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Latest revision as of 04:54, 10 March 2022

Clubbin' The Fight
Date of Scene: 08 March 2022
Location: Bushwick <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: Need to hire the avatar of a force of pure destruction - send Zealot!
Cast of Characters: Cain Marko, Lucy Blaze

Cain Marko has posed:
Mutant Town is a great place if you're a metahuman, mutant or otherwise person of interest and you don't want to stand out amongst the crowd. The various denizens with visible mutations are a dime a dozen and a person with wings is as liable to fit in as a person with four arms and one eye. And though it can be high on crime it does have a few note worthy places of entertainment that attract varous comers and goers despite the risk that they may entail. One of their famed fight clubs happens to be one of them. Fighting for fun isn't exactly legal..but..hey whose keeping track?

The fight club/casion/bar is built into what once was an abandoned subway station but now it houses a massive center ring and assorted entertainments for those who brave its underground depths. Mutant healers have a steady pay keeping the house fighters in good shape and restoring back to health any 'Whoops, hit them to hard' sort of happenings and the place is usually pretty rowdy. Right now the crowd is moderate in size as two mutant bruisers pound on each other in the ring. Their blows shaking the first few rows of the spectator seats.

Cain Marko is in the house tonight. A corner table is swamped over by his outrageous physique and crushing presence and he watches the proceedings with a look of complete boredom. Cyttorak is unsatisfied. Therefore he is unsatisfied. It doesn't hep that he's been bar hopping both in and out of costume out of sheer lack of work and being between jobs, so to speak. Thus the urge for violence stirs in his blood on occassion but is quelled by a minor grunt or irritation as if confronted with the exisitentional futility of it all. Who here could stand against him so what's the point outside of just proving a point. There is that. That's always an idea.

A tee shirt sporting Godzilla looming over a skyline, stretches across his gigantic torso, swelling visibly and stretching under the behemoths heavy breaths. His muscles rumbling with the vague connotations of a seismic disturbance waiting to happen as he boredly contemplates his options and idly examines his own hand as he lifts it up and looks it over.

Lucy Blaze has posed:

The greeting comes from behind him, the semi-familiar rasp of Lucy's voice as she plunks down what's effectively a minikeg in front of him. Her own drink is less sizeable, that same blackish brew she was drinking the other night at the Bar with No Name. Out of costume tonight, it's a simple black top and jeans that do nothing at all to hide her figure, though they still do more than the armor she usually wears. Seating herself at the table, she lifts her chin, "I know that look. That's the 'there is none that can match me' look. Strange mixture of pride and frustration. I've seen it a time or three.. million times in the mirror myself." Leaning back in her chair, she looks to the ring where a 'spiderman' (six arms, two legs) goes up against a tough-looking woman with tusks and gray skin.

Shaking her head, she takes a long drink from her glass and looks back to him, "You need to branch out. Explore new opportunities in different areas that will bring you into contact with a more diverse spread of potential enemies." Glancing sidelong at him, Zannah adds, "Actually, I'm rather surprised you haven't spent more time in the Mojoverse, you seem like you'd like that. A neverending stream of new opponents to face?" She takes another drink then sets her glass down. "Or do you have to stay on Earth?"

Cain Marko has posed:
"You know you seem to know an awful lot about me but I'm flyin' blind when I look at you toots. I mean, aside from your reputation that is. I know that much. I'd be a fool not to." quips Cain in response, neither looking directly at Lucy as she speaks and joins him, nor reacting negatively to his first name being used and his identity being sussed out by her.

Having a civilian identity is useful. It's even come in handy when playing tricks or embaressing ego driven heroes who think to earn some credit by taking down a guy his size.. But let's face it..without a pair of glasses on his nose..he's just going to end up being found out sooner or later.

"Mmm..I can go where I wanna go." he does add as he inclines his head slightly to study the fight in the ring abit more. After a few seconds of a heavy beat he turns and finally looks at Lucy, "..That don't mean I'm interested in acting as the latest sideshow in that messed up circus.." he waves his hand casually a few times, twirling it in the air as he thinks, "..Still..maybe an off world jaunt might not be out of the question sometimes it just....it gets complicated. Dealin' with the stuff I deal with, that is. It'd have to be worth it."

Lucy Blaze has posed:
"I know an awful lot about an awful lot." Zannah lifts her glass for a swallow and motions around the room, "These people know me as Zealot." She glances to him, "The mundane know me as Lucy Blaze." She looks back to her glass, "The privileged know me as lady Zannah of Khera. Congratulations." She makes it sound like it's not -really- a privilege, just something a bit more difficult to suss out.

Her eyes shift back to his and she lifts a shrug, "I've been around a very long time, seen a lot of things. Heard more. Your own reputation preceeds you pretty much everywhere." Zannah quirks the faintest smirking smile for a brief moment.

