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Latest revision as of 03:57, 9 February 2022

Pizza and Chill!
Date of Scene: 08 February 2022
Location: Apartment 4B (Bart's Apartment)
Synopsis: And good times were had by all!
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Hope Summers

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen after a day of shopping, Bart suggests they stop by his place, he needs to feed his pets there. He will have a couple pizzas, waiting for them at a pizza joint on the way home, so they find themselves back at the apartment building and Bart is leading Hope up to see his place.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope is more than ready to agree to a night of vegging on the couch with pizza, helping to carry the pies across to his building and up to the apartment. When they arrive, she looks all around, letting out a low whistle. "Whoa, this is pretty nice! Oh look at them!" She sets the pizzas down hurriedly and moves towards the tanks, peering in eagerly at the reptiles. But its when they reach the guinea pigs that she really melts. "They are SO CUTE! And the sounds!" She looks back to Bart, "What are they?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles and comes walking over with a tacklebox, and opens it, inside he keeps their food, at least what can be stored there. "These two are Guinea pigs." He will open the cage and seems Bart has take time to get them used to people, he picks one up, and says "Would you like to hold one of them?" He grins a bit to her and tells her their names.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Guinea pigs. They're adorable. I want twenty of them." Hope is staring at them in wonder, only reluctantly moving aside when Bart opens the cage. But then she's being offered the chance to hold one and she gives an eager nod, "Yes! Absolutely." Carefully, very carefully, she takes one of the guinea pigs and cradles it to her chest, petting it gently. "How do you not have thirty of them running around?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen chuckles a bit and says "I want to be able to spend time with them. A lot of them are very skittish, so I wanted to get them where they could be held and not be freaking out. Plus I will get some more every so often, but have talked to a pet store that will sell them as pets. When they have a litter next time if you want one you can have one."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Hmmm... I suppose... but I still want twenty of them." Hope has never had a pet. Ever. Not even a pet rock. This is the first one she's really getting to interact with. Smiling down at the cute little face, she gives a nod, "Definitely. I absolutely want one. THey are just TOO cute." Looking back to Bart, she leans in and pecks a kiss to his cheek, "Thank you."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles a bit and says "It is no big deal, they have like 3 or so on average. " He will walk over to the fridge and pulls out some carrot tops, and brings them over offering it to Hope. "Here feed him this, it is a treat for them." He does get the other one out and feeds it as well, to make sure they both get a treat.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Yeah but... you think of these things. So still, thank you," Hope smiles at him, then goes back to cuddling the cute little guinea pig, wrinkling her nose at the tiny gruntings. When Bart hands her the carrot top, she takes it and offers it towards the animal, chuckling as whiskers tickle her fingertips while it chews. "What do they usually eat?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "Well they can eat fruits and veggies, but these pellets. He holds the girl pig in his arm as it munches and uses the other hand to pull a bag of their feed from the tacklebox. "I have a bigger box of it in the cabinet, but I keep some here for them.""

Hope Summers has posed:
"Pellets. Okay." Hope gives a nod, committing that to memory. She smiles at him, "You're going to have to teach me -everything- about how to care for them." She didn't get to be a great tactician by NOT getting all the information possible! Giving the male pig a bit of a scritch on the top of its head, she chuckles, "Those noises. Too cute."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "I can do that, will have you back over later this week when I clean their cages so you know how to do that too." He smiles and says "If you get some, I do suggest you find someone who can check on them if your gone for a while.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope chuckles and gives a nod, not shying away from the 'dirty work' of pet ownership, "Sounds great. I want to know everything about how to make sure they're comfortable and happy and healthy." She pauses, then purses up her lips, "I'm sure someone at the Roost would be willing to look after them. And I'll see if the Professor won't mind keeping them at the Mansion if nobody at the Roost is available."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to her and nods "I made sure I keep some of the folks here involved so that someone will feed them if we end up going to space or something.

Hope Summers has posed:
Grinning briefly, she says, "I bet Scott will do it if I ask him. I think he's fond of me because I remind him of Cable." Hope gives a nod, "Its a good idea. God knows we end up all over the place for sometimes long times.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit to this and says "I am sure your friend will look after him , her or them. If you want one before these have their next litter, I can take ya to the place I take the babes to sell." He puts the girl back in and then moves to wash his hands before feeding the other pets.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope cuddles the guinea pig a few moments more before reluctantly returning the small animal to it's cage and closing it back up. Moving to wash her hands, she grins, "Definitely them. They seem like they prefer to have company. So at least two. And sure! We'll see if they have any to sell, and if not, then I'll just have to wait for those two to have a litter." She moves over to flip open one of the boxes, grabbing up a slice of pizza and folding it in half so she can cram as much into her mouth as possible.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will finish feeding the pets and then washes his hands again and brings drinks and pizza to the coffee table. "So, you want to see a movie that you have not seen this evening?"

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope carts another of the boxes of pizza over to join him and flops down onto the couch, pausing just before the other half of the pizza slice is crammed into her mouth. She flashes him a grin and gives a nod, "Hell yeah. Pick something you think I'll like and lets start my education."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and says "Well, lets start with this one." He uses his remote and types a bit and then brings up groundhog's day. "This one I think you might like, do you enjoy comedies?" This is one with Bill Murray, he has made a lot of good movies, and some ok ones."

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope lets out a alugh and shrugs, "I don't know, but I guess we'll find out!" She settles in, makes herself comfortable on the couch and rests the pizza box on her legs so she can shovel food into her mouth without having to move. Eyes glued to the screen with only the occasional question or remark for Bart as the movie plays.