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Latest revision as of 06:18, 13 March 2022

Hobgoblin on the March
Date of Scene: 13 March 2022
Location: Financial District
Synopsis: M and Hobgoblin have a brutal brawl in the Financial District. Hobbly flies away the winner.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Roderick Kingsley

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Manhattan is running smoothly. It's been what, a month since those annoying extra-dimensional things left the city. As far as Monet St. Croix is concerned, they're forgotten now. So she's going through the Financial District, a distracted look over on her face as she would pass someone reading a copy of The Onion showing a cover of J Jonah Jameson in his typical posture and a headling which read 'MUSTACHE OR MENACE' on it. It's a bleak day, and Monet is simply weaving in and out of passerby no matter what is giong on. As if they were beneath her.

Roderick Kingsley has posed:
Up high in the sky if you bothered to look you'd see the purple batwing glider soaring through skyline. It's the HobGoblin! Though he doesn't appear to be in the processes of committing yet another terrorist attack on New York.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Looking up into the sky at things other than the buildings or appreciating hte views is a habit that is rare in many cities. For New Yorkers, whom have faced ever so many calamities, many have long since learend tos can it for other things. So as Monet sees a few others that are gazing up to the horizon, and then she goes to look up as well.. Identifying the figure from Rogue's report..
    Then, she's going to simply launch herself up and over to the air. No sense of tactics, no following, no attempts at tracking or ambushing..

Roderick Kingsley has posed:
The Hobgoblin sense the rapidly approaching human missile swerves aroud to face her. "I didn't even do anythign yet..." He grabs and primes a couple of pumpkin bombs and braces for the attack.

HE plans to smash her with the bombs so that they explode on contact.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
There's a charge out from Monet up and towards Hobgoblin.. A charge up into the air that is met over by said bombs going off right in her face and flinging her backwards through the air into the side of a building!

Roderick Kingsley has posed:
The goblin follows up with a volley of Razor bats. "i don't know who you are. but After I'm done you'll never forget The Hobgoblin."

He then tilts the glider and charges after M at full speed.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would be smoking from the grenades, hurting. "I am M. And You won't forget ME." She goes to charge in at him again at high speed! Flying out, fists in front of her, attempting to give him a brutal whallop if she could in passing!

Roderick Kingsley has posed:
She's wide open but too fast. Hobgoblin manages to just slip the punch. It's a glancing blow that still causes hobgoblin to spin out for a moment but he still manages to slash her with a razor bat as she passes him. "Dammit not another one like that southern woman."

But she's a novie full of openings relying on raw ability to carry her. If he can keep his composure he could hand this presumptuous girl a serious loss.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
She's moderately fast and strong, but has no particular skill in her attacks or tactics. She's just barreling in full force. "Ah yes, the one that pasted you to the side of a building? I can do better." She would take a step back, and then going to charge in once more to try and body slam him!

Roderick Kingsley has posed:
Another reckless attack but 3 times is too many times to go to the well. Goblin tosses a noxious smoke bomb directlyin her path. Engulfing her in a thick cloud of noxious gas. Before anything else can happen Hobgoblin has whipped around and is now behind her. Pitching a pumpkin bomb at the back of her head. "don't make me laugh, ' i can do better'"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
There's loud coughing coming from M as she's puking in midair and the pumpkin bomb goes to hit her in the face! BOOM! She's sent flying away, clouded in the smoke, body flaming, outfit sizzling and with chunks of it melted to her. She would shriek over..
    And then try to focus on him telepathically. She wasn't particularly well trained or powerful, he had a strong will so she couldn't exaxtly attack him front on..
    She would however attempt to hit him overw ith a strong sense of vertigo! If she could just trying to make him fully dizzy

Roderick Kingsley has posed:
The mind of the Hobgoblin is not a place to tread on unprepaired. Her telepathic probing is met by the the cackling of the goblin in her head and flashes of the chaos and cruelty that lurks in Roderick's Dark assenger. "naughty girl you shouldnt go snoping!" The goblin Laughs as his vision would go wobbly and start to spin and move but some how the goblin shows no outward effects.

"dizzy dizzy spin and twist Makes no difference to me I'll fling bomb any which way I wish!" the glider spins and sways erratically as the goblin cackles and flings his bombs all about. The cackling, the goblin's cackling at the pure joy the chaos is bringing him. Few men laugh that laugh. and all of them are dangerous.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
All she needed was just that half moment then. M isn't disoriented by the resistance nor the mental walls. They meant that she couldn't get past them. But she wasn't phased by them or whatever she saw or was shown. She would move to take the moment to change her direction, then moving to try and hit him underneath if at all possible, if she could trying to go to target the glider htis time on her offensive as it would hopefully be the direction he wasn't throwing bombs!

Roderick Kingsley has posed:
The glider spiraling and swaying in the sky as the goblin throws bombs about. Bombs that fall down towards the street. But As roderick fight to regain his senses and the Goblin has his unhinged fun. M's attack would up end the glider making it roll over a few times in the air. Thank god he's made the needed modification to keep it from bring shredded by the force of M's powerful attack.

BUT M had done something she shouldn't have get close to him. as the glider spun and rolled the goblin grabs hold of her and attempts stabs her with a razor bat "GOTCHA!" the glider now free floating and goblin clinging to M and stabbing at her.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
M is not fast enough, durable enough, or strong enough. That goblin blade goes up and over and slashes through her as the razor bat would shove itself into her shoulder, tearing through the bone as she would let out a scream and try to grab hard over to try and bring up her other hand to try and grab Goblin by the cape if at all possible to hurl him away! Her other arm hanging generally uselessly!

Roderick Kingsley has posed:
The Cackling mad man is indeed sent flying into a building and is then caught by his glider. "HAHAHAHAHA i TOLD YOU YOU WILL NEVER FORGET THE HOBGOBLIN" The hobgoblin then flobs on to the glider and is autopiloted away from the scene.