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Latest revision as of 04:53, 10 March 2022

The One about the Claw Kids
Date of Scene: 10 March 2022
Location: Xavier's School Front Yard
Synopsis: Inez visits the X-ers with Gabby in tow while Jimmy shows them around his mansion.
Cast of Characters: Inez Temple, Gabby Kinney, Jimmy Hudson

Inez Temple has posed:
A visit is being planned for Xavier's, Inez and Gabby are going to head up on Inez's motorcycle and steal Jimmy for an hour or two to hang out, maybe have some food. Inez packed a couple small coolers into her saddlebags, packed to the gills with food and drinks, Gabby has been picked up from whatever location she gave out, and the pair are now motoring up the highway towards Xavier's! Despite it still being early in the year, the weather is cooperating with sun and some level of warmth, to the point that Inez is in Daisy Dukes and a button-down shirt with no sleeves that's been tied off high on her ribs. She's also put on chaps for the drive up, along with her usual stetson and cowboy boots.

They pull into the gate and get buzzed through, motoring up the lane to the big house. "Damn... this place is nicer'n I thought it'd be. Not sure why I figured it'd be more... institutional... but I reckoned it'd be more institutional... this is an actual damned -mansion-...."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney DID have her own motorcycle but it was quite a bit smaller than Inez's. So riding on the back of hers was fine and dandy. Though the weather was just starting to warm up she did have the good sense to wear boots and a jacket while on the motorcycle at least. Sure, she could heal, but it was best not to have to. That was still ingrained into her.

When they arrive she gestures to the side of the long, looping drive to where a multi-car garage was. "Oh, yeah, it's an actual mansion. I think it was the professor's parents or something? I dunno. Anyway he's rich and he decided to make it a school and such. My room's on the East Wing."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    It's out there in front of the mansion that the young women might well catch sight of the designated fella who was the object of the motorcyclist's intentions, innocent and otherwise. Which, for those that know him, might not be surprising at all. First hint of Spring, first touch of warm, first true thaw... and the man is out there with canvas gloves on and a wheelbarrow nearby.
    Since this is the time of year one picks up all the fallen timber, chops the broken branches, and deals with some of the maintenance that's needed dealing with for the last few months. Only now... it's possible.
    Yet it's at the roar of the motorcycle's engine that the tall man straightens up. He's got on blue jeans, brown work boots, a red flannel shirt for warmth, and those heavy gloves for the yard work. He's flushed in features, likely from the effort. But at the sight of the motorbike's arrival his smile broadens.
    Once they're in earshot they'll hear his voice, "Well well as I live n'breathe."

Inez Temple has posed:
"I mean.. I'm not doin' so bad m'self but this is still pretty damn nice," Inez lets out a small laugh as she angles the bike towards the garage, slowing as they approach. "Well, I ain't lookin' t'move in, but I'd like to try'n make some friends here. Ain't really had much contact with many mutants o'er th' years. Jes' a handful of 'em, really. So meetin' more would be good." She spies Jimmy straightening up and lets out a wolf whistle, grinning and lifting a wave as they roll to a stop. She sets the kickstand and turns the engine off, offering an arm to help Gabby climb down, "We figured we'd come say hi. Maybe have lunch."

Once Gabby's free of the bike, Inez will throw a leg over to stand up herself, flashing a grin as she resettles her hat, "Wanna help us find somewhere t'set up? Don't figure on it bein' too fancy or nothin'..." She glances to Gabby and grins, "Brought some strawberry shortcake, though. Thought ya'd like t'try it, if'n ya haven't already. Prime fair food."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Oh, no, he's dressing like dad," Gabby bemoans though in the most teasing way possible. A bright grin is offered along with a rather enthusiastic wave aimed his way. "Hey, bro!" With the greeting given, and Inez having come to a stop, she takes hold of the offered arm to clamber off the back of the motorcycle. A quick dusting of her hands over her hips gets any lingering road dust off so that she doesn't look too messy. It does nothing to help her wind-blown hair of course, but the barette keeps the most of it out of her eyes at least.

