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Red Menace II
Date of Scene: 31 January 2022
Location: Vista Verde, New Mexico
Synopsis: While Jen is behind bars, Bruce and General Fortean have an off the record conversation about events. When Jen is cleared, Fortean advises both to leave town, rather than seek out Sterns - leave it to the military!
Cast of Characters: Betty Ross, Bruce Banner

Betty Ross has posed:
    It's been a night. After Jennifer's arrest and General Fortean's insistent desire for Bruce to accompany them back to Gamma Base, the only place rated to hold someone like She-Hulk, Bruce got stuck in a interrogation room with some cooling coffee and a bag of chips grudgingly provided by the uniformed guard at the door, while Jennifer was taken off to be questioned. And for her one phone call, should she desire it. Fortean at least seems to be playing by the law for the moment, though it's obvious he believed 1) She-Hulk is guilty of whatever she's being accused of and 2) he's very suspicious of Bruce due to past encounters and the possibility he might be an accomplice. It's several hours before Fortean himself arrives to where Bruce is waiting, as he steps inside, grunting as he sees you, then walks over to pull up a chair at the plain steel table that's in the middle of the room where the only seats are. "Glad to see you're not making trouble, Banner." His voice suggests this is a grudging approval at best.

Bruce Banner has posed:
    Bruce would have preferred sour cream and onion, but the red and orange bag of chips on the table, unopened and glistening in the flourscent light? That was the least of his problems. The half-full swirls like a miniature stormy sea when General Fortean seats himself, leading Bruce to glance over at it, if briefly.

    "Wouldn't dream of it, General." The man sitting across the table in his now wrinkled, still slightly off-fitting suit looks nothing like one of the most dangerous people on the planet, but there are many surprises out there in the world.

    "I was honestly hoping I might start on a better foot than I did with your predecessor."

Betty Ross has posed:
    The single star rank pins at Fortean's collar gleam with newness. Last you saw him he was a colonel, but apparently he's now the ranker at this base. He narrows his eyes slightly, then says, steadily. "General Ross was a dedicated patriot given a thankless task to rein in the Hulk. I have no doubt if it wasn't for the intercession of the Avengers and SHIELD he would have succeeded. Eventually." He leans back and lets out a breath. "...but you're not responsible for his current fall from grace, and you've been behaving...mostly." He twists his lips. "Or at least, you had plenty of witnesses at the funeral willing to go on record that you transformed to protect the people there."

    "And I would have been content to keep an eye on you, but then your cousin goes and does this shit." He sets down the briefcase he's carrying and pops it open, pulling out a laptop. "For the record, you're standing by your testimony that Jennifer Walters was with you all night?"

Bruce Banner has posed:
    "General Ross and I have had our disagreements," Banner says, "but I can't argue the man is dedicated to his country." Bruce folds his hands underneath the table, resting them on his lap. He looks down after finishing speaking.

    "I don't know who broke into your facility," Bruce continues, "because Jen would have had to be in two places at once. We left the funeral and headed straight to the hotel. I may be pretty slippery at times, but Jen's a bit more...direct, as I'm certain you know."

Betty Ross has posed:
    Fortean snorts. "She's certainly stubborn enough, she's been hiding behind her law degree so far and not saying much other than she's innocent." He shakes his head, turning on the laptop and typing briefly, then spinning it around so Bruce can see it. "But it's hard to argue with this."

    The scene is from external video from the base, sans the destruction you saw on the way in today. The first trouble is when part of the wall is smashed open, pieces of concrete flying across the internal courtyard as soldiers scramble for cover, a parked hummer being crushed by a larger chunk thrown a moment later that takes out several of the spotlights that are starting to swivel to point towards the breech. The figure moves forward, leaving a trail of destruction and chaos behind her...and it's very definitely a her. Behind her is a swarm of gamma enhanced coyotes and dogs that begin attacking anything near to them, though most of the soldiers wisely retreat to vehicles or bunkers before trying to return fire.

    Also looks an awful lot like Shulkie, though with the lights out it's difficult to be sure of the features. The gamma enhanced woman is wearing a tight fitting black outfit that seems fitted for her rather than street clothes, though it's a bit too skimpy to really be a uniform, and there's no visible insignias on it.

    The soldiers of Gamma Base are taken off guard, but many are veterans of fighting gamma enhanced people and return fire, but the attack is so sudden they're put on their back foot. One tank gets going, trying to draw a bead on the intruder, but misses as she leaps aside, then charges it, picking it up as the crew inside quickly bails, then heaves it off screen. At which point the camera fuzzses. "That was when she threw the tank through the base generator. It took a bit for the emergencies to kick in."

