpin' me figure out how to control it all."

She tips her chin up at the other then before accepting the bottle back. "What happened with you an' James? He's a quiet fella, but he's nice an' seems... ya know... robust. Muscles upon muscles." She adds with a little hint of a grin before indulging in another swig of the bottle's contents.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's some recall about her time with James and a niibble of her lip. There's even an arch of her back but she soon catches herself in company not the man in question. "He could rock a girl nine ways from sunday. And my abs are a direct result." she pushes up on her hands while leaning just enough to show and flex them before lowering to stand leaning and resting on folded arms and elbows so she isn't squishing anything else.

"Buuuuuut every time he tries to upgrade the level of the relationship. I get scared and run. He even gave me a ring." she states and waggles the left ring finger. There's nothing on it now. "But I keep getting scared. I keep being drawn to other people, men, women. Oh wow women now." she says and grins at Rogue with a wink.

So the Tabster continues and adds another swig of that very expensiive whiskey. "I don't think I can do... comittment, let alone monogamy. It's not far to James. You've all seen me at my worst like that since I was a kid." Big sigh as she drinks and goes on. "How much is it my powers linked to my hormones and how much is it my other brain stuff. Right now I kinda wanna work on me and work on that. Be a lot more picky on who I folllow through on flirting with. And reduce the damage it can cause like I can with my bombs."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue puts her hands on the edges of the counter on either side of her spot. She listens intently, and nods her head here and there a little at what the other says. "I can understand that. Commitment is not easy. Hell... Remy constantly claims how damn commited he is to me. T'us. But where the hell is he ever? Never around. Comes around, givin' gifts, whisperin' sweet words, then vanishes off inta the sunset for weeks, months, on end." She shakes her head side to side.

"It can sour a girl on even botherin' with anyone, beyond flippant fun, an' movin' on t'the next. Course... with me, most just run away the second I mention my touch issue." She gives a grim smirk at her own plight.

A breath is drawn in then, and she gives one decisive nod to the other across the bar. "You do you though. If you get t'a place in life where you are up for the big decisions, marriage and all that jazz, I'm sure you'll find the right person for it. James, or otherwise." She flashes a quick smile.

"Ya better give him a card though for helpin' with those abs." The Belle adds with a big smile.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"I James knows how much I appreciated the ab work outs!" Tabby states and giggles brightly. By now between the women the bottle is half way done while they pair are living on prayers.

"I'd wanna think Remy is just being sweet and patient but that sounds way too much like grooming. Or being lazy if he was really big sweet on you he'd be helping on working things out. But he'd probably just install power dampners in your rooms." she states and shrugs. "Think we have the opposite problem with men. I keep finding the sweet ones that I end up hurting. You get the ones maybe in it cause unattainable. I may need to zip my jacket up and hug you. Last thinh you need is a Tabby on the floor cause she drains fast and a Tabby in your head." she states and grins as she makes a rawr air claw gesture.

"I can honestly expect that would literally be the worst thing this school could face. Me, my brain wiring, your body and powers."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughs lightly and shakes her head back and forth at these thoughts from the other. She draws in a breath then and turns to the side to sit down on one of the bar stools beside the counter. "I dunno. There's likely worse people I could absorb around here. Jamie for instance." She says with a grin. "Not sure the school could handle an infinite number'a me wanderin' around." She says before taking that bottle again for another swig, as she leans back on the side of the stool, and crosses her legs at the knees.

"But yeah, I can control my touch up t'certain levels now. If I get angry, or afraid, it seems t'break my concentration though, and since the good Lord instilled me with a short temper fuse... well... Guess that leaves me still a dangerous unstable type." She adds with a soft, but warm, smile.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"I dunno. I mean would your power work on dupe of you or is she safe to touch." There's another playful wink to the Southern Belle. Or would you just reabsorb the whole dupe and render the argument moot." she ponders. "But no one minds seeing you walk the halls, more than one might cause a few walls to be hit by distracted boys... and girls. Beleive it or not you contribute to that big feeling of safety we all need so Madrox Rogue, far from scary.

Tabitha drinks in smaller amounts now, slowing as the pair work their way through. the booze adding a noticeable red to Tabitha's skin tone as it works through her bloodstream and gets into all the cappilaries.

