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Kord Co Technology, at Your Service!
Date of Scene: 22 February 2022
Location: Penthouse - Kord Co
Synopsis: Ted teaches Hella about her visor, Joan comes home, Ollie drops by for a visit and some burgers are eaten!
Cast of Characters: Ted Kord, Hella Rokkurdisardottir, Joan Wright, Oliver Queen

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord places the pink visor he'd made on Hella's face, a Christening. "So to sum it up, you touch the stem of the visor here... to enable voice commands via Kordi, the computer system. Like you can say, "Kordi, call Ted." That's my direct line. You touch the visor ,here. and you have whatever is displayed on a regular phone screen, web searches, contact info. Whatever app you are using. Now it starts on the home screen here. Pick an app... look at Candy Crush. Blink twice, no faster and, you're playing Candy Crush. You can move the cursor ... the arrow thingy with your eyes or on the touch screen I installed. Try it out. I'm calling Joan and getting a beer, you want one?" He gets up letting the Nordic girl process.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella pays close attention as Ted gives her instructions, grateful for the walkthrough on it. "Thank you, Ted," she says with a bright smile, leaving the visor on her face where he placed it. "Is much more advanced than I'm used to dealing with, so very helpful to take me through, step-by-step," she says, sitting back comfortably in her seat.

    It's later in the day after the successful rescue and recovery of the firetruck and the civilians who were harmed by the thieves' recklessness. The police and come and gone. Stella was off to who-knows-where, as well. Hella, though, stayed behind to hang out with Ted a bit. She hasn't seen Booster much, lately, so she kind of feels at loose ends. Maybe talking to Ted will help?

    Not ready to broach that subject, yet, Hella contemplates a different thing to talk about. Something practical. Something worth Ted's time. "What would it take to make superhero outfit to wear when I'm fighting evil?" she asks. "I don't think I would like to ruin clothes each time I put on costume, but...does technology like that exist? Turn clothes into suit, turn suit back into clothes? Like witchcraft?" she asks. It's mostly a thought experiment, at this point. Asking if it's even possible.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord gets up and facepalms. "Oh FaceTime. It actually works pretty good! You make a call through the app and you see a 3D image of your Booster, Or whomever. The visor, scans your face, the way it can photograph surroundings. And all the voice commands only follow your voice unless you want to add another person. Look: Kordi! Facetime Hella." The call is addressed to the Penthouse AI. Hella, when she activates the pop up on her visor sees a little Ted floating in front of her.

Ted takes a bow.

When he comes up he is not longer smiling but pondering.

"You want clothes that change their appearance... I usually use disposable break away outfits. It never occurred to me to make morphing clothes. But, I'm not a woman." As he speaks Bobo returns bearing Hella's new upgraded phone. Information already transferred. The bot hovers, presenting it with due ceremony. It is sort of his cousin.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella's eyes widen in interest as Ted explains the answers to questions she hadn't even thought to ask, yet. "You think of everything, Ted. So smart, so ahead of me," she laughs softly, looking at the little Ted in her visor. She ends the calls with her eyes, though it sort of feels like he visor is reading her mind, as opposed to tracking her eye movements. "Will take some time for me to get used to visor and learn all functions. Will my heat hurt visor? You say is spun diamond and sounds beautiful -- especially, because PINK DIAMOND," she grins excitedly. "But, I worry my heat, if I get too hot, will hurt visor. That would devastate me." What if she burst into flames for the first time? It's something she lives in concern of.

    Hella nods her head, trying to explain her daydream-perfect ideal scenario, "Maybe is small piece of jewelry I wear, like tiny pendant or bracelet, so can wear with any outfit. Maybe jewelry contains technology witchcraft to store clothes' original make up, and also hero outfit make up, switch between with DNA-and-heat coded activation or something?" She pauses and laughs at herself. "What I do now is make up sci-fi story, unh? So dumb-dumb, Hella. This not possible," she says with a self-deprecating tone.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord sits down next to Hella and pats her on the shoulder. "You are not dumb. Stop saying this. Stop saying you are backward. No one knows everything. Ignorance doesn't indicate lack of intelligence. Refusing to learn is dumb and you -learn fast. Now me... I do not know style. I turned out for a big date with Stella wearing jeans... over my uniform's boots. Not fashionable."

