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Valentine's Day and New Looks
Date of Scene: 15 February 2022
Location: Metropolis costume shop
Synopsis: Beast Boy and Vorpal exchange new costumes and Kian plays the part of the stubborn alien bird when the concept of one for him is brought up.
Cast of Characters: Gar Logan, Terry O'Neil, Kian

Gar Logan has posed:
Valentine's Day. A day where couples plan for nice outings, singles try to find romance or stay home alone, and people await sales on chocolate and other candy the next day.

In Metropolis, there exist a few costume shops that cater to the superhero set, and today Beast Boy and Vorpal have made plans to meet up there, each with a surprise for the other. Not so much that costumes are involved, but more in what they'll end up being.

Kian was invited as well, for reasons neither have shared just yet.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Vorpal offers to send a Rabbit Hole for Kian, having arrived at the location before everybody- because that's what you get to do when you use Rabbit Holes as means of conveyance. He is clad in his usual attire, the outfit that he has worn for the better part of half a year now. This is not because he's satisfied with it, but merely that he hasn't had the time to really pay attention to it.

But today is special, after all. So he makes time!

<<I'm already at the place. Last one is a rotten egg>> he says, sending out a message via private comms to both.

Kian has posed:
    Kian drops through the Rabbit Hole like a sparrow through a chain-link fence -- it's elegant, precise, and looks almost impossible, especially how easily and almost indifferently he does it.
    "So what's 'val-en-tine'?" he asks -- even with the Rannian translator, he stumbles over the unfamiliar work.  "And why is his... her... whoever's day be celebrated?"

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan flies in, not making use of the rabbit hole this time. He lands in his civvies, and ignores anything about being last. There are things they've got in mind here, at least for each other. As for Kian, that remains to be seen.

"S'up, guys? You wanna tell him, cat? I need to check in with them here and make sure everything's ready." He approaches the counter after reaching out to ruffle both friends and fellow Titans, giving them a Gariffic wink.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Oh, nobody quite knows for sure who it was. There were, like, three saints by that name who died in horrible ways. So, of course, /one/ of them was chosen to be the patron of a day celebrating a day dedicated to love."

Clear as mud, right? The Cheshire Cat grins and looks at Gar, "Was that a good explanation? I think it holds up as any other holiday around here, to be frank."

Kian has posed:
    "What's a saint?" Kian asks, quite innocently, "and why would you celebrate someone dying in a horrible way?  Really, if you're trying to convince me Earth isn't weird, this is probably not the way to do it."
    Telling Kian about Saint Sebastian is probably not going to be a good idea.
    "Earth holidays don't make much sense anyway," Kian carries on obliviously.  "I mean, if you're so crazy as to not have a united world government, I suppose it makes sense to celebrate when an individual nation started."
    Did the bird just diss Independence Day?  Not deliberately.

Gar Logan has posed:
"I was gonna say it's just a made-up holiday to get people to buy cards and flowers and candy for others," Gar quips, before lowering his voice for a quick conversation. Following this, the clerk goes to the back for something.

Waiting, he adds, "You forget that our planet has a bunch of different countries, and nobody really agrees on everything. I mean, we don't even have everyone agreeing on everything in /this/ country."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Our planet is more densely populated, which means a lot more history going around. Things get confused, they merge together to create new things... remind me to introduce you to some of the diaspora religions and their origins, it makes for some /fascinating/ read-"

The Cheshire pauses, and then glances at the green one.

"Gaaaar. What are you up to? My spidey-sense is tingling, and I'm not even a spider."

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan gestures around. "What do you think? I'm making sure the costume I was working on for you is ready. Isn't that why you were coming here, too?" He asks, a brow going up. "I dunno what we're gonna do with you here, though," the green one adds. "Most Earth costumes don't work that well on people with wings. You need to have some special things set up to deal with them."

A short time later, the clerk returns with a box that has a bow tied around it. It also has a few heart-shaped patterns in both the bow and box. "For you," Gar grins at Vorpal. "Go ahead, open it."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The Cheshire grins and grabs at the box, oooohing softly as he holds it, "Oh, I can't wait- except that I'm not the only one walking away with something here." He walks over to the clerk and gives him the thumbs-up. A few moments later, another package is brought out. "I figured we're both due a bit of a change, don't you think? Black and white is cool, but I realize it doesn't really do your green justice...." he grins and slowly begins to open his box, "Now I am /dying/ to see how you dealt with /my/ colors..."

