Lucy Blaze

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Lucy Blaze (Scenesys ID: 3888)
Name: Lady Zannah of Khera
Superalias: Zealot
Gender: Female
Species: Kheran
Occupation: Asset Investigator for Halo Corporation
Citizenship: USA
Residence: New York
Education: Autodidact
Theme: DC (FC)
Apparent Age: 25 Actual Age: 25
Date of Birth 01 Jan 1997 Played By Jeri Ryan (circa 1995)
Height: 6'0" Weight: 163 lb
Hair Color: White Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Lady Zannah of Khera is a vigilante/occasional hero that is known by the codename Zealot to some, and as Lucy Blaze to the mortal world. She has been roaming the earth since the dawn of human civilization, hunting the Daemonites that also crash-landed on the planet. At present, she works as an Asset Investigator for the Halo Corporation, a multi-billion dollar company.


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* 18363 BCE: The first Kryptonian colonists arrive on Khera. The Titanthropes are 'politely subjugated', leaving them as second class citizens within the society.
* 17864 BCE: Colonists discover that they can crossbreed with the Titanthropes, the first true Kherans are born. The introduction of new genetic code into the genetic stock results in unpredicatble abilities for the new Kherans.
* 16572 BCE: Lady Zannah of Khera is born to Lady Harmony, the then Majestrix of the Coda Sisterhood, and Khronas, a Titanthrope lover. Lady Harmony steps down as the Majestrix and becomes The Adrastea, leader of their priesthood. Because of her genetic potential of ascension to Kherubim status, Zannah was afforded the status of nobility.
* 16343 BCE: Lady Zannah turns herself in to the Coda Cavalry for the rituals required to become a citizen of the Coda temple after centuries of training with her mother in the ways of the Coda Sisterhood. During the ritual, she is determined to be fertile, a very rare trait among those possessing ascension potential. The Senate chooses Zannah to mate with the Kherubim Warlord Majestros.
* 16215 BCE: Lady Zannah becomes pregnant and turns to her mother for assistance, as their society would demand that Zannah give up being a warrior to raise the child. Together, they fake a miscarriage and have Zannah sent to a remote Coda temple to grieve. Her mother takes a lover, then joins her at the temple. When the child is born, Lady Harmony takes the child back and claims it as her own, leaving Zannah free to remain in the Coda Sisterhood, while her daughter Kenesha is raised as her sister.
* 13251 BCE: Lady Zannah is named a Majestrix of the Coda Sisterhood, and afforded all the rights and privileges therein.
* 3482 BCE: The Coda are sent to a neighboring planet to conquer it for its resources and people. The Daemonites fight back against the Kherubim, and a war is started.
* 2064 BCE: Lady Zannah and an elite force are sent out to chase down far-flung Daemonite warships and assess other planets for resources and potential.
* 1852 BCE: During an encounter with a Daemonite warship, both ships are badly damage and crash on Earth. The Coda ship crashes into what will become Africa. Lady Zannah wanders the earth, hunting Daemonite survivors and taking part in various wars that occur. Among the survivors are Majestros (Mr. Majestic), Emp (Jacob Marlowe), Yon Kohl (John Colt/Savant), and Kenesha (Savant).
* 1232 BCE: Lady Zannah enters the Trojan War on the side of the Greeks. She helps Odysseus come up with the idea of the Trojan Horse, but switches sides when she sees the brutal treatment of the royal family at the hands of the Greeks. She helps a princess of Troy to escape the brutality and becomes her protector.
* 1234 BCE: Lady Zannah and her ward are found by a group of Themyscirans, who offer the women sanctuary. Agreeing, Zannah leaves her charge in the hands of the Amazons, and even trains the Amazons in the ways of the Coda, founding a new branch of the Coda Sisterhood among them.
* 872 BCE: Lady Zannah offers herself as slave to the witch, Tapestry, in order to save Kenesha, who was dying. Zannah spends the next 100 years in service and subjugation to Tapestry, unlocking her Kherubim ascension and becoming a powerful magic user in her own right. Tapestry's attempts at brainwashing Zannah are unsuccessful, but leave Zannah with lasting mental scars.
* 549 - 1945: Lady Zannah spends her time engaging in nearly every major war, battle, and conflict that she can find. Using them to hone her skills, learn new forms of unarmed combat, swordplay, and even masters gunplay, though she largely disdains the use of guns even after modern firearms are introduced.
* 1962: Joining Team One, Lady Zannah takes the name Lucy Blaze and joins many of her fellow Kherubim in a fight against the Daemonite Lord Helspont, who has gained control of a nuclear silo and is threatening the extinction of humanity. Team One is victorious, though at the cost of teammate Regiment.