"I don't know about a piece of jewelry with your costume in it. I don't know if that is within my abilities. I'll make you the best morphing suit I can. Promise. It stretches my talents."

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella smiles and shakes her head, "Compared to your brain, Ted...I am dumb. I don't mean as an insult to myself. I have great abilities, talents... But, I also have shortcomings. I'm not intellectually challenged, but I'm not above average intelligent, either.

    "What I mentioned is daydream. My ideal way to have costume always ready, no matter what I wear. Because I like wearing cute clothes, different kinds, don't want to feel restricted. But, is not kind of thing that is realistic. I am sure you will make something wonderful. Maybe I work on design, send to you when I find something I like," she smiles.

    "Have I mentioned how thankful I am, lately? If not, thank you for all you do for me. I owe you," she says with sincerity. She looks kinda down, a bit.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord's shoulder pat turns into a one armed hug. The girl usually has unbridled energy. It saddens him to see her down.

"Enough with the phones. Thank you, Bobo. Try the touch screen when you get home. What's the matter? Booster? I got to tell you, he sometimes is absent for a bit. I think it has to do with his time travel. I'm sure he'll be back soon."

"Or does all this make you feel dumb? I mean this is what I do to make things better for people, not make them feel dumb. Especially not you. You're a wonderful person. If you feel backwards... I can teach you more."

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella smiles at Ted briefly, making eye contact before she drops her gaze to her hands folded in her lap. "I dunno," she says honestly in answer to his first question. "Maybe is Booster being gone. But, he is own person, and owes me nothing. We are not even technically dating. He never ask me, I never say yes to asking. We kiss three times. Then, he is gone for while," she exhales, sounding kind of resigned.

    "And, isn't because I feel dumb, no. Having trouble keeping up with instructions, maybe makes me feel dumb, but is my fault -- not yours. You never do or say anything to make me feel anything less than great, Ted. So, no worrying about that," she says with another little smile.

    She shakes her head, silent for a moment. "Just...so much I want to do, want to help people, want to be someone people know they can trust when they see me. But, even Spider-Man...he turns down my supername I pick. Maybe name doesn't match my personality when I'm talking with people I like, but definitely suits how I am with villains and thugs," she says, sounding a little blue. "Spidey is friend. He give me nickname, even. But, if Spider-Man doesn't like Discord, how can I use name? Also, I don't know how superheroes become known. I don't care about fame, but would be nice if people recognized I'm helpful goodguy when they see me, like I said before," she says, shrugging, again. "Dumb reasons to be down. Cute man has life, and I'm new to superheroing. Big whoop!"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord retains the hug. "Spidey is a friend and a true hero. He is not the final word in choosing superhero codenames. I LIKE Discord, for what it's worth. It's like there is a discord between the way you act now with friends like me and when you get fired up. It fits. And you will achieve more recognition when I make you a cute costume. You are a spectacular new superhero. You fly, you hit stuff! You melt stuff! Bullets don't stop you. This all spells superhero. For what it's worth... half the time people think I'm blue Spider-Man. And... sometimes I am not thought of at all seriously by some superheroes. You know what? Screw them!"

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella smiles up at Ted, again, as he gives her a pep talk. "Thank you for saying this, Ted," she says, exhaling a big breath. Not a sigh, but one of those getting-things-off-the-chest exhalations. "I don't mean to bring mood down so much," she says and takes her visor off to look at it. "You sure I won't melt this if I burst into flame?" she asks. "I don't want to ruin it. I love visor," she says earnestly.

    "As for Discord... I believe name fits, too. I felt very strongly when I thought of name. I hope Spidey will forgive me," she murmurs. Then, she adds, "I know must not feel good when people mistake you for Spider-Man, but as Spidey would say, 'At least there is no Blue-Beetle-Fail.com.' No matter how well known we become, there will always be haters and people wanting us to fail, out of spite, out of envy. Sad people. You are good man with good heart and good motives. That is what counts, to me," she says. "You are hero, Ted."

Joan Wright has posed:

Wait? Did the elevator ding before?

Well. Either way, over to the sectioned off area that hides the penthouse elevator, there is the sound of double doors sliding along a track. For the more alert types it is the trumpeting announcement of another player entering into the fi- Penthouse.

