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Latest revision as of 21:24, 28 February 2022

Groot's The Only One With A Clue
Date of Scene: 28 February 2022
Location: Common Area - Milano
Synopsis: Groot comforts a frustrated Quill.
Cast of Characters: Peter Quill, Groot

Peter Quill has posed:
Flashes of spark and electricity still rings through the Milano as repairs are being made, both by the Guardians and by members of SHIELD - engineers who have little idea of how to work this kind of technology. Rocket is...somewhere, as is Gamora, Drax, and others. A particular electric shock is audible to the senses and a painful "Ow! What the scut?!" The exclamation followed by a thud as though someone stood up quickly and hit their head on the ceiling.

"Ooooowwww." Peter steps out of a wall of wires and rubs the back of his head, setting a wrench on the ground as he takes a seat. "Hey! You guys gotta work on the batteries, they don't exactly take Double As!" Peter shouts at some of the SHIELD engineers that promptly tell him that they're working as hard as they can and the tech is foreign to them.

"Yeah, yeah." Peter groans. He straightens out the gray longsleeve shirt he's wearing that looks like it's seen some better days. Meantime, Peter rechecks the Milano's specs. Honestly? They just have to reattach the wing and fix the left engine. Nothing too crazy, really.

Groot has posed:
    Filling the height of the space, Groot tries not to make the SHIELD guys move, but they are acutely aware of the largest life form aboard. They're cordial to him, but he still has to walk around them like they're fragile meat sacks...which they kind of are. He finds Peter and raises a hand. "I am Groot," he greets, though he's not exactly jovial in his mood.

Peter Quill has posed:
Fact of life: Thank God for universal translators.

Peter didn't exactly take Flora Colossi as an elective among the Ravager's School for Thievin' Juveniles, but the translator behind his ear made up for that fact. It was still difficult to understand sometimes, however. Peter looks up from his datapad when the giant tree approaches and seems jovial enough. Peter was a meatsack, though tougher than most...Groot's bark is typically more durable than flesh.

"Hey Groot." Peter sighs. "How's it going buddy? Sorry there's a ton of people on the ship right now. Decided to outsource for the Milano. Gotta get my baby up and running again so we can get back to...you know, Guarding the Galaxy. Hope they don't want to get paid..." He mutters in aside, looking at the SHIELDies working on the ship.

Groot has posed:
    Groot is patient with the comparatively young humans. He's intelligent enough to have full conversations in that particular tongue of his. He takes the effort to sit near where Quill is. "I am Groot?" he asks. It's a serious request, and he makes it with a concerned face.

Peter Quill has posed:
The patience of Groot may as well be legendary. After all, he tolerates Rocket Raccoon's (and honestly, Quill's) antics pretty consistently. It's something Peter's always appreciated in the big guy. Groot takes a spot next to him, and Peter looks a little surprised at Groot's offer. "Oh uh, yeah man, we can chat. What's got you thinking?" Peter turns on his makeshift seat enough so he faces Groot.

He low-key is about to get scolded, isn't he?

A serious request from Groot is...a little bit rare, where Quill is involved.

Groot has posed:
    "I am Groot," Groot begins. The big guy just laying out the facts for starters. "I am Groot," he continues, raising a hand to gesture toward Quill. "I am Groot," he concludes. "I am Groot?" he asks, quite seriously. Thank goodness for translators, or else none of that would have made sense!

Peter Quill has posed:
Peter looks a little bit aghast. "We have -not- been crashing a lot lately!" Peter immediately reacts, though not in hostility, just as a defense for himself. But, Peter looks back at the metallic floor of the Milano, a frown on his face. "Okay, so we have crashed a bit. Only because We keep getting ambushed when we least expect it. I'm the best pilot in the galaxy, and nobody's gonna forget that." Peter declares with full confidence.

He frowns. "It's just been a lot of pressure lately, you know? Like, I wasn't expected to get shot out of hyperspace. That like...-never- happens. I'm just not prepared for -anything- anymore, and I know our attitude is laissez-faire, but..." Peter sighs deeply.

"I'm fine, man, I really am. I just...I dunno. Maybe it's stuff with Gamora and all the awkward there, it's just...overwhelming, you feel me?"

Groot has posed:
    "I am Groot," Groot says, solemnly. A warm smile then graces his wooden features. He reaches out and gently puts a hard-barked hand softly on Quill's shoulder to reassure him. "I am Groot," he offers. Taking a moment to let that sink in, he soon stands, hunching over just slightly in the human-scaled ship. He lets his hand slide from Peter's shoulder, but waits for his response.

Peter Quill has posed:
"Well....at least you know something about relationships, man. Girls, am I right?" Peter has his moments, and this was certainly not one of them. Peter recovers as best as he can, and just shakes his head. "More like 'Peters, am I right'. Ugh. Anyway, I'll get us out of this one buddy, just need a little bit of time...okay?" Peter doesn't seem to mind the wooden hand being put on his shoulder.

He's seen the harsh versions of Groot's tender act, and he's glad he's not on the tree's bad side. "But, we're all pals at the end of the day. Partners in heroics and crime. We're the Guardians of the Galaxy. We got this."