"Is the stuff you deal with going to be hazardous to a spaceship and its crew? I'm not looking for details, your secrets are your own, just trying to get a general idea of how much collateral damage I could expect if I invited you along on a space hunt." She watches him over the rim of her glass, taking another swallow, "You'd get a split of the bounty, all expenses for the journey are already taken care of. Might even get some fun trinkets to keep for mementos if that suits you. Possibilities are there, but it's up to you how much you choose to engage with them."

Cain Marko has posed:

The giant purses his lips into a visible 'o' shape and leans in just a little closer. "Well..now you're talkin' my language. If it's a job I think I could even be on my best behavior and stand going to Mojoverse."

He emits a low chuckle and then leans back slightly, creaking and groaning and rumbling his seat as he gestures absently with a colossal arm, "I'm a working professional. If you need me to not bust up a pretty ship just make sure I got plenty of room and a nice comfy seat for the trip and we're good to go. I'd hate to put a dent on something you got on a lease..." Cain grins sharkily and then peers more closely at Lucy, "So what's the gig? Nosey Shi'ar? Skrull's actin' up? Kree actin' high and mighty?"

Lucy Blaze has posed:
"Don't tear up my ship, but if you want to tear up theirs, by all means." Zannah shakes her head a little and chuckles lightly, "Just be prepared to jump ship before it explodes so we can catch you and bring you back. I'd hate to bring you in only to have you die in the vacuum of space."

She takes another swallow, "No Mojoverse, though. Not this time, anyways." Each of the possibilities he brings up has her shaking her head, "Far more dangerous. Daemonites. You might not have heard of them, but my people have been at war with them for... millenia. They're like cockroaches. Just when you think you've killed them all, you lift a rock and a hundred more are there, already scattering to the winds when you go to squish them." There's a thread of actual hatred in her voice for these Daemonites. She looks to Cain and lifts a shrug, "We've been trying to exterminate them here, but got intel recently that they've spread to some of the other nearby star systems. So we've been doing a series of methodical search and destroy missions."

Running her tongue across the front of her teeth, she continues, "The biggest problem is that the Daemonites like to possess people. So unless you have a crew that has the means of protecting themselves, you find yourself constantly having to get a new crew together." Zannah looks to Cain, "And that's why I'm approaching you. I don't know if its the armor or the powers or what, but you can block mental intrusions. Which makes you one of the few people they couldn't just possess. Which means you'd be an excellent Daemonite hunter."

Cain Marko has posed:
The large man listens, wrinkling his nose abit and narrowing his eyes as he studies Lucy. When she finishes he rubs his jaw in thought, considering the matter before finally just shrugging lightly.

"Well....space aint a problem. Just make sure you can get me back onboard or get me some kind of pack to let me manuever myself."

Cain shrugs again, this time rolling his boulder sized shoulders in casual disregard for the potential hazards. "Space, bottom of the ocean, surface of the sun..no big deal. I don't come cheap for a reason.."

He considers the rest of what was said and then shakes his head, "Don't know about these Daemonites..but.. sounds like you've been doing your homework on me. Yeah..if it's some sort of pyschic based possession or something magical then I've got an edge."

Lucy Blaze has posed:
"Good. I wasn't sure of your ability to breathe in a vacuum, but that's good to know. I can make sure you're picked up if you can make sure you're alive and in one piece." Zannah gives a sharp nod and lifts her glass for a swallow. Setting the empty aside, she shifts in her seat to face him, ignoring the ring fighting while she talks with him.

Giving that raspy, rusty, not-often-used chuckle, she nods, "Well, we can pay. My people have been here a very long time and we have little use for the wealth we've accumulated if not to do the things we want. I assume you prefer American money, do you prefer cash in a duffle bag or money transferred to an offshore account?"

Zannah gives a nod, "Damonites are... different. Aliens. They possess people both body and mind, so if you can eject them mentally they will be physically ejected as well. They have no magic but they are telepathic. Oh, and you MUST destroy the brain or they will regenerate. Think of them like smart zombies. And yes, they have claws and fangs... and a semi-prehensile, pointed tail. But I expect those will pose no problem."

Cain Marko has posed:

There is an odd pause as Cain considers this once more. THere's the slightest frown that can easily be read by Lucy as a new lack of certainity. The previous surety and bravado wavering as he considers her words and more is revealed.

Finally he gives her a sidelong glance, "If that's all it is..them trying to get into my head..then I'm fine. If it's somethin' more supernatural..more body and soul then..well.. I got defenses but.. let's just say you don't want me possessed. It's soundin' like some sort of wierd mix of alien mumbo jumbo and the supernatural t'me. My powers are magical in origin. Let's just say I'm connected to a battery that's got a mind of its own and doesn't like sharin' space with others trying to make use of my body. That don't mean it's impossible but..if it's needs them to get at my head then we're good.."

