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Latest revision as of 00:16, 22 February 2022

Talking about the Times
Date of Scene: 21 February 2022
Location: Roof - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Sarah Rainmaker meets Caitlin Fairchild after Caitlin is freed from Michael's influence. Sarah realizes that Caitlin has to figure out where she stands on her own. And Sarah neglects to bring up something important that she promised.
Cast of Characters: Sarah Rainmaker, Caitlin Fairchild

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker is currently sitting up on the rooftop of the Tower. Her legs are curled up underneath her in a lotus position. She has her hands over on her knees and with her eyes closed. It's cold out with a light layer of frost over everything. When she was breathing, a light level of fog would come out of mouth. Meditating, or at least trying to and not minding the weather. Hands apart and tensing.. Not seeming to get into focus.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
The door to the roof opens and closes. Caitlin doesn't make much effort to conceal her steps. She's dressed with a nod to the weather, aubergine leggings tucked into calf-high hiking boots and a fleece vest in red zippered up to her chin. Her hair's pulled back into a loose ponytail, worn actually down rather than a fighting braid for the first time in weeks.

She stops a few feet away from Sarah, within the range of her peripheral vision. Cait's in no rush, examining the city with a listless, dull-eyed regard.

"Got your text," she says, finally. "What's up?"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would get up and over. Then going to move to rush towards Caitlin with a hug, "Just wanted to say that I'm glad to have you back and.. I missed you." The hug is tight (by Sarah's standards) to the bigger girl. "I'm glad you're safe. That's all that mattered in things." Her going to release the hug if Caitlin indicated.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin stiffens at the embrace with surprise. It takes her a few moments to relax and she returns the hug with a careful deference for Sarah's ribs. "...Thanks," she says, finally, and flashes a wan smile when she breaks. "I mean, safe is kinda a relative term. I'm luckier than most. Lady Death, and... Jon Sims, they didn't make it out." She looks down at the rooftop, toes a pebble off the edge of the tower.

"You look like you're doing all right," she ventues, looking back at Sarah. "I, uh, I guess I owe you an apology for ... all of it," she admits. "But I don't even know where to begin with making this up to the team here."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would shake her head and smile at Fairchild, "You're going to be okay. You were in a bad spot and your friends helped you out of it." There's no judgement in her voice of things as she would release the hug a moment later. "You'll help get your friends back and make up for it. Everyone here trusts you. You're family." Words chosen carefully here but coming out easily.

"And you don't, Caitlin, you don't. I owe you. You did the same for me once. You'd do the same for me again if I'd fallen." She doesn't consider them even. She considers it her obligation.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin shakes her head, unable to counter Sarah's arguments but finding no grounds for refuting them. She just exhales wearily, shoulders slumping. "It's not really that simple, Sarah," she tells the weather caller. "Not for everyone. I screwed up bad. I led a lot of people down the wrong path and they got hurt. /I/ hurt people, good people, because I was dumb and--"

She presses her lips into a thin line and looks away, fighting back a break lodged in her throat. "Anyway," she concludes, a bit lamely. "I've got a lot of work to do to set things right."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would smile at Caitlin, "Cait.. I know you will. You'll.. Do everything in your power to make up for it and right the wrongs." Sarah has complete faith in her friend. Which may or may not help. "You're one of the kindest people ever to walk the world. You'll do what it takes to fix things."

She would offer her hand out to squeeze, "I've been trying to work a bit on cooking. Would you care to give me some pointers?"

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin gives Sarah's fingers a brief squeeze, though the gesture is like the rest of her body language: withdrawn, and guarded. There's something a little forlorn about her, but also haunted. Like she's seen something, touched something that has rattled her to the very foundation of her sense of self. The sensation against her fingertips produces a wince of pain.

"Thanks, but... I don't really feel like cooking," she admits. Her hand drops and she tucks them back into her vest, shrugging as if the cold wind is cutting into her skin. It's not hard to see the raw, still-healing red skin on her palms, or the ripple of fresh-grown scar tissue marring her wrists. Caitlin heals quite quickly but it seems some injuries run deeper than others.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would look at Caitlin for a moment sadly. "Would you like to talk? I know that it's been awhile.. You did nothing to hurt me and I don't know a lot of people here so it won't changea nything I think about them or you." She would take her hand up to if allowed rub over the scar tissue.

