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Latest revision as of 21:56, 19 February 2022

Shopping Spree!
Date of Scene: 19 February 2022
Location: Rockefeller Center
Synopsis: Megan drags some friends shopping for a fashion makeover. Credit cards are fun.
Cast of Characters: Megan Gwynn, Roy Harper, Susan Sullivan

Megan Gwynn has posed:
So like, there's a big sale at the mall, and Megan just *had* to check it out..But of course she's a little short on cash, and she really shouldn't tempt herself. But wait, didn't Roy say something about a black card? So like, naturally she had to drag him here with promises of making it up to him somehow, later. Now let's just hope he shows up, as she waits in the food court, nibbling on some ice cream. Today she is wearing a black jacket over a bright blue shirt and denim jeans.

Roy Harper has posed:
"Hey Megan," is called from across the food court. Roy's here, dressed, as usual, like total shit. He has the buying power of the Queen Empire behind him and he still wears shitty clothes from the Goodwill. Old habits die hard and Roy has never been a peacock. He's the worst-dressed gay man in Gotham. Oh well.

When he catchup to Megan he smiles, "Whassup? You ready to do some shopping?" He tugs out the incredibly rare American Express Black Card. The name Oliver Queen is emblazoned on it. "We can't go too crazy, though. I think this thing only has a 20 million dollar limit on it." His eyes glitter playfully.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan arrives, and it almost doesn't look like her. She's got a long, winter coat on, goth boots, black jeans, a black T-shirt, fingerless gloves, a choker, and some goth makeup that could have used a paler foundation. Her hair is slowly growing out, giving her about a pixie cut length by now. An improvement from her baldness in some opinions. She looks around the mall, furrowing her brow before moving toward Megan. Her movements put her on an intercept course with Roy, but she stops near Megan while Roy speaks. She says nothing, stuffing her hands in her pockets.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn grins and waves to Roy, walking over, giving him the once over wuth the click of her tongue. "Geez, look at you. You're supposed to have all this money and you still dress like a hobo.." she giggles, "You so totally need a make over, leave it to Megan!" and then she spies Susan, grins and waves her over, "Heey Susan! Glad you could make it! Wow, you look amazing! And your hair is growing back! Ooh let me introduce you. This is Roy.Roy meet Susan!"

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy turns and gives Susan one of his winning smiles. He has all of these combat skills and tech gadgets and things, but that smile has gotten him out of more trouble than all of the other stuff combined. "Hey, Susan," he says, holding out a hand. "Dope t'meet ya. I think I'm getting a makeover today," he informs her. He gestures toward Megan with a flick of his head. "Hopefully I don't end up with pink hair."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan furrows her brow. All her hair is black, and at least her eyebrows and eyelashes are full again. "Who says dope?" she asks. "Is that a thing, now?" She shakes her head. "I swear, you go to China for ONE decade and the kids have picked up new slang." Given that Susan looks about 20...

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smirks at Roy. "Heey, now that's a thought. What do you think Susan? Would he look better with neon green or hot pink hair?" she giggles at the options. Peering at Susan! she arches a brow, "Ooh, you been to China? Cool! What was it like?"

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy slides the card back in his front pocket. No mundane thief would be able to get in among these three to steal a credit card, but best not to take chances. It would suck to have to call it in as stolen and ruin the shopping trip.

"What's Chinese food like in China? Is it anything like in America? Oh man I love Chinese food." He gets a mischievous look in his glittering eyes. "It's really dope."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "It really isn't," Susan says. "I didn't eat a lot, though," she admits. "For most of my time there, I was training with monks to re-learn to center myself. I went through a lot in China...probably should go to therapy, but meh," she concludes with a shrug. "I could use some clothes," she admits. "If this isn't just about making over Roy, I need...well, everything. Bras to a new coat. I picked this one up at a goodwill. You're looking at about sixty percent of the clothes I own."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn hmms, "I hear fast food joints are nothing like the real thing. But.." she peers at Susan, arching a curious brow, "Oh wow, I think you mentioned something like that before. Was that like Shaolin monks? Must have been cool..But intense. Is that why you shaved your head?" she smiles, "Heh, well Roy here has a loaded credit card that he's eager to use. I'm sure he'd be happy to buy you clothes too?" she glances at Roy for confirmation on that.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy smiles wide and nods as his eyes glitter. "One of my very favorite things to do is spend Ollie's money. He's a billionaire, he doesn't need it all." Then to Susan he offers explanation, "Oliver Queen became my guardian when I was still underage. He taught me a lot. I basically owe him everything." Then his goofy grin returns, "Including spending his money. Let's go shopping!"

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan smirks at that. "I won't argue with charity," she says. She gestures. "Lead on, MacDuff." Like many who use the term, she has no idea where it came from. She does, however, completely sidestep talking about her time in China. Sore subject, perhaps.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn arches a slight brow at something Susan says - or doesn't say..But she won't push. "Alright, cool! Say, you into punk wear? There's a good store around the corner, they sell both guys and girls clothes! Can't wait to dress you both up...Come on!" she giggles as she leads the way, skipping around the corner, leading them to 'The Backdoor', a store set up to look like some sort of night club with upbeat music playing over a dark background setting lit up by points of disco lights. The clothes here are bright and edgy with a pinkish flaire, but practical too, selling just about everything.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy glances grimly at Susan then back to Megan as he follows her. He moves through the crowd with agile, practiced ease. "Hey wait, what? I ain't wearin' punk clothes, Megan. Megan? I know she can hear me."

