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Latest revision as of 06:49, 23 February 2022

A Question of Nuptials
Date of Scene: 22 February 2022
Location: Wade Wilson's Apartment, Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: Wade and Inez catch up and discuss their past, present, and future going forward while dining on steak and beer. All in all, not a bad restart as far as Wade's relationships go.
Cast of Characters: Wade Wilson, Inez Temple

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade had eyed his phone for a few days. He had swiped most of the information concerning Inez's phone after being handed the device at the bar. A lot of the information was encrypted, but the number itself and the photo album concerning his marriage (and after) to her was not. He should call her, he knows that much, but she was still a mystery to him. While that alone wouldn't be a problem, plenty of people in this world were a mystery to him, they at least had a feeling about them, something that made them stand out as important in some way.

    Inez didn't. And that was the problem.

    "You know what... fuck it" he says, talking to himself (and his audience of course). "I'm a big boy. If I married the girl, then I married her and to hell with whether or not I remember. Responsibilities aren't new to me." He dials the number and waits for the, admittedly sexy, southern drawl to pick up onthe other end.

Inez Temple has posed:
"Howdy!" The voice is unmistakably Inez's, sounding like she's at a bar or something. Music and laughter in the background, whoops and cries of excitement, a big 'awwwwwwwwwww', and someone yelling out, "And up next for the bull we got... OUTLAW!"

"Aw shit. Hang on a sec darlin', let me get m'seat an' we can chat." There's some muffled moving about, some talk, some firm words in a sexy drawl, and then a few more sounds. "Okay! Ya got me! Who've I got on th' line?" In the background a somewhat disgruntled, 'Lets see how long this cowgirl from Texas can handle Rodrigo the Bull!' Then the unmistakable clunking sounds of a mechanical bull starting up. She lets out a muted whoop of excitement and there's a few more rustling sounds, but the call is clear enough.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade can't help but smile. "It's me" he says. "Wade. I really hope I held out at least half as well as Rodrigo when you rode me to the ground" he says into the phone, shifting a bit. "I was wondering if I might steal you for the night." There is a pause. "To talk. About... well, you know. Us. And what we plan on doing about it" he says.

    "After you're done with Rodrigo, of course" he adds with a grin in his tone and on his face. "I can toss in a few steaks and some quality beer along with it, if that will sweeten the pot any for you." If there is one that that's improved for Wade in the past couple of years, it's been his checkbook. More than a few high-profile jobs have put him well into the green where his financials are concerned.

Inez Temple has posed:
There's a distinct chuckle before she offers, "Ya got a pelvic cast after th' first night. Had it signed by Cap! Think it's still in m'old stuff, c'n bring it round if'n ya want it. But ya kept comin' back fer more, so I'd say ya did better'n Rodrigo's 'bout t'do!" THere's more whooping and the clanking becomes grinding becomes whirring. The bull picking up its paces. Inez lets out a whoop of her own, still apparently hanging on just fine despite also having a conversation on the phone!

"If'n ya wanna text me yet address, I'll swing on by after I settle up with th' bar 'n collect th' winnin's I'm bout t'get. Steak'n'a beer sounds great. Say... an hour? Your place?" There's no malice, so at least one of Wade's 'exes' seems to bear him no grudges!

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "That sounds about right for me" Wade replies with a soft laugh at the mention of a pelvic cast. At her offer he nods, even though she can't see it. "Sounds good. See ya then" Wade replies and adds, "Tear 'em up, cowgirl" before hanging up. He quickly fires a text message for his apartment in Clinton (affectionately called Hell's Kitchen by the residents) and goes about making the place presentable.

    It's not a tough job, Wade's not as much of a slob as many seem to think and the worst the place could take is a dusting from lack of use. It's been a few months since he's visited his old home and he left it tidy when he closed it up. He had restocked the fridge yesterday and now he takes a look inside to make sure that he has what he promised the woman. Sure enough, two New York strips still gleamed in the package along with a twelve pack of a microbrew he's fond of. Content that he has everything he needs he looks at his outfit. "I mean, I -could- wear something more fashionable. Not like I don't have other clothes," he says, glancing out the window to clearly -no one-, "but... this means I'm always ready for anything and well... I get the feeling with this girl, anything is the least of my worries."