*1963: Lady Zannah and Yon Kohl have a short-lived relationship that results in a child (Winter/Nikolas Kamarov), who is given to a Siberian family for the child's protection. The child is never informed of his true parentage.
* 1995: While part of a new team comprised of Kherubim and half-blooded Kherubim, she takes the name Zealot. The team uncovers a crashed Kherubim ship that they use to return to Khera. However, they find that Khera has changed drastically, the war with the Daemonites ended thousands of years ago, with the Daemonites now being second class citizens living in the slums and ghettos of Khera. After a failed assassination attempt by the Coda to make a martyr of her, Zealot returns to earth with the rest of the team.
* 2006: Going by the name Zealot, she meets and starts a relationship with Cole Cash. She even goes so far as to teach him the ways of the Coda, something never taught to a male before.
* 2013 - Present: Ending the relationship with Cole, Zealot starts working for Halo Corporation under Jacob Marlowe as an Asset Investigator, allowing her vast resources and contacts to protect others against the Daemonite Lords still on earth.

IC Journal

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Millenia spent on earth, watching humanity grow and change, Zealot has learned to change as needed to integrate into her surroundings. She's also learned to apply this to all aspects of her life, shifting tracks easily and always looking ahead to prepare for the next shift or change. This seems at odds with other aspects of her personality, but the flexibility allows her to be creative with how she chooses to interpret orders or follow a particular course.

With everything else about her, one would hardly think of 'compassion' when they think of Zealot. She keeps it carefully hidden away under layers of other aspects, but it comes out even when it could be detrimental to her; such as when she switched sides in the Trojan War because of how the Greeks treated the royal family.

Zealot has spent literal millenia dedicated to her life as a warrior, honing her craft to be the best of the best. Dedicated to the point she gave up honored titles amongst her own people, as well as two children, to remain a warrior. Such discipline and dedication has also proven useful when Tapestry attempted to brainwash her across a century, but failed to turn her from the path of the Coda. Once she has set her mind to a task, it would be easier to take a bone from a junkyard dog than to turn her from her course.

Zealot is a Coda warrior, one with millenia of experience in countless battles and wars. She will never hesitate to do what is needed, even if what's needed is distasteful or unpleasant. Provided it fits within her personal code of ethics, she will do whatever it takes to finish a task.

Do not cross the millenia old warrior. It's just not a good idea. Someone with millenia of experience, a strict moral code, and a bone to pick is just not someone you want looking for you. Especially when it's your bones she wants to pick.

Having been on earth since the dawn of civilization, Zealot has literally seen it all. She has experienced nearly all of human history, and that can lead to her seeming very unimpressed with even the more spectacular events that occur. It also means she's drawing on the entirety of human history when she speaks, often from personal experience.

Character Sheet


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* Accelerated Healing:
Zealot can regenerate damaged or destroyed bodily tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than a human. She has shown an ability to regenerate from nearly anything, including destroyed tissue, brain cells, nerves, limbs, and organs within a matter of days. Things like cuts, stabs, burns, broken bones, and the like, are able to self-heal within minutes.

* Enhanced Durability:
Part of her Kherubim genetics means that her tissues are far denser than a human capability. She is able to withstand gunfire; but rockets, grenades, and other explosions can take her down. She is also capable of withstanding extremely high levels of pain without it affecting her performance ability, such as when she was captured by Daemonites and tortured for upwards of a week straight before escaping, and able to fight her way out without issue.