"If you're making that much progress it's amazing Rogue. And you have a sense of guilt. So that makes you not a dangerous type. I blew the roof off my school just by being turned on. Nothing like feeling the tingle then getting treated like an active shooter in a school lunch room missing a roof. Learning to control myself is an ongoing process. So making your strides is like super inspiring!"

Rogue has posed:
The various comments about the Duping power has Rogue laughing again. "I really don't know what would happen. Maybe the dupes wouldn't have the same mutation as me? Maybe they would, it'd just work different? Jamie got lucky and found me with my new found 'wall' up durin' the mud wrestlin', so when he sent fifteen of his copies at me, they were all safe from my wrath." She says with a sly grin.

The other bits has the Belle still grinning lightly. "Hey, we're here t'make progress, right? It's the whole purpose'a this place, yeah? It took a long time, almost a decade'a this mutation hinderin' me, but yeah. I'll take headaches, an' some draw backs, if it means I can slap a few people around without suckin' their minds inta my own..."

she nods her chin up at Tabitha then from her seat at the bar. "You seem t'be masterin' those explosives of yours too. So progress is mutual, it seems."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's deninitely a hint that Tabby is storing the Multiple Anna-Marie idea in her head for later.

"Well at least when you wrasstle next time you could fix a supression device in that's entiresly your's to control. No shame in using tech to supplement control. Nori, Scott Ee Tee See" she says and flicks the little lead ring on the collar around her neck. A little pendant in the shape of an explosion.

"But as you get it dowwn to a fine art and subconsious. You should take Jean out, wear a slinky backless and long slitted dress of maximum sexy and legs and spend an evening just dancing. Slow sensuous, close, romantic. Then retire to her Jacuzzi and unwind!" she suggests with a very romantic tone to her voice.

"My powers, yeah it's been great. I've been feeling subtle things when I use my powers. I mean yeah twenty years old, seven years gotta grow somehow. Like I can feel the bombs move and adjust mid air. Think even upping the pace on launching is getting good and I don't need to throw. I'm a fantastic pitcher now too. And like it's not a bomb but a flow of plasma. Flamethrower type stuff. Or maybe a good shotgun!"

Rogue has posed:
The intial part of what Tabi says there has Rogue softly laughing, and shaking he rhead. "Yeah, I'm sure that is what Jean Grey wants. A romantic date with me. The one that everyone around here expects is gonna cause trouble and mayhem one day t'the next." She responds before the last bit has her nodding her head.

"I remember you tossin' me bombs on that alien world. You were rockin' it, literally. That power is pretty awesome. You are great if we ever gotta drop bombs outta the Blackbird... though that seems like a rare thing that may ever come up for us..." She grimaces for a second then before reaching for that bottle again.

"So what's on the Tabitha agenda next? Got any big plans?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's a hmmm and Tabi squints as she formulates Boomie plans and shenannigans. "Well my bombs are getting bigger as well so dropping ordnance is a possibiliy. Just ask Mojo how that went for him. Hopefully Pixie is okay now she's had time to recover." the blonde says and smiles brightly.

"I'm not the heaviest hitter though so there is a limit to my output. I could maaaaaaaaybe one shot a sentinel now but that'd gonna leave me wiped." Tabitha explains.

This as she looks forwards and almost goes crosseyed before a little flicker of plasma ignites and makes the Lounge a little brighter before she purses her lips as if blowing it a kiss and the actually inhales the flame of ionised gass to reabsorb it. "And there's that." she says with that nifty little development. "I do not know if I can do that to anyone else's flames and stuff." Boom-Boom adds.

"Big plans. Combat Training Clinic at the Themysciran Embassy. Wonder Woman teaching, that's awesome! Also! Keep working on me, pester Scott about X-mans status and testing. I swear he better not expect college though." the blonde with the boozy buzz starts rambling a mile a minute.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue lowers the bottle after another gulp of it down. She sets it down with a quiet thud of glass on marble countertop. Her eyes observe what Tabi puts on display and she raises her dark eyebrows up a bit. "Ya got some new tricks up your sleeve then?" The southern gal questions before she glances to the door.

"Should give that power a test in the danger room, see if you can't see what kinda limits it has."