Inez Temple has posed:
Inez finishes her 'rodeo', confounding the the man running the competition by staying seated until he finally has to call it quits because the people are getting bored. With her 'club record' set, she pays off her tab, collects winnings with a wink and smile, then heads off to get that cast. A quick glance at her phone for the address has her chuckling. Of course he has a place in Hell's Kitchen. Why wouldn't he?

The cast is right where she left it, on a shelf all by itself to nobody can mar any of the signatures. She collects it and is on her way!

Arriving on a motorcycle (because of course she owns one, or half a dozen), Inez finds a spot to park, feeds the meter, and strolls over to knock/buzz/ring at the door.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade only lets her wait for a five count before opening the door. He's unmasked at the very least revealing that his scars haven't changed in the years they've been apart. "Inez" he says, stepping aside and gesturing her in. "Welcome to my humble abode. One of them at least."

    He waits til she's fully in to close the door. "Have a seat" he says gesturing to a comfortable looking couch in the middle of the living area. "Grab you a beer?" he asks shifting towards the kitchen on silent feet across the hardwood floor.

    The apartment is set up in an open flat sort of setting. The only thing separating the bed from the living room is the couch. There is a little nook to one side of the bed before a large window that has a comfortable and intimate feel to it. To the left of the living area is a dining room talble and chairs before another window. A dividing bar separates the kitchen from the rest of the floor plan. THere is a door to the right of the bed that is currently closed, but it would be hard to imagine anything besides a bathroom being behind the door.

Inez Temple has posed:
"Wade, as charmin' as ever I see," Inez chuckles and smiles, brushing a kiss to his cheek as she moves past him into the apartment with a nod. "Nice place ya got here. Looks like ya ain't been here in a spell." She glances back over her shoulder at him with a grin, "I'm touched, ya cleaned fer me." Turning, she holds out the pelvic cast, "Oh, by th' by.. as promised. I kept it nice an' pristine fer ya. So proud ya ere that Cap signed yer cast..."

She chuckles and moves to grab a seat on the couch, legs crossing as she makes herself comfortable. "Beer sounds great, thanks! Yer.. definitely diff'rent from th' Wade I married. Not a bad thing, though I'll miss the middle o' th' night, half-dead from wounds visits." A smile is sent his way, clearly not bothered by the scars, she's seen him naked, after all! If the scars were going to be a thing, they would have been long before now.

"So... what've ya been up t' these last years?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Working mostly" Wade replies, grabbing a pair of cans from the fridge and tossing one the woman's way. He pauses and looks at the cast. "'Invest in America, buy war bonds'" he reads just above the crotch of the cast. "Sounds like Steve." He sighs as not a lick of it is in his memory.

    He settles down next to Inez on the couch. "I got older" he suggests with a shrug. "Started thinking about the future more... especially since being impaled seventeen times didn't kill me for good. Just gave me some brain damage and put holes in my memory that I am sorely missing" he adds looking over her more closely. His eyes take in everything about her from clothing (or lack thereof), to posture, to facial expression. "Can't say much else has changed, really" he gestures to just behind his head. "I still have an audience that I keep up to date with from time to time, but that's always been there even before I was turned into the skin cancer mascot I am today. I got richer and... had a few relationships. Mot ended poorly. One hasn't. But... now you're here and we're still married. Which crotch breakage or not... I'd say I am batting much higher than my station given well, everything about you."

Inez Temple has posed:
Reaching up to snag the flying can, she lifts it towards him and pops the top to take a swallow. "Mmmmmmm, not bad at all." Inez settles in a little more, following him with her eyes before he joins her. Then she's shifting slightly to face him better. "Wade... I'm not sure anythin' c'n kill ya fer good. I've seen ya so messed up, ya were full o' holes, so much blood all around ya I didn't know how there was any left inside at all. Then... jes' like.. minutes later, yer up an' back at it like nothin' ever happened." She lifts a shrug and offers a wry smile, "Can' say much fer th' memory part. Never seen ya lose chunks of memory before."

