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Latest revision as of 11:38, 20 March 2020

Just A Walk In The Park
Date of Scene: 20 March 2020
Location: Columbus Park
Synopsis: Heidi is suprised to meet another Asgardian. She shares some tips with Toril and they eat pretzels.
Cast of Characters: Heidi Ingerdottir, Toril Forsberg

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
There are days when you simply need to get out for a walk. Today is one of those. While things aren't overwhelming for Heidi, there are certainly a lot of things to take in. She's still getting the hang of every little minutia that seems to be present in the world of Midgard. Today, she's just watching the people nearby.

People watching is a great pastime, but Heidi hasn't gotten the hang of doing it without seeming a bit... like she's blatantly watching people. She stands near the statue and just gazes.

Toril Forsberg has posed:
For the moment, Toril is out. She has no idea about what anything is in this world. It is both scary and exciting! A whole new midgard complete with amazing buildings and things to see. Not to mention people to meet. She is still wearing her outfit she woke up in as she hasn't yet gotten anything else and so what amounts to leather armor is the outfit of the day. She walks out into the park and stands right into the middle of it and puts her hands on her hips as she breathes in that fresh...eww. Not so fresh air. What is with the air on Midgard now? Eight centuries has not done wonders for it. She frowns a little and then shrugs before she blinks at what appears to be a pretzel cart and starts toward it, calling out, "Baker!" She calls toward the man, "What is that delicious aroma?"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
It's almost like ilk attracts ilk. Heidi, hearing the call from the other woman, peers in that direction and stares a tiny bit. Armor? Perhaps another superhero. It certainly would ring true, but this was /interesting/ and Heidi loved interesting so she casually starts to walk in that direction. "Hail!" She calls, raising a hand.

Toril Forsberg has posed:
That call causes her to stop in her path of heading to the pretzel cart and she instead turns her gaze over to the incoming Heidi. She blinks at the woman before tilting her head, "Hail!" She states and starts over to her, "You are quite large for a woman of midgard." She states and tilts her head, "I am impressed." She offers a hand, "I am Toril of Asgard."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
A moment of confusion washes over Heidi. "What? No! I am no Midgardian." She looks her clothes over, then seems to understand. "Ah, the /clothing/. I know, it is very good at blending in with the Midgardians." She does seem a little surprised, then offers her own arm. "Heidi, daughter of Inger, also of Asgard. What brings you to this realm? I did not know there were many others here."

Toril Forsberg has posed:
A brighter smile as her arm is taken and then she states, "Thor did not say there were others here." She nods her head and then gives the arm a squeeze before she pulls back and states, "I am not sure though. I am still trying to piece together why I am here or how." Toril nods her head, "I have apparently caused a bit of a mess and now eight centuries have passed and, well, I don't totally understand it but I am here."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"That sounds... troubling. Eight centuries is a long time to have lost. You said that Thor was the one who spoke with you?" Heidi seems curious, then pauses. "Did you want some of that food? I have obtained Midgardian currency for such a purpose."

Toril Forsberg has posed:
"Yes." She notes, "There was a one called a Lantern who apparently brought me to him after an incident that I do not recall. Then after some time speaking and regaling me with stories of Midgard, which...I do not fully remember all of but it was a quite the thing to hear, I was brought to a shield." She nods her head, "Or they are called shield?" She shakes her head, "I am not clear on all of it."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I cannot say I know of these others, but I can understand the interest. That is quite the tale. And they just... let you go? Provided no accomodations?" Heidi does seem a little surprised. "I apologize that I have naught to offer but perhaps one of those pretzels. They are very good, I might add. Midgardian food is more delicious than I expected."

Toril Forsberg has posed:
A smile and then a laugh, "While I would not mind it, I can...I think I can survive on the land..." She looks distant a moemnt and then sighs, "I apologize but my past is not clear to me. Though no, those of the Shield did provide me a place to stay while I am here." SHe nods her head, "They apparently worry about my safety and the safety of others." She nods her head, "Pretzel is what these are called?" She points at them.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Aye, pretzels. It is dough that is twisted together in a very unique shape. Always that one... I have not figured out why." Heidi eyes the pretzels. "A soft, chewy texture... I will say that they are quite good." She seems, at least, assured that Toril's not just let hanging out to dry. "I shall get us some!" She isn't really taking no for an answer as she promptly heads over to the cart to buy a pair.

