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Latest revision as of 00:54, 20 February 2022

Recon Patrol
Date of Scene: 19 February 2022
Location: Metropolis
Synopsis: Huntress gets Supergirl's attention. And doesn't die.
Cast of Characters: Helena Wayne, Kara Danvers

Helena Wayne has posed:
Helena Wayne doesn't get to Metropolis very often, but something has been bothering her. It's something that she should have checked out sooner, as in right after her arrival in this version of Earth. She goes over the details in her mind during the motorcycle ride up from Gotham.


Kara Zor-El was Helena's best friend back home. They fought together, and at the very end it was Kara who shielded Helena from the exploding portal machine that flung her into this dimension.

Helena never knew whether her friend made it or not, but assumed the worst. And when she saw the media images of 'Supergirl', she knew that it wasn't the same person.

Or was it? Maybe something changed? After all, the Bat family is very different here. She has to know.

Her plan isn't orthodox, and some might even argue that it's a tad bit insane. But in order to have a conversation, one needs to get attention...

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara doesn't often patrol. Being Kryptonian, it's easy to be pretty much wherever she's needed within an instant, so she never found much need for it. But when she has nothing else to do, she likes to enjoy the simple pleasures of flying above the City of Tomorrow. She's just drifting for the moment, looking down over the city spread out beneath her. Her red cape fluttering behind her.

She makes no effort to hide or otherwise conceal herself. The people of Metropolis are used to looking skywards to see red and blue figures flying unaided. She rolls over onto her back, pulling her phone from its place on her belt and taking an Instagram selfie.

Some aspects of Earth culture have got their hooks in here, it seems.

Helena Wayne has posed:
Arriving in Metropolis, Helena finds a suitably tall building and makes her way to the roof. With the stairs, not by climbing outside. She has something over her shoulder, and once on the roof she starts scanning the sky with her binoculars.

"Blonde in red and blue at 2 o'clock high." she murmurs softly to herself as she unslings the tube that she drug all the way up. Opening the surface-to-air missile, she pops the sights into place and readies the shoulder launcher.

This seemed like a much better idea yesterday. What the hell... here goes nothing.

As Supergirl passes over a group of taller buildings, a sudden smoke plume rises and arcs up into the air. It's a missile, soaring up towards her!

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara's reaction is a marvel to behold. One moment she's floating there calmly, the next she's somewhere else in the sky entirely - having moved faster than the human eye can observe. The missile rockets towards the space she was previously occupying, and she fixes her gaze upon it. Crystal blue eyes flare red and twin beams of energy lance towards the projectile, catching it in mid-air and prompting it to explode.

Following the trail left behind by it, Supergirl rockets through the air only to be floating in front of Helena moments after she fired the launcher. She folds her arms across the S-symbol on her chest, cape and skirt fluttering in the breeze as she stands on the empty air as though it were solid ground.

"You look like you should have done enough research to know that was not going to work."

Helena Wayne has posed:
Actually, Helena was expecting something quite similar. Purple lips twitch into a bit of a smile at Supergirl's swift, decisive reaction. And she's still smiling a little as she rises, both hands lifting straight up in a sign of surrender.

The empty missile tube clangs as she drops it onto the rooftop.

"Don't take this wrong, but it worked just perfectly." the woman in purple and black replies, voice just a touch raspy. It's a Bat-thing. "No, I didn't lure you closer to declare some sinister master plan or spring a clever trap. I actually just wanted to meet you. And after being up way too late last night with too much coffee, this seemed like a good idea."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I have a Twitter account," Kara answers, mouth curling into a tight little frown, "You can do ... what is it? The sliding into my Dee-Ems?"

But then she shrugs. As quickly as she got angry about the supposed attack, she's forgotten about it entirely. She floats forward and lands lightly on the rooftop with a click of her booted feet. She waves at Helena's raised hands, as though dismissing the surrender.

"But what is done is done. Hello."

Helena Wayne has posed:
Helena smirks at that, tilting her head as she watches Kara float slowly down to land. "I've not gotten on Twitter yet, if you can believe it." she replies softly, watching the girl with a careful eye.

"Anyway, even if I -did- DM you I really doubt that Supergirl would answer a post from some rando Gotham college girl." Shrugging, she lowers her hands.

"Hi there. I'm called Huntress in Gotham. This is gonna sound weird, but I thought you might be a good friend of mine from another dimension."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara blinks a couple of times at the declaration. She's no longer folding her arms, instead letting them hang loose at her sides. She lifts up a finger, touching it to her chin thoughtfully for a second. Her blonde brows furrow, mouth curling curiously.