She takes another drink, then gives a nod, "Tell 'em I say 'howdy' an' no peekin' when I'm in the altogether." She lifts her beer again, as if to greet Wade's 'people'. she grins briefly and glances down at the can, "First time we met, I was workin' with Taskmaster at th' Academy. Ya were in th' gym, just finished... I flirted... an' ya turned me down t'go deal with a job. Impressive, really." She glances back to him, "We worked t'gether a few times, flirted more, nothin' ever came of it cause I was with Alex at the th' time an' ya had... a pretty impressive score o' one-nighters ya were workin' through. Been kinda our thing. We'd meet, we'd flirt, pretty outrageously too, then somethin' or other would happen an' we'd be back on th' job again."

Lifting the beer for a swallow, she murmurs, "After Agency X disbanded, I went an' made friends with Domino. Prob'ly one o' my smarter moves. An' we saw more o' each other then. Moved t' New York, got an apartment. One night, ya showed up, full o' holes, babblin' bout this an' that, practically bled out on m'couch. Course, ya were fine by mornin' but th' people huntin' ya followed ya t'my place. They hit th'apartment an' in the fight, well... my place kinda... got destroyed. I mighta been a tad upset. Ended up in one o' those shitty rent by the week places... an' ya showed up again, got me kicked outta that place fer the trouble ya dragged with ya." Inez flashes a grin, "Then ya found me in a motel an' said ya had somethin' t' show me. Brought me out t' Brooklyn an'... showed me an apartment. Nice big studio place. Lots o' windows, decent neighborhood. An' ya told me it was mine. Ya bought me a whole new place as a way o' sayin' sorry fer all th' trouble ya'd caused. Couldn't've been cheap either. Sweetest thing ya'd ever done."

She runs a hand through her hair, "Anyways, it.. kinda clicked that ya actually cared bout me an' all, so we started datin', couple months later we were married. Had our honeymoon at some o' th' weirdest places, but ya had yer heart set on visitin' 'em all, an' I was game jes' to travel with ya. Ya saw the album. Weren't long after that that ya jes'... disappeared. I went lookin' fer ya, figured enemies caught t'ya an' all. But nobody ever took credit fer killin' Deadpool. So I kept lookin'. Had some heat come down fer past actions, ended up layin' low in Utah... then came back here to figure out what t'do next."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade pops his own drink and sips as he listens to the woman explain their history. "That's... wow... I... I mean it makes sense. If I was the reason your places keep getting trashed, why not get you a place to replace it. I break it, I buy it, right?" He grins. "I... I think I know -when- it happened and -where-..." he frowns.

    "Okay the last place I remember before the job I took where I sort of ended up turning my head into a pincushion was Orlando, Florida" he explains. "I was supposed to recover this thing... I don't know what it was... but it was stolen and being transfered at a construction site outside Orlando. I... may have botched the intel and didn't realize that there was an explosive device inside the case the thing was being carried in." He rubs the back of his neck with a bit of embarassment. "I killed the trigger man and boom... inside the site. I was on the tenth floor of the complex and when I landed... well..." he jabs his fingers at his head. "I woke up two weeks later and left the hospital where they had me in traction and had little memory of the previous three years really."

    He sighs. "Which is why I just booked it back to New York without saying a word to you." He shakes his head. "I'm really sorry. For all of it." He frowns and sips again. "Well, what is it you -want- to do next, Inez?" He pauses. "Did I have a nickname for you? Nez? Babe? Angel? Pumpkin?" he arches a hairless brow at her with a sly grin.