Bruce Banner has posed:
    Bruce watches the video with intensity. As things start to give livelier he leans in, resting his elbows on the table and his chin on his hands. His eyes narrow when the coyotes appear, his eyes moving around with the action on the screen with a certain hyper-focused intensity that's almost unsettling.

    When the video concludes, Banner sucks in air and leans back in his chair. "General Fortean, I'm want to ask you something, and I want you to know I'm as concerned about this as you are. The idea of additional gamma mutates. Of mutated ... attack dogs," Banner almost spits the words out of his mouth like they were bitter.

    "What do you and your people know about Betty Ross's funeral?" He pauses. "Have you seen thos animals before?"

Betty Ross has posed:
    Fortean seems to mull over answering; an interest in solving the puzzle eventually seems to win out over ingrained security consciousness. "They resemble some of the test animals that were present at the BTFE labs for work on gamma radiation and its treatment." he says finally. "But not in those numbers, and not coyotes, which is what my brainy boys tell me those animals are. The few canines who were subjects were domestic dogs." He shakes his head. "But they weren't trainable. I haven't seen the control collars that we recovered from several of them, which I assume is how whoever led that attack was controlling them, within reason." He frowns more. "I've seen the reports of the funeral attack. It's entirely possible those were the original test animals. Coyotes would actually be harder to use, they're not normally as aggressive to begin with and they tend to be relatively solitary rather than moving in large packs."

Bruce Banner has posed:
    Banner's brow creases, his eyes narrow. He reaches up and rubs the bridge of his nose. "So the ongoing project," he says. "To treat gamma radiation exposure." His teeth clench slightly, and he takes a deep breath, holds it, then exhales.

    "So whoever attacked the funeral might also be in league with our ... second She-Hulk." Banner pauses. "Jen was with me, but I can definitely see the resemblance." Banner pauses, rolling the words around in his mouth before he speaks again.

    "And it seems someone has been creating new gamma mutates based on my encounter with Gen--Ross, during the funeral. Were you aware of that, Fortean? The Red Hulk?"

Betty Ross has posed:
    Fortean watches Banner warily. "I can't go into the details of the project. Classified." he says bluntly. "You're telling me someone else managed to create a gamma mutate woman? That's-" He cuts himself off, his lips twitching. "...unlikely." he finishes, changing whatever he started to say. "And I was...aware that General Ross had volunteered for the process without prior approval from his superiors." He rubs his face. "I advised him against it, but he was facing a lack of progress and believed that it was time to apply Stern's research to a human experimental subject."

    He shakes his head. "In his defense...previous volunteers don't have a good track record for staying loyal. The Abomination for one. He felt that no one could doubt his dedication or patriotism and that it would carry over to his alter-ego. Which was generally the case."

Bruce Banner has posed:
    "I figured as much," Banner says, leaning back in his chair. He listens quietly as Fortean explains further, trying to bide his time until Fortean mentions Ross's modus. "Gamma mutations are dangerous. Unpredictable. Jen and Leonard are the exceptions, not the norm, as you well know. The fact that Ross knows them this well and still--" Banner's voice is raising, his face flushing. He shakes his head and slumps back in his chair.

    "I'm sorry, general. I'm guessing you can't tell me if that go-ahead is what led to Ross's discharge?"

Betty Ross has posed:
    Fortean studies Banner, then says. "Soldier, take a walk." The guard glances over at him, then nods and steps outside, closing the door behind him. The general waits until he's outside, then says. "This is off the record, Banner. It goes without saying that if I find out you're spreading things around, I'll come down on you like a ton of very official top secret bricks. Understand?"

    He inhales. "Yes. Ross was drummed out of the Air Force partly because of the unauthorized experiment, but also because he allowed access to high level military research to an individual who was not cleared for it, Samuel Sterns. My personal opinion is that the general was frustrated by a lack of breakthroughs. There had been several useful radiation treatments that had been created, but not a wider understanding of the particular combination of genetics and circumstances that create an intelligent gamma mutant. Sterns was instrumental in discovering how to adapt what had been done with your cousin to other genetic patterns. He's a freak, but he's a brilliant freak. He created a stable process that he used on Ross. Unlike your big green buddy, Ross maintained his intelligence like your cousin, and his personality remained controllable. There were a few variations in the expression of abilities, but he generally has the strength and durability of a Hulk."

