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Latest revision as of 03:58, 9 February 2022

An Important Introduction
Date of Scene: 08 February 2022
Location: Midtown - New Troy
Synopsis: A dream leads Dreamer to encounter a man from the future. Thugs and bullies are dropped and names are given. Is this man from the future her future man? (See what I did there?)
Cast of Characters: Nia Nal, Brainiac 5

Nia Nal has posed:
    This part of Metropolis is pretty lively at night. Groups hang out on the stoops of their buildings, or wait in line for clubs or bars. People laugh and smoke and joke and flirt. Nia isn't here for a club. No, she's here for a burger. She'd been unable to sleep (for once) and had taken off from her apartment for a double batburger with jokerized fries. Sometimes you have a craving, you know?

    The young woman is wearing a cute sundress under a jean jacket, with a purse over one shoulder. She seems a bit distracted as she wanders along in the general direction of her destination.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    Walking along the streets of Metropolis as well as a young man who does not quite seem like he is there to laugh or smoke or joke or flirt or eat. He walks along with a measured step, his arms at his sides, with a somewhat stilted motion - lacking the casual easygoing of most who are walking around. His gaze sweeps over the crowds as he walks, and he reads signs at storefronts and restaurants.

    The fact that he is wearing what looks like a giant purple track suit /might/ make him stand out a little bit. But in Metropolis? Maybe not.

Nia Nal has posed:
    Nia pauses as someone catcalls her, and she turns to glare at the man in line. She considers something snarky to say when she catches that flash of purple out of the corner of her eye. What had that dream the other night involved? Purple...something. A lot of purple. Something...flying and purple? Maybe. It's enough to pull her attention, at least. She peers curiously at the young man for a moment before she steps aside, ending up directly in his path.

    "Oh, sorry. I thought I dropped a contact..." She glances up at him, then, considering him. Same shade of purple from her dream. Exact.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    The man pauses as Nia steps in front of him. He blinks for a moment, as if parsing out what she said. "There is no apology needed. Would you like some help in finding it?"
    The voice is pleasant, and human enough. But the intonation and pacing sounds exactly like one of those AI voices that tell you what directions to turn in your GPS.

Nia Nal has posed:
    "Oh. No. Sorry. I guess I didn't drop one, afterall..." She offers a lopsided grin and shrugs awkwardly. "Not all there tonight. I...like your outfit. Is it a work uniform or something?," she asks softly. She adjusts her purse on her shoulder and dips her gaze to take it in.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    "That is good to know." The man pauses as she asks. "Thank you. It is a standard issue science uniform, yes." He tilts his head slightly, regarding her for a moment. "I have not been able to obtain anything more suitable because I am without currency."

Nia Nal has posed:
    "Science uniform? I thought those were baby blue," she says with a teasing grin. After a moment she straightens her back. "Sorry. Star Trek jokes make my brain go brrr, but they aren't for everyone. Science is cool. I never really had the mind for it in school, though. Too much math." She blinks, then. "No money? Are...you homeless or something?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    "Purple is associated with my level of expertise." The man watches her, and there is no look of recognition at the Star Trek reference. As she continues, and then presses the question, he nods, and then shakes his head. "We are just without currency. We have a home. Just not now." He blinks a bit, as if a sudden realization hit him. "I am sorry. I must be on my way." He steps almost mechanically to the side and starts walking quickly down the sidewalk away from her.

Nia Nal has posed:
    She opens her mouth as he steps around her, and she turns to follow him with her gaze. After a moment or two she turns about and begins to follow him. He isn't exactly easy to lose sight of, even on the streets of Metropolis. He has to be from her dream. Does he need help, maybe? Is something bad going to happen to him OR is he going to do something bad? Either way, she's learned to follow her cryptic visions. Somehow...this cute but weird young man is important to her. Or, he will be.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    The man appears to be remarkably not aware of his surroundings, at all. The opposite of street smart. He continues along and turns down a fairly dark street, away from the hustle and bustle of the crowd. He was not far enough away yet that he could be lost - it was easy to see where he turned. Voices float back from down that dark street almost immediately - not cat calls, per se, but the general sounds of excitement that tend to precipitate a bad time for someone else.
    The sounds might easily be missed by those on the street, but to someone following and paying attention, it's clear that a group of folks are harassing someone about his purple space suit.