* Enhanced Immunity:
Her body neutralizes all detrimental contaminants with time. She is immune to most poisons, toxins, venoms, viruses, bacteria, diseases, disorders, parasites, allergens, and even radiation. Prolonged or continued exposure can force an overload of her system, but her body will flush the contaminants once she's outside the sphere of influence and has a chance to rest.

* Enhanced Senses:
Zealot's senses are far more highly developed than a human's. Her visual acuity lets her with people that move at incredible rates, keeping up with their movements in battle. Her hearing is so attuned that she has been able to identify the sounds on the other side of an armored starship hull, or eavesdrop on a whispered conversation from two city blocks away.

* Enhanced Vocals:
Her vocal cords are far more developed than those of a human, allowing her to reach a wider range of tones than what a human could. It has been suggested that she could potentially reach a range equivalent to a dog whistle, but this has not been proven as yet.

* Immortality:
As a Kheran with Kherubim ancestry and enhanced genetics, Zealot possesses virtual immortality. Her race is already extremely long-lived, and her abilities seem to enahance that even further. She has been on earth for the whole of human civilization and doesn't seem to have aged even a single day. Barring outside induced death, she is biologically immortal.

* Matter Reconstruction:
Zealot can reconstruct matter, such as clothes or armor, into a different form and appearance.

* Mystical Blasts:
Zealot has shown the ability to create powerful blasts of arcane energy on par with Tapestry.

* Mystical Manipulation:
She is able to twist and subvert magics cast at her; ie. deflecting energy projections sent to her back to their source without loss of momentum or power.

* Mystical Shields:
She is able to create protective shields against physical and magical attacks. They do not guard against mental or emotional abilities.

* Superhuman Agility:
Zealot possess a level of agility that is astonishing to behold. her agility, balance, flexibility, manual dexterity, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond any sort of human limitations. She's shown the ability outmaneuver others that were technically faster, as well as adjust her rate of fall and direction while in a terminal velocity level fall to ensure she landed upright and walked away without a scratch.

* Superhuman Stamina:
Zealot is capable of maintaining peak peformance for days on end without rest. While her body does -produce- fatigue toxins (at a much lower rate), her Enhanced Immunity mitigates their effect and leaves her able to continue on without pause for much longer, and requiring much less recovery time.

* Superhuman Strength:
As a Kheran, Zealot is naturally stronger than a human. This ability is further compounded by her Kherubim genetics. While she tops out at being able to lift/press around two tons, her training in Coda lets her know how to best apply her strength, such as when she was able to kick out of a body hold placed on her by Maul, who is objectively much stronger.

* Telepathy:
She is able to view and read minds easily, sometimes even those who try to resist. While she has the ability to erase memories, it's effectiveness is dependent upon the target. She is likewise able to communicate freely with those around her through telepathy.

* Teleportation:
She has shown the ability to send herself and/or anyone else to anyplace they wish to visit without any apparent restrictions. After finding out what dimensional and time travel can do to people, however, she will refuse to utilize that part without extreme need.

Dark Sorcery:
For one hundred years, Zealot was forced into service under Tapestry. During that time, she was taught how to use magic as Tapestry does, becoming a sorceress nearly on par with Tapestry herself. While she would purge herself of the strongest dark magics, she still maintains a level of magical ability that enhances her further, including:

Kherubim Physiology:
Zealot is not only a Kherubim, but a Kherubim noble, and as such has all-around enhanced abilities. In addition, all Kherubim are so long-lived as to be virtually immortal. Her genetic additions have granted her a higher-than-normal level of enhancement, and she has the ability to potentially ascend to the level of a High Lady Kherubim, which would put her on par with Majestros, though as yet she hasn't attempted the ascension. Her particular abilities are as follows:


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* Computer Operation:
Zannah had access to computers before China had domesticated rice, to put things into perspective. Her people are technologically advanced to a high degree, and she's owned, operated, and used systems far more sophisticated than what Earth possesses even now (barring alien tech that has been integrated or reverse engineered).

