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Latest revision as of 13:55, 28 February 2022

Interlude in Lego Land with Brekkie
Date of Scene: 27 February 2022
Location: Long Beach - Joan Wright's House
Synopsis: Beetle and the Beetle Bots Bring Breakfast!
Cast of Characters: Joan Wright, Ted Kord

Joan Wright has posed:
'Oh what a beautiful morning.' Said no one as the cell phone alarm goes off by the side of the bed. A hand blindly reaches over towards the nightstand. Thumping around util the phone is located and dragged towards the owner. Soon the upbeat sounds of 'Everything's Awesome' are killed. The lump of human emerges from the covers, leaving a very bed heady Joan to blink at the morning light peeking from the edges of the blackout curtains.

"...Five more minutes." She tells herself. Flopping back onto the bed.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ring. Ring. Ringringringringring? Answering the door will show Ted Kord, or the incomparable Blue Beetle, on the porch.

"Yeah buddy? You should clean up after your dog. What? Yeah, I have better things to do. But I'm not doing them right now! What? Yeah I'm with the Justice League! Yes they trust me with the keys to the Hall of Justice! Oh yeah! Bailey... hey Bailey use a bag. My bot is a better dog owner than you are! Oof. Bobo, go help her with a couple evidence bags."

HE turns back to Joan, who indeed has a whopper of a bedhead look going and is utterly adorable in her Lego pajamas.

He was thinking long t-shirt but he'll take it! He leans in for a kiss and hug and a quiet, "Awww don't we look cute? Videoing this through my goggles is a no-no I assume." He holds his hands up, holding a large sack proclaiming 'Tim Horton's.'

"I brought breakfast and bots. Hey Bailey, decon procedure." A hose is extruded by Bobo who sprays the smaller bot with disinfectant. Bailey shakes off at a safe distance. Then both fly over and past the humans into the living room. Bailey pauses to scan the pajamas and pats Joan.

Joan Wright has posed:
As Ted manages to get the opening to Miami Sound Machine's 'Conga' to play on her doorbell. Joan is finally encouraged enough to shake the effects of the spell the warm cozy bed had cast upon her. The landing on the floor after rolling out of bed was quite helpful too.

Now had she been in a more cognitive state, she may have had grabbed a robe. But lo-she is without coffee in the moments leading up to the opening of the door.

She blinks for a few moments, sleepily processing what is going on outside. There's a Blue Beetle, Bobo, and- Oh God. Is Bailey covered in-?

The talk of recording snaps her to full cognitive status. "No recording!" She responds immediately to inquiry, bringing her hands up immediately to smooth down her hair. Well almost immediately, the hug is slowing down the movement a bit.

"Ted it's early-" Joan starts, explaining the cranky, "I just woke up. I haven't even h-" Eyes widen at the bag being held up and she steps aside waving Ted in. "Come in."

As the trio comes in, Joan gives a glance out at the neighbor who just got yelled at by Ted. A hand is raised to give a wave in greeting before she closes the door.

Ted Kord has posed:
Bailey is covered in disinfectant, which she shook off in a bot imitation of a top model's hair toss/back arch.

Ted is not quick in getting the message. He gets in a couple head nuzzles and another kiss. Before Joan breaks the clench and waves him in.

"Here, I'll get the coffee. Bailey, get the coffee, please. Bailey? Bailey: order, order, order! Make some coffee for us, please. And look but do not touch. Bobo, you too. Bobo, se look with our optic sensors, not our manipulators." Bobo begins laser scans of the various kits. Ted comes in giving Joan another pet as he sets the bag down.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan glances around as the bots vanish from view before seeing Bobo head to the LEGO room where the completed sets are on display. "Well, if any of them get knocked down I can put them back together." Joan replies after hearing Ted's caution.

With the promise of baked goods to go with her coffee, she tilts up to give Ted a peck on the cheek. "Late night out?" She asks, looking to the cost- uniform.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord shrugs. Then his hood and mask retract into the costume. "Bingo was busy with some work for me and didn't do my laundry. It was either this or the summer clothes and this is heated. See?" He slips his arms around her to demonstrate. Yeah. Demonstrate. Ted's appetite is not for baked goods let us say. 'You have a coffee maker, right? Bailey never learned what a coffee pot is for." Ah, lazy Sunday cuddles.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan gestures over to the counter near the entrance way for the kitchen. "Prepped and ready to go. Just hit the on button." No one should have to measure out coffee grounds and fill a water basin when they're half asleep. That's a recipe for disaster. That's how you find out 10 minutes later you just heated water or you have a hot empty carafe.

Feeling the warmth of the suit, Joan leans back into the hug. "Mmm. Ok. Heated is nice." Joan admits, taking a moment to enjoy the cozy feel. She closes her eyes. It's like she's back in bed again. "Although I do like you out of the suit." Her eyes open, "I mean. Office attire. Relaxed clothes."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord's hands shoot at his collar to open the suit... then the rest of what she says is processed. The hands go down. He puts his heated gloves on either side of Joan's head, letting her soak it. "I... like the way you look rolling out of bed. Wow... these heels make a difference. You're like a munchkin right now. Here you should sit on my lap. I'm like a heated car seat." He tries to nudge her into doing just that. The swine.

Joan Wright has posed:
Face flushing at her verbal mixup, Joan starts to glance over to the coffee maker, "Right... the coffee." She responds, stepping out of Ted's grasp to walk over to it. She taps the on button before moving towards the cabinet to pull out two mugs. One green, one blue. How nice. Color coding.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord plops on the seat, missing his grab. "I gave Bailey an order to make the coffee. You better let her. She takes orders seriously. Also... I want to see if she figures out who gets which mug. Bailey, you're being replaced by an organic!" Bailey hovers about Joan, trying to be useful or take over. Her thrusters contributing to the bedhead effect.


Joan Wright has posed:
Joan's hands pause in their motions as Ted reminds her about Bailey's orders. "Oh." Joan sets the mug down, "Right..."Stepping back to let Stella have access to the mugs while the coffee maker's already brewing, she reaches up her hands to rub at her face. "I'm not very good before my coffee."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord puts his hands on Joan's shoulders and starts rubbing them. "I can understand it. My crutch is energy drinks. How do you fall out of bed already tense? Is this making you nervous? Am I being pushy? Because I can stop." Is the bedhead starting to droop a little?

Bailey for her part, makes the coffee and serves it in the bugs, placing each equidistant between her humans. Then she flies back to the Lego room.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan is quiet for a few moments as he lists off his questions. "...Just a little." Joan admits, "I don't date much." She frowns, "Actually ever. This feels fast."

Her head lifts, looking over to the mugs that were placed in a manner to where it is a tossup to which mug is meant for who. "Looks like she found a work around to figuring out whose mug is whose."