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Latest revision as of 06:49, 23 February 2022

A Dangerous Mix
Date of Scene: 22 February 2022
Location: Luke's Bar
Synopsis: Jane stumbles into Luke's place to drink with Tynan. What could go wrong?
Cast of Characters: Tynan Ireton, Jane Vasko, Luke Cage

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Well, its towards the end of the night, and Ty needs to relax a bit. So, the young mercenary went out drinking. She ends up at the same bar that she may or may not have helped an Avenager with a random group of idiots. Or was he the one, and she was protecting him? Ty can never tell with Lang. All she remembers is that he called her a trigger puller, and she played futball with his head.

    The young woman moves up towards the bar. "Whiskey, double. And in whatever ya got.", she tells. The woman stretches out a bit as she rolls her neck.

Jane Vasko has posed:
The door opens a few minutes later, and the lady in red steps in. Well, limps in.
Upon closer inspection, one can see why. She is wearing enough bandages to stock an ambulance. Both arms are wrapped to the level of Elsa Lanchester from THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN. Her midsection is wrapped as well, but some yellow and red spots betray that it has been a busy night for the redhead.
And last, but definitely not least, her left leg is wrapped from mid-femur to ankle.

She makes her way to the bar, settles onto a stool with a painful grunt, then takes out a white unmarked medicine bottle. She gazes at it, then waves the bartender over.

"Got anything that mixes well with Percocet?"

Luke Cage has posed:
    Luke Cage is behind the bar at this time, covering a shift probably for one of his others, or actually just working. He's one of those owners that actually does work from time to time. Which is why he's right there when the order from Tynan comes across the bar. "You got it." is said and a nod is given as he spins around to grab the most expensive whiskey he's got right now and pours it up. Napkin, glass, boom. Order up and slid across the bar towards Tynan. "There you go."

    Almost immediately, Luke is yanking the towel off his shoulder to wipe down the bar. That's how he keeps his A health rating, baby. Cleaning!

    Cage does a double take when the next patron enters and his eyebrow raises and everything. He doesn't say anything because whatever happened is none of his business. There's a bit of a scoff that comes when he hears the question. "Yeah. I got just the thing." Cage snatches up a glass and pulls on one of his taps to make sure that glass gets nice and full. He smirks as he sets it down on the bar in front of the bandaged one. "On the house."

    Yup. It's water.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty starts laughing at that one. The merc just shakes her head at that. "Oh, thats a good one. If you're going to go bar hopping in shape like that, got to go to Saint Mary's. They serve Deadpool.", she tells. The woman shakes her head as she watches Luke a moment. "Well, this is one of the few places that hasn't kicked me out. Then again, fighting a drunk avenger kinda helps with that.", she tells. The woman takes a moment sip her whiskey.

    "Whats the Oxy for? I mean, you don't get into that type of shape without doing something you weren't sopposed to do. Then again, don't answer. I only take jobs that I know I can handle.", she says.

Jane Vasko has posed:
The redhead gave Luke a droll look. "Ha. FUCKING. Ha. Just make it four fingers of bourbon, neat. Save the comedy for open-mike night, big guy."

The redhead looked over to Tynan, then chuckled. "I take it for medical purposes. I just got my doctor's bill." She laughed mirthlessly. "I paid a visit to Don Carlo DiVecchio at his grand mansion on the upper East Side. Believe me...it was a party."

Luke Cage has posed:
    "Your funeral."

    Cage leaves the water there but goes to get the drink. He can't tell grown folks what they can and can't drink. Especially if they are paying customers. He fixes it right up and serves it up with a little less flair than his usual style. He doesn't particularly agree with this option but it's not his body, after all. "We don't do open mic nights."

    Cage glances back over at the other bar patron. "We don't discriminate here. You pay, you drink, you don't cause trouble? You always welcome." It's a pretty simple bar philosophy really.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty shrugs her shoulders. "Well, Lang can't handle his drinks well.", she tells. The woman takes a measured sip of the whiskey. She can knock it back, but thats a waste of good whiskey. The woman spins the drink around a little bit as she takes a deep breath.

    "Looking at the bills can cause that much pain. Thank god I'm both smart and good at my job. I hate to see the bills.", she tells. THe woman smirks a little bit "And piece of advice, don't piss off the guy handling your drinks.", she says. The woman takes out a twenty and gently slips it over to the tip jar. "And I don't go mafia parties. They don't typically like me visiting unless they know I'm showing up."

Jane Vasko has posed:
The redhead pops the cap of the bottle, then peers into the bottle for a moment. "What did he say? Three twice a day, or two three times a day?"

A pause, then she shrugs and tosses back her head, gulping down about...seven to nine pills in one go, then knocking back two of those four fingers. She shivers for a moment, and then tension she didn't know was displayed in face and position began to slide off of her like so much water.
It was startling that a woman who walked like she was trying for the part of the Little Mermaid, walking like there were knives in her feet...and the rest of her body...was now much more at ease.

"AHHHHHH GOD, that hits the spot." She smiles to Luke, then to Tynan, and even her smile is devoid of the pain she must have been feeling.

Luke Cage has posed:
    A nod of thanks is tossed in Tynan's direction when the tip jar's blessed with that cash. "Appreciate it." Luke makes sure to say aloud, as well. He makes sure those tips go to his staff because they tend to need it more than he does. He's a modest living kind of guy. Also, friends with a billionaire so things tend to work out. Kind of. Sometimes.

