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Latest revision as of 03:57, 9 February 2022

Another Day In
Date of Scene: 08 February 2022
Location: 5B - Karolina's Greenwich Loft
Synopsis: Girlfriends chat merrily to forget about the darkness outside.
Cast of Characters: Nico Minoru, Karolina Dean

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico's gotten an early start on the day... well, for some measure of 'start on the day'. She hasn't been foiling crimes, or heading to work though. Oh no, but Nico has accomplished the most important goal. Fresh bagels and cream cheese have been secured, she's even picked up some whole bean coffee... sure, she could've checked if Karolina's got a coffee grinder, but hey, that's what magic is for if it comes down to it.

She's skipped her usual more ornate outfits for a pair of clinging black jeans and a black cotton tanktop under a simple winter jacket she picked up from a thrift store. But still, those buckly goth boots remain. Nico might be in a bit of a slump, but she's not entirely lost herself entirely.

She pauses just outside 'lina's door and takes a slow, deep breath, "C'mon, Nico... you can do it... just be... chipper. Upbeat." and then she's opening the door and sweeping in, she might not actually pull off 'chipper' or 'upbeat', but there's not a tiny raincloud floating above her head, so hey, she's doing alright. "Kaaaaroliiiina! I've got bagels! And coffee! ...Okay, I've got bagels and the basic building blocks of coffee!"

She does her best to keep her voice light and breezy, but the whole angelic invasion of Manhattan's been weighing on her, even if she hasn't actually taken part in fighting it off. Maybe because she hasn't.

Karolina Dean has posed:
Karolina has been having an easy morning. She's still in her pajamas, which consist of an oversized Nirvana t-shirt and boxer briefs. The girl lounges on the couch in an uncomfortable position, one of her long legs turned about so she can paint her toenails. A shimmering blue-green color is sitting on the coffee table. Music blasts from her television, giving the whole apartment a relaxed air. The music is Billie Eilish. So, not exactly relaxed, I guess.

She glances up and gives one of those bright smiles when her girlfriend enters. "Hey, cutie. Ooooh. Wait. Vegan?," she asks hopefully, before she turns to blow on her toe nail a few times.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico sighs and rolls her eyes... but lifts up the smaller of two bags and gives a little shake, "Vegan bagels, and I even got some vegan cream cheese for you." She eyes the bag suspiciously and mumbles, "I'm just going to stick to the regular kind." And then she's fighting back a grin as she makes her way across the apartment to drop her seized booty upon the table, a good reach from the nail polish for safety's sake.

And then she's draping down over the back of the couch to latch arms around her blonde girlfriend's shoulders, squeezing gently, "So! How's it going? Just prettying yourself up? You could save some prettiness in the universe for everyone else! ...I mean, feel free not to, I just want to sound selfless about it."

Karolina Dean has posed:
She smiles brightly at the raise of the vegan bag, and she puts the cap on the nail polish. She has more toes to do, but they can wait. "Awww, thanks, babe. And eat whatever you want. I won't judge." Well, she was judgy back when they were kids, but she's grown. She turns her head to kiss Nico's cheek before she seizes the smaller bag and opens it up, setting a bagel and the packet of 'cream cheese' on the coffee table in front of her.

"Well, it's just you and me. We have -all- the pretty," she teases softly. "But don't worry, I won't tell anyone we're being selfish about it."

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico snorts and rolls her eyes, "Oh please! I am _not_ on the same level as you and some of the other women around town... you know, 'town' being New York, Gotham, Metropolis..." She frowns thoughtfully for a moment, eyes rolling upwards, "I think that's where all the gorgeous costumed ladies operate, right?" She frowns in mock thoughtfulness and then murmurs dryly, "I mean, okay, there was also that Hellfire Halloween party. I swear to god, people in this town can pull of costumes that _literally_ made my magic take second stage."

She squeezes again, apparently content to just be a bit of a boat anchor around her girlfriend's neck to make getting a bagel slightly more challenging, "So! ...We should probably do something. Call Molly sometime, make sure she's not like... stuck in that Manhattan mess, right? Or like that she wasn't evacuated and stuck sitting in some baseball stadium."

Karolina Dean has posed:
"I'd be worried about any of those 'angels' that messed with her. But you're totally right. Gotta make sure the kid is okay. You heard from the others in awhile? I haven't." She sets the bagel and packet down, resigned to hunger for now, due to the anchor. She doesn't seem upset at that, however. She turns about a little so she can rain small kisses along Nico's neck and cheek while they talk.

"Oh, shut up. They all have to try super hard to pull off that dark, sexy sleekness you do without breaking a sweat. Besides, I have -you- in my bed, not them, right? What does that tell you, hmmmmm?" She pokes Nico's side. "And don't say something about me having low standards."

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico heaves out a loud sigh, "I can _hear_ those air quotes, Kare... and they're apparently the real deal... but like... the _shit_ does that mean? Like, is fighting them any different than that crazy cult our families were in? Like, goddamn..." She groand and rolls her eyes and then frowns thoughtfully, "No, I haven't heard from anyone else in... a long time."

And then she's darting forward to scoop up that bagel and hold it in front of Karolina's mouth as she huffs out another soft sigh after those kisses.

"Hey hey, I pull me off good! But like, Zatanna easily does the dark colour themes as well. Plus all those Gotham vigilantes? But I was more thinking about statuesque blondes." She hums softly and murmurs out, "I don't know _why_ I keep thinking about statuesque blondes." She snorts and bites back an actual giggle, "Oh no! You've got high standards. But you've got a weakness to my mysterious witchy ways."

Karolina Dean has posed:
"Oh, I'd totally smooch Zatanna, don't get me wrong. And those Gotham girls, from what I've seen, have some super sexy danger to them, but..." She grins and leans in to take a bite out of the bagel. "I think I'd be a bit overwhelmed with them. Or I'd drive them insane. You can put up with me."

She reaches out to grab the goth and pull her down into her lap, however she can. She seizes the bagel with a free hand and takes another bite.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico can't help but dissolve into actual, genuine little snickers of laughter, nuzzling into Karolina's neck and snorting softly, "Oh no! A costumed vigilante from Gotham driven crazy... that would _totally_ be a noticeable change!!" She giggles softly and sighs out, sinking down onto her chipper, bright girlfriend's lap, settling primly, instead of just sprawling. She leans back into that warmth and murmurs dryly, "You better not cover me in crumbs, sparkly..." But it's a toothless threat, there's just too much relieved amusement in her voice, the weight of current events forgotten.