    "It was Sterns that solved the issue, and Ross was convinced enough to try and go to human experimentation, but couldn't get the authorization without revealing that Sterns was the one who made the breakthrough. Sterms was listed as aa volunteer subject, not a scientific lead on the project." His expression tightens. "And then the son of a bitch killed Betty, planted information to make it look like we had a foreign agent on the base that had done it so Ross would go haring off looking for someone's hide to nail to the wall, and then stole all the research from the project, every bit, on the backup drives, along with several pieces of military grade equipment. Worse, he took Betty Ross's body to prevent the general - Ross, from being able to prove he was the one behind it, though it was pretty damn obvious that he was likely the culprit to the rest of us.

    He slumps in his chair a bit. "...Ross's superiors, when he came clean, weren't happy. They brought him up before a court martial, then gave him the choice of either choosing to resign and retire quietly, or at the best getting a dishonorable discharge out of it. Not to mention he had to agree to a tracking device and to remain on the base as a gamma subject."

Bruce Banner has posed:
    "Crystal clear, general," Bruce answers. The scientist's eyes widen, apparently surprised that Fortean would open up. Even so, he leans forward, quietly, and listens.

    And as he does, Banner grips the table, his knuckles white. He breathes in, breathes out, trying to stay calm. He closes his eyes, thinking about something. The desert. The lonely desert. Tranquil. Detached. Empty. He sucks in wind hard, and then...

    "Sterns. So Sterns...is also a gamma mutate?" Banner knows, but he plays dumb. "You said he was a 'volunteer subject.' He must have some sort of...cognitive mutation, if I were to guess." He does not need to guess, but Banner is, perhaps, the foremost expert on gamma mutation.

    "So Sterns offered everything, then set Ross up..." Beat. "Was there any research stolen in the recent attack? I'm sure you'll hie it behind top secrecy, but--"

Betty Ross has posed:
"That's the term Ross used. He was a corporal assigned to transportation. Was moving a gamma battery between labs when containment failed on it, and it blew. Fell on him and pinned him for about thirty minutes before we could get shielded gear in to seal the breach and get it off him. But instead of getting muscles, he got brans. LOTS of brains. Expanded cranium to accommodate it too."

    Fortean nods slightly. "And yes. A shit ton of gamma-related gear was taken this time, by someone knew how it would be stored and gave the intruder the gear to bypass security for it, either the codes, or some sort of device to overide the locks. Including a good chunk of anti-Hulk weapons that were prepped for transport to another facility."

Bruce Banner has posed:
    "So someone with insider knowledge is building an army," Banner says, his voice low and cold. "Sterns is building an army." The lanky man's hand wraps around the back of the steel chair, squeezing it tightly. Too tightly. His knuckles creak.


    A lone silhouette casts a long shadow as it cuts through the blistering New Mexican sky. The Hulk lands in a wave of dust, clay, and sand. Splintering cracks spread across the desert, but the Hulk does not wait. Does not linger. Legs beat and he is off, moving with the frightening speed of muscles enhanced a thousand times, no, a million times beyond that of a normal man. He smashes through stone and clay as though it were simply air in front of him.

Suddenly, he finds himself face-to-face with another monster. A mountain of green muscle and sinew. Scales and boils. An abomination of gamma science. The two clash. Titans clash here, their blows echoing through the desert, rolling thunder on a cloudless day.


    "What can you tell me about Sterns, general? What does he want?"

Betty Ross has posed:
    "Likely. As for Sterns....honestly, he was a screw up. Not too bright, didn't think things through. After he changed, he got an ego on him. Believed he was always the smartest person in the room, and everyone else was a moron by comparison. Didn't help that he was usually right, but he didn't make friends letting people know it. Always talked about how people like him should be leading projects like this, not "military thugs." His eyes narrow at the memory. "I always felt something was off with him, but could never put my finger on it. Same with Ross. He didn't entirely trust him either, but he had to let him work with the secure data to get results. I get the feeling he was working to screw us over from the beginning, but he was smart enough to put on a helpful face to stay in Ross's good graces." He tilts his head. "Honestly, the other one beside me who didn't trust the bastard was Dr. Ross - Betty. When she found out her father was using him, she got in a hell of a row with him over it."

Bruce Banner has posed:
    Bruce inhales again. He clenches an empty fist, pressing it against his leg. "Betty...Dr. Ross," Banner applies the distance. Always that distance. The safety of distance.


    The Hulk tumbles down a snowy slope before smashing into--then through, a weathered evergreen. A cloud of white fur and claws descends upon the jade giant, burrowing its knife-long nails into his chest. The Hulk howls, but he does not die. He never dies.