There's the sound of dress shoes walking along the floor to the opening, eventually giving the glimpse of one Joan Wright in office attire. Still no dress. Still no heels. But confined to JUST two pockets and a satchel. A satchel that does not appear to be stuffed with papers. "Afternoon Ted!" Joan greets, eyes glancing over to see him bro-hugging the Hella. (Sister-hugging? What's the term?) Registering the larger person she comes to a stop for a moment, before smiling, thoughts going to her sitting on someone's lap. "Hi Hella. How are things with Booster?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord gives Hella rub along her shoulders as he gets up. He goes over to Joan and says, "I'm wearing my boots as you seem to like kissing me on tiptoes." He suddenly takes hold of her and dips her, holding her thus for a moment before giving her a big <mu-wah> kiss. "Come on in... I'll get some dinner on. Bailey is working on burgers. We have beef, turkey, and salmon. Baileeeeee!!!?" He leads Joan to the sofa by her hand. A little possessive? Maybe.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella looks to the door as it opens and greets Joan with a big smile and wave. "Hello, Joan! Is good to see you," she says, watching Ted get up and move to greet his pretty lady with a kiss. She waits until Joan is seated to address the question about Booster. She glances to Ted briefly before looking back at Joan, "Is okay, I think. I haven't seen him much, lately. We kiss three times, then he disappear." She shrugs her shoulders with an expression on her face and a strange light in her eyes that pretty clearly telegraphs to the other woman, in girl-body-language, that Hella does, in fact, care, despite the shrug.

    "Also. I wanted to take moment to apologize to you," she says, addressing Joan sincerely, looking contrite. "I shouldn't have meddled. I am very new to group and is not my business, not my place. If things work out happily, I am happy, but I still should have kept my nose to myself. I apologize, Joan."

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan's eyes direct over towards Ted as he approaches before looking down at the mention of the boots. "You don't have to dooOOOHHH-" Joan's voice raises in a startled cry as she is suddenly being dipped. The pause does allow for her to get her barings in time for Ted not to end up getting socked in reaction. The formed fist relaxes before her eyes close.

And then she's uprighted. Eyes blink open as she nods, being led over to the sofa. What was she doi-?

She sits down beside Ted, legs pressed together to allow for a spot to rest her hands. Looking over to Hella, smile still present. But as Hella tells her about the saga of Booster, her smile seems a bit different. She gives a nod. "I'm sure he'll come to his senses soon enough." Joan assures. "And you do not need to apologize to me Hella. You were acting with the best of intent at the time, right?" She glances over to Ted, before looking back to Hella "And I was in need of the encouragement. I'm kind of new to this"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord smirks as Joan is momentarily disoriented. It turns into a smile as she sits beside. Ah knees together, hands resting on them. Defensive? Pensive? Perhaps. He drapes an arm around her and hugs her close. "Okay we have reached our limit on apologies! Give it a rest ladies. Would a group hug help? Oh here is our Bailey... I will have a turkey burger, wait for the others to order. If it's before tell her how you like it." Tru to Ted's word, Bailey flies up and waits.

"She also does a fantastic manny peddy."

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella smiles sadly and nods in the affirmative to Joan's question. "One-million percent, yes. I only want for everyone to be happy. Always. Especially friends," she reassures Joan, as though the young woman might have questioned Hella's motives.

    As Bailey comes around to take dinner orders, Hella lifts her brows, "Oh, I don't want to intrude on dinner, no! I was just learning how to use visor and phone correctly, so I don't mess anything up. I can go and leave you two some private time!" And, smiling, she rises from the couch. Turning to Ted, she puts her hands together and gives him a little bow of gratitude. "Thank you, again, Ted. Thank you, Joan. You are both lovely people."

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan nods as she's tugged towards Ted. She leans in to him for a moment to acknowledge that he's there before she rights herself, looking back over to Hella. A hand slides over to take Ted's hand in apology. "If you were acting with the intent to help others, I'm not going to judge you for that." Joan replies, "There's a phrase called hindsight is 20/20. A lot of people can judge after the fact but in the moment you have to go with what you know. Sometimes you're right. Sometimes you're wrong. But the key thing is you're trying to do right."