"I ... well, I am from this dimension. Or, at least, I am reasonably sure I am from this dimension."

This gives her pause.

"I am ninety percent sure. Eighty percent."

Helena Wayne has posed:
Helena watches the blonde and she listens. The words, the mannerisms, the expressions. Everything. This is what she came for, after all. Reconaissance.

She shakes her head, not stepping closer but remaining relaxed all the same. "No, you're not her." Helena declares. "At least you're not a close version of her." Then she explains. "You see in my version of Earth I worked closely with Batman. I was the first and only Robin. Here, you have several Robins, at least two Batgirls, and a Batwoman."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"We do?"

Kara knows next to nothing about the Bat-Family, save what little Clark will tell her. After all, they're very private individuals. She tries to absorb what is being told to her, but in truth it all seems very strange. She's used to thinking at top speed, but even this is whizzing past her.

"I am sorry I am not your friend, but I do not think that should mean I cannot be your friend."

She wrinkles her nose.

"That does not make sense. Sorry, I have been studying English for two years but it still escapes me sometimes."

Helena Wayne has posed:
Huntress chuckles softly at that, shaking her head. "No need to apologize, believe me. I thought, since you shared the same 'super-name', that there was an outside shot..."

Drawing a deep breath, Helena exhales slowly and offers a hand. "Let's start again, shall we? I'm Huntress. And I'm also willing to trust you with my -real- name if you'd be willing to share yours someday."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I am Kara," Supergirl answers, taking the offered hand and shaking it. There's an incredible amount of strength in her, but it's notably tapered back to make for a handshake that isn't even uncomfortable.

Not to mention she's sharing her name so quickly.

"Kara Zor-El."

Not like it's the name she uses in her secret identity, right? Though something about Helena seems trustworthy. Hard to pin down what.

Helena Wayne has posed:
Helena's own hand is slender and fine, her grip firm (for a human!) and confident. "I'm Helena." she replies, without hesitation. "Helena Wayne." That's when she pauses, watching for a reaction. "Not THE Wayne family of Gotham, at least not in this dimension."

"It's complicated, like I said. At school I go by Helena Kyle, because it's less conspicuous. So if you get a DM from me on your Twitter feed, you'll know to reject it." The grin is as good as a wink.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara doesn't know the Wayne connection, so it seems to go right over her head. She nods her head, smiling brightly.

"It is very nice to meet you, Helena Wayne. I will not reject your DMs. In fact, would you like to have my phone number? I have learned about using the wireless functions of this phone. It is very primitive, but I am getting the hang of it."

She pulls it from her belt, clicks a button, and airdrops her contact details to whatever Bluetooth-capable device Helena may have on her person.

Helena Wayne has posed:
Kara Zor-El. Same name, but definitely not the same person.

"I'd like that." she replies. Helena's purple lips hold that wry smile, and she reaches to her utility belt to produce her own phone. It's a Birds of Prey burner phone, but the device is extremely capable.

Thanks, Oracle.

Helena accepts the contact info, then deft fingers work the screen to return the favor. "And it's very nice to meet you as well, Kara Zor-El. If you want, I could help with your English. And any... cultural... challenges you may be having."

Cause, it's just a guess.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I would appreciate that very much, Helena."

Clark would probably click his tongue at her. Insisting that she can't just go trusting everyone she meets, especially people who fire rockets at her by way of greeting. But Kara has grown enough to understand that her instinct often steers her right, and this is a case of gut feeling.

"Do you want to get a boba tea? I know a good place."

Helena Wayne has posed:
"Boba tea? That's a first for me, actually, but I'd be happy to follow your lead."

"But unless you want to have tea in-costume, it's best you call me Huntress when I'm dressed like this. I've learned that the Bats are really protective of their identities."

Stepping up closer, she sizes up the girl who looks to be of similar build and height. "Mind giving me a lift? Unless you'd rather wait for me to take the stairs or do something clever with a grapple line."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Do you have a change of clothes, Huntress?" Kara asks, looking around, "It is easier to buy things here outside of costume. Otherwise, people want to capture still images on their phone. I have a change of clothes at my apartment. You are taller than me, but I think I have some things that would fit you."

Helena Wayne has posed:
Oh THAT could be interesting.

"Why not? After all, I *did* shoot a missile at you and you didn't tear my arms off." Helena replies.

Maybe it's best not to keep bringing that up.

"But nope, just my purple Underoos, I'm afraid. I'll have to trust you on the clothes."