The situation seems more grim then he first considered and he gives Lucy a long look before asking, "Why aint you brought any capes on this? Sounds like pretty bad stuff. You wouldn't even have t'pay them.."

Lucy Blaze has posed:
Lifting a brow at him, Zannah sits back, arms folding over her chest, "Nervous? Juggernaut? Interesting..."

She shakes her head, then answers the last question first, "Because killing a hero, even a possessed one, is frowned upon. Heavily. And frankly, I don't feel like being known as the woman that killed Superman because he wasn't able to resist their possession." Zannah looks at him, "Nobody much minds if a few villainous sorts disappear, or die, on a mission."

She gives a nod to him, "The physical possession is tied to the mental. They have to take possession of the mind or they cannot take possession of the body." Leaning forward, Zannah reaches up to tap his forehead, "I cannot read you. And I rarely have any sort of difficulty in reading people. If I cannot read you then they cannot possess you. Thus, you are safe." She offers the tiniest of smiles, "And on the very very very small chance that they do? Well, you can always choose to hve your share go to your next of kin, and I will ensure you get a proper burial, as befitting a warrior."

Cain Marko has posed:
"Oh so we're expendable eh? Nice." snorts Cain, clearly not liking that reasoning but unable to argue with it either. "And secondly...you're jumpin' to an awful lotta conclusions here.. assuming that even if I got possessed you could take me down. You aint talkin' to The Rhino or Thing 'ere."

Cain's response has the weight of his ego behind him but there's something else there as well. THe vaguest hint of something darker and slumbering within that's rearing its head at his mild agitation..both at the possiblity of being possessed and at the assumption that he's nervous about it happening.

So ..she's right. He is nervous. He doesn't like the idea of lack of control anymore then imprisonment or being restrained and this is worsened by the knowledge of what his patron is.

"I'm connecte to something Doctor Strange has to invoke to bring out the big guns and bluntly I don't like it but it is what it is. So if you don't wanna re-enact Call of Cthulhu, the muscle version, then don't let me get possessed." Cain quiets but then slowly notes, "..But if it's by any sort of psionic or telepathic domination then I got options yeah. My helmet and skullcap keeps that out and it takes some doing to get all that off. Course you gotta consider these daemonites might have some metas or aliens with powers under their belt but sure."

Lucy Blaze has posed:
Zannah lifts a brow at him, "What, you want some declaration of feeling towards you? Of caring for your well-being? You don't even know me." She gives a slow nod and looks down at her hand, "Yes, I am assuming that I can kill you. But then, I have the advantage of knowing myself and my abilities. You know only what you've heard about me from the people in places like these."

She meets his gaze without hesitation or fear, "I have no wish to kill you, but if the unlikely happens, I will. And I wouldn't ask you along if I wasn't confident in my ability to kill you."

There is pride in her voice, but also the weight of experience. So very much experience. Zannah doesn't look at him like a boaster or braggart, she stares at him with the level, tempered gaze of a millenia old killer. Which, really, is exactly what she is.

"If I have to travel to another dimension to sever the link between yourself and your.. benefactor, I will. I won't like it, in fact I really hate doing it, but I will." She shrugs, then lets out a breath, "But all this is moot because their possession is telepathic in nature, and thus something you should be able to resist."

Cain Marko has posed:
The cool confidence with which she responds is telling. Juggernaut is an egomaniac, a braggart and has tussled with the most powerful beings on the planet and walked away brushing the dust off of his shoulders and grinning, unphased.

He knows enough to sense potential danger when he meets it.

And yet is also experienced enough to not be rattled by it beyond a momentary pause of being stunned she'd be so brazen to speak to him like that and even make the threat to begin with. His grin returns along with a look of being clearly impressed and settled. "..Alright, Zealot. Fair enough.. just know you've warned me now. Not a good thing when you're talkin' to the embodiment of somethin' older then gods, but fine. I'll treat your words seriously." Cain grins widens as he makes a gesture of yielding to her words, lifting his hands up on either side of his body and palms up in a double shouldered shrug, "I stay unpossessed..we don't have to put it to the test. As to my payment.. You'll get the info on an off shore account. That's easiest."

Lucy Blaze has posed:
"Earth Gods aren't that old... some are, some truly ancient elemental Gods that were around before there were people to worship them... but most? Most didn't exist until people started dreaming them up." Zannah lifts a small shrug and settles back in her chair, watching him. She sets a hand on the table and looks at him, "I appreciate that, however. I do respect your strength, and that of your benefactor. Which is why I sought you out."

Giving another nod, she slides a card across to him, "Send it to that number, if you don't mind. I try to keep my business separate from the personal. Once I have the information, I'll transfer the funds." She nudges the drink she set down for him, "In the meantime. Have a drink. Enjoy tonight. We leave in two days' time. We should be back within the week. If it takes longer, we can negotiate additional payment for your time."