Joan's head tilts as Hella protests staying for dinner. She shakes her head, tilting her head down while smiling. "Hella," She starts, looking over to the larger woman, "I would love it if you could have dinner with us. I haven't had much time to get to know you."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord chimes in after Joan, "We want to know you better. I've shown you all my gadgets. I want to learn about you. Can you share your origin? It's cool if it's a secret origin. I don't share mine with a lot of people. I mean Joan knows it, because she... was there for me to tie up loose ends." That was one way of putting it. And some people nearly died.

"Now, Bailey, start with one of each burger for Hella. You are staying. We like you. I'm serious about the group hug. This requires cooperation." Hell yes with Class 25 strength.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella smiles at both Ted and Joan, her dimples popping up and making her look entirely too cute to be as massively muscled as she is. "You're too kind, both of you. Okay. If you want I stay, I stay. I try not to eat you out of house and home, Ted," she grins crookedly, taking a seat in the same arm chair she once propped an unconscious Booster in, and later sat on his lap when he was awake. She feels the pang of that memory, now, though it was only days ago. Her brow crinkles a little, but she doesn't say anything. Especially because a light starts flashing in her visor, in time with the buzzing of her phone in her overall's pocket. "Oh, I'm getting call, Ted!" she says excitedly, holding up a hand. "Let me try to do this right!"

    Using her mind (and also her eyes), she wills the call to be answered. "Hello?" she says in that thick Russian accent of hers. "Oliver Queen? How did you get number, unh?" she says in an amused voice. Her visor has read-out information on the caller, which is very handy!

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen seems to be on a speaker phone, possibly in a car, based upon the background noise and the hint of wind. Something top down, "I am a man of many resources. Some of them even legal," he says. "I don't really have a good reason to say hello, other than that I'm in your neighborhood and I passed a gym with one of those big glass windows. It made me think of you. Mostly about how you're in better shape than all of those people combined."

"Mostly I'm just bored. How are you?"

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan looks over to Ted as he brings up the first time they ended up on the island together. "It was an interesting trip." Joan admits looks to Ted, trying to bring up one of the lighter moments of that incident. "Remember the poncho? Whoever said orange was complimentary never had to wear it over a blue suit. But it was better than the press getting a picture of you without."

Joan grows quiet as Hella mentions she got a a call. There's a light squeeze of Ted's hand as she indirectly listens in on Hella's side of the conversation. The name definitely rings a bell as she looks over to Ted curiously. Hella knows Oliver Queen? Wow.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord pulls his keyboard over quickly and types. "Oliver Queen? Invite him over!" ^.^ is displayed on the big wall monitor. Bailey shifts waiting for some order ups.

"Yes, the poncho hid the radiation burns well. Beggars can't be choosers. I lost Bug #2 on that trip. It did motivate me to et the aero-discs working though." The words on the monitor screen start flashing. ASCII after images!

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella lifts her brows at Oliver's response to her question, laughing a bit. She takes in what he says, noting the text note from Ted on the big wall monitor. She gives a thumbsup to Ted and a smile as she replies to Ollie. "Well, thank you for massive compliment, Oliver Queen!" she says, always addressing him with first and last name. Perhaps it's a way she commits names to memory! She did similarly with Ted and Booster, in the very beginning. How could Hella fail to remember Oliver's name, given how well-known and rich he is? She's not that impressed by wealth. She cares more about people who do good deeds. That's what's worth more than gold to the Nordic superhero!

    "Am good, thank you for asking. Visiting with good friend Ted Kord. He was asking me about my origins and I was planning on telling him some when you called. He would like me to invite you over, if you're free," she says, smiling at Ted and Joan as she awaits Oliver's reply.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen smiles, "You're very welcome. If I want you to take anything from our interaction, it's that when you think Oliver Queen, you think massive."

"Ted Kord, you say? Well, well. It just does so happen that I'm driving my highly expensive but ecologically sound sports car in your vicinity. If you text me the proper address, I'll feed them into my little navigator doo dad and it will guide me directly to your location. I do hope there are appetizers. I love eating things off a toothpick."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord hops onto the couch, crouched on his hands and knees, watching Hella like he's a lion and she is a porkchop. Wen the dimples come out he silently squees and hops off the couch to grab Joan and dance with her over one shoulder. Quietly. He can't speak for Joan...