Nia Nal has posed:
    Aha. So this is it. This must be why she had him in her dream. Oh, Nia, if only it were that simple. She peeks around the mouth of the alleyway and considers them all for a moment. She takes in the scene before she dips behind a dumpster and sets her purse down. She doesn't have her costume on her, but the accosters, at least, haven't seen her face yet. With a crackle of bright white dream energy she creates a domino mask and presses it to her face. It feels...fuzzy. Tickling, like the skin underneath has kind of fallen asleep. She shivers and then straightens. She peers around the dumpster.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    Unaware of the unsavory intent of the five gentleman surrounding him and complimenting his outfit, the man has stopped walking to engage them in conversation. "Yes, it is a standard issue science suit."
    One of the guys laughs. "Oh, standard issue, huh? What other sciencey stuff do you have? Anything useful?"
    "I am afraid that I cannot really share my technology as it far exceeds the standards of today." His head turned fully to regard the questioner.
    "Ok, enough play time. Beat the geek!" says another one, simultaneous to the one to the side heaving a solid right hook into the face of the man, sending him stumbling backwards and off his feet, knocking over a few trash cans and landing in a puddle.

Nia Nal has posed:
    Ah, crap. Nia springs from behind the dumpster now, sundress swooshing epically! Okay, not really. It looks like a sundress. Still, she at least has that energy-based domino mask. "Hey! Jerkwads! Don't you know it's past your bedtime?" She grins to herself, since she never gets enough of the really lame Dreamer puns.

    She gestures with one hand, and a long, crackling chain appears, a good ten feet long, and she swings it. She waves it over her head and then around, whipping the intense energy around in an arc to catch as many of them as she can.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    There are many things happening at once that seem to have confused the young man. First, the fact that he is on the ground. Second, the fact that he was struck. Third, and perhaps most importantly, the display of energy.
    Luckily for the young man, with a 12th level intellect he can worry about piecing together all of those things while responding to the situation at hand.
    He rises up to his feet - not standing up, he literally floats upward from his laying down position onto his feet. "That was not polite." he says as one of the thugs that had eluded the energy lasso takes a swing at him. He easily sidesteps the punch - which really would not have been hard for anyone given how telegraphed it was - and responds with an open handed palm strike to his chin, knocking the thug from his feet.

Nia Nal has posed:
    "Oh! Flying! Well, there we go!," the girl exclaims cryptically, as the last bit of her dream falls into place. She drops a few of the men with the lasso, the intense, buzzing energy knocking them clean out. She watches the man easily dodge about and fight one of the others.

    "Whoa. Very cool. Was that a one inch punch or something?" She turns as the remaining man attempts to sprint past her. She turns to catch his ankle with her lasso, yanking his feet out from under him. In just a moment the fight is over.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    The young man turns around quickly and regards Nia. "That is a very impressive ability. Thank you." There appears to be a bit of blood coming from his lip, trailing down towards his chin. "Are you one of the prominent heroes?" He looks her up and down, a critical eye. "Your costume is not particularly vibrant."

Nia Nal has posed:
    The lasso crackles and vanishes. Her domino mask vanishes, too, as she knows he's already seen her...since the dress is what he saw her wearing earlier. "Thanks. Still learning. And...uh. No. No, I'm not one of the prominent heroes. I've only been at this a few months now..." Nia closes the distance with the man after she gets her purse, and she fishes out some napkins. She gently wipes the blood from his face, if he lets her. "You...got a little something here. You okay?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Your skills are most impressive," replies Brainiac 5. "I thank you for your assistance." As she reaches up to wipe the blood from his face, he nods slowly to her. "I am fine. It will heal entirely within 51 hours and 37 minutes."

Nia Nal has posed:
    "How did you fly like that?," she asks softly, looking up and into his eyes curiously. She tosses the bloody napkins into the trash and wipes her hands off before turning back. "And uh...thanks. Well, I guess you can call me Dreamer, then. Or..." She gestures down at herself and lets out a laugh. "Or Nia. Nia Nal."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"I am afraid I cannot tell you that." There is no assignment of emotion in that - just a simple statement of fact. The next statements, though - clearly are not something the man is expecting. "Dreamer? NIA Nal?" He emphasizes her first name for some reason. His expression is a mix of confusion and...something else. Hard to read, because his face's reactions do not seem to completely map to anything Nia has seen before. He blinks several times, watching her.

Nia Nal has posed:
    She furrows her brow a bit and then laughs. "Okay, I have a weird name. Hippy parents or something. After everything that just happened why does -that- make you blink? And I still need your name..." She trails off, furrowing her brow as she watches the odd man.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    "I--I cannot tell you that." Clearly flustered, the young man takes a few steps backwards. "Be safe, Nia Nal, and thank you." He begins to levitate off the ground, clearly intending to fly away.

Nia Nal has posed:

    She watches him lift off the ground and reaches out before frowning and settling back into place. "Clinton Street Apartments! 1C! If you change your mind and want some answers. And...maybe to give me some?" She sighs and glances down at the unconcious bullies, shaking her head a bit before she fishes out her cellphone and dials 911.

    "Hello? Yeah, I was walking home and found these men unconcious in an alley? Uh huh. New Troy. Right outside The Alibi?"