* Criminology:
She has had multiple lifetimes to study criminals and their behavior, both as a Coda hunting Daemonites and later on earth while living amongst humans. She has a deep understanding of criminal behavior and patterns that serve to make her a better hunter/investigator. This is especially true the last few years she's spent as an Investigator for Halo Corporation.

* History:
While Zealot obviously could not be everywhere at once, she has been around for nearly the whole of human history as it's known. In many cases, especially as it pertains to wars, battles, conflicts, or takeovers, Zealot is extremely well-versed on the subject and could likely provide insight and details that even current historians wouldn't be privy to.

* Interrogation:
Zealot has honed her interrogation techniques through millenia, dealing with everything from traitorous teammates to strong-willed Daemonites to metahumans and even just humans. She's learned a broad and varied number of possible techniques that range from suggestion and emotional manipulation to straight up torture, and she's had multiple lifetimes to perfect them.

* Intimidation:
Zealot knows how to take information about a person and use it against them. She also happens to be one of the oldest warriors on the planet, with a vast knowledge of deeply scary and potentially painful threats that can be levied against a person. While metahumans, aliens, and others tend to be harder to influence, everyone has a trigger, and Zealot is excellent at finding them.

* Medicine:
Any warrior should know medicine, doubly so for those in the ancient world where medics and healers weren't found anywhere near the battlefield. While nobody should be asking Zealot to perform neurosurgery, she has an advanced knowledge of medicine, first aid, herbology, and emergency medicine.

* Multilingualism:
What do you do when you have literally all the time in the world? Learn every possible language that exists. It is safe to say that Zealot is fluent in every human language in the world, including precursor and dead languages. She may not be well-versed in every possible dialect, but chances are good she knows enough to be passable in them.

* Occultism:
Zealot has been around magic for literal millenia, and her time on earth has allowed her to become acquainted with a large variety of occult beliefs and followings. She also spent a century learning specifically about magic and the occult from one of the most powerful magic-users of the time, Tapestry.

* Surveillance:
Adept at both modern and ancient, human and alien, techniques for surveillance, Zealot is very well-versed in this arena as well. She has had a wealth of experience in stealth and keeping watch over people without letting them know that she is. Whether watching remotely or in person, she seems to have a real knack for finding and keeping an eye on others.

* Survival:
Having crash-landed on the planet during the days of ancient civilization, Zealot is no stranger to having to 'rough it'. Being able to survive in ancient earth without relying on others forced her to learn very quickly how to survive in harsh environments. Being alien to the people that existed made early civilizations a crapshoot; they may have treated her as a god or angel, or she may have been seen as a devil or demon. It was easier to remain in the wilds and exist on the fringes of civilizations until she could be more easily accepted.

* Tracking:
Zannah is a highly accomplished tracker, able to follow quarry across and through difficult terrain, across days, even through cities. She's had to track body-jumping Daemonites across countries, using a broad variety of techniques that range from the technological to the ancient. Her enhanced senses certainly aid in this regard, but her skill is also undeniable.

Enhanced Intellect:
While she is not a genius in any sense of the word, Zealot's capacity for retention and recall is amazing. She has been exposed to a very large variety of topics across her time on earth and has knowledge equivalent to multiple PhD's in many subjects. The subjects she's most familiar with are as follows:

Firearms and Marksmanship:
Zealot has trained with every possible firearm to exist in the history of humanity, as well as the ranged weapons of other alien races she has come into contact with. While she is certainly an expert marksman from sheer level of experience, her disdain for firearms means that there are plenty who could outshoot her.

Martial Arts:
With weapons that are older than some civilizations, and a status that placed her as the head of an order of warrior women, Lady Zannah has been described as one of, if not the deadliest assassin on the planet. According to the Amazons, her fighting abilities are unmatched among the Coda, with or without a blade. She is able to hold her own against virtually anyone, including those physically better than her, in both one-on-one and group combat. Her range of martial arts knowledge spans almost all styles and arts known to man, as well as the alien fighting arts of the Coda.