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan leans over towards the waiting Bailey, and in a low voice gives her order of a single burger. The flashing of the text does draw her attention up to it. Oh so it's going to be that kind of gathering?

Well. Good thing she didn't come here directly from a construction site today. "Ee-" Joan bites back her surprised utterance as Ted suddenly lands feet first on the couch. She scoots over to give him space to do his balancing act. As he starts grinning, Joan can't help but to mirror the expression watching him go into full child mode. Her feet shift quickly to gain balance as her hands are taken as the half dance is done with Ted on one side of the sofa and her on the other side.

She tries being quiet but it's a bit much. She ends up giggling.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella's brows lift in surprise, again, as Ted suddenly hops on the couch and pretends to be a hungry lion. What on earth? Then, he's off again and scooping Joan into a dance while Hella handles the call from Oliver. "Yes, I'm definitely think about how massive you are right now, Oliver Queen," she says in a wry voice, glancing at Joan briefly in a 'why are guys so silly' expression.

    On her visor, practicing the new skills she's learned, she drops a pin for Oliver! It's at the top of the Kord Co building, so not too difficult to find. "Penthouse suite, of course. Come on over," she says before ending the call with a smile. "Looks like one more for dinner, now," she says with a grin. "I guess I save talking about myself for when everyone is here?"

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen doesn't take long to cover the distance, rapidly finding a parking space and securing his vehicle. Not that he worries too much if someone were to steal it. Tracking them down might be fun, after all.

He makes his way up the elevator and will eventually knock on the door. He's wearing a green and black check flannel over a Waylon Jennings t-shirt, along with boot-cut jeans and, appropriately, cowboy boots. He hasn't gone entirely rustic, however, as attested by his expensive sunglasses and the hair he's grown out a little too long, pulled up into a dirty blonde manbun on the back of his skull. "Open sesame!" he calls as he knocks.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord suddenly realizes, "F---! I'm dressed in Beetle... he'll think I'm insane!" The bots headtilt a little. e sets a giggly and possibly dizzy Joan down. "Uhm entertain Queen till I change into some casual evening wear. Bailey take orders, Bobo, drinks. Be right out. Sorrysorrysorry!" He flees to his bedroom, like Doomsday is after him.

Don't use that phrase aloud in front of Ted. He won't like it

Joan Wright has posed:
Getting the sense of being looked at Joan glances over to Hella. She returns a look. Somethings you can't reason out. Just roll with it.

Speaking of rolling with it. She finds herself rolled down on to the sofa in an awkward position as the door to the elevator slides open. Ted has already fled off and Joan is lying down. She rolls to her side, glancing up. Unlike Ted, Joan was fortunate to wear the more presentatble of her office attire. Dress pants. Blouse. No hard hat hair. Why she hasn't taken the satchel off is another matter.


Joan hits the floor."Ow."

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella watches everything happen with a look of amusement. Except when Joan falls! Though Hella's reflexes aren't as fast as she can fly, they're still pretty darn quick and she manages to mitigate /some/ of the fall by catching Joan before her head bumps the floor. "Goodness," she says, lifting Joan and putting her back on the couch. "Don't worry. I get door," she smiles to the smartly dressed young woman and straightens, heading for the door.

    It's likely that Ollie can hear some of the goings-on through the door, though they probably sound like muffled thuds. When Hella swings the door open quickly, a gust of wind blowing back her half-pigtails, she smiles at Oliver's very casual countenance. "Hello, massive manbun," she says, giving Oliver a brief-but-firm hug-greeting, drawing him inside and pushing the door closed. "Ted went to go check on something in another room, but back in moment. Make yourself comfortable," she gestures in toward the sitting area where everyone was located. "Pretty lady on couch is Joan, Ted's significant other," she smiles at Joan. "Joan, this is Oliver Queen! He is very rich and he sometimes is funny," she says by way of introduction.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen smiles, "I'm always comfortable. That's my blessing and my curse," he says. He raises a hand in greeting to Joan, "Don't listen to her, I am very, VERY rich and funnier than she gives me credit. She has to make me look bad so she can resist her overwhelming attraction to me. Just play along," he says.

