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Latest revision as of 13:55, 28 February 2022

=Hazy Shade of Winter
Date of Scene: 27 February 2022
Location: SoHo
Synopsis: Spider-Man and Susan Sullivan chat a little about various things.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Susan Sullivan

Peter Parker has posed:
Sometimes, you just have to offset the bad with the good.

Patrol Route Five was working out again. He had to avoid it do to some rubble in impacted areas, but the city was almost fully-repaired and Spider-Man's route are easier to deal with.

Spidey lands on the top of the Hudson Building, yawning slightly. <Nine bells and alls well. If anyone's near Soho, sing out. It's been a very quiet patrol and, even though I'm glad, a little company at the top of the Hudson Building. Sound good?>

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Demona showed up on the hud. It was a pretty close area. Her blip gets closer until it slides up the side of the building. Soon, she floats into view, her clothes hanging heavily on her frame, though a necklace with extra-large beads on it floats gently around her neck like she's in space. "Hello," she says. "What should I sing?" she adds with a smirk pulling at the corners of her mouth. She lands next to the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey chuckles. "As long as you don't rickroll me, I'll be fine." He gives a little shiver. "Nippy tonight. Even the crooks are staying home tonight, it seems." He looks at the skyline. "How have things been going with you, other than the kit-car project?"

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "Not bad," Susan says with a shrug. She turns and looks out at what Spider-Man looks at. She gazes around New York. "Can I talk to you about something? I don't know who else to talk to. My parents are back in Arizona, and I kind of don't want to hint yet."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man smiles under the mask. "Of course. You can always speak your mind, Suze."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan smiles as well. She lets out a sigh as she looks around. She reaches out until a cardboard box floats up to the rooftop. She sits on it, and miraculously, it doesn't collapse. "There's this guy I like," she starts.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods after a moment. "Okay. I'm with you so far." he walks over to lean against the short wall at the edge of the building near him.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "He's beautiful," Susan says with a smile betraying a lot, even as she just looks out over the skyline. "The moment I first saw him, I fell hard." She pulls her legs up and sits cross-legged on the miraculously strong box.

Peter Parker has posed:
"Oooh. Love at first sight. Yeah...sometimes love is like that. It was like that for my aunt and uncle, that I know. He courted her in the traditional way, he told her he was 'smittien. She was a little scnadalized at his reaction to her..."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan nods. "That's sweet," she says. "I'll have to ask your aunt about him." She lets out a soft sigh. "So, this guy...he recently became available. I'm so conflicted. I want to be there for him and give him time to heal, but so much of me just wants to call dibs. Kind of tackle him and hug him with everything I am and never let go. I don't know how long to wait. If I have to wait too much longer, my heart may implode."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man is about to open his mouth and say something like asking who the guy was, imagining him as some guy with Bruce Campbell's chin, muscles in more places than he had PLACES, and...

*She means YOU. You GOOB.*

Spidey froze. It was like one of those old Magic Eye pictures with what looked like TV static, but if you unfocused, JUST SLIGHTLY, you'd see a 3-D image in the static.

He looked at that face, a face that had changed drastically in some ways...and some, not even a bit.
He picked his next words VERY carefully.
"Why don't you give him...72 hours. See if he makes a move, any kind of overture. He may not want you to think he's with you brecause it's a rebound thing, or he just hates being alone."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan nods. "Okay," she says. "That's fair, I guess. I think my heart can take three days." She hugs herself in her coat. Running her fingers over her hair, she pulls off her stocking cap. Her hair is growing out quickly, and it's over her ears now, though slicked back by the hat's influence. "I just hope we can get the new van fixed before I get kicked out of Mairin's place and am homeless for real," she concludes, changing the subject as she puts her hat back on.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man grins. "Well...some thugs tried to run and totaled a Volkswagon camper van. The insurance has paid off, and they just HAPPENED to deliver it to the King's Landing scrapyard."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "Not a bad base," Susan says. She smirks. "I gotta lie, I've gotten very needy since becoming alive. I need things like food and water and a place to sleep. I still want a rice-filled bean bag chair, though...rice-bag bed? I'm used to that, now."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man grinned. "Well, I just happen to know a guy who knows all the best dumpsters for things in particular. Anything from tech to appliances. He likes to fix up stuff." He glances to Susan, then says, "I think maybe you're overdue for a slice of apple pie. I'll see what I can do about that?" GHe winked.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan looks at him just in time to see that big, cartoonish eye wink at her. She smiles at him. "Thank you," she says. She stands up from the box and moves to him. She gives him a quick peck on the mask's cheek before she says, "I should go check out the base and see what I need if I'm going to live like a hippie."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey hugs her gently. "And I need to finish my patrol. Listen...have you thought about taking up crimefighting as an...uhm, extracurricular activity?"

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan stops and thinks how to respond as she steps up onto the edge of the roof. "I need some things," she says. "I want to make a peach tree infused with garlic, if I can. If nothing else, I need to infuse the wood after I cut something like my dowel. I need a lot of old, iron coins that have been in circulation. I need the ability to make those coins into piping or cladding. Once I get everything set up, I'll have what I need to fight jiangshi. Criminals are...quite frankly, a lot scarier than the undead." She looks at Spider-Man. "They have guns, wear synthetic fabrics, and are alive." She peers into his eye spots as if a long look will let her see through that mask. "Have you ever thought about vampire-hunting as an extracurricular activity?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey shrugged. "Conflict of interest. I know far too many genteel and forthright vampiresses to think ill of any outright. Which could be a disadvantage." He pauses. "I ask because I've convinced one of them, a lady named Blake Riviere, to take up crimefighting. She's even picked a code name - NightShade."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    From anyone else, Susan would have gotten into an argument, but it's clear from the expression on her face that she's holding that all in. "I'm not saying it can't happen," she finally admits. "But you don't know what it's like. You have to constantly fight against your new nature, and it is anathema to life. Maybe I should meet this Blake--" She hesitates. Finally, she makes herself continue. "--person. Should I wear the mask? I bought new gothy clothes...I mean...you know..."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man fires a webline. "I'll talke to her, see how she feels." He pauses, then repeats, "Seventy-two hours."

He waves, then jumps off the building and is off on patrol again

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan just watches the spider man Spider-Man go. She steps off the roof and falls like Mary Poppins, though without the umbrella. "Please don't be leading me on," she says, not sure how good his hearing is. She lands gracefully and stuffs her hands in her pockets to walk on her own way toward King's Landing.