Inez Temple has posed:
"It were sweet. I was used t' th' Deadpool that was always starin' at m'tits an' tryin'a get me t'play strip... anythin'. We had this sorta.. back'n'forth, y'know? It were fun but nothin' ever really came of it. Didn' even think nothin' of it." Inez shrug and offers him and easygoing smile. "Then outta nowhere, ya bought me a whole ass apartment. Not just rented, bought. So... kinda made me rethink th' nature o' our relationship." Shr lifts a shrug and takes a drink. "Were a side o' ya I hadn't seen b'fore."

Falling quiet, she listens, nodding, "I remember that gig. Tried t'tell ya somethin' bout it smelled bad, but ya were sure ya could handle it.. it's actually th' first place I went t' look fer ya, but that were prob'ly about th' same time ya left the hospital an' headed back." Chuckling, she adds, "Explains why I couldn't find anythin' bout ya. I checked out th' site o' th' explosion, but it ain't exactly like ya keep a wallet in yer suit fer ID."

Settling back, she smiles, "It's alright, Wade. Life happens, an' fer us, life c'n be crazier'n a twister in a trailer park." Inez lets out a laugh, "Nah, jes' Inez. I think ya tried t'call me Nezziebaby once or twice but it didn't last, ya got bored wit' it." Then she's looking at him, "Ya said ya've got someone now. It's good? Yer happy?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Happy enough, yeah" Wade replies. "But... it's an open sort of thing. She's got a side piece from what I can tell. Ghost Rider of all people, go figure," he replies. "But... I don't know. Something about the guy rubs me the wrong way. We'll see how it goes. Still need to have a talk with him about the nature of things, if you get my meaning. What about you?"

    He looks her over again. It's really hard not to. "It's been years, you trying to tell me that you haven been with anyone else in all that time?" he asks. "If the pictures of us are any indication, you have something of a umm... appetite, if I'm going to be polite about it." He grins. "I would hate to think that you were holding out all this time for me. If I bought you an apartment for destroying your old place. I'd have to break more than my pelvis to pay you back for ruining that part of your life."

Inez Temple has posed:
"..huh. She's goes fer flamin' skulls?" Inez shrug and grins, "Good fer her." Sipping from her beer, she lets out a laugh, "I mean, he goes around damnin' bad people t'Hell fer bein' bad. Usually in pretty painful ways. What's t'feel good bout?" Shaking her head, she chuckles, "Pleas emake sure someone's filmin' that talk so I c'n watch it later. I gotta see that."

There's no missing his looking her over, it draws a smile. "Fishin', Wade? Nah, I ain't been wit' anyone after ya disappeared. But... I did meet someone t'other day. We had a damn rousin' time, an' I'm lookin' forward t' seein' 'im again." Inez flashes a grin, "I try t'keep an open mind bout stuff. But... if yer askin' if I wanna stay married? I'd say that depends on yerself, Wade. Seem like yer pretty happy wit' yer life. I don't wanna make ya feel obligated t'a wife ya can' even remember." She leans forward, "Or are ya suggestin' that gettin' intimate might jog yer memory?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade narrows his eyes at the woman. "I like to fish sometimes." He sobers a bit and sips his can. "This isn't the only time this sort of thing has happened to be honest. I was with Steve for a bit." He holds up a hand before she can interrupt.

    "I don't know rememnber the why or the how, it just sort of happened. But I was with him and then... I slipped off a rooftop hunting down a ninja in Brooklyn. Landed on a parking meter. Head first." His tone is like it wasn't as trauamatic as it sounds. "Crushed my skull in. Like you could see the indentation of the meter in my skull afterwards. I've got the photos somewhere in here." He shrugs.

    "But the point I'm getting at is when I woke up--in the morgue, no less--I didn't have the same feelings for him I had when I slipped. Woke up and just... gone." He snaps his fingers to emphasize the point. "Even seeing him again didn't reignite anything. But he handled it well enough. Something about water under the bridge, changing of the guard, shifting ideologies..." He shrugs as if all of it makes sense to him. "Point is. It seems that extremely traumatic head injuries can change things in me. Luckily, I've made a point to avoid those since."