With more than enough time to practice and hone the skill, Zealot is as quiet and unobtrusive as one can be without invoking special powers or abilities. Even then, her enhanced agility gives her a lighter, quicker step that is harder to detect, and allows her to hide in places and positions that might otherwise be deemed unsuitable. Her enhanced durability and stamina allow her to stay in tighter spaces for longer without needing to move.

Weapons Mastery:
While she is trained in nearly all potential weapons and has at least a passing familiarity with them, her true skill and focus lies in the use of bladed weapons. Swords are a particular specialty of hers, having been using them as her main weapon for nearly 15 millenia, though she is deadly with any weapon that holds a sharp edge. Much of her Coda training revolved around the use of a bladed weapon known as the Coda Clef Blade, and she is one of only two Kerubim to be granted a Kusar blade, as a mark of her dedication to the sword.


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Halo Corporation:
Working for a multi-billion dollar corporation run by one of the few Kherubim on earth has it's perks. She has access to a vast network of contacts, connections, and resources. Providing she can justify it to Jacob Marlowe, she'll have a lot of power at her back.

Kherubim Armor:
Granted to her upon joining the Coda Sisterhood, this armor is made from special metals and composites not found on earth. It is malleable and able to fit to her body closely while still providing protection against some attacks.

Kusar Blade:
A blade forged with an impossibly sharp edge, capable of rending people of even Majestros or Superman's level of invulnerability with ease. As Zealot has stated, the Kusar Blade is so sharp that it can shave the rough edges off an electron and absorb the heat of a thousand suns. Though many have been forged through the years, few Kherans are ever granted the privilege of wielding one, and only two have been given the honor of possessing one. Majestros and Zannah each have a Kusar blade.

There is nothing to acquiring wealth when you've spent the entirety of human civilzation being able to accumulate and save, invest and re-invest. Zealot has a very sizable bank account, but beyond that she also has a treasure trove of artifacts, armors, and weapons from across the ages. Her collection could potentially rival that of Alexander the Great, or Vandal Savage.


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Zannah is a warrior; tough, violent, and ruthless. Millenia of Coda training makes her a very deadly enemy and forces her to never withdraw from battle. Dedicated to the art of war, she never shows any emotion when ready for a fight. And on those occasions she enters a true rage, it takes a sincere plea from a family member, a trusted friend, or devoted lover to calm her down.

She has spent millenia hiding her feelings, making it difficult for her to open up to people without a damn good reason. Zannah has been known to abandon her comrades to go into a dangerous situation by herself, particularly if she feels her loved ones will be in jeopardy. While she absolutely has feelings, she fears letting herself be vulnerable in any way.

Mental Instability:
As a lingering 'memento' of her time with Tapestry, Zannah occasionally suffers from bouts of self-doubt or self-loathing. While the witch was unable to brainwash her, there was that lingering seed left planted in her mind. The tools used to try and break her down coming back to haunt her.

Thanks in part of her complete dedication to the Coda, Zannah has a tendency to obsess over things, even to a point that it is detrimental to her and others. She has difficulty in letting go of something that doesn't make sense or remains unfinished. It will bother her to the point of distraction.

Zannah is very confident in her abilities, to the point it can be detrimental to her. She is arrogant, overconfident, and elitist. She has, at times, refused to side with people she feels are not worthy of her. It can be problematic when she feels she's not being given the deference or respect she feels she is owed.

Zannah HATES the Daemonites beyond reason. She's invested a large chunk of a millenia-long life towards killing them at every opportunity. It's only been fairly recently that she's seen any sort of good side to them at all, and changing that sort of intrinsic hatred is not easy.