Cain Marko has posed:
Massive fingers deftly manipulate the card, plucking it up from the table to look it over. Cain listens and then cuts his gaze back to Lucy from the card as she finishes, "What makes you think I was just talkin' about earth gods?" His grin becomes lopsided but he then shrugs once again and slips the card into a pocket, "...Anyway. Aint no sense in me trying to intimidate you clearly. YOu know what you're dealing with well enough which, yeah, is why you came to me...and your rep precedes you so that coupled with how you're handling yourself 'ere means I know you're the real deal so yeah. Consider me good to go."

He takes the drink, lifting it up from the table and nodding to Lucy with a tight lipped smile before then downing most of it in a hefty gulp.

"Who else you got on this task force of expendable powerhouses aint nobody gonna miss if things go sour? Anybody else I need to know about?"

Lucy Blaze has posed:
Zealot pulls out her phone and flips through a few different screens before holding it out to him, showing him a stone bas relief carving that looks remarkably like himself when he's all armored up. "Came from a temple out in Korea... look familiar?" She cracks a faint smile, "I wasn't there for the original dig, but I visited it pretty quickly after I found out. You'd be surprised how quickly ancient earth can get boring, and how desperate you might get for company with other beings that are near to your own age and experience level."

She tucks the phoen away again and murmurs, "He was interesting for a time, but very.. single-minded. Still, some of the wars I fought in had some of his followers in them. Always made things a bit more fun." She lifts a shrug, then looks back to him, "It's largely a ship of my own people, but we lost one of our stronger members on the last run so needed a replacement on short notice. If I come across any other likely candidates, I'll let you know, but I wanted to keep knowledge of the Daemonites... quiet."

Cain Marko has posed:
The huge man clucks his tongue against the roof of his mouth as Lucy speaks. Cain eyes the phone image and then looks at Lucy once again as if trying to figure out her angle.

Finally he rumbles, "So yer old. I get that. Cyttorak's been active and trying to get humanities attention from the crimson cosmos for a long, long time." He reaches out and points at the phone, "At least that aspect of him. Other aspects don't know left from right or even know his name is being spoken. He might be an elder god. He might be a demon. He might be something else.HIs own aspects don't even have the same answers. Whatever he is..he's raw magic. Be careful around digging around those sorta sites even with nostalgia burnin'. You might be wantin' to cross paths again with a past avatar.. You might end up ruinin' that figure of yours by touching the wrong thing.."

He then grins a little, "As t'the rest? Fine, fine. Just make sure I get carte blanche when I need it and things should go just fine.."

Lucy Blaze has posed:
"Mmmm, humanity is old. My people are immortal. Or at least, we live so long as to be considered immortal. Just wait, you should meet my mother. You'd never know it to look at us," Zannah lifts a small shrug before giving a nod, "I'm aware of what can happen. You aren't the first human to be one of his Exemplars. But you have lasted the longest, which is something of a feat in an of itself. Most burned themselves out, sometimes literally... others were consumed by the power and had to be put down." She smiles faintly, "But I'm not unfamiliar with magic, or its dangers."

She shifts slightly, crossing her legs and gives a small nod, that small smile remaining, "Excellent. I have no issue with letting you run amok when the time calls for it. I'll be there with you, but I assure I know how to stay out of the way of an unstoppable force."

Cain Marko has posed:

There is actually no sarcastic or flippant response. Cain looks away thoughtfully in consideration of her words. Finally he rumbles, "I know.." To her words. There's another pause, a moment of reflection and then he grins and lifts up the glass of drink as he looks at her once again. His visage and smirk distorted slightly through the container and what's left of the alchohol inside. "..Y'know, being basically ageless don't mean you know everything but that's probably hard for folk like you all to admit. Still..you're pretty on point with most of what you've said."

He finishes his drink with a final quick chug and then sets it down onto the table roughly. It creaks as his weight adjusts and he pushes against it..preparing to rise. "As to everything else? Perfect. Sounds like we won't have any problems then."

Lucy Blaze has posed:
Zealot looks at him, listening, one brow lifting up. Then she lets out a rusty-sounding laugh that probably startles more than one of the people there that have never heard that particualr sound from her. She gives a nod to Cain and murmurs, "You're not wrong. It's hard to realize that being ageless doesn't mean being omnipresent. Doubly so for someone like me, where most things that -would- be a mystery I can just pull straight from people's thoughts without much effort. So generally speaking, there's little that escapes my attention. But. You're right, I don't know everything." She rises to her feet easily and gives a pat to his shoulder, "You know, Cain, I like you. I'll pick you up in two days. We'll go kill a lot of Daemonites in space and come back for drinks."

Offering a half-smile, she turns and heads off to collect on the bet she placed on the six-armed spiderman.