Perhaps intuitively she takes a step to the side to not block the path between Inez and Jimmy, just to be on the safe side of things.

"There's the lake and campgrounds or the pool area in the back or... I mean there's tons of places. I've spent years here so far I know most of them." Pausing she considers before adding, "Though it's too cold to be using the lake Sling-Shot yet."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "Lunch is doable," The other Claw Kid says as he gives a nod toward Inez, grinning a bit at her and stepping close enough to slip an arm around her waist and give a small smooch of greeting to her cheek before he turns and levels his gaze on Gabby.
    "This is my yardwork clothes, it is fittin' and proper." He says about his choice in wardrobe, though he smirks a bit.
    "Heard you and Inez get along pretty well. Reckon that's a good thing." He shoots a wink at the good Ms. Temple before he starts to pull off those heavy gloves. At the mention of food and lunch and whatnot his brow knits as he considers different locales.
    "Can eat out back on the deck area, though there is a lil bit of a chill. Or as Gabby was sayin', pool?" He chews the inside of his cheek thoughtfully then looks toward the school itself, or perhaps threw the wall in the direction of the kitchen. "Or grab a table inside."
    He looks back, "Either or."

Inez Temple has posed:
"...Is the pool heated?" The question is out before Inez can stop herself. She smiles and returns the cheek kiss to Jimmy, giving him a brief squeeze before moving to collect the coolers from the bike. "Out back somewhere sounds good t'me. I ain't one t'be cooped up inside, an' wintere's been Hell on bein' able t'be outside. Let's take th' opportunity while we got it." Glancing between them, she grins, "Don't think any of us are gonna sniffle o'er a breeze now an' then." Though she's glancing aside to Gabby and murmuring, "Soon's the water's warm enough, we're comin' back up here fer that slingshot. We'll see how far I c'n skip ya 'cross th' lake, yeah?"

Chuckling, Inez nods to Jimmy and Gabby, "Well, this is y'all's place, I'm jes' carryin' th' food. Lead on an' I'll follow!" Still, she glances all around, up the main house, around the garage. Everything looks like one of those places she remembers from childhood. The 'too good to be true' places. But this one IS true!

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Eeeew kissing," Gabby sing-songs teasingly. It didn't really bother her much. This wasn't so bad. It wasn't like it was Logan making out with someone, that would really squick her out. Instead she grins having done her duty as 'little sister' to both. The pool however earns a quick nod. "Warmed enough that some of the older kids will go skinny dipping sometimes. Though I think they use the lake for that more often," Gabby admits as she considers it all very, very thoughtfully. It wasn't like she didn't have clothes here she could go change into if she wanted to as well. "Pool should work at least plus there's a hot tub for warming up." With a grin she tips her head to the back indicating where to follow. "This way. And hell yes, we're hitting the lake for sure. I got to test the slingshot out when it was first installed but that was awhile ago."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    Those canvas gloves of Jimmy's are tucked into the chest pocket of his heavy shirt, then he scritches fingers aside his temple and gives Gabby a look as if to convey he's fine with whatever and the pool side is just as good as anything, what with the gesture he gives in that general direction.
    That done he starts to head on over that way, "Alright, come along around the back," He pauses though to offer with a nod toward Inez, "Want me ta grab somethin?" He offers, extending a hand to one of the coolers if she needs the help. Either way he starts to walk toward the side area he just left, setting foot on the walkway that leads around the mansion.
    And once they're around the side he spreads his arms, "So this is my mansion, hope you guys like it. I'm thinking of renovating over there. Putting in another stables or something. I'm kind of a big deal here, you see." Says the Phys. Ed. teacher whose main area of authority is wrangling up the dodge balls.