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Lucy Blaze has 23 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Sleepless in Tokyo September 28th, 2024 Godzilla, Grifter, and Guardian Angels.
After Mission Relaxation September 2nd, 2024 Cole and Zannah catch up after a long day's heroics.
Urban Legends September 1st, 2024 The tranquility of Starling City is shattered when a series of high-profile robberies occur, each linked to supernatural phenomena.
Charge of the Light Brigade ver 2.0 June 28th, 2024 It's a true battle of the under dogs as a trio of heroic super heroines stand against a rampaging Juggernaut bent on opening a new fault line up in Los Angeles! But is all as clear cut as it seems on the surface??
GNATION: Alchemax Break-In June 26th, 2024 The Goblin Nation attempts to rob an Alchemax secure storage facility, but the majority of their forces are stopped by a motley crew of heroes! Only a scarce few gliders escape into the night!
Tracking the Tracker April 24th, 2024 The tracker Ironman got on the mysterious figure that attacked Avengers Mansion is found. But they find more questions than answers. For now.
Hydra vs UN: Underground Breakdown April 3rd, 2024 Hydra bombs detonate along the Holland Tunnel, and a group of heroes from different walks of life have to team up to stabilize it and evacuate the people there, and improvise to prevent a collapse.
A Spider Came Down Beside Her March 5th, 2024 Closing scene from previous player
Hellfire Club Mardi Gras 2024 February 14th, 2024 The Hellfire Club Mardi Gras goes off without a hitch once again, and a good time was had by all.
An Angel, A Scientist, and a Butterfly Walk Into a Bookstore February 13th, 2024 Closing scene from previous player
Punishment for the wicked January 25th, 2024 Moving day for Frank Castle, headed to Rykers island and a group from the PMC Omega attacked the Triskelion. After an initial shock surprise attack, they SHIELD agents organize themselves and push the defenders back. Frank, however, faces off against two masked individuals who leave him wounded, but alive. Whatever happened, it's only the beginning.
WWII Veterans Victory Dance and Exhibit January 12th, 2024 Damian Wayne hosts a party for WW2 Veteran Awareness. Bucky, Steve and Diana are the true stars of the show!
Old Memories, Dying is Hard January 12th, 2024 Closing scene from previous player
Small Steps March 31st, 2022 Jon asks Lucy for help with protecting against mental intrusion, and gets a crash course on the Daemonites.
Path of Glory: Change the Road You're On March 28th, 2022 The JL Dark set a trap for the Archangel Michael in the form of a perfect wedding. Hopefully, giving him a taste of what it means to be a normal figure in a joyous celebration will show him that even humans can have perfection without the overbearing power of an omnipresent God in their midst and he can leave them to it.
Path of Glory: Forests Echo With Laughter March 20th, 2022 Some of the JL Dark again travel to the Astral in search of the piece of the Stairway, where they find that Michael has taken pointers from one of the classic horror tales of the 1970s. After losing patience with his illusions Jon dispels the illusions and they take the fight to the Archangel directly.
Catching a Convoy Part II March 19th, 2022 An ageless warrior, an unstoppable force of destruction, the champion of truth, justice and a better tomorrow. Surely they can come to an agreement! No..they really didn't.
Surprise Visists are the Best( March 13th, 2022 No description
Dead Man Switch March 12th, 2022 Grifter and Zealot investigate the death of a friend. And find that there's definitely something darker, something deeper, something Deviant.. That they have to go up the chain to find more of.
Bad Pennies and Ex-Girlfriends Have Something in Common March 9th, 2022 No description
opping Corks March 8th, 2022 Drinks were had, Villainy happened (offscreen), and nobody died (that we know of)!
Clubbin' The Fight March 8th, 2022 Need to hire the avatar of a force of pure destruction - send Zealot!
Everybody was Kung-Fu Fighti-ing! March 5th, 2022 The rogue pack taken care of, the pair celebrate with a drink!


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Lucy Blaze has 23 finished logs.

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Lucy Blaze has been credited in 0 shows.

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Lucy Blaze has been credited in 0 albums.

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Lucy Blaze has authored 0 books.

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