    He ponders her offer at the end, taking more than an obvious note of her lean in and what it does for his view. "Look, I'm not against alternative forms of treatment. The bigger question is... are you wanting to play my nurse?" he counters.

Inez Temple has posed:
"Huh. Didn't expect Cap t'go fer guys... shows what I know." Inez pauses, then laughs, "Though he DID sign yer cast like.. right above yer junk. Mighta been a sign." She leans back, stretching her legs out and into his personal space as she smiles at him. Sipping from her beer, she gives a nod to his story, thinking it over before looking back to him.

There's a small chuckle and she shakes her head, "I dunno Wade. Yer.. not th' same. An' I ain't one t'jump into th' sack wit' guys I ain't familiar wit'. An' ya don't remember me at all. None of that history we had is there anymore. Mebbe we should try t' build up some history again b'fore we jump into bed." Inez winks, "Not sayin' never. Yer still cute. But this is like meetin' ya all over again. Took years an' a lotta flirtin' b'fore we got there th' first time."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade smiles. "You know... that's fair and I respect the hell out of it too" he says to the woman. "I'm not sure I would feel the same if you came after me the moment I asked." He runs a hand over his head. "But I can be patient. I can take it slow. And I can admire your..." he looks her over -very- carefully, "everything when I'm around you. Long as you don't mind, of course." He inclines his head.

    "Besides..." he says relaxing back and looking at her legs, not minding the insertion of her into his personal space. "Who knows, I might end up getting stepped on by the Juggernaut or something and everything will come crashing back in." He smiles. "He doesn't live too far from one of my other safehouses. I think he's two doors down to be exact. Stranger things have happened."

    He places a gloved hand on on of her legs and looks at her. "Least I can do is cook for you, though, right?" he asks. "That is, if you're still hungry? For food of course." He winks at her, relaxing a great deal around her as if a weight has been relieved from him.

Inez Temple has posed:
Inez flashes a smile at him and gives a nod, "I could see ya weren't really into th' flirtin'. Like ya were waitin' fer me t'pounce on ya or somethin'. That ain't what I'm lookin' fer in a lover." She lifts a shrug and finishes off the beer, setting the empty can aside and looking back to him. There's a laugh and she flashes a grin, "Good. Cause I wanna get t' know this new Wade. He seems like a fun guy, but I don't know too much 'bout him jes' yet." Leaning back, she puts her hands behind her head, fingers laced together, giving him all the view he could hope for. Well, maybe not ALL. But close. Chuckling, she offers, "Ya almos' got stepped on by Rhino durin' our honeymoon. Like.. his foot was on yer head an' everythin' when I came running in an' punched him, yellin' fer 'im t' get out cause it were our honeymoon... so he left, said even he weren't so bad t'squash a man on his honeymoon."

Flexing those legs, she grins, "Hell yeah I still want th' steak! 'Nother beer wouldn't be bad either. We c'n talk more."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "I'd like it to" Wade says, finishing off his beer. "There's one small problem though. I've got this insanely attractive woman stretching out and using me as a leg rest. It would be rude of me to just remove myself from that position, especially when her legs look so good stretched out as they are." He drums his fingers on one of them, a playful grin spreading over his features.

    "Rhino's a nice fella once you get past the whole, wanting my head on a spike bit." He replies. "One thing I've learned about the Russians: they got manners for days." He drums his fingers agan, almost not noticing the affectionate carress he gives to her leg after. He stops himself and looks at his hand. "Huh..." before looking to her. "Sorry. That felt... weirdly familiar."

Inez Temple has posed:
"Hm, damn. That -is- a problem... see, this is all kindsa comfy an' I ain't really of a mind t'move again jes' yet so... guess yer stuck fer a minute." Inez lifts a shrug and leans back like she hasn't a care in the world, one foot bobbing as she lightly hums a country tune. Like she has every intention of just keeping him trapped there. That caress though, that has her blinking. Recovering, she grin and gives a nod, "Always did like m'legs. Liked other things more, but the legs were a close second."