    "Hey. Maybe not overdose in my bar?" Luke can't stop Jane from doing this stuff but he's at least trying to ask nicely. "This ain't exactly the kind of neighborhood that wants to see flashing lights." Or the kind of neighborhood that actually gets a fast response of flashing lights but he keeps that part to himself and goes back to wiping down the bar.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty blinks a little bit. She has heard stories, and given warnings given her occupation. "Yeah, lets go easy on those.", she says. The woman takes a deep breath for a moment. "I rather not have to call my associates to help deal with something cause He does not send cheap people.", the woman warns. She shakes her head a little bit. "I don't have much money, but I'll cover damages if it comes to that.", she says.

Jane Vasko has posed:
The redhead chuckles. "Oh, if you two only knew...but here, lemme show you."

She begins unwrapping her right arm, revealing two small circles that used to be giant holes. As she reaches to unwrap her leg, the thin circles...then dots...then nothing as all.
Through it all, she shows no sign of lassitude, uncoordinated movement, hazy eyes, or any of the other symptoms associated with narcotic overdose. If anything, she looks...better.

"Want to know the funny thing about death?" She polishes off the drink, then puts the Percocet bottle away.

"...it NEVER sticks."

Luke Cage has posed:

    That's about the gist of Luke Cage's response. He's been privy to a lot of crazy stuff on these streets. This ain't much different. Though, Jane does get a nod from him. "As long as you're sober enough to pay your tab." There. A little joke from the bartender to try and keep things as light as they can be with someone unwrapping themselves from all the gauze ever. "And can make it home safely."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty shakes her head. "She's got a healing factor. That explains a lot, but still, go easy on the oxy. Just cause you can heal doesn't mean you can't get loopy.", the merc says. She sips her whiskey a little more now. "Some times I wonder if those with Healing factors drive themselves insane, or is it the fact that they rarely get killed that they end up losing their minds...", she comments.

Jane Vasko has posed:
The redhead chuckles. "Well, it kinda keeps you grounded when you can feel everything. And I mean EVERYTHING." She takes out a $20 and places it on the bar. "Keep the change...and you can call me Jane. If you want to get proper...you can call me Painkiller Jane. Speaking of which...another of the same. And no Perco chaser this time, promise."

Luke Cage has posed:
    "You see all kinds of stuff in these streets these days." Luke says with a bit of a shrug of his own accord. He's playing modest or something because he doesn't dare mention that he's some of that stuff that gets seen on these streets. "As long as it ain't comin' for me and mine, we all good."

    Cage moves behind the bar with a little more ease in this moment, since the healing factor thing has been semi-established. He serves up the second drink, "There you go, Jane." Cage makes a showing of saying her name to commit to to memory or something. He grabs the twenty off the bar and goes to cash out the drinks at the register and dump the change into that same tip jar.

    "Appreciate it." Gratitude goes a long way, right?

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty shrugs her shoulders. "Ty is good enough for me.", she tells. The woman looks at Luke for a long second. "Don't remind me of that. I've been dealing with some stuff thats even crazy for a merc to believe.", she tells. The woman stretches out, and finsihes her whiskey.

Jane Vasko has posed:
Another drink, another $20. This one has a little line of red darkening the green on Andrew Jackson's cheek. "Again, keep the change. I had a good night, in spite of all the agony." She looks around. "Got a trash can I can dump these bandages in? If not, I can dump it outside."

The last of the bandages are removed, revealing skin thay turned slowly from black-and-blue to a jaundiced yellow to a healthy pink. "Nice, hunh?" She grins, but sips her drink this time instead of in two hard belts like the last one. "So, what kind of crazy are you workin' with? Might be a change from the stuff I know about."

Luke Cage has posed:
    "And Ty. Thank you as well." There. Now Cage has memorized two names and faces. They both get an extra nod of gratitude because Luke Cage has some damn manners up in here!

    Cage nods at Jane, reaching under the bar and holding up the trash can for bandage dumping. "Ain't nobody gonna' come causin' no trouble lookin' for you, are they?" It's a half-joke but his eyes are actually a bit more on the seriously curious side. He doesn't want to have to whoop nobody's ass later. He's got a DVR of shows to catch up on when he gets home.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty shakes her head a little bit. "I could deal with it now, before it becomes an issue.", she says. The woman takes a deep breath, and pulls out a cell phone. "I mean, one call, and they'll have some words that'll stop most people.", she tells. Ty looks at Jane for a moment.

Jane Vasko has posed:
Jane grins. "Believe me...no one's going to come looking for me here. I'm a VERY tidy person when I have to be." She dumps the bandages in the garbage. "Anyone describing me to a cop, that cop isn't checking BARS...they're checking MORGUES."

Luke Cage has posed:
    Cage nods along and puts the trash can back down beneath the bar. "Fair enough. Good to hear." Cage even seems to visibly relax a little bit before a raised eyebrow follows his gaze over to Ty. "What about you? All these connections ain't gonna' show up here one day when you don't return their calls?" There's a small half-smile that comes with this to show that he's doing some light bartendery teasing.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty shakes her head. "Nah, they won't come looking for me. THey know that I don't do stupid stuff. If anything, they'll pay you to forget taht I even exist.", she tells. THe woman takes a deep breath, and looks over at the whiskey, but knows she can't do a second round without doing some work first.

Jane Vasko has posed:
Jane nods, then follows her eyes to the glass. "Hey, next round's on me." She puts down a few more $20s to show she's serious.

Luke Cage has posed:
    Maybe it's the money on the bar or the thought of other people coming to give him money but either way Cage is all smiles when he's working his magic behind the bar again. "Sounds like I need to make you two regulars." Luke grins and starts pouring up their previous drinks again, moving quickly to set 'em on the bar and grab the cash before minds are changed. "Come in anytime." is offered to Jane while he holds up her money. "Send your friends." is tossed at Ty since they pay to forget.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty nods her head a bit as she gets up. "Thats if they're looking for me. If not, they typically don't care unless I did something stupid.", she tells. The woman gets up, and pays for her drink.