Kian has posed:
    "I still don't understand why you don't just wear what's comfortable," Kian says, more than a little dubiously.  "I think you both look fine in jeans, since you won't regularly wear Akiar wear."  There's a hint of a smirk there.
    He twirls on one foot.  "What could be more comfortable on this?" he says of his sandals, kilt and vest combo -- and apparently utterly oblivious to the alternatives around him on racks and hangars.  He got to bring some more of his own clothes back from Kyshan, he's happy with that.

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan gestures, after handing the box to Vorpal. "Dude, just look around you. There's so much stuff you could wear for a superhero costume. You could even have a suit covered in feathers, so you'd look even more like an actual bird!" He's grinning too broadly for that to be serious. Right?

Shortly afterward, he's got a box back in his own hands that's different from the one he gave to the Cheshire Cat. "Black and white? Funny you should say that." He starts on opening his up, taking a little peek beneath the lid.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The Cheshire cat smirks, "You know, Hawk-man wears a harness and pants. It's handy to have somewhere with pockets, or just a signature look. It's a time-established tradition among the meta community. Walking around in a fancy loincloth is definitely a /look/, but I can think of at least /three/ other heroes who have that aesthetic."

He winks at Kian, "You really should let me design something for you. Considering that you are technically an ambassador to your people on this planet, you want to make a statement."

He opens the box and raises his eyebrows. "Ooh... /Interesting/." The first thing he extracts are the arm warmers, striped black and white. "Oh, these are a nice touch, and I hadn't even thought of this-" he glances over at Gar with a grin and a wink, "Are you saying I've got clammy hands?"

Kian has posed:
    "I'm not an ambassador.  Her Serenity has tasked me with learning... abnormal ways of dealing with crises," Kian says primly.  "And I haven't met Hawk Man, but I suppose I should, assuming he's a man with hawk wings."
    He automatically backs up a step from Terry.  "I am not letting you design my clothes!  That can only end in glitter!"
    He does chuckle at the black-and-white stripes.  "Funny, when I imagined you with wings on the steps in Ta-te-rus--"  There are some things a Rannian translator can't help.  "--they were black and white."
    He elbows Gar gently.  "I don't need to look like a bird, I already look like a birdman."

Gar Logan has posed:
Shrugging, Gar says, "You've worn just about every other color around, pretty much. So why not something that balances out against the rest of you?" That's his thinking for the look, then he adds, "Oh, and maybe there's a little Tim Burton in it too."

He merely grins at Kian, adding, "The bird doth protest too much, methinks. The least you can do is entertain us with a little patience. You never know. You might end up liking something different."

Speaking of, he begins pulling out a jumpsuit of a fashion, red and white, which ends at the shoulders and down to above the knees. Included are a couple of fingerless gloves that go up to about the elbow, and a pair of shoes. Both sets of accessories are primarily red. "Oh, this is gonna make everyone think of Christmas."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The Cheshire cat snerks, "As if Christmas has a monopoly on red and white? Those are great colors to set off your skin tone without making you look somber. Try it on, you'll see!" the cat grins and digs into the box, setting the arm warmers draped across his shoulder while he looks in.

"The Gar is right, you should try new things, experiment, you never know what you're going to like!"

He ooos and holds up the garment. "Oh... that's a really nice rendition of the logo. Black on white... I guess you are right, my coat is colorful enough, too many colors might make me look /too/ overwhelming for the wrong reasons, right?"

Kian has posed:
    "I'm *wearing* what I like!" Kian protests, spreading both his arms and his wings.  "The kilt provides an additiona control surface!  I mean, I could wear another panel of cloth between my calves, but that's really only for competitive aerobatics and skydancing.  It's /qokh/ awkward to walk in, anyway.
     He hooks his thumbs in his belt.  "And as I recall, you like me in even less than this!"
    We can but hope that the shop's staff is out of earshot.