He hears that Ted's in the back so he, of course, just puts a hand to his mouth, "TED, YA BIG GENIUS, I AM IN YOU!" he calls.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord pulls his head out of the turtleneck and runs his fingers through his hair. I'm not that big. I'm 5-11. I gotta wear my boots to get a tip toe kiss from Joan. He adjusts the clothing he j umped into and does his rich-person-I-got-a-big-wad-too walk out. He closes in to give Queen a strong handshake. The guy has quite a grip as it happens. "We met briefly, when we both tried outbidding Luthor on the Corto-Maltese deal... which WayneTech got. How are ya? What can I get you?"

Joan Wright has posed:
The fall could have been worse but fortunately Joan is hanging out with heroes tonight. And one such hero saved her by making it to where only her shoulder hit the floor. She is plopped back onto the sofa. "Thank you Hella." Joan responds.

Putting the time Hella heads to the door to good use, Joan takes off the sabotaging satchel and sets it to the side of the sofa out of the path any wandering feet should go. She sits back as she was earlier, hands resting on her lap. She had a reserved look on her face. Really she did. But, hearing the tease Hella gives Ollie, she smiles slightly in amusement.

Upon the pair coming into sight, she stands, offering a hand, "Hello Mr. Queen. It's a pleasure. I am aware of you and Queen Consolidated, of course."

She looks over to Hella and then back to Oliver. "I am curious to how you two met."

Getting a glimpse of an approaching Ted, Joan shifts closer to Hella, allowing for Ted to approach Oliver and for her to give Hella another look that says 'I expect details'.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella's pale blue eyes roll dramatically as Oliver corrects her introductory words, grinning and shaking her head at Joan. When Oliver looks at her, though, she's merely smiling wryly, leaning a hip against the armchair she had been sitting in before she got up to answer the door. "Oh, yes," she says, laying it on thickly, "I am so devasated by your handsome face and suave manner. I'm sure you don't say this to all girls, I am so special," she rolls her eyes again, laughing. "Hard to take him seriously; right, Joan? Charmers and their silver tongues. Blessed and cursed in more ways than one."

    As Ted enters, freshly attired and using his big-boy-aura, Hella smiles and sinks down into the chair, settling in to exchange glances with Joan -- 'Get a load of this guy~' vibes with a goofy grin -- as the two billionaires rub elbows and exchange firm handshakes. She nods her head agreeably at Joan's 'you better not spare a single detail' look, giving her a hand-signaled 'O.K.' and a thumbs up, to boot! "I'll let Oliver Queen answer question," she smiles as she sits back, threading her fingers together as she rests her hands on her abdomen. These overalls are just the best. So comfy!

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen shakes his head, "WayneTech usually does. That guy just does not like to lose," he says, offering his hand to Ted to shake. "I'm sure we've crossed paths a time or two beyond that, but sometimes things get so crowded and explosive, you're not always sure who you've met where," he says.

To the question, he gies Hella a wink and answers simply, "We met at a fundraiser for a fire department over in New Jersey. She brought orphaned kids and helpful muscle and I brought my pretty face and a buttload of money," he says as he takes a seat, "Don't worry, Ms. Rokkurdisardottir," he says, getting the pronunciation picture perfect before he adds in Russian, <<When I get serious, you'll know it.>>.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord doesn't speak Russian and if he did... well he and Hella were just talking about not meddling. She's her own person. Besides he's heard all manner of stories about Ollie some of them true. He isn't really THAT concerned about Hells especially given she's treating this as a game. He resists the impulse to stand near his adopted little sister and instead goes to Joan and puts a hand around her waist.

"Oh. If you can can tell Bailey the kind of burger you want, she'll get on with dinner."

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan nods slightly to Hella before looking over to the two guys, seeking the explanation that was promised. The mention of the needed muscle at the fundraiser does get a curious look. "Helpful muscle?" She repeats, eyes glancing to Ted as she feels his hand rest on her waist. Her shoulder rests against him as she looks back over to Oliver at the mention of burgers. "Oh yes. There's beef, turkey, and salmon" She adds in, letting the newest arrival know what the food options are.

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella nods her head at Oliver's explanation and then to Joan's question. "He means I am strong, is all. I helped move heavy things, lifted children up for fun times, took orders for hot dogs, handed out orders, things like that," she says with a smile. "It was a good fundraiser. I met the Queens, Emiko and Oliver. I met Impulse, very fast young hero from Flash family. I met Ms. Marvel, who put on fundraiser, organized it. Talked to Spidey again. Was good day," she recalls with a happy expression.