She upnods again at Tabit then. "And if you're gonna go train with Wonder Woman, make sure not t'blow her up with one'a those big ones." She states with a grin. "Wondie is pretty darn powerful, likely my closest thing to an idol... but... she fights like a Gladiator, ya know? Is that the kinda fightin' your weantin' t'learn? Swords and shields?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha nods her head. "Hopefully. Never quite put them to combat level stress tests yet. Just training on my own out on the Breakstone shore where I can't do damage and ruin the danger room for others." she explains.

"I'll take a dangeroom test whenever anyone wants. I show up for regulat training when I can but gotta otherwse try and slip my own times in when others cancel bookings and stuff. Like I watch out for Logan's schedule. That's a good spot to wait for cancels." she admits and grins as she takes her own swig again. Fingers waggling as she lets the bottle go and the remains of the bottle dwindling to empty slosh in that amberish tone against the marble counter.

Weighing herself up against the Princess has Taby grinning ear to ear. "That's no contest. I've seen her in person at that Genosha Charity gala ages back. She's hot a presence. And I've seen her fight on the news. I couldn't hope to singe so much as a split end and no way she even has those. I could go all out and she's just wipe the floor with me. If I even get a hand on her it's gonna be because she let it happen. But it's training in something that's amazin'" she chuckles at the pun.

"I'm a hand to hand type but knowing how to hold the swords and stuff without stabbing myself or others is handy and maybe maybe I can crib a few moves in Wonder-Fu and see what I can improvise."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue doesn't seem to be too effected by the booze she'd consumed, but she does have some unusual durability which may go to her own alcohol resistance... plus, if someone actually thought about it, they might realize that nobody has ever seen her 'drunk' before.

"We could see about some kinda test. Maybe we could get Negasonic involved. That might be a bit more dangerous, but could be interestin' too." She responds before uncrossing her legs and putting her booted heels on the foot rest of the stool she's perched upon.

"If its a beginners class, ya might just be hittin' fruit all day with a stick or somethin' though. So don't get your hopes up on doin' battle with Wonder Woman." She chides the other in good humor, grinning after saying that too.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Not everyday a woman can openly ask another woman to smack her around publicly and be cheered for it. Obviously not that way. But still. It's a trainiing opportunity at best. So I'm jumping on that like a keg after promnight!" The blonmde declared intently

"Negasonic is gonna give Sam a run for his money one day on those powers of hers. And Sam can definitly tank anything I throw at him so Ellie should be fine. She can probably make bigger blasts that I can too." she ponders and with elbows on the benchtop while she stays leaning over maes an explosion gesture with both hands. No actual explosions though.

"Always handy to see how others use similar power sets. Takes the guess work out when being all tactical and stuff. And yess I'm getting better at that too!"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue glances at the emptied bottle, then back to the woman with the fancy pink pants. She just grins at her. "Well, yeah, few people can blow stuff up quite like Sam, that's for sure. I hadn't really thought how we got three of ya around here who got such similar ways of destroyin' stuff. Ya'll should form a Bom Squad." She suggests, giving a bright smile to the other after saying that.

With her phone ringing then, Rogue glances down at it and huffs out a exhale. "I better take this." She notes as she passes by Tabi and gives her a ungloved pat on the shoulder!

She's got that down... pat, you might say!

On her way out, Rogue's wedge heeled thigh-high boots click softly on the floor. "HelloooooOOOOoo?" She says to whomever is dialing her phone, holding up to the side of her head.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's one last sip of the whiskey and oh no! The bottle is empty and the blonde is up on ger feet slowly, letting that curved and athletic toned figure fully come in to view like a cat stretching out after laying down.

With Rogue distracted by phones the young woman grins and lets the call take priority. There's a wink a wave and a blow of a kiss. Tabby might not have any real shots with most of the X-Women but if she can enjoy some flirting and flattery, she's sure others don't mind a little within reason. Tabby has a crater shaped like her outside to attest when it hasn't worked.

"Pizza, better not have missed iit!" she mutters and slips out the lounge in a wobbly happy stride, sneakers squeaking and hips swaying while she zips her jacket half way up now she no longer has stolen liquor weighing the young woman down.

Now if she can make it to the elevator upstairs without conking out. That's a test in and of itself.