He mutters to himself something about rather be fighting bad guys right now. Then his gaze follows a guy who looks like he spends no small amount of time at the gym...follows him right to where he meets his girlfriend by the pretzel stand and kisses her. Figures.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan smirks again as Roy is ignored. She follows Megan into the punk store and immediately gets a look like a kid in a candy shop. She quickly disappears among the displays.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn is enjoying the sights and sounds of the punk store, but it seems they lost Roy somewhere back there. She pauses, popping out, making a face at him and reaches out to try and drag him inside, "Dont worry, I'll make you look awesome..Promise!" she winks, glancing at Susan, "Sooo, see anything you like? hmm what would look dope on me I wonder.." she grins, tugging at a metallic forest green mini dress. "Ooh.."

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy gacks as he yoinked into the store by his collar. "Okay but seriously, no hair dye. I can't have weird hair when I'm...you know...when I'm /working/." He glances at Susan for a moment, not really sure how much she knows about 'the business.'

"Susan, I know we just met, but I'm entrusting you with my sartorial safety, okay? You have to veto any Megan-choices that makes me look dumb."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    A hand lifts from somewhere behind shelves. It gives a thumbs up, but Susan's voice returns, "No promises!" Moments later, she ducks into the main isle with armfulls of stuff to head toward the fitting rooms.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles, letting go of Roy's hand, and winks, "Don't worry, I'll make you look badass, just trust me okay? You want to look high class, ready for business, no no sense, right? Ooh, how about this? And this? She starts piling his hands with a bunch of cool clothes that she thinks might suit him, "No hair dye I promise, but a leather jacket like Conner's would be cool..Maybe this chain around your neck, this black silk shirt and designer jeans? Go on, try em on, I'm sure it'll be an improvement!" she grins at Susan as she heads to the cutting rooms, "Let me see how. you look before you take em off! I can't wait to see everyone!" and then she grabs a bunch of stuff and heads to the fitting room herself.

Roy Harper has posed:
With a heavy sigh, Roy helplessly takes the clothes that Megan enthusiastically piled in his arms, and heads for the changing room. He opens an unlocked door and a lady yells and says 'CREEP!'

"Oh my god!" Roy blurts out, mortified and embarrassed beyond description. "Why didn't you lock the door?" He rushes into another changing room and quickly closes and locks the door.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn is gone for a while, trying some clothes on in the fitting room. She hears a Yelp next door and is careful to check the lock on her door before she pops out, wearing a short, metallic blue skater dress and a black cropped jacket. "Soo? How do I look?" she smiles as she twirls in the mirror, looking this way and that. Are the others out yet?

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy emerges from his dressing room looking like a kid who just got in trouble with his parents. He peers around hoping to the gods that the lady he accidentally almost walked in on is gone. He can fight a dozen armed gang members at a time, but he is seriously embarrassed and cowed by that lady. He whispers, "Is it safe out here?"

He's wearing the clothes that Megan got him. How does he look? Well that's for someone else to decide. But Megan's outfit breaks his funk and he smiles broadly. "Ah girl, you look HOT! I love it!"

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    After a bit, Susan pushes out into the room wearing a skirt with straps and a tee shirt and looking like the kind of goth that guys post memes about wanting. She huffs and says, "I really need about two more feet of hair, right now," she protests. She looks at Roy down, then up. "Veto that, that, and that," she says, pointing to various parts of his outfit. Turning to the other woman, she stops and does a double-take. "Woah," she says. "Nice. What about this? Is this too much?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles, "Looking hot, Roy! I like it, way better than your hobo look before. And you too, Susan.. Wow, you look awesome!" she ponders as she walks around them both, "Well, you could always wear extensions..Or a wig. But I like the pixie cut honestly." she smiles, "Well I think this dress makes me wanna go clubbing?" and you can just guess where she wants to go after this shopping trip, "Soo, got any more clothes to try on or is this good for now?"

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy groans when Susan vetoes this and that. He turns around in a huff and goes back into the refuge of the changing room. Minutes later he comes back out wearing his old clothes. He left the items in the changing room.

"Susan, you look really good. Both of you do. But no way I'm wearing that stuff," he says jerking his thumb toward the dressing room. He laughs slightly. "I'm hopeless."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan shakes her head. "You're not hopeless," Susan says. "I just saw you looking uncomfortable, and those were the things I thought were too far out of your comfort zone." She ducks away, coming back a few minutes later with some more conservative clothes, though still not exactly normal. "Put these on," she says, shoving them into Roy's hands. She then ducks into the fitting room and changes back into her street clothes with bundles of clothes in her arms. "All of this," she says to Megan. "Like...all of it."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn steps out, wearing a cute pink plaid mini skirt and a white blouse, giving her a cute schoolgirl look with those wings, "Heey how's this?' she pouts a bit at Roy, "Awe come on, she's right, maybe I pushed too hard but, a little change is good right?)" she smiles and nods at Susan's choices, "Hey those look good.,And I love this outfit even better than the last. Hey, you found some cool stuff!"

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy emerges from the dressing room wearing the choices that Susan selected. He appears to be much more comfortable. He even kinda sorta looks down at himself with some approval, smoothing the clothes out. He opens his eyes wide at the plaid mini skirt. He nods his head, speechlessly approving. Finally he says, "I swear, you two are so hot you could just wear like a blanket and you'd both look good. But that plaid mini skirt...it makes me wish I was straight. Two thumbs up!"

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "Thanks!" Susan says, not really clearly to either of them. Just wearing her clothing she walked in in, at least she knows she looks good. She gestures with her head toward the counter. "Hey, can we check out? I kind of...don't have infinite time, unfortunately."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smirks, "Cool, I'll grab this and the dress then." she smiles and nods, "Hey this looks good on you Roy, and you too Susan! Now wasnt this a lot of fun? We should do it more often!" she grins as she heads for the checkout, glad that she's doesn't need to worry about money this time..