    The brief snippet of Russian sent her way has Hella flushed and she laughs to cover it up! <<Liar, liar, pants on fire!>> she says with a waggling finger shake. Thankfully, though, Joan brings up the different burger types available, "I will have one of each to start!" Her stomach grumbles. She looks down at it and frowns, "Already!? We just ate shawarma only couple of hours ago!" She smiles sheepishly at everyone else. "Please, excuse high metabolism."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen smiles to Hella, returning in Russian, <<If my pants were on fire, I would surely need a firefighter to come to my rescue. I think you just want me to be bereft of pants.>>

"Salmon is good. Fish protein is supposed to be the best. Plus, the omega-3s for your brain. I'm going to have to keep my wits about me in this company. A jock like me couldn't possibly keep up," he says.

"Never apologize for how much you eat. Anybody who polices that kind of thing should probably just keep their damn mouth shut."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord blehhs to himself. Fish. Brain food? He has enough brains. He orders a cheeseburger -rare.

"So Ollie, are you bidding on the Mendelbright project? I heard it had a run of bad luck. Maybe even originated a villain. Naturally that'd interest me." He feels Joan's shoulder and holds her a little closer. Offand he watches the bots set the table, and bring out finger foods. Without direction. Awesome.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan gave her order already to Bailey, so she keeps quiet about her burger order. Joan turns her head back towards Hella as she provides clarity to the statement. "Oh okay." Joan repeats. "I might be tempted to try and borrow you next time there's a Habitat for Humanity project."

As the other couple exchange their Russian banter. Joan gives another look, likely one that even Ted can register: Oh my gosh.

"They are all good options." Joan replies, looking to Hella, "Who knows? Maybe I'll try the salmon next."

Hella Rokkurdisardottir has posed:
    Hella's eyes bulge at Oliver's reply, so sharp and quick! She flushes even brighter, this time, at first. Then, she composes herself. <<You wish.>> Short and sweet!

    Hella's order is already placed so she's just waiting for the table to be set and for the dinner bell to be rung, as it were. When things are all prepared, she hops up and wanders over to the table, picking a chair at random, though not the one at the head of the table, of course. That's likely Ted's chair! She sits down and places a napkin on her lap,crossing her legs at the ankle and smiling as things get put in place and people continue talking.

    There's just something about business talk that makes Hella's brain tune out. She looks to Joan for amusement, wondering if the pretty young woman will have any conversation she can participate in that doesn't include obscure and confusing words like 'Mendelbright' or 'stock options.'

    Once the food begins coming out, though, Hella goes to task with delight, devouring her first two burgers before anyone else has finished their first. After that, though, she takes a small break to talk a little about her childhood, so everyone else has a chance to catch up. Being born at the traditional family homestead in super-rural Norway, then growing up in the extreme north of Russia with a passel of brothers, cousins, uncles, and her Mama. It seems she's the only girl in the family, aside from her mother. That she's mentioned, so far. She was trained to gain control over her abilities from as young an age as only a few months old, when she first sat up on her own.

    She goes into a little detail about how her brothers all have similar talents, at varying levels compared to her, and they all go into different fields of study and business, and everyone contributes to the family. Very insular. Very odd. She speaks about it as though it's as normal as can be. "That's when I finally come here, to America, where heroes are needed. I have abilities to breathe and eat fire, I am very, very strong, can fly, and such. I decide firefighter is perfect job for me while I work on becoming useful superhero to world. That is my story, pretty much!"

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver Queen gives a gentle shrug in Ted's direction, "I have to be honest with you, my man, I have no idea. I will call into my office and ask if you really want to know. Don't get me wrong, I do know some business things, but I don't...enjoy them, if you catch my drift. Like, I can follow it, but why would I want to?"

He listens carefully to Hella's backstory, which gives him time to wait for his burger and also to make sure he gets the details right as best he could. He isn't always the best listener, but beautiful women talking is a good way to keep him focused. "I can relate to some of the family stuff. My sisters probably keep me afloat way more than I could ever manage on my own. Thank god they don't have superpowers. Well. I suppose some superpowers could be useful. But none that could set me on fire. I deserve it way too much."