THen she's shifting, moving those legs to let him up with a wink, "Spose I c'n let ya go this time. Us bein' newly acquainted an' all."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade slowly and regretably extricates himself from the woman's presence. "Who knows, maybe that's one of the new things, about me you can find out? Instead of one part of you claiming the top spot... all of you can claim it." He turns and heads towards the kitchen, grabbing another beer from the fridge and underhanding it to the woman. He turns back to the fridge and pulls out the steaks.

    He might not have been a great cook when they first got together, but a few years and a lot of spare time has given Wade a newfound passion for food and one thing he's excelled at? Preparing meat. "After all... why settle for a piece, when the entire cake is so enticingly gorgeous?" he says, peeling off the red gloves and washing his hands before pulling out a butcher's knife and trimming the cuts a bit more.

Inez Temple has posed:
"Oh yeah? Guess I shouldn't suggest a game o' poker then. Last time we played, it were... you, me, Bob, an' Sandi. Took ya nearly th' whole game but ya outbluffed me on a hand just t'get m'top off." Laughing, Inez catches the beer, and cracks it open for a swallow. "But I c'n appreciate that yer outlook's changed t'appreciate th' whole woman."

She watches him with a bemused smile, shaking her head slightly and leaning back again. "So who's yer girl? Love t'meet her. We could prob'ly swap all KINDS o' stories." Chuckling, she settles the beer can onto her stmach and flicks a glance his way, "Ya still friends wit' Logan?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade starts laying the steak out of a grilling rack over the burners on his stove, soon the sizzle of cooking meat fills the background. "Don't get me wrong, your rack is amazing... but I like to think I've gotten well rounded view of things" the gesture he makes with his hand is more than vaguely reminiscent of someone cupping a a breast, "and I'm more inclined to find others parts of a the anatomy to appreciate. In your case... the experience would take -hours-." He frins brightly at her.

    "Her name is Sara. She's a cop with the NYPD, and yes, she knows that the majority of my work is -highly- illegal. I don't talk about business around her and she doesn't have to worry about a guilty conscience. And if you want to meet her, I can introduce you. It'll be awkward as fuck to begin, but... she's not a closed minded sort. Like I said, our thing is sort of open ended anyway." He checks on the meat and lets them cook a bit longer. "As for Logan. Oh yeah, and he still hates it when I call him Dad" he grins. "That ki--young lady I was at the bar with the night we reunited? That's one of his kids. We treat each other like siblings and that drives him up the wall too." He finally flips the steaks. "Can't let him forget that even if he's old, he's never too old for me to make fun of him."

    A question springs to his mind unbidden by any filters. "Now that you're back in town, if a job comes up that I think could use some of your expertise... would you want me to give you a call? Or do you want to keep business and..." he shrugs and calls a spade a spade, "pleasure separate?"

Inez Temple has posed:
Laughing lightly at his quip, Inez gives a nod, "Now -there's- th' Wade I remember. But its true, ya had a great appreciation fer th' whole package. Even with m'boobs in yer face, ya still noticed th' thong. Lil things. It were nice to be seen as a full package." She lifts the can for a swallow and grins, "Only hours? Must be losin' m'touch. Damn this gettin' older shit. Thank th'Lord I got some accelerated healin' o' m'own that helps keep me lookin' fit'n'fresh even now."

She nods, smiling as he describes his current girlfriend, looking back towards him with a chuckle, "Mebbe fer you'n'her, but I'll be amused as fuck. Ain't like I got any claim on yer affections anymore, an' after th' years I spent lookin' an' all... I mean. I prob'ly spent more time lookin' fer ya than we were married." She takes another drink, then gives a nod, "Sounds nice. Like I said earlier, I'm... mebbe seein' someone. We're likin' where it's goin', but it's new an' all so we're givin' it some time before we put any labels on." She grins, "But I got a good feelin' on it. Same's I had with.. well, when we started datin'."

