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Latest revision as of 04:55, 10 March 2022

Don't Tell Mah Heart
Date of Scene: 25 February 2022
Location: Harry's Hideaway (Bar)
Synopsis: Inez and Jimmy reconvene at Harry's
Cast of Characters: Inez Temple, Jimmy Hudson

Inez Temple has posed:
Friday, it seems, was just too long to wait. Plans were made to meet up at Harry's for a burger, some beer, maybe a game of darts or pool. Inez shows up at the agreed time, entering Harry's and glancing around. When it looks like she beat Jimmy here, she chuckles and goes up to the bar to get the order going. "Hey! Lemme get a pitcher 'n two steakburgers, midrare. All th' trimmin's." Swinging back around, she moves to the rhythm of the music on the juke, smiling broadly as she waits.

As always, she has the battered Stetson and boots. The rest is a pair of low-riding bootcut jeans in that faded blue of longtime wear, and a light blue halter top that manages to expose as much as it covers.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    It had been a surrender to temptation.
    They'd been sending texts now and again. Chit-chatting, spending time just thinking about each other. Sometimes James Hudson would be seen in the teachers' lounge chortling at his cellphone as he casually tip-tapped out a few responses now and again. All the while sipping some coffee and at times shaking his head. Was a new look for the mutant instructor though he wasn't too terribly obvious about it beyond that subtle change of behaviour.
    They had agreed to see each other during the weekend for sure. And truth be told Jimmy was looking forward to it. Though he had spent a few evenings wondering what he could plan to suitably impress the cowgal in the Stetson. Maybe it was rather fortunate when he got the text from her about coming on back out to Harry's and meeting up again. Seems the place is less important... than the company.
    Which made him smile all the more.
    And also made him head on out as soon as he was able to get away. Out the door, still running a touch late. He didn't have time to change so when she saw him step through that front door, brown leather jacket over a gray t-shirt that states clearly, 'Property of Xavier's Athletic Department', not to mention the black sweat pants...
    Well it's clear he was in a hurry, and chose the lesser sin of looking a little rough around the edges than the greater of keeping her waiting too terribly long.
    Though once he stepped into the hum and rumble of the crowd at Harry's she might see him beforehand as he looks around. Looking from face to face to face, until he spots her across the way. Waves.
    And starts moseying on over there.

Inez Temple has posed:
She's been watching the door since she put in the order. The texting back and forth was fun, sometimes even a little racy (okay maybe more than sometimes), but really all it did was whet the appetite for when they could see each other again. At least, on her end. So when Thursday rolled around, she gave in and mentioned Harry's. Because even just getting to see him is good.

When he appears, Inez smiles broadly, pushing away from the bar and heading to meet him halfway. Her arms are thrown around his shoulders and she gives him a kiss, though she keeps it short and at an acceptable level for a public place. Pulling back with a smile, she meets his eyes, "Hey there, darlin'. Missed ya."

Then she's reaching for his hand, taking it as she heads back towards the bar, glancing over her shoulder at him, "I know th' weekend's damn near here but... I couldn't wait anymore. An'... dammit, we're adults. If'n we wanna see others, shouldn't hafta make ourselves wait." Flirting a wink his way, she bellies back up to the bar as the pitcher and two glasses make an appearance. "Perfect timin'!"

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "Heya, Inez." James slips around a couple heading to their table, smiling and nodding a silent apology, then finishes that distance back to her. His arms slip around her waist and they're drawn into a brief embrace. Small kiss, gentle, though lingers near the end as he meets her eyes. A hand brushes her cheek under the pretense of slipping a lock of her hair out of the way.
    "Lookin' good." He says as he steps back, but his fingers slip into her hand, giving an affectionate squeeze as he walks with her toward the bar with her. And once near he takes up a seat on one of the stools and smiles at the pitcher. "Hey, good timin'."
    Then back to her as he nods, "Yeah yer right. I mean, can always crash somewhere near and I can wander to work in the morning."
    Once they're settled at the bar, however, he leans in to touch another small kiss to her lips, a little longer, but more that now that they're settled. He wants to say hi.
    Which he does, "So hi, darlin'."