With a guttural roar, the Hulk grabs hold of the beast, digging his fingers into the fur and skin. Pulling himself up he slams his skull into the beast's, the impact ringing like a cannon shot. The two shift, rolling through the snow, until the Hulk gains advantage. He slams the beast with his fists, blow after echoing blow. An avalance begins, and everything goes white.


    Banner doesn't look directly at Fortean. "She worked alongside Sterns, or was she just aware of him? Why do you think he targeted her? Just to remove Thunderbolt?"

Betty Ross has posed:
    Fortean pauses, and when he answers it's a more carefully measured response. "Dr. Ross was in charge of the radiation treatment project, looking into ways to treat gamma radiation exposures, maybe reverse transformations. A lot of general radiation treatment work done too. Sterns was working on Ross's private project. She didn't take well to him making use of her research when she didn't know what he was doing with it. Ross neglected to let her know he was using it, then again." He frowns slightly, scratching his cheek. "I can't tell you that she didn't figure out some of what he was doing though. She was never the sort to sit on her hands when she could figure things out for herself. Not to mention she and Sterns were like cats and dogs, but worse. She didn't take well to his attitude; he never wanted to acknowledge she was brilliant in her field."

Bruce Banner has posed:
    "A real egomaniac..." Bruce sneers, pacing around the same room. He breathes in, then out.


    The Hulk's fists smash against the golden armor of the Redeemer. The desert looms again. The jade giant's muscles ripple as he smashes against the high-grade armor. The Redeemer returns fire, blasting the Hulk with a flash of orange below rising up to slam its fist into the monster. The Hulk, staggers, but does not fall. He smashes forward, splintering the glass-domed helmet in an earth-shattering blow. Inside is not Ross, not Fortean.

    Bruce Banner looks back upon the Hulk.

    "Banner...trick Hulk! Banner always trick Hulk! Hulk is tired of Banner's games! Tired of people using Hulk! Hurting Hulk's friends!" Each word is shouted with such force it would make glass shake and doors rattle. "Sterns killed Betty! Because Ross wanted to kill HULK!" The Jade Giant slams Banner across the desert with such force the Redeemer armor digs a trench through the earth before coming to a stop. The Hulk follows in a singular leap.

    "Please, Hulk," Banner wheezes, exasperated. "I want to help." The Hulk draws back a fist.

    "Banner NEVER help HULK! Banner only helps BANNER!"

    "Please, Hulk," Banner is desperate now. Exhausted. "For Betty, Hulk. We have to stop Sterns." He gasps. "For Betty."

    The bones of Hulk's fist creaks under the strain of his own strength, but slowly, slowly, he lowers his fist.


    "I have to stop him," Banner says. "We have to stop him. Before he hurts anyone else." Beat. "Before he creates any more monsters."

Betty Ross has posed:
    Fortean raises his brows, then scowls a bit. "There is no WE in this Banner. This is our mess and we'll clean it up. You and your cousin need to stay out of it. Last thing I need is for this maniac to figure out how to control either of you and have three Hulks rampaging through town!" Fortean leans forward, starting to say more, when a knock at the door startles him. He composes himself. "What is it?"

    "A voice from outside says. "Report from the cameras sir."

    Fortean mms. "Bring it in."

    A uniformed Hulkbuster officer steps in then hands him a file folder that Fortean flips open, skimming, before he snorts. "Well, that's that then. Cameras show you and your cousin going in and not going out...and since we didn't find any holes punched in the walls and you didn't go out the doors or windows, I'm willing to let your cousin go for lack of evidence. BUT!" he says, standing up and pointing a finger at Banner. "I do not need the Hulk crashing around in this investigation. You and Miss Walters get the hell out of town. We still don't know if Sterns was targeting the two of you, Ross, or just anyone who happened to be at the funeral out of sheer meanness." He picks up his briefcase. "I don't wanna see you around again here without being specially asked to be here. Understood?" He nods as if that's that, then heads out of the room, saying to the officer. "Escort Dr. Banner to his cousin and then detail a humvee to drive them back to their hotel."

Bruce Banner has posed:
    Banner wheels on his heels. "If there's anyone can figure out this maniac's techno--" Banner stops dead with the knock. The man announces their discovery, and Banner slumps, as if defeated.

    "Fine," Banner says, clenching his fist again. Perhaps Banner decides the last thing anyone needs is the Hulk paying a visit. "But Fortean," Banner says, his anger cold and quiet. "This will keep happening, as long as people keeping trying to use gamma tech to make weapons of war. You tried to reason why Ross. To talk him out of that."

    "You had the right idea."