Toril Forsberg has posed:
A wide smile as she approaches and she looks to Heidi, "So, how long have you been in Midgard? I have been told that Midgard has advanced considerably and if their food has advanced as much as well, then this will be quite the pleasent place to be." She nods and laughs before looking to the man who sells the pretzels and nods to him as she awaits their pretzels.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"In Midgard? Not long. Perhaps a fortnight?" Heidi pays for the pretzels and patiently waits for them to be handed over before offering Toril one. "I will say that if I am surprised by some of the things here, you certainly will be. They are quite clever, I will note, but some things will surprise you. I warn you to be cautious."

Toril Forsberg has posed:
Taking one, she takes a deep breath and smiles before she looks up and then blinks, "Surprise? Well, I will not be surprised if I am." She gestures around, "Already these amazing structures are truly a work worthy of Asgardians. Though I am curious about this caution?" She looks toward her, "I have heard there is at least one who was a match for myself who goes by the name Lantern."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I know nothing of that matter, I only mean that Midgardians are a particular bunch and I do my best to not disturb their habits or way of life if not necessary. They can be very easily annoyed." Heidi laughs. "It is not a wonderful way to make friends if you get in their way too much."

Toril Forsberg has posed:
A laugh and then she takes a bite of the pretzel, "Oh!" She states as she chews it down and then she takes another bite before laughing, "This is most delicious." She gestures to the man handling the cart and nods to him, "Well done, baker! You have fashioned a delicious...pretzel." She states it again before looking to Heidi, "I will do my best to stay out of their way."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Do not be afraid to ask about something if you are confused. They may give you strange looks but I have found that unless you are severely disturbing what they are doing, they are kind in their explanations." Heidi is trying to think of her tips. What would she have needed?

Toril Forsberg has posed:
A blink and then she nods, "I am glad to hear that." She then takes another bite and then grins wider, "You have been most helpful, Heidi. However, I am curious. How did you end up with their currency?" She nods her head, "Do they have jobs for those such as us? I do not even know where I'd begin to help those of midgard given all their changes."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Oh, there are things people do. You can offer to help lift things that the Midgardians find heavy. They aren't nearly as strong as one would think," Heidi shrugs a little. "Sometimes I just ask people for things and they give them to me. I have no actual /job/, but I have found if you are clever enough it is easy to get some."

Toril Forsberg has posed:
A blink and she nods her head before shrugging, "I did not think it would be as such but if that is all there is to it then between a place to live and just asking for things, this should be quite easy." She nods her head as she looks then over at Heidi, "I am glad to have found you, Heidi!" She grins, "You are most wise!"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi laughs. "I am not so wise as to I have an advantage of time spent here that you do not. But I appreciate the thought, friend Toril. You are most kind." She takes a bite of her pretzel. "Hopefully the rest of your time here will prove to be enjoyable."

Toril Forsberg has posed:
"I imagine it will. If everything on Midgard is as impressive as this pretzel than I may never leave." She laughs, "I do wish to one day return to Asgard but I must know more about why I was here in the first place and what happened before I return home. Home has been without me for centuries. I'm sure it can stand to be without me longer."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"The food is good. The people are better," Heidi agrees. "I am certain Asgard would welcome you back, perhaps once things are sorted out. I imagine with that long lapse as to where you've been it might be best to investigate. Something may be strange about it."

Toril Forsberg has posed:
"I have been told much that is strange." SHe looks wistful before looking over at Heidi, "But I will enjoy the adventure of finding out." She smiles, "And I think it will be best to know before I even look to my homeland." She worries a little with her face as she looks to the side before smiling again and letting a shrug take her posture up, "What is the point if you are not having fun?"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"That is certainly the right attitude to have, Toril!" Heidi certainly seems enthusiastic about that, taking a hearty bite out of her pretzel before looking back. "Ah, there is something I promised to help with. I trust you will stay safe and not let any of these Midgardians show you any trouble."

Toril Forsberg has posed:
A laugh and she shakes her haed, "I think I shall be quite fine." She nods her head, "They all seem nice and I shall look forward to finding out what I can find out." She then nods her head, "I shall very much like it here on this version of midgard. It is far more exciting seeming than the one I left behind."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
A final wave of Heidi's hand is what she offers as she holds the pretzel with her other and begins walking off. "Then let us hope it stays exciting for you," she calls.