Inez Temple has posed:
"Or, y'know, if'n the apartment's too far away, I c'n always come upstate a bit, mebbe grab one o' them cabin rentals. Spend a day or two in th' woods. Nearby." Inez glances over at him with a slight smile and wink. She pours them both up a beer and slides his in front of him. But then, there's that kiss, and she's leaning in towards him, enjoying the lingering of his lips against hers. Smiling when it ends.


It's offered in that dreamy, still-in-the-kiss voices before she's drawing in and letting out a deep breath, then grinning and rubbing at the back of her head, "Guess I ain't too good on bein' all... subtle. Or, uh... demure? No, ain't right. There's a word fer it, but I can't rightly recall jes' now. Someone done scrambled m'brains with a kiss." She gives his hand a small squeeze and lifts her beer for a swallow.

"So. Anyone hassled ya bout who yer textin' with each day?" She flashes an unrepentant grin for those racier texts.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    In that dreamy smile returned he bites his lower lip as she murmurs that return hi, something nice about it. Then he swallows, looks down, and grins back up before he lifts his chin.
    "Whatever's good, Inez." He murmurs as he takes up his mug and lifts it toward hers, offering a small clink if she's so inclined. Then he sips, half-smiling a bit before taking a swallow then setting it down with a glassy click on the counter-top.
    "So long as we get to spend time together."
    Then she asks him if people are hassling him yet and he shakes his head s he looks down, actually blushing a little bit. Mebbe the beer. Looking back up he says gently, "Nah. Not yet at least. I think some folks might have an idea, but nobody's stepped up to give me a hard time yet. Mebbe a few curious looks across the lounge now and again. But..."
    He leans against the bar and lightly rests the toe of his sneaker against her boot, just to maintain that small contact or connection. "And you? Anyone hassled you yet about falling for some Phys. Ed. guy?"

Inez Temple has posed:
"I jes' don't want ya havin' t'make th' sacrifice all th' time, yeah? I love havin' ya at th' apartment, but if it means gettin' fer another hour or two... its worth comin' up this way an' jes rentin' a place fer a few days." Inez lifts a shrug and turns a soft smile towards him. "I want ya t'know that I'll do jes' bout anythin' t'get a lil more time with ya."

She clinks her glass to his when it's offered, her smile widening as she takes a swallow. There's a soft chuckle and she gives a nod, "Well then ya let me know if'n ya ever wanna give 'em somethin' t'talk 'bout. I got no problems puttin' on a show fer people, specially if it's t'show how happy I am t'see ya." Inez glances down at her glass, still smiling.

There's another chuckle and a shake of her head and she glances sidelong at him, "Actually, everyone seems pretty happy fer us. Says yer a good guy an' mostly jes' wonder how we even met since yer apparently pretty reclusive."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "We'll figure it all out," James says with a small smile, leaning closer so they can rest their arms next to each other. Just that subtle way people have of snuggling up in public without being too too obvious, though at a glance it's clear should someone see them from afar. It's a sweeping glance of the bar, with patron patron patron all drinking methodically. Then at the end those two tucked in and speaking to each other with smiles like two bandits plotting their next caper.
    "And yeah, I'd like you to come and spend some time around the place. Maybe meet some people. Think it'd be good, especially if we're gonna be runnin' in the same circles."
    A look askance, a smile, then he murmurs. "And, ta be fair, there's an evil lil voice in my head that whispers about wantin' ta show you off to folks." He leans closer then, as if to confide a secret, just a soft whisper along the curve of her ear as he murmurs, "But it's usually drowned out by the other evil voice that murmurs much more wicked things, darlin'."
    As he says that there's a brush of breath that drifts along her neck, just the faintest touch of lips, then he eases back into his stool flashing a wry smile as if he were oh so innocent in that moment.
    "Oh who all did ya talk to?" Then, asking about who is happy.

Inez Temple has posed:
Smiling at the gesture, Inez leans in against his arm, tilting her head so that the brim of her hat brushes against the top of his head. "I know, I trust us t'find ways. I jes' wanted ya t'know." There's no doubt that they're together, and a couple, even from a distance. The contant small touches, the way their heads continue to tilt towards one another. The secret smiles and glances, the occasional blush. This isn't just a couple, this is a new couple, still in that first blush of affection and attraction.