Inez Temple has posed:
"Hey now, tease me bout kissin' an' I'll give ya some kissin' t'really 'eww' over," Inez flits a wink towards Gabby, even as the teasing grin spreads across her face. Instead, she pulls Gabby in for a quic, one-armed hug, "Best lil sister ever, Gabby. Don't ever stop bein' awesome." Releasing her now that she's done her sappy older sister bit, she hands one of the coolers to Jimmy with a smile, "Thanks, darlin'." He gets another quick peck to the cheek as they start around the side of the building.

Glancing to Gabby, she lifts a brow, "Hot tub, too? Huh... mebbe I will try'n move in after all. Build a lil cabin down by th' lake, nobody'd even notice..." Everyone would notice. But still! She lets out a laugh and nods to Gabby, "Promise. Come summer. Me. You. Slingshot." THen Jimmy is carrying on and she's chuckling, "Well then, Mr. Big Shot. GOnna join us in th' pool?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney sticks her tongue out while grinning the entire time that Inez gives her that sidelong hug. It's returned with a little squeeze of her own though no doubt far less strength is behind it than Inez's. Not that she complains either way. "Hey I know plenty about kisses, I had a boyfriend once! He even bought me lots of dresses and stuff." There's a pause before she admits, "Think I outgrew them a little."

That was ages ago though so she shrugs it off in favor of practically bounding toward the back yard leading the veritable charge to the pool. "There's already a cabin down there, it's Logan's. He doesn't like hanging around crowds. But there's plenty of room in the woods I'm sure! Plus I made Laura fill in all the pitfall traps she set for me last time she visited."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    The answer given to Inez is a roundabout, "Course I am." Which is then given a bit of a moment. "Hot tub at least." Which really is the big draw of the last few months considering how chilly it's been.
    Which is all that's said for the moment as they stroll around the side of the mansion. No longer are there bits of sludge and old snow here and there, all of it's melted and disappeared. Though there are still a good mess of twigs and sticks and debris leftover from the heavy Winter of the last few months. A few more strides and they make it around so the basketball court and tennis courts are visible, and that rather large pool and its decor upon the deck. A lovely tableau all told to be fair.
    "That's it over there," He gestures with the hand carrying the cooler, as if they could have missed it. But then he's looking over his shoulder at Gabby and then Inez, "You all need anythin' from the kitchen? Figure I'll grab a few things and wander back out."

Inez Temple has posed:
In the moments that Gabby is ahead of them and not looking back, Inez grabs Jimmy and lays a REAL kiss on him, then winks and murmurs, "Jes' bring that sexy butt back out here an' I'm good." Swatting him lightly on the rear, she laughs and trots over to catch up to Gabby. "Oh don'tcha worry darlin'. We c'n get ya new clothes. I'll take ya 'round m'self if'n ya wanna make a day o' it. We c'n hit up all th' fun shops." She flashes a grin at her, "Mebbe ya'll even find a new boyfriend when we're out wanderin'."

They trek across the grounds to the pool, Inez setting the cooler down and looking to Gabby, "I'll jes' hafta build another one, then. Pretty sure Logan'd get pissed at findin'... well, no, he prob'ly wouldn't be pissed... til he found out I weren't there fer him, anyways." Laughing, she starts to strip down to her skivvies, glancing over to Gabby, "I ain't worried bout pitfalls. I grew up in th' middle o' nowhere. Gopher holes are WAY worse'n any manmade trap."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    That real kiss serves to catch Jimmy by surprise as he was about to say something else, only for whatever words he was about to impart to be lost in that too brief moment. Though he has two that come to mind when they break apart and he tells her simply, "Yer bad." In faux admonishment.
    Then louder so Gabby doesn't think anything untoward is going on he calls out, "I'll be right back, you guys go have fun." Which is when he points at Inez as if threatening her with some form of recrimination later. Since she clearly deserves it.
    Which allows the two young women to head on down to the pool where likely shenanigans ensue.