Well aware how deep some wounds run. And lucky to have never had them so deep on herself. "Just let's.. Talk. If you want we can go into the city, I can take you flying.. I've missed you a lot and I've not taken the time to be a friend in the last couple of years." A tentative offer, open to denial if Fairchild wouldn't want to.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin steps back when Sarah reaches for her hand again, and shakes her head reflexively. "I'm-- I'm fine, okay?" she insists. "I'm dealing. I'm doing what I can. I just can't-- I've been at war for a month straight, and then I found out I'm fighting on the wrong side. I did things that I am ashamed of and I hurt people, and when Michael grabbed me, I let--"

She breaks off again, turning and walking sharply away once more while trying to marshal her emotions. She stands there, facing away from Sarah for a few long counts, and shakes her head.

"I'm sorry. I know you're just trying to help," she says, almost inaudibly. "I don't mean to take it out on you."

She opens her mouth, hesitating, then closes it again and exhales wearily through her nose.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would just watch, "You're not fine, Caitlin. You're exhausted, you're scared, you're feeling guilty, and traumatized. Those are all entirely appropriate things to feel and to not know how to deal wtih." Her tone is careful, and sincere. "And it's all right to be ashamed of them." She's not lecturing. "Just don't hate yourself for them. And you're not taking it out on me."

She wouldn't go to walk towards Caitlin, just cross her arms. "And I think you need someone to talk this over wtih and help you process it and sort through it. I don't know if I'm the right person or not. But no one here hates you. Everyone is concerned about you. To the Titans and your friends, you're family. No one hates you. I'm here to talk if you need it. Or someone else is if that's better. You're not alone."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Sarah..." Caitlin exhales her name with exasperation, and looks skyward for guidance. That prompts some internal distress and her gaze lowers to the earth again, as if ashamed of seeking patience from above.

"I know you're trying to help but this-- this isn't something you can fix. I don't need to ... to talk through this in therapy. I have to make amends. Fix what I can. I owe that to everyone. I certainly owe it to Sims. He saved my life, in the end," she says, eyes lost in a mile-long stare into the ocean.

She looks back at Sarah, tries for a smile. It tugs one part of her mouth up, just for a moment, but no warmth is there. Just fatigue. "But thanks. For offering, I mean. I'll..." She pushes wind-whipped red hair back from her face. "I'll let you know how things go."

With that she heads for the stair access back into the tower, her posture slumped shouldered and beaten down. It seems she's bearing the weight of her choices quite poorly.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would give a nod to Caitlin, "I understand, Cait. Be safe and take care of yourself. And go help your friend and do what you need to. When you figure it out and you're ready with it.. We'll be here. Help get your friend out and do what you need to do." The exhaustion on her friend's face, the rawness.. That's all there. And Sarah knows it's not something she can help with or force. She looks almost timid for a moment.
    "I miss you, Caitlin. And when all this is resolved.. And you've figured things out with yourself.. And are content again, I'd like to try and figure out where we stand on things." Her breathing is easier now. "Winds fly with you. We'll still be here no matter what." Not following after Fairchild. This was something that Cait had to figure out on her own. OR with thsoe that could help her.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Executive decision. Breaking a promise. Deciding what's best. The devil's in the details. Seeing Caitlin's exhaustion and guilt and perhaps even anguish.. No sense adding to it now with a sense of helplessness on what she could not control. And as Caitlin Fairchild leaves, Sarah Rainmaker would just glance down at her phone with a text alert going past it with a pang of even more sadness going through it.
    'Terrorist John Lynch reported killed in military airstrike'. And then a picture of her two half-siblings, Nicole and Matthew, half of Matthew's face burnt off and leaving a mess of scar tissue. The two smiling and looking sinister..
    The road to hell was paved with good intentions. And not telling.. Was definitely one of them.