"I'd like that too, but only when they're okay wit' it. I mean, I'm all fer showin' up on a Harley an' bein' big as life... but I don't wanna make things difficult fer ya there. That's yer job, yer home... ain't tryin' t'mess with that." Her lips brush his cheek in the smallest whisper of a kiss before she's nudging at him and grinning, "I got no problem bein' shown off. I -want- people t'know I'm yer girl." Jimmy's Girl.

The mention of even more wicked things has the ahir at the back of her neck prickling and her pupils dilating as she squirms for a brief moment. "Now that's jes' plain unfair, pullin' that in public..." Her voice kept low, just for him as she slides a sidelong glance and sly smile. She'll get him back for it.

CLearing her throat, Inez glances at her beer again, "Wade. Gabby. Still tryin' t'make plans with Domino... but.. I ain't super known round here jes' yet, still gettin' around t'meet folk."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "I figure you can't help bein' yerself, Inez. And that's just perfect." However she shows up he'll likely be fine with it, unless perhaps there's some sort of crazy attack going on by giant robots or the like.
    But it's when she calls him terribly unfair that his smile broadens as he leans back in that seat and crinkles his nose as if caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Doesn't stop him from feigning innocence, however. "Pullin' what? I assure you, no idea what yer talkin' about." Alright he does.
    Though when she speaks to what she's heard he actually looks a little pleased, perhaps even taken aback. "That's kind of them to say. S'true though that I do at times keep to myself. Feel like... I can contribute mainly through grunt work right now. Like..."
    He looks to the side, and back. "I sometimes do a cook out now and again, or I try ta make sure the walks are shoveled when it snows. Make sure we got all the firewood we need. That's my..." He grins and makes a circular motion with one hand, "Area of expertise. They need a thunderstorm conjured or an alien invasion fought off they call other folks."

Inez Temple has posed:
Inez leans in to brush a kiss to his cheek, "An' that's why yer pretty damn close t'perfect yerself, Jimmy." She gives his hand a squeeze and smiles softly, clear affection in her eyes for him.

But then he's playing innocent, and that makes her laugh, shaking her head and grinning. "Oh. Oh yer gonna go that route, hm? Guess I shouldn't do this then..." She leans in to whisper into his ear. Something wicked, and dirty, and very very inappropriate for a public setting. Her lips brush against the rim of his ear as she settles back into her seat, with the sort of smile that says he knows SHE isn't bluffing.

WHen the topic shifts again, she nods, "Wade's a good guy. I mean, he's not. He's a mercenary, looooooooots of people die because o' him. But. He's good when it comes t'people. Honestly? He's usually a better judge o' character than I am." Her shoulder move into a casual shrug. "But they like ya, both of 'em. Ain't nothin' wrong with takin' time fer yerself. I'll make sure ya get out an' about enough."

Inez lifts a hand, running her fingers along his arm, feeling him under the jacket, the t-shirt. "Not sure I'd be so great at th' last two either, I'm good but there's good an' there's... them. I jes' try to make sure I keep the middle area cleaned up. Sometimes I help out with bigger, flashier stuff. But I'm comfortable with bein' where I'm at."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    At that soft whisper James' expression shifts a little curious at first, then his eyes narrow as he draws his lower lip between his teeth to worry it a little. A small shake of his head is given as he takes in a deep breath, holds it, then slooowly exhales as he murmurs to her. "Yer an evil woman, Inez Temple. Positively evil. It's great." Those last two words are murmured with a warmth even as he lets that moment go for now, focusing on what she says after.
    "Yah, I've heard that Wade has his heart in the right place, sometimes can be tough ta deal with him since he's gone through a lot and that's made him who he is. But there's a reason Logan..." There's a hesitation there briefly, then he just continues. "A reason that Logan trusts him at times. And Gabby's a good kid, had a tough run of life as far as I can tell. Laura's tough, has a real strong shell. I feel bad about what she had to go through. Never met Daken nor Rien, though figure time enough down the line."

Inez Temple has posed:
"Jes' ya wait til later, James Hudson. Yer not gettin' away from me that easy," Inez winks at him with an evil grin, but the lean in and brush of her nose against his cheek is all sweetness and affection. "Bed's mighty cold without ya. Not jes' fer th' sex, but fer th' after part, too. Missed jes'... bein' with ya."