She lets out a chuckle and gives a nod, "Yeah, that makes perfect sense t'me. I like Gabby, she's a lil spitfire, reminds of m'self when I were younger. An' I'll be glad t'call her sister." Pausing, she laughs, "Might make things a -lil- awkward wit' my guy, but.. I think we c'n manage."

Inez looks back to Wade with a smile, "Hello no! You call me up if'n ya got a job ya think I'd be good fer! Since when have I... oh, right, ya wouldn't remember. Uhhhhhhhh, let's jes' say it wouldn't be th' first time I've done it."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Hours, days, weeks, really depends on how long my bones can last..." Wade replies with a wide grin. "So your new beau, he got a name? Maybe I've heard of him?" It is possible. Wade has a nasty habit of knowing an awful lot about a lot of people even those he shouldn't. Most would write it off as the myriad connections of a world renown mercenary. But the truth was something far stranger and not something many people even accepted.

    He gives the steaks another look and pulls them off the grill to settle for a bit, because serving them otherwise would be a travesty aganist God and Wade sort of feared the Big Man Upstairs. "Then I'll keep my ears open and if anything seems like it could use your particular brand of violence... or I need some eye candy while I ginzu some poor fool. I'll give you a call."

Inez Temple has posed:
Inez pauses for a very long, almost too long, moment. Fighting down a grin, keeping it to a small, mischevious smile. Bringing the can up to her lips, she says, "Yer brother." Then she's taking a swallow and looking sidelong at him for the reaction. Maybe he'll make the connection, maybe he'll assume its one of his 'regrown' him's, maybe he has an actual brother! Who knows! That's the fun of these things.

"Hey, I'll have ya know I've gotten much better at restrainin' m'self from injurin' people I wanna get intimate with." She gives a swift nod and leans back against the sofa, propping an arm on the back with a grin for him, "Ya know I'm good fer either. An' if I get some good violence in on some bad guys, awesome. If I make money off it? Even better."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade arches a brow. "Which one? Daken or James?" he asks, popping the tab one his new beer and sipping from it. Truth was, most of the copies of Wade running around he didn't consider family. Since they were just him elsewhere at the time. "Wait... has to be James. If Daken was in town, pretty sure Logan would tear the city appart trying to find him."

    He grins. "Not a bad looker and you won't have to worry about breaking him permenantly either since he got his Logan Juice (trademark) straight from the source. Be careful with him though, from what I hear he's got a temper... all the Howlett kids do. Except me, but I'm not really a Howlett. Maybe that's the defining factor."

Inez Temple has posed:
Inez shoots a fingergun at Wade and nods, "Got it in one. Jimmy's great. Met kinda randomly, but... I like 'im. Like 'im a lot." She chuckles softly and shakes her head, "I could never really wrap m'head 'round Daken. Dude's... weird. An' that's ME sayin' that. An' I married -you-." Clearly, her weird-meter broke a long time ago.

"Eh. Got a temper m'self, hardly a deal breaker. We're both of us potentially deadly, so it's really jes'... tryin' not t'piss each other off," She grins across at him , then chuckles. "Logan Juice. I'm callin' it that now. Even t' Logan's face." She turns a grin towards Wade, "Yer Howlett 'nough. An' this is funny. I didn' even think bout th' fact ya both get yer... juice... from Logan. An' it kinda makes ya brothers. Kinda."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "That's how I see it at least. Why Gabby is my little sis," Wade replies. "I just got my dose concentrated and pumped straight into my bloodstream. Where they all got a mix from the various loves of Wolvie's life. Lucky ladies they all are." Some might suggest that Wade has daddy issues if he considers Logan his father and an acceptable love interest. Wade would probably disagree. He's got all issues, not just Daddy ones.

    "Well... if you and him decide to go exclusive, I will totally understand. But..." he plates the steak and delivers the cuts with forks and knives to the coffee table at the couch. "If not... dance card is always open. And I'm going to flirt with you regardless of whether you have a boyfriend or not. Just think of it as my way of paying compliments." He holds up his beer. "To new beginnings?" he offers by way of a toast.