Gar Logan has posed:
"And look, here." Gar points below the white neckline, where it looks like a pair of solid white eyes sit above the wide grinning logo. "And I don't know what you're talking about," he adds to some of the teasing about the design choices.

He squints at Kian and says, "You're sounding more like a chicken right now, or maybe a turkey. Where's your sense of adventure? And you're mixing up public and private again!" With that said, he ducks into a changing room. No better time than the present to check out the setup.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The Cheshire smirks and drapes the garment over his arm, while he waits for Gar to come back from the dressing room. Because it is time to tease Kian. "He's right, you know, people don't want to hear the intricacies of our lives. Outside of, perhaps, the tabloids." He smirks and sticks his tongue out briefly.

"But really, for someone with a scientific bent, you have a decidedly deficient level of curiosity! You've just asserted yourself to your family and the priestess this last year. Why not take a chance and experiment with what else is out there?" He wags his finger at Kian, "If you hadn't been adventurous with food suggestions from others, where would your discovery of how good chocolate is for your people be?" He snaps his fingers, as if to say quod erat demonstrandum. "There are countless ways in which you might express yourself. I am not saying that you abandon what you like- but to consider /expanding/ through discovery!"

Kian has posed:
    "I don't have a difference between my public and my private, I'm always going to be Kian t'Kaeh whether or not I'm using my /rhy'thar/!" Kian protests, calling after Gar as he heads for the changing room.  "It's your world that thinks one should keep two separate lives.  I have enough trouble figuring out just /one/ life!"
    He blinks at Terry.  "What does what I wear have to do with scientific inquiry?" he asks, totally honestly.  "I wear what enhances -- or at least, least inhibits -- my flight skills."
    Without warning, he turns and places both hands on Terry's shoulders.  "And speaking of my family, /tenar'h/, beloved, we have *got* to send them back to Kyshan.  It's just a matter of luck that's kept them from getting in the middle of something they can't handle.  I know that it costs you recovery time... and I promise to do what I can to help minimize that, but they have to go back a lot more sooner than later."

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan calls out, "You think I can hide who I am? I gave up on that a long time ago! But costumes are kind of a thing for us! It's a branding thing! Everyone recognizes Superman's S, or Batman's bat! I don't even really need a logo, but if I have one I can at least market it!"

A bit of rustling and shuffling around follows out of sight, leading to him muttering, "Think I must have put on a few pounds or something.."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Don't be ridiculous, Gar, you burn more calories with one shift than I do running through rooftops," the cat calls out, rolling his eyes. "Maybe you've put on more muscle? Or did I get the measurements wrong?"

When Kian places his hands on Terry's shoulders, the cat looks like the cat who swallowed the canary, mischief glinting from his eyes. "Why, of course, love, I'd be happy to send your family back after a proper farewell feast. But..." eyebrow wiggles, "What will you do to make it up to me for my exhaustion? It /is/ a day that I have to actually drive to work at the Planet and Starr!"

Kian has posed:
    Kian grins and kisses the tip of Terry's nose.  "Anything within reason, and I define what's reasonable.  Although I don't think you'll have any problem with my definition.  Too bad the wing set requires a connection to my /kirat/.  I know how much you enjoyed that."
    The birdman can't help but giggle at Gar.  "If my wings aren't instant identification of who I am, that's a fault in Earth, not in my outfit!"

Gar Logan has posed:
"If I had to guess.." Gar comments under his breath, working at the zipper, glancing over a shoulder into the mirror. "Gotta give the people what they want, right?"

He steps back out and the costume reveals a sort of open collar up at the neck where the zipper is drawn, and the main body of the suit is red with a white chevron across the chest, with wide white sections at the edges of the whole thing. "Does this make me look fat, guys?" he questions, while raising a brow at them both.

"Yeah, why /are/ they still here? Not that I'm complaining, but I thought they were supposed to be sent back home a while ago."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The cat smirks, "Oh no, I think it looks great on you. What do you think, birdboy?" he gives Kian a gentle nudge on the ribs. "I shall enact my payment now. Be adventurous and try some things on! Then I will consider myself repaid before the fact," he winks at the bird-man, and then walks over to Gar and winks at him, patting his shoulder, "It looks great, Gar. Very distinctive. Red and white are your colors. The only other person in the team who wears those is Impulse, and his are in the opposite proportions."