She straightens, giving a nod and quirking a small smile. "Ain't surprisin'. He ain't always th' best one t' call in, but if'n ya do, ya c'n be sure as shit, he's gonna do whatever he's agreed t'do. He's good like that." Her smile grows, "I like Gabby. Ain't ever had any sisters or brothers of m'own. So havin' her is a real treat. I jes' wanna let her see everythin'. Do it all. All th' fun stuff people're sposed t'do."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    A laugh comes from Jimmy as he shakes his head, not his usual held back one, but a decently deep resonant thing that carries along the bar. Yet after she threatens him with such lovely imprisonment, it's when she turns gentle and affectionate that his features soften from that normal grim sternness that's there.
    "Yeah, that was pretty great." His hand rests over hers and he gives a small squeeze, just reaffirming. "But yah, I think if Wade overcame some of his challenges, then Logan would be all... well just very positive about him. Moreso than he is now mebbe. Then again you gotta think what makes the man the man, right?" With that he gives a small shrug as if not one to plumb the depths of such philosophy too hard. Least not without a lamp to guide the way.
    "And yah, good to sorta see the world through other folkses eyes. Gabby should be good for that when you guys run around."

Inez Temple has posed:
Leaning in, head against his, Inez seems content to linger in the warm affection. She takes his free hand, lacing their fingers together so she can brush her thumb across the back of his hand. There's a nice simplicity to it all, freely given and accepted, already fully at ease with it all.

"Mmmmm, I dunno if Wade would still be Wade if everythin' people thought was -wrong- with him ere fixed. His sense o' humor's always been real strange, even b'fore th'," she motions to her face with her free hand and shrugs. "There are some things I think people jes' need t'get th' Hell over when it comes t'Wade. People think he don't take nothin' serious, but they're wrong. He jes'... smiles through th' pain. Makes fun o' shit 'cause really.. th'fuck else is he gonna do? Cry? Rage?" Shaking her head, Inez smiles at Jimmy, "Wade is who he is fer a lotta reasons. Ain't on us t'judge 'im."

Mention of Gabby makes her smile again, then she's laughing and shaking her head, "Nah, we're experiencin' new things t'gether! Took her t'that open air market at Union Square. We're gonna go see a Broadway show, mebbe check out some o' th' museums in th' city. When weather's nicer, I'm takin' her t' th' fair. I ain't done none o' that cept th' fair part, an' every state runs a diff'rent fair, so it'll be new enough!"

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "Yeah, our failin's make us who we are in a lot of ways. Like Wade, has his difficulties. You and your big elbows. And me and my lack of flaws is a challenge in and of itself." The way he says those things, delivers them with an entirely straight face might earn a glower, but the twinkle in his eyes might lead one more toward a smirk. Daresay even a laugh.
    Yet they're settled in close together, they make an affectionate pairing. Likely something Harry notices as he wanders on by and asks, "You tweety birds want anythin' else?" Though he uses the pretense to wipe at the counter with a rage then eyeball the two of them. Not exactly rudely, but definitely something wary.
    Which has Jimmy laughing a little shaking his head, "Nah, Harry. We'll grab a booth or somethin'."
    "A'right, Jimmy. Miss," The bartender nods to them both and keeps on keepin' on.
    Which has Jimmy grinning to her, "C'mon, let's mosey."

Inez Temple has posed:
"Big elbows, huh?" Inez chuckles low in her throat and shakes her head, "Best ya could come with, Jimmy? Big elbows?" She nudges at his arm with one of her 'big elbows', "Oh, sorry, guess m'big elbows're gettin' in th'way again." She does it again, "Oop, there they go again, me an' my big elbows!" She looks prepared to keep it up if she doesn't recant, that devilish spark in her eyes.

WHen Harry comes over, she tips her hat and winks, "Howdy, Harry. Sorry fer upsettin' th' atmosphere. Call me Inez, yer gonna be seein' more o' me round here, I think." WInking, she nods to JImmy and stands, "Yep, time to skedaddle."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "Super big elbows," Jimmy says as he grins to her and collects the pitcher and his mug and starts to carry it on after her. Though as they wander he lifts his voice, "S'alright, you make up for it in other ways, darlin'."
    And with that, they do indeed, mosey.