"I guess it's my turn to try this out!" He glances at the unitard, "I hope you remembered the flap for the tail," he mutters as he vanishes past the entrance to the fitting room.

Kian has posed:
    Kian's definition of adventurous... isn't very.  Certainly few, if any, of the shirts are designed with wings in mind, gloves expect an extra finger that Kian doesn't have, pants are right out as a matter of both function and preference, and footwear isn't made for his non-human feet.  Practically speaking, there's actually genuinely little Kian *can* wear here, beyond a headband.
    As it happens, he *does* at least find one of those, in paisley, and knots it off with a easily and practices twist.  Maybe he wore them before.  "They're just not going to have anything here I can wear without major modifications," Kian says through the dressing room door to Terry.
    He puts an arm around Gar's shoulders.  "You look good, but that hasn't got much to do with the outfit.  And my family are still here because we haven't really had much breathing space since they arrived.  They're not in any trouble because as much as I hate to say so, my authority as /Rhytak/ is enough to say it's all right for them to be here... but I'll feel a lot better when they're safely back on Kyshan."

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan rolls his eyes, gives Vorpal a little shove in the backside with a red shoe. It includes a sock or stocking sort of covering to about mid-shin, also red capped with white. "Shoo! Of course there's one! Go change! We'll figure the rest out afterward."

He patiently watches Kian hemming and hawing over things, taking a moment to tug here and there at the new costume for a better fit, then by the time the headband is selected he chortles. "Now you look like a bird hippy." With the arm over his shoulders, he slips one around Kian's waist and directs his attention toward a sign prominently displayed. "Read that and tell me what it says." 'Custom Work Gladly Accepted!' it declares. "And I guess it's only fair they got to experience Earth a bit longer. Hopefully they don't go home too scarred." Gar's certainly practiced more /qihar/ moves with them. And other moves.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"What did he pick out? A flowery vest?" Terry calls out from the dressing room, working on removing his costume before he can try on the other one, "And custom work is this place's bread and butter, Kian. People without tails don't walk around with uniforms with tail flaps, you know!"

He chuckles, glancing at the outfit. "Huh. Stirrup feet. That's one way to prevent it from riding up- good thinking. You know how much I hate it when stuff rides up on my fur."

He examines the chest, holding the costume at arm's length. "Okay, the eyes are a cute addition. Does this mean I get to say 'My eyes are up here' now? Gar, make sure he picks /something/ other than, like, a bracelet."

Kian has posed:
    Kian protests gently, "But I don't need any custom work done, I have my own clothes from my home!"
    Yeah, someone completely doesn't get the idea of a standardized costume or uniform.
    "And besides, I've looked up other winged beings on this planet.  YHawkman's wings are not hawk-colored and he has that head-thing he wears, and Angel's are almost imperial white.  Neither is likely to be mistaken for me.  So I really don't see what difference it makes."
    He finds a mirror to study himself.  "I kind of like this head band.  And what's a 'hippie'?"

Gar Logan has posed:
"Then try something here that looks like your own stuff! Jeez, stop being such an emu kid!" Gar exclaims, nudging Kian in the side. If nobody got that one, he'd totally understand. "You could get some kind of helmet too, made kind of in the style of this," he adds, flicking a finger at the pendant.

Cupping a hand to the side of his mouth at Vorpal commenting about stuff riding up on his fur, he remarks, "That's not what /I/ heard!" After a moment he adds, "A child of the 60s and 70s. Think Shaggy from Scooby-Doo, or Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead. Anyway, you heard him. You can't just get a bracelet, or a headband for that matter, and call it a day."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Garfield, if you're going to mention those references, you could at least do ones he's familiar with. We haven't gotten to Scooby Doo yet- he still had an almost existential crisis when he watched Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law!"

He steps into the suit, and he mutters, "Gotta make sure this stuff doesn't catch on the claws... I swear sometimes these are a pain- and no, Gar, shut up, I know exactly what you're going to say!" He reaches back for the zipper, "And I am not even going to contemplate that."

Kian has posed:
    "But I don't need any custom clothes, I have the ones from my world!" Kian protests, slipping off the paisley headband.  "And I don't see why I need a uniform when it should be brain-meltingly obvious who I am just on sight.  There are precious few winged men on this world, and all the others are freakishly tall."
    After a moment, he adds, "And why would anyone be grateful to be dead?"

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan's hands come to rest against both of Kian's shoulders, and given the fact he's not an Akiar right now, it leaves him to look down on the birdman. "You're trying to think logically. Stop that. Not everything needs to make complete sense. How many other things have you accepted as just the way it is here, weird or not? We look awesome in colorful costumes when people take pictures and video and it gets online. Just wait until someone makes a Kian Fan Club for you online. You'll see. Speaking of which, you're gonna need something else. A codename."

He glances back toward the changing area, shaking his head. "Half the time, you just set yourself up when you say things like that. Now get back out here already. And Kian? They're not dead. It's just the name of the band. I'll explain it later, and find a couple songs you can listen to."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Codename? Well, he is a peaceful birb and doesn't like violence... Dove is already taken," he chuckles from the dressing room, "So how about 'Halcyon?' I think it sounds rather appropriate."

Of course, he makes an entrance. Walking into the room, he strikes a pose by leaning against the doorframe. "Tada, what do you think?" he says. The sleek black bodysuit is completely sleeveless and leaves his arms and shoulders bare, with the exception of the territory covered by the arm warmers. The stirrup feet leave his feet and heels exposed, and the stylized grin and two eyes are emblazoned across his broad chest. The neck of the suit is white, descending to a point above the eyes and grin. His tail peeks out behind him, obviously the costume is customized for his needs.

"I like it. It has a certain classic appeal to it. Simple and elegant." He grins at Gar, crossing his arms over his chest. "... you're full of surprises, Mister Logan."

Kian has posed:
    "I *really* can't have a codename.  My name was chosen at my First Flight.  It's meant to be who I am, not just a label," Kian explains, a bit fussily.  "I really can not take another name.  It would be wrong."  He regards Gar with a smirk.  "And *someone* has to think logically around here.  It might as well be me."
    He watches Terry reveal his new outfit.  "And that's the other problem with a costume, you keep changing your minds.  I would much rather just wear my normal clothes.  They're comfortable."

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan rolls his eyes, letting go and making a mock show of throwing up his hands. "'Beast Boy' isn't my real name. It's just a hero name. Really, for all the time you've spent around us, I'm starting to wonder how much you've really paid attention to." The words could be seen as irritated, but he's grinning and shaking his head. "I think you're just trying to see which one of us is gonna crack first." He gestures toward the changing room as 'Halcyon' is suggested.

Then he crosses his arms and watches the new Vorpal make his entrance. "Here he comes, the cat..catwalking. I think it works well for you. Don't you agree, Wings?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Yes, what /do/ you think, Wings?" Terry grins and does a little turn, hands on his hips. "I actually really like this, Gar! This was incredibly thoughtful of you."

He walks over to the green teen and hooks his arm, leaning in to peck at his cheek, "And I think you look great. I guess we're just not going to get the bird in on the team spirit," he says, tsk tsk tsk'ing and shaking his head, "He is incorrigible and absolutely even more stubborn than I am. What /are/ we going to do with him, Gar?" he asks, glancing at Kian with a mischievous smirk.

Kian has posed:
    "I know Beast Boy isn't your name -- and how many times have I called you that, Gar s'Marek'Mari?" Kian says, a little pointedly... although he is grinning back at the green teen.
    He regards Terry's outfit with a raised eyebrow.  "If you're going to wear a suit like that, I don't know why you bother wearing anything at all," he remarks... then adds impishly, "I certainly appreciate both of you in nothing at all."

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan hmphs, leaving his response to much of this at that, though he sneaks a quick ear-rub on Vorpal. "Yeah, I think it's time to get out of here and on to other stuff. I'll pay for all of this. The headband, too."

Any protests or objections are met with a hand up and a shake of the head. He said he's got it, and he does.

"I think we'd better get out of here before there's an incident